Alcock, Deborah. Crushed, yet Conquering: a Story of Constance and Bohemia. 576 pp. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York. 1892. Baker, James. The Gleaming Dawn. A Romance of the Middle Ages. 8º. 391 pp. Chapman and Hall. London. 1896. —— The Cardinal’s Page. A Story of Historical Adventure. Bohemia in the fifteenth century. 8º. 314 pp. Chapman and Hall. London. 1899. —— Mark Tillotson. 8º. 548 pp. Chapman and Hall. London. Bertram, Paul. The Fifth Trumpet: A story of the last years of the Council at Constance. John Lane Co. London and New York. 1912. Crawford, F. Marion. The Witch of Prague. A Fantastic Tale. Illustrated. 8º. 435 pp. The Macmillan Company. London. 1891. Hay, Marie. The Winter Queen. Being the unhappy history of Elizabeth Stuart, Electress Palatine, Queen of Bohemia. A Romance. 8º. 432 pp. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York and Boston. 1910. Kopta, Flora P. The Forestman of Vimpek. A Bohemian Forest Village Story. 8º. 345 pp. Lathrop Publishing Company. Boston. 1900. Kryshanovskaya, V. I. The Torch-Bearers of Bohemia. Translated from the Russian by Juliet M. Soskice. 302 pp. Chatto and Windus. London. 1916. Leslie, Emma. Before the Dawn. A Tale of Wicliffe and Bohemia. Illustrated. 240 pp. The Religious Tract Society. London. 1880. Lucas, Annie. Wenzel’s Inheritance; or, Faithful unto Death. A Story of the Hussites. T. Nelson & Sons. London. 1880. Morfill, R. W. The Last Days of John Hus. A Historical Romance. Anonymous. Translated from the original Cech and prefaced by ——. Illustrations by J. Dedina. 8º. 173 pp. The Religious Tract Society. London. 1909. Mylechreest, Winifred B. The Fairest of the Stuarts (Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia). 8º. S. Low, Marston & Co. London. 1912. NemcovÁ, Boena. The Grandmother (Babicka). A Story of Country Life in Bohemia. Translated with a biographical sketch of the authoress, by Frances Gregor. 8º. 352 pp. A. C. McClurg and Co. Chicago. 1892. Paalzow, Henriette von. Thomas Thyrnau: The Citizen of Prague. Translated from the German by Mary Howitt. 12º. 3 vs. London. 1846. RamÉe, Louise de la (Ouida.) Strathmore; or, Wrought by His Own Hand. A Life Romance. 12º. 622 pp. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. 1866. Sand, George (Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin Dudevant). Consuelo. Translated from the French by Francis G. Shaw. 12º. W. H. Graham. New York. 1848. Numerous translations. —— The Countess of Rudolstadt. Sequel to Consuelo. Translated by Francis G. Shaw. 12º. W. D. Ticknor & Co. Boston. 1847. Numerous translations. ŠmilovskÝ, Alois Vojtech. Heavens (Nebesa). Translated from the Czech by V. E. and Jane Mourek. 8º. Bliss & Sands. London. 1894. SvetlÁ, Karolina. Maria Felicia, the Last Mistress of Hlohov. A Story of Bohemian Love. Translated by Antonie Krejsa. 278 pp. A. C. McClurg and Co. Chicago. 1900. Vickers, Robert H. Zawis and Kunigunde, a Bohemian Tale. 307 pp. C. H. Kerr & Company. Chicago. 1895. Winlow, Clara VostrovskÝ. Barbora: Our Little Bohemian Cousin. Illustrated. 12º. 99 pp. L. C. Page & Company. Boston. 1911. The Declaration Why Frederick of the Palatinate accepted the Bohemian Crown ARTICLESArbes, Jakub. A Modern Bohemian Novelist. By J. J. KrÁl. Poet Lore. Boston. 4:1-6. Jan. 15, 1892. —— Newton’s Brain. Translated by J. J. KrÁl. Poet Lore. Boston. 4:429-634. Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., 1892. Reprinted in Clever Tales. Copeland and Day. Boston. —— Under a Bush of Lilacs. Translated by J. J. KrÁl. Poet Lore. Boston. 4:318-28. June, July, 1892. —— The Solomon of a Country Town. Translated by J. J. KrÁl. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. May, June, July, Aug., 1894. Art-Life in Bohemia. All the Year Round. (A weekly journal conducted by Charles Dickens.) London. 23:601-9. 1870. BeneŠ-TrebÍzskÝ, VÁclav. Farmer KrÁkora. Translated. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Oct., 1894. Breuer, Libbie A. St. Lucy’s Eve. A Bohemian legend. University of Texas Magazine. Austin. Nov., 1910. —— A Bohemian Ballad in verse. University of Texas Magazine. Austin. Dec., 1910. Cech, Svatopluk. The Woes of a Literary Critic. Translated by Thomas Capek. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. July, 1893. —— The Tailor and the Sparrow. Translated by J. J. KrÁl. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Apr., 1894. —— A Pawned Character (ZastavenÁ povaha). Englished by Rose M. Humpal. The International Magazine. Chicago. 1:267-70. Oct., 1896. —— Same, translated by J. J. KrÁl, under title, Character in Pawn. Truthseeker. New York. 1901. Herites, FrantiŠek. A City Son. Translated by Thomas Capek. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. May, 1893. NemcovÁ, Boena. Twelve Months (DvanÁct mesÍcu). Translated by Flora P. Kopta. Illustrated by F. C. Gordon. Short Stories Magazine. New York. Nov., 1893. Neruda, Jan. How She Ruined a Beggar. Translated by Thomas Capek. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. May, 1893. —— He was a Rascal. Translated by Clara VostrovskÝ. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Feb., 1894. —— The Little White Stranger (Ballada DetskÁ.) Adapted by Libbie A. Breuer from a poem by ——. University of Texas Magazine, Austin. Dec., 1911. —— A Week in a Quiet House. Translated by Guido Bruno. Lantern. Chicago. Dec., 1913; Jan., and Feb., 1914. —— Stories Told by the Moon. Translated by Guido Bruno. Saturday Lantern. Chicago. Jan., 1914. —— Day and Night. Translated by Guido Bruno. Greenwich Village. New York. 1:13. Feb., 1915. —— Dead Men’s Eyes: After a Motive in Trhani (Hoboes). Translated by Guido Bruno. Greenwich Village. New York. 1:26. Feb., 1915. —— A Reporter’s Diary. Translated by Guido Bruno. The Bohemian Review. Chicago. 1:9-13. Nov., 1917. SvobodovÁ, Ruena. The Penitence of Blaena. Translated by Beatrice M. Mekota. The Storyteller’s Magazine. New York. Christmas. 1916. Zeyer, Julius. Phenicia’s Sin. Englished by Frances Gregor. The International Magazine. Chicago. 1:147-62. Sept., 1896. |