Berlin Photographic Company. Catalogue of an exhibition of contemporary graphic art in Hungary, Bohemia and Austria, December 6-27, 1913. Introductory by Martin Birnbaum. Portraits. Plates. 50 pp. New York. 1913. BroÍk, VÁclav. Catalogue of the studies, sketches, paintings, antiques, tapestries of —— fully described with sketch of his life. 60 pp. Exhibited at John Wanamaker Art Gallery. New York. 1902. HolÁrek, Emile. War. Pictures by —— with readings in the subject from the writings of Leo Tolstoy and others. Edited by V. Tchertkoff. Christchurch. Free Age Press. 4º 17 l. New York. Hollar, Wenceslaus. The foremost reference book is George Vertue’s, Description of the Works of the Ingenious Delineator and Engraver Wenceslaus Hollar, disposed into Classes of Different Sorts; with some account of His Life. Printed in London, for the editor G. V. A Member of the Society of Antiquaries. 1745. Lists over 1000 works. Included therein is: A small view of Holme, Charles, editor. Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary. Introduction by A. S. Levetus; Peasant Art by M. Haberlandt. Bohemia-Egerland, plates Nos. 226-300; Moravia, 301-360; Silesia, 363-373. Illustrated. The Studio. London. Paris. New York. 1911. Lehner, Ferdinand. CeskÁ Škola MalÍrskÁ XI. veku. The Bohemian School of Painting of the XI. Century. Bohemian text; preface translated into English by Jane Mourek. Illustrated. ReprodukcÍ a tiskem CeskÉ GrafickÉ Spolecnosti Unie. Prague. Lessing, Karl Friedrich. Notices in English of his painting: The Martyrdom of Huss. From a catalogue of the DÜsseldorf Gallery. Mucha, Alphonse Marie, in Posters by Charles Matlack Price. Illustrated. George W. Bricka. New York, 1913. Recital of reasons why the Protestants resorted to arms to protect themselves NÁprstek’s Bohemian Industrial Museum —— from ——. Our Mothers’ Work. A Selection of Bohemian National Embroidery. fo. 25 plates. 33 pp. English and French preface, signed Jan Koula. Prague. 1898. ŠÍma, Joseph. Selections of native designs of embroidered work from Bohemia, Moravia and northeastern Hungary. fo. 30 colored plates and 19 illustrations. A. PÍŠa. Brno, Moravia. 1909. Vojan, J. E. S. Some Thoughts on the Graphic Arts. Introductory to, A Portfolio of Prints. Etchings by Rudolph Ruicka, etc. The Graphic Arts Club. New York. 1908. Vondrous, J. C. The Etchings of ——, by William B. M’Cormick. Exhibited in the gallery of Arthur H. Hahlo & Co. Illustrated. 27 pp. New York. 1917. ARTICLESConnolly, Louise. What Shall “Made in America” Stand For? The Woman Citizen. New York. 2:210-11. Feb. 9, 1918. Czecho-Slovak Exhibition of Art, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The New York Times Magazine Section. Dec. 23, 1917. Fred, W. Two Bohemian Painters: F. Jennewein and E. HolÁrek. Illustrated. Artist. New York. 32:196-200. 1902. Korbel, Mario. The Work of ——. The International Studio. New York. 57:XIX. Nov., 1915. —— Memorial Sculpture in Denver by ——. Illustrated. —— Sculptures by ——. Town and Country. New York. 71:27. Nov. 1, 1916. —— American Art News. New York. 15:1. Nov. 11, 1916. —— by C. Owen Lublin. Illustrated. Town and Country. New York. 71:26. Mar. 10, 1917. —— Three plates from an exhibition of sculpture by ——. The New Country Life. New York. 32:53-5. June, 1917. —— A Portrait Bust: The Art World. New York. 3:135. Nov., 1917. Kratina, Joseph. Exhibit of the Work of ——. Illustrated. The International Studio. New York. 58:61-3. Apr., 1916. Levetus, A. S. Austrian Peasant Embroidery. The International Studio. New York. 29:111-18; same, The Personal Ornaments of the Austrian Peasant. 29:332-38. 1906. McCabe, Lida Rose. Peasant Art in New York’s Bohemia. Joseph Mrazek’s Peasant Art. The Art World. New York. 3:356-58. Jan., 1918. Moravian Slovakei Art. A. S. L. Illustrated. The International Studio. New York. 50:150-55. Aug., 1913. Mucha, Alphonse M. and the New Mysticism. By Christian Brinton. Illustrated. Century. New York. 69:216-25. Dec., 1904. Polasek, Albin. The Exhibition of the works of ——, by Agnes Gertrude Richards. Fine Arts Journal. Chicago. 35:122-26. Feb., 1917. Prinsep, V. C. Bohemia: New Country for the Artist. Illustrated. Magazine of Art. New York. 28:125-28. Jan., 1904. Ruzicka, Rudolph. An Appreciation of ——, by D. B. Updike. Illustrated. The Printing Art. Cambridge. 30:17-24. Sept., 1917. —— Wood Engraver. By S. H. Horgan. The Inland Printer. Chicago. 59:617. 1917. Schanzer, Hedwig. Teaching of Design at the Prague Arts and Crafts School. Illustrated. The International Studio. New York. 45:277-86. Feb., 1912. TyrŠ, Renata. Bohemian Needlework and Costumes. The Bohemian Review. Chicago. 2:5-8. Jan., 1918. Vojan, J. E. S. Indians in Bohemian Art. Daily News. Chicago. Dec. 14, 1912. —— Story of Bohemian Graphic Art. The Sunday Republican. Cedar Rapids. Mar. 30, 1913. —— Fine Arts in Bohemia. The Bohemian Review. Chicago. 1:8-10. Oct.; 1:6-8. Nov.; 1:5-7. Dec., 1917; 2:23-7. Feb., 1918. |