PART I. | GENERAL REMARKS. | chapter | | page | I. | In what Manner and at what Epochs Cultivation began in Different Countries | 1 | II. | Methods for discovering or proving the Origin of Species | 8 | PART II. | ON THE STUDY OF SPECIES, CONSIDERED AS TO THEIR ORIGIN, THEIR EARLY CULTIVATION, AND THE PRINCIPAL FACTS OF THEIR DIFFUSION. | | I. | Plants cultivated for their Subterranean Parts, such as Roots, Tubercles, or Bulbs | 29 | II. | Plants cultivated for their Stems or Leaves | 83 | III. | Plants cultivated for their Flowers, or for the Organs which envelop them | 161 | IV. | Plants cultivated for their Fruits | 168 | V. | Plants cultivated for their Seeds | 313 | PART III. | SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. | I. | General Table of Species, with their Origin and the Epoch of their Earliest Cultivation | 436 | II. | General Observations and Conclusions | 447 | | Index | 463 |