NOTE ON BOHEMIAN PRONUNCIATION III BIBLIOGRAPHY PUBLICATIONS AND ARTICLES IV BIOGRAPHY AND PORTRAITS PUBLICATIONS AND ARTICLES VI DICTIONARIES. GRAMMARS. INTERPRETERS PUBLICATIONS IX FOLK AND FAIRY TALES. MYTHOLOGY. LEGENDS PUBLICATIONS XII JOHN HUS. JEROME OF PRAGUE. UNITED BRETHREN. MORAVIANS PUBLICATIONS XIII JOHN AMOS KOMENSKY (Comenius) PUBLICATIONS XIV LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE PUBLICATIONS XVII PERIODICALS PERIODICALS [17] XVIII PLANS. MAPS. VIEWS. JOURNALS PUBLICATIONS XXI SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMICS PUBLICATIONS XXIII TRAVEL. DESCRIPTION. GEOGRAPHY PUBLICATIONS XXIV BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS AND MANUSCRIPTS BOHEMIAN (ČECH) BIBLIOGRAPHY Edited by Thomas Čapek BOHEMIA A Study of the Ideals and Aspirations of the Bohemian and Slovak Peoples as Related to and Affected by the European War 12mo, Cloth, net $1.00. “The story is both argument and appeal. As argument, it reveals that Bohemian character, citing the place of Bohemia in the art of citizenship, in the power of self-control, in its national ideals, in its policies of accommodation to the plans of neighboring states, in its contribution to the world of creative arts, and in its personal views of national duty and responsibility. As appeal it enumerates, point by point, the injustice of many years of Hapsburg rule, and sets out in clear light the many reasons why the Bohemians deserve freedom.” —Washington Star. The History of Bohemia Harleian MS., British Museum. The earliest story of the nation in English, written by an unknown author, presumably in the first quarter of the seventeenth century BOHEMIAN (ČECH) |
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