l05">Mantschuria, central Siberia.
Cultivated for the Subterranean Parts.
Name and duration. Date. Origin.
Radish—Raphanus sativus (1). B. Temperate Asia.2177
Horse-Radish—Cochlearia Armoracia, perennial. C. Eastern temperate Europe.
Turnip—Brassica Rapa (2). A. Europe, western Siberia (?).
Rape—Brassica Napus (2). A. Europe, western Siberia (?).
Carrot—Daucus Carota (2). B. Europe, western temperate Asia (?).
Parsnip—Pastinaca sativa (2). C. Central and southern Europe.
Tuberous Chervil—ChÆrophyllum bulbosum (2). C. Central Europe, Caucasus.
Skirret—Sium Sisarum, perennial. C. Altaic Siberia, northern Persia.
Madder—Rubia tinctorum, perennial. B. WesterntemperateAsia,south-eastofEurope.
Salsify—Tragopogon porrifolium (2). C.(?) South-east of Europe, Algeria.
Scorzonera—Scorzonera hispanica. C. South-west of Europe, south of the Caucasus.
Rampion—Campanula Rapunculus (2). C. Temperate and southern Europe.
vulg. (2),
". Vegetable. B. Canaries, Mediterranean basin, western temperate Asia.
Root. B. A result of cultivation.
Onion—Allium Cepa (2). B. Desert of the Kirghis, in western temperate Asia.
Garlic—Allium sativum, perennial. A. Persia, Afghanistan, Beluchistan, Palestine (?).
Welsh Onion—Allium fistulosum, perennial. C. Siberia (from the land of the Kirghis to Baikal).
Shallot—Allium ascalonicum, perennial. C. Modification of A. cepa (?), unknown wild.
Rocambole—Allium Scorodopra sum, perennial. C. Temperate Europe.
Chives—Allium SchÆnoprasum, perennial. C. Temperate and northern Europe, Siberia, Khamschatka, North America (Lake Huron).
Taro—Colocasia antiquorum, perennial. B. India, Malay Archipelago, Polynesia.
ApÉ—Alocasia macrorrhiza, perennial. (?) Ceylon, Malay Archipelago, Polynesia.
Konjak—Amorphophallus Konjak, perennial. (?) Japan (?).
Ya " Dioscoreasativa,per. B.(?) Southern Asia [especially Malabar (?), Ceylon (?), [Java (?)].
DioscoreaBatatas,perennial. B.(?) China (?).
Dioscoreajaponica,perennial. (?) Japan (?).
Dioscoreaalata,perennial. (?) East of the Asiatic Archipelago.
Cultivated for the Stems or Leaves.
1. Vegetables.
Cabbage—Brassica oleracea (1), (2), small shrub. A. Europe.
Chinese Cabbage—Brassica chinensis (2). (?) China (?), Japan (?).
Water-Cress—Nasturtium officinale, perennial. (?) Europe, northern Asia.
Garden-Cress—Lepidium sativum (1). B. Persia (?).
Sea Kale—Crambe maritima, perennial. C. Western temperate Europe.
Purslane—Portulaca oleracea (1). A. From the western Himalayas to southern Russia and Greece.
New Zealand Spinach—Tetragonia expansa (1). C. New Zealand and New Holland.
Garden Celery—Apium graveolens (2). B. Temperate and southern Europe, northern Africa, western Asia.
Chervil—Anthriscus cerefolium (1). C. South-east of Russia, western temperate Asia.
Parsley—Petroselinum sativum (2). C. Southern Europe, Algeria, Lebanon.
Alexanders—Smyrnium Olus-atrum (2). C. Southern Europe, Algeria, western temperate Asia.
Corn Salad—Valerianella olitoria (1). C. Sardinia, Sicily.
" Cardoon. C. Southern Europe, northern Africa, Canaries, Madeira.
Artichoke. C. Derived from the cardoon.
Lettuce—Latuca Scariola (1), (2). B. Southern Europe, northern Africa, western Asia.
Tartary Buckwheat—Fagopyrum tartaricum (1). C. Tartary, Siberia to Dahuria.
