Year. | | Page. |
| Introduction | xiii |
1777. | Formation of the Seventy-third regiment, afterwards numbered the Seventy-first Regiment | 2 |
” | John Lord Macleod appointed colonel of the regiment | ib. |
1778. | War with France | 3 |
” | Removal of the regiment from North Britain to Guernsey and Jersey | ib. |
” | Proceeded to Portsmouth | ib. |
” | A second battalion added to the regiment | ib. |
” | Names of officers | 4 |
1779. | The first battalion embarked for India | 5 |
” | The second battalion removed from Scotland to Plymouth | ib. |
” | Siege of Gibraltar by the Spaniards | ib. |
1780. | The second battalion embarked for Gibraltar | 6 |
” | The first battalion arrived at Madras | 7 |
” | War with Hyder Ali | ib. |
” | The first battalion formed part of Major-General Sir Hector Munro’s army | 7 |
” | Siege of Arcot | 8 |
” | Action at Perambaukum | 9 |
” | The survivors of the British troops engaged in this unequal contest conveyed to Hyder Ali | 11 |
” | Attempts of the Spaniards against Gibraltar | 12 |
1781. | Progress of the War with Hyder Ali | 13 |
” | Battle of Porto Novo | 14 |
” | Presentation of silver pipes to the first battalion by Lieut.-General Sir Eyre Coote for its gallantry on that occasion | ib. |
” | Tripassoor retaken by the British | 15 |
” | Second action at Perambaukum, and defeat of the enemy | 16 |
” | Relief of Vellore | 17 |
” | Battle of Sholingur | ib. |
” | Gallant defence of Gibraltar | 18 |
” | Sortie of the garrison | 20 |
1782. | Vellore blockaded by Hyder Ali | 22 |
” | Advance of the British through the Sholingur Pass, and relief of Vellore | ib. |
” | Battle of Arnee | 24 |
” | Decease of Hyder Ali | 25 |
” | And succession of his son Tippoo Saib | ib. |
” | The combined attempts of France and Spain against Gibraltar | 26 |
” | Employment of red-hot shot by the garrison | ib. |
” | The expedient successful | 28 |
” | The garrison honored by His Majesty’s approbation | 29 |
1783. | Termination of the siege of Gibraltar | 30 |
” | Peace concluded between Great Britain, France, and Spain | ib. |
” | The second battalion sailed from Gibraltar for England | 31 |
” | Progress of the war with Tippoo Saib | ib. |
” | Siege of Cuddalore | ib. |
” | Unsuccessful sortie by the enemy | 33 |
” | Intelligence of the general peace received in India | ib. |
” | The second battalion disbanded | ib. |
1784. | Peace concluded with Tippoo Saib | 34 |
” | Restoration of the officers and men who had been made prisoners at the action of Perambaukum | ib. |
1785. | The regiment stationed at Madras | ib. |
1786. | The numerical title changed from Seventy-third to Seventy-first Regiment | ib. |
1787. | Stationed at Wallajohabad and Chingleput | 35 |
1788. | Embarked for Bombay | ib. |
” | Returned to Madras | ib. |
1789. | Major-General the Honorable William Gordon appointed colonel of the regiment | ib. |
1790. | Hostilities commenced by Tippoo Saib | 36 |
” | The regiment marched towards Trichinopoly | ib. |
” | Siege of Palghautcherry | 37 |
” | Darraporam captured by the enemy | 38 |
1791. | Reviewed by General the Earl Cornwallis | 39 |
” | Action near Bangalore | 40 |
” | Capture of Bangalore by the British | 41 |
” | Advance towards Seringapatam | 42 |
” | Action with Tippoo’s troops | ib. |
” | Return of the army to Bangalore | 43 |
” | Capture of Nundydroog by the British | 45 |
” | ——— of Savendroog | 46 |
” | ——— of Outredroog, Ram Gurry, and Sheria Gurry | 47 |
1792. | Second advance of the British towards Seringapatam | ib. |
” | Successful attack upon the enemy | 48 |
” | Siege of Seringapatam | 49 |
” | Peace concluded with Tippoo Saib, and his two sons delivered as hostages | 50 |
” | Return of the regiment to Madras | 51 |
1793. | The French revolution, and declaration of war by the National Convention against Great Britain and Holland | ib. |
” | The flank companies engaged in the siege and capture of Pondicherry | 52 |
1794. | Contemplated expedition against the Mauritius | 52 |
” | The design relinquished, and march of the regiment to Tanjore | ib. |
1795. | Holland united to France, and styled the Batavian Republic | ib. |
” | The flank companies embarked for Ceylon | ib. |
” | Capture of the Island | 53 |
1796. | The regiment marched to Wallajohabad | ib. |
