I A Foreword 1
II Antiquity 15
III Modern Awakening 25
IV France and Flanders, 15th Century 32
V High Gothic 51
VI Renaissance Influence 64
VII Renaissance to Rubens 72
VIII Italy, 15th through 17th Centuries 81
IX France 90
X The Gobelins Factory 105
XI The Gobelins Factory (Continued) 117
XII The Gobelins Factory (Continued) 126
XIII The Gobelins Factory (Continued) 135
XIV Beauvais 145
XV Aubusson 154
XVI Savonnerie 159
XVII Mortlake 163
XVIII Identifications 172
XIX Identifications (Continued) 186
XX Borders 201
XXI Tapestry Marks 216
XXII How It Is Made 226
XXIII The Bayeux Tapestry 241
XXIV To-day 249
Best Periods and Their Dates 265
Index 267


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