Notch-seeded Buckwheat—Fagopyrum emarginatum (1). (?) Western China, eastern Himalayas.
Kiery—Amarantus frumentaceus (1). (?) India.
Chestnut—Castanea vulgaris, small shrub. (?) From Portugal to the Caspian Sea, eastern Algeria. Varieties: Japan, North America.
Wheat—Triticum vulgare and varieties (?), (1). A. Region of the Euphrates.
Spelt—Triticum spelta (1). A. Derived from the preceding (?).
One-grained Wheat—Triticum monococcum (1). (?) Servia, Greece, Anatolia (if the identity with the Triticum boeoticum be admitted).
Two-rowed Barley—Hordeum distichon (1). A. Western temperate Asia.
Common Barley—Hordeum vulgare (1). (?) Derived from the preceding (?).
Six-rowed Barley—Hordeum hexastichon (1). A. Derived from the preceding (?).
Rye—Secale cereale (1). B. Eastern temperate Europe (?).
Common Oats—Avena sativa (1). B. Eastern temperate Europe (?).
Eastern Oats—Avena orientalis (1). C. (?) Western Asia (?).
Common Millet—Panicum miliaceum (1). A. Egypt, Arabia.
Italian Millet—Panicum italicum (1). A. China, Japan, Indian Archipelago (?).
Sorghum—Holcus sorghum (1). A. Tropical Africa (?).
Sweet Sorghum—Holcus saccharatus (1). (?) Tropical Africa (?).
Coracan—Eleusine coracana (1). B. India.
Rice—Oryza sativa (1). A. India, southern China (?).
2. Various Uses.
Poppy—Papaver somniferum (1). B. Derived from _P. setiferum_ of the Mediterranean basin.
White Mustard—Sinapis alba (1). B. Temperate and southern Europe, north of Africa, western temperate Asia.
Black Mustard—Sinapis nigra (1). B.
Gold of Pleasure—Camelina sativa (1). B. (?) Temperate Europe, Caucasus, Siberia.
Herbaceous Cotton—Gossypium herbaceum, small shrub (1). B. India.
Tree Cotton—Gossypium arboreum, small shrub. B. (?) Upper Egypt.
Arabian Coffee—Coffea arabica, small tree. C. Tropical Africa, Mozambique, Abyssinia, Guinea.
Liberian Coffee—Coffea liberica, tree. C. Guinea, Angola.
Sesame—Sesamum indicum (1). A. Sunda Isles.
Nutmeg—Myristica fragrans, small tree. B. Moluccas.
Castor-Oil Plant—Ricinus communis, small shrub. A. Abyssinia, Sennaar, Kordofan.
Walnut—Juglans regia, small shrub. (?) Eastern temperate Europe, temperate Asia.
Black Pepper—Piper nigrum, small shrub. B. India.
Long Pepper—Piper longum, small shrub. B. India.
Medicinal Pepper—Piper officinalis, small shrub. B. Malay Archipelago.
Betel Pepper—Piper Betle, small shrub. B. Malay Archipelago.
Areca Nut—Areca Catechu, small tree. B. Malay Archipelago.
Cocoa Nut—Cocos nucifera, tree. (?) Malay Archipelago (?), Polynesia (?).
Cultivated for the Underground Parts.
Arracacha—Arracacha esculenta, perennial (1). E. New Granada (?).
Jerusalem Artichoke—Helianthus tuberosus, perennial. E. (?) North America (Indiana).
Potato—Solanum tuberosum, perennial. E. Chili, Peru (?).
Sweet Potato—Convolvulus batatas, perennial. D. Tropical America (where ?).
Manioc—Manihot utilissima, small shrub. E. East of tropical Brazil.
Arrowroot—Maranta arundinacea, perennial. (?) Tropical (continental?) America.
Cultivated for the Stems or Leaves.
MatÉ—Ilex paraguariensis, small tree. D. Paraguay and western Brazil.
Coca—Erythroxylon Coca, small tree. Common Haricot—Phaseolus vulgaris (1).
Musk Gourd—Cucurbita moschata (1).
Fig-leaved Gourd—Cucurbita ficifolia, perennial.


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