1797. | The regiment inspected by Major-General Clarke, and complimentary order on the occasion | ib. |
” | Embarked for England | 54 |
1798. | Disembarked at Woolwich | ib. |
” | Proceeded to Scotland | ib. |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Hindoostan” on the regimental colour and appointments | ib. |
1800. | Marched from Stirling, and embarked for Ireland | 55 |
1801.} | Stationed in Ireland | 56 |
1802.} |
1803. | Major-General Sir John Francis Cradock, K.B., appointed colonel of the regiment | ib. |
1804. | A second battalion added to the regiment | ib. |
1805. | The first battalion embarked on a secret expedition under Major-General Sir David Baird | 57 |
” | Arrival at the Cape of Good Hope | ib. |
1806. | Action at Bleuberg | 58 |
” | Surrender of the colony to the British | 59 |
” | Authorized to bear the words “Cape of Good Hope” on the regimental colour and appointments | ib. |
” | Expedition to the Rio de la Plata | 60 |
” | Surrender of Buenos Ayres | 61 |
” | The city retaken by the enemy | 62 |
” | The first battalion taken prisoners and removed into the interior of the country | 63 |
” | Escape of Brigadier-General Beresford and Lieut.-Colonel Pack | ib. |
1807. | The second battalion removed from Ireland to Scotland | ib. |
” | Convention entered into by Lieut.-General Whitelocke, and release of the first battalion | 64 |
” | The first battalion arrived at Cork | ib. |
1808. | The second battalion embarked for Scotland | ib. |
” | Presentation of new colours | 65 |
” | Address of Lieut.-General John Floyd on that occasion | ib. |
” | The first battalion embarked for the Peninsula | 67 |
” | Authorized to bear the title of Glasgow Regiment, in addition to the appellation of Highland Regiment | ib. |
” | Battle of Roleia | 68 |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Roleia” on the regimental colour and appointments | ib. |
” | Battle of Vimiera | 69 |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Vimiera” on the regimental colour and appointments | 70 |
” | Convention of Cintra | ib. |
” | March of the troops into Spain | 71 |
” | Joined the army under Lieut.-General Sir John Moore | 72 |
1808. | Retreat on Corunna | 72 |
1809. | Lieut.-General Francis Dundas appointed colonel of the regiment | 73 |
” | Battle of Corunna | ib. |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Corunna” on the regimental colour and appointments | 74 |
” | The thanks of Parliament conferred on the troops | ib. |
” | The first battalion arrived in England | 75 |
” | Formed into a Light Infantry Regiment | 76 |
” | Expedition to the Scheldt | ib. |
” | The first battalion embarked at Portsmouth | ib. |
” | Action on landing | 77 |
” | Attack and capture of Ter Veer | 78 |
” | Siege and capitulation of Flushing | ib. |
” | Occupation of Ter Veer by the first battalion | 79 |
” | Return of the battalion to England | ib. |
” | Loss of the battalion on this expedition | ib. |
1810. | Permitted to retain such parts of the national dress as were not inconsistent with light infantry duties | ib. |
” | The first battalion again ordered for foreign service | 80 |
” | Embarked for Portugal | 81 |
” | Joined the army under Lieut.-General Viscount Wellington | ib. |
” | Actions at Sobral | 82 |
” | Occupied a position in the lines of Torres Vedras | ib. |
” | Marshal Massena retired to Santarem | 83 |
” | Advance of the first battalion | ib. |
1811. | Pursuit of Marshal Massena | 84 |
” | Battle of Fuentes d’Onor | ib. |
” | Authorized to bear the words “Fuentes d’Onor” on the regimental colour and appointments | 85 |
” | The second battalion removed from Leith to South Britain | 86 |
” | The first battalion formed part of the army under Lieut.-General Rowland Hill | ib. |
” | Affair of Arroyo-del-Molinos | 87 |
” | The royal approbation conferred on the troops engaged | 88 |
” | Operations consequent on the preparations made by Viscount |
| Wellington for the recapture of Ciudad Rodrigo | 89 |
1812. | Third siege of Badajoz | ib. |
” | Capture of Badajoz | ib. |
” | Destruction of the enemy’s bridge of boats at Almaraz | 90 |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Almaraz” on the regimental colour and appointments | 91 |
” | Subsequent operations | 92 |
” | Battle of Salamanca | 93 |
” | Retreat from Burgos | ib. |
1813. | Attempted surprise of Bejar by the French | 94 |
