
EliÁŠovÁ, B. M. (Cvicebnice anglickÉho jazyka pro Školy.) Text Book of the English Language for Schools. 250 pp. BursÍk & Kohout. Prague. 1909.

Fejfar, F. (AnglickÁ fraseologie obchodnÍ.) Business Phraseology in English. Prague. 1904.

Francl, F. (Ucebnice jazyka anglickÉho pro samouky.) Text Book of the English Language for Self-tuition. 248 pp. Bohemian Publishing and Importing Co. New York. 1912-13.

JonÁŠ, Charles. (Cesko-anglickÝ Tlumac.) Bohemian English Interpreter. Teaching English to the Bohemian Immigrant in America. Two parts. Racine. 1865. Enlarged in 1884 under the title New American Interpreter (NovÝ Tlumac AmerickÝ). 16th edition in 1915.

—— (SlovnÍk cesko-anglickÝ i anglicko-ceskÝ s doplnky.) A complete Pronouncing Dictionary of the English and Bohemian Languages, for general use. Two parts: Bohemian-English and English-Bohemian. 1176 pp. Slavie. Racine. 1876. Numerous editions since.

—— Bohemian Made Easy. A practical Bohemian course for English speaking people. 294 pp. Racine. 1890.

Jung, V. A. Unabridged Dictionary of the English and Bohemian Languages. 8º. 1576 pp. J. Otto. Prague. 1911.

Krupicka, FrantiŠek. (Ucebnice jazyka anglickÉho pro obchodnÍ akademie.) Text Book of the English Language for the use of business schools. Society for the support of the Bohemian Slavic Business Academy in Prague. Three parts. 442 pp. 1907.

Morfill, R. W. A Grammar of the Bohemian or Cech Language. 8º. 170 pp. Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1899.

Mourek, V. E. (SlovnÍk jazyka anglickÉho i ceskÉho.) A Dictionary of the English and Bohemian Languages. Two parts: English-Bohemian and Bohemian-English. I. L. Kober. Prague. 1879. Second edition, Otto Holtze’s Nachfolger. Leipsic. 1912.

—— (UcebnÉ listy jazyka anglickÉho pro samouky.) Lessons in English for Self-tuition. Two parts. 748 pp. F. A. UrbÁnek. Prague. 1889.

Nigrin, Jaroslav Victor. Bohemian Grammar. (Bohemian Made Easy.) 200 pp. Slavie Publishing Company, Chicago. 1918.

PacÁk, L. English for Emigrants. 119 pp. Prague. 1912.

Shearer, James William. A combination method of instruction for quickly teaching English pronounciation to foreigners. Bohemian. 144 pp. William R. Jenkins Company. New York. 1914.

SlÁdek, J. V. (AnglickÁ cÍtanka se slovnÍckem.) English Reader and Pocket Dictionary in one. Prague. 1875.

—— (PrupravnÁ mluvnice anglickÉho jazyka.) Preparatory Grammar of the English Language. 294 pp. F. RivnÁc. Prague.

Soukup, Anthony M. (PraktickÁ Škola anglickÉho jazyka.) Practical School of the English Language. 366 pp. By the author. Chicago. 1895.

—— (Znalec angliciny.) Teacher of English. New English Grammar. 250 pp. By the author. Chicago. 1899.

—— (CtenÁr novin anglickÝch.) English Newspaper Reader. 240 pp. By the author. Chicago. 1900.

—— (NovÝ velkÝ anglicko-ceskÝ slovnÍk.) New Unabridged English-Bohemian Dictionary. 360 pp. By the author. Chicago. 1900.

—— (Samouk cesko-anglickÝ.) English Self-Taught. 144 pp. By the author. Chicago. 1906.

Straka, Adolf W. English Grammar. Prague. 1862.

VÁna, Jan. (StrucnÁ anglickÁ mluvnice.) Brief English Grammar and Reader. Prefaced by, How to Pronounce. For the use of schools and self-instruction. 160 pp. 3rd revised edition. Prague. 1911.

—— Pocket Dictionary of the English-Bohemian and Bohemian-English Languages. Two parts. 16º. 474 pp. Jindrich Lorenz. TrebÍc. Moravia. 1907.

Vymazal, F. (Anglicky snadno a rychle.) Easy Method for Learning English Quickly. 70 pp. F. BackovskÝ. Prague. 1902.

Zdrubek, F. B. (AnglickÁ mluvnice.) English Grammar, or a new proved method to learn to read, write and speak English in three months. 206 pp. Cedar Rapids. 1870.

—— (NovÁ anglickÁ mluvnice.) New English Grammar. Do you speak English? Cenek Duras. Omaha. 1874; same, amplified, two parts. 272 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1874.

—— (CÍtanka prvnÍ s obrÁzky.) Illustrated First Reader for the use of American-Bohemian Schools. 116 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1875.

—— (AnglickÝ vyslovovatel.) English Pronouncer, for the use of American-Bohemian Schools and Self-instruction. 215 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1883.

—— (KapesnÍ slovnÍk anglickÉ a ceskÉ reci.) A Pocket Dictionary of the Bohemian and English Languages, with full pronunciation and accentuation. Part 1, English and Bohemian, 288 pp. Part 2, Bohemian and English, 390 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1886.

—— (CeskoanglickÝ Tlumac.) Bohemian and English Interpreter. 258 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1898.

Zmrhal, Jaroslav J. (Anglicky snadno ve triceti ÚlohÁch.) Easy Method for Learning English in Thirty Lessons. 112 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1913.


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