Augusta, John. Portrait: De Schweinitz’s The Unitas Fratrum. Biographical Dictionary of the World’s Best Literature. Lives of numerous Bohemian writers. Charles Dudley Warner, editor. J. A. Hill & Co. New York. 1896. BroÍk, VÁclav. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Dec., 1892; Biography: Art. New York. 47:130. 1895; Portrait: Monroe’s Bohemia and the Cechs. Budovec, VÁclav of Budova. Portrait: De Schweinitz’s The Unitas Fratrum. Cech, Svatopluk. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Nov., 1893; Portrait: Monroe’s Bohemia and the Cechs. Destinn, Emmy. Portrait: Illustrated London News. April 30, 1904. See Music. Dignowity, Anthony M. Autobiography: Bohemia under Austrian Despotism. 12º. 236 pp. By the author. New York. 1859. DobrovskÝ, Josef. Portrait: Vicker’s History of Bohemia. Dussek (DusÍk) Jan Ladislav. Biography: Baker’s Biog. Dict. of Music., 160; Paine’s Famous Composers, 2:588. DvorÁk, AntonÍn. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Nov., 1892; Portrait: Baker’s Biog. Dict. of Music., 161; Century, 22:642. 1892; Critic, 30:241. 1897; Elson’s Modern Composers of Europe; Hadow’s Studies in Mod. Music, 2:190; Harper’s Magazine, 90:428. 1895; Harper’s Weekly, 38:441. 1894; Outlook, 71:650. 1902; Paine’s Famous Composers, 2:50; Review of Reviews, 29:750; Monroe’s Bohemia and the Cechs. See Music. Fibich, Zdenek. Portrait: Monroe’s Bohemia and the Cechs. GrÉgr, Edward. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. April, 1893. HavlÍcek, Karel. Biography: J. E. S. Vojan in Memorial (English and Bohemian), issued by the Publication Committee of the Association for the erection of a monument to Karel HavlÍcek in Chicago, July 30, 1911; Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. July, 1893; Portrait: Vicker’s History of Bohemia; Gregor’s Story of Bohemia; Biography: J. E. S. Vojan in the English Section of OrgÁn Bratrstva C. S. P. S. 24:258. 1916. Herrman, Augustine. Portrait and biography: New Amsterdam and its People. J. H. Innes. Hollar, Wenceslaus. Portrait and biography: Douce’s edition, 1794, of Dance of Death; portrait and biography: Vertue’s Description of the Works of ——. Hrbek, Jeffrey D. Biographical Sketch in his Linden Blossoms. Poems. With foreword by C. F. Ansley. 8º. 126 pp. The Torch Press. Cedar Rapids. 1908. Hus, John. Portrait and biography: Hume’s Portraits of Leading Reformers. 1851; Illustrated London News, 119:821. 1901; Maurice’s Story of Bohemia; Rolt’s Lives of the Principal Reformers, 12-22. 1759; De Schweinitz’s The Unitas Fratrum; Vicker’s History of Bohemia; Gregor’s Story of Bohemia; The Bohemian Voice. July, 1894; Review of Reviews, 43:620-21. 1911; Portraits are very numerous. The only monument in the United States to Hus stands in Bohemia Village, Long Island. Description and picture in the Bohemian Voice. Oct., 1893. Janauschek, Frances. Portrait: McClure’s Magazine. Sept., 1894. See Drama. Jerome of Prague. Portrait: Hume’s Portraits of Leading Reformers. 1851; Rolt’s Lives of Reformers. 1759. JirÁsek, Alois. Portrait: Monroe’s Bohemia and the Cechs. JonÁŠ, Charles. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Mar. 1894. Jungmann, Josef. Portrait: Vicker’s History of Bohemia. KollÁr, Jan. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Aug., 1893; Vicker’s History of Bohemia; Gregor’s Story of Bohemia. Biography: Louis Leger’s article Le PoÈte du Panslavisme, translated for the Bohemian Voice. June to Sept., 1894; The Life of ——, a biography. KomenskÝ, John Amos. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Oct., 1892; Harper’s Weekly, 36:326. 1892; Maurice’s Story of Bohemia; De Schweinitz’s The Unitas Fratrum; Vicker’s History of Bohemia; Review of Reviews, 43:620-21. 1911. KubelÍk, Jan. Portraits: Century, 41:745. 1902; Critic, 40:6. 1902; Harper’s Weekly, 45:1131. 1901; same, 46:1. 1902; Illustrated London News, 119:771. 1901; Vanity Fair Album, 35:877. 1903. Kvapil, Jaroslav. Biography: ŠÁrka B. Hrbkova, Poet Lore, 27:76-80. 1916. LÜtzow, Count Francis. Biography: J. E. S. Vojan, English section of OrgÁn Bratrstva C. S. P. S. 24:55. 1916. Masaryk, Thomas G. Biography; J. E. S. Vojan, English section of OrgÁn Bratrstva C. S. P. S. 23:260. 1915; same, and portrait, The Bohemian Review, 1:3-7. 1917. Mucha, Alphonse M. Portrait: Lamp, 28:330. 1904. NÁprstek, Vojta. Biography: Clara VostrovskÝ, The Sequoia, Palo Alto, Cal., Mar. 8, 1895; Portrait and biography: The Bohemian Voice, Sept., 1893; same, Oct. and Nov., 1894; Portrait: Monroe’s Bohemia and the Cechs. NemcovÁ, Boena. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice, May, 1893; Biography: Frances Gregor’s Grandmother. Neruda, Jan. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. June, 1893. OndrÍcek, FrantiŠek. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Oct., 1893. PalackÝ, FrantiŠek. Portrait: Vicker’s History of Bohemia; Gregor’s Story of Bohemia. Rieger, FrantiŠek L. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Jan., 1893. Rokycana, Jan. Portrait: De Schweinitz’s The Unitas Fratrum. ŠafarÍk, Paul Josef. Portrait: Vicker’s History of Bohemia. SlÁdek, Josef VÁclav. Portrait: Jacks’ Robert Burns in other tongues, 254. 1896. Smetana, Bedrich. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Feb., 1893; Baker’s Biog. Dict. of Music., 549. 1900; Elson’s Modern Composers of Europe; Portraits: Monroe’s Bohemia and the Cechs; Review of Reviews. May, 1911; by Max ŠvabinskÝ in, Bohemia, published by The Bohemian National Alliance in America. See Music. SvetlÁ, Karolina. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Mar., 1894. TyrŠ, Miroslav. Portrait and biography: Introduction to the foundations of gymnastics. See Sokols. VrchlickÝ, Jaroslav. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. June, 1894; Biography by Charles Recht. Poet Lore. 24:309-11. 1913. Portrait: Monroe’s Bohemia and the Cechs. erotÍn, Lord Karel. Portrait: De Schweinitz’s The Unitas Fratrum. ika, Jan. Portrait of monument: The Bohemian Voice. Feb., 1894; Portrait: Review of Reviews, 43:620-21. 1911. The Reasons Which compelled the Bohemian Estates to reject Ferdinand of Austria and choose Frederick of the Palatinate as their King |