” | March of the first battalion to Bejar | ib. |
” | The second battalion returned to North Britain | 94 |
” | Battle of Vittoria | ib. |
” | Death of Colonel the Honorable Henry Cadogan, Lieut.-Colonel of the Seventy-first Regiment | 95 |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Vittoria” on the regimental colour and appointments | 96 |
” | Advance on Pampeluna | 97 |
” | Skirmish at Elizondo | ib. |
1813. | Occupied positions in the Pyrenees | 97 |
” | Action at Maya | ib. |
” | ——— near Eguaros | ib. |
” | ——— at the Pass of DoÑa Maria | 99 |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Pyrenees” on the regimental colour and appointments | 100 |
” | Encamped on the heights of Roncesvalles | 101 |
” | Gallant repulse of the French by a small party of the Seventy-first on the heights of Altobispo | ib. |
” | Advance to the French territory | ib. |
” | Battle of the Nivelle | 102 |
” | Passage of the Nive | ib. |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Nive” on the regimental colour and appointments | 103 |
1814. | Skirmishes at St. Hellette, heights of Garris, and St. Palais | 104 |
” | Action at Sauveterre | ib. |
” | Battle of Orthes | ib. |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Orthes” on the regimental colour and appointments | ib. |
” | Affairs at Aire and Tarbes | ib. |
” | Battle of Toulouse | ib. |
” | Termination of the Peninsular War, and general order by the Duke of Wellington | 105 |
” | The first battalion embarked for England | ib. |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Peninsula” on the regimental colour and appointments | 106 |
” | The first battalion arrived at Cork | ib. |
” | The second battalion remained in North Britain | ib. |
1815. | Return of Napoleon to Paris, and renewal of the war | 107 |
” | The first battalion embarked for Ostend | ib. |
” | Battle of Waterloo | 108 |
1815. | Honors conferred on the army for the victory | 110 |
” | Authorized to bear the word “Waterloo” on the regimental colour and appointments | ib. |
” | The first battalion marched to Paris | ib. |
” | The second battalion disbanded | 111 |
1816. | Presentation of the Waterloo medals to the regiment | ib. |
” | Address of Colonel Reynell on that occasion | ib. |
1817. | Presentation of new colours by Major-General Sir Denis Pack, K.C.B., and his address to the regiment | 113 |
1818. | The regiment returned to England | 114 |
1819. | Inspected at Weedon by Major-General Sir John Byng | 115 |
1820. | Inspected by the Adjutant-General | ib. |
1822. | Embarked for Ireland | ib. |
1824. | Lieut.-General Sir Gordon Drummond, G.C.B., appointed colonel of the regiment | 116 |
” | The regiment embarked for Canada | ib. |
1825. | Formed into six service and four depÔt companies | ib. |
1829. | The depÔt companies proceeded to Berwick-on-Tweed | 118 |
” | Major-General Sir Colin Halkett, K.C.B., appointed colonel of the regiment | ib. |
1831. | The service companies proceed from Quebec to Bermuda | 118 |
1834. | The Tartan Plaid Scarf restored to the Seventy-first Regiment | 119 |
” | The service companies a SUCCESSION OF COLONELS OF THE SEVENTY-FIRST REGIMENT. Year. | | Page. | 1777. | John Lord Macleod | 125 | 1789. | The Honorable William Gordon | 126 | 1803. | Sir John Francis Cradock, G.C.B. | 127 | 1809. | Francis Dundas | 129 | 1824. | Sir Gordon Drummond, G.C.B. | 131 | 1829. | Sir Colin Halkett, K.C.B. | ib. | 1838. | Sir Samuel Ford Whittingham | ib. | 1841. | Sir Thomas Reynell, Bart., K.C.B. | 133 | 1848. | Sir Thomas Arbuthnot, K.C.B. | 140 | 1849. | Sir James Macdonell, K.C.B. and K.C.H. | 141 | APPENDIX. | Page. | Memoir of Captain Philip Melvill | 143 | Memoir of General the Right Honorable Sir David Baird, Bart., G.C.B. | 144 | Memoir of Major-General Sir Denis Pack, K.C.B. | 151 | General orders of the 18th of January and 1st of February 1809, relating to the battle of Corunna and the death of Lieut.-General Sir John Moore | 161 | List of regiments which composed the army under Lieut.-General Sir John Moore | 165 | British and Hanoverian army at Waterloo on the 18th of June 1815 | 166 | PLATES. | | Page. | Colours of the regiment | toface | 1 | The two sons of Tippoo Saib delivered as hostages to General the Earl Cornwallis | | 50 | Costume of the regiment | | 124 |