I The small Jacobean room of elegance and intimacy Frontispiece
II Late Tudor mantel 4
III Late Tudor bed 5
IV Large oak chest 6
V Early Jacobean chest of carved oak 7
VI Oak chest with drawers 8
VII Oak stand and marquetry cabinet 9
VIII Gate-leg table, forming console with gate closed 10
IX Oak chairs 11
X Oak chest of drawers 12
XI Early Jacobean cabinet 13
XII Oak chairs 16
XIII Spiral turned chair, characteristic of first half of Century 17
XIV Oak cabinet, dated 1653 20
XV Oak gate-leg dining table 21
XVI Oak day beds 24
XVII Stuart chairs 25
XVIII Marquetry cabinet about 1700 28
XIX Walnut cabinet 29
XX Stuart settee with carving. Second half of XVII Century 42
XXI Charles II chairs in varying styles in carving 43
XXII Walnut sofa 44
XXIII Gilt mirror, time of Charles II 45
XXIV Interesting chair transitional between Stuart Styles and William and Mary 48
XXV Chairs in variants of William and Mary 49
XXVI Chest of drawers in burr walnut veneer 50
XXVII Small walnut table 51
XXVIII Carved chairs. Period of William and Mary 52
XXIX Walnut chairs, William and Mary 53
XXX Queen Anne single chair. Queen Anne arm chair. Walnut Queen Anne chairs 54
XXXI Queen Anne chair 55



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