PLATE | I | The small Jacobean room of elegance and intimacy | Frontispiece | | FACING | PAGE | II | Late Tudor mantel | 4 | III | Late Tudor bed | 5 | IV | Large oak chest | 6 | V | Early Jacobean chest of carved oak | 7 | VI | Oak chest with drawers | 8 | VII | Oak stand and marquetry cabinet | 9 | VIII | Gate-leg table, forming console with gate closed | 10 | IX | Oak chairs | 11 | X | Oak chest of drawers | 12 | XI | Early Jacobean cabinet | 13 | XII | Oak chairs | 16 | XIII | Spiral turned chair, characteristic of first half of Century | 17 | XIV | Oak cabinet, dated 1653 | 20 | XV | Oak gate-leg dining table | 21 | XVI | Oak day beds | 24 | XVII | Stuart chairs | 25 | XVIII | Marquetry cabinet about 1700 | 28 | XIX | Walnut cabinet | 29 | XX | Stuart settee with carving. Second half of XVII Century | 42 | XXI | Charles II chairs in varying styles in carving | 43 | XXII | Walnut sofa | 44 | XXIII | Gilt mirror, time of Charles II | 45 | XXIV | Interesting chair transitional between Stuart Styles and William and Mary | 48 | XXV | Chairs in variants of William and Mary | 49 | XXVI | Chest of drawers in burr walnut veneer | 50 | XXVII | Small walnut table | 51 | XXVIII | Carved chairs. Period of William and Mary | 52 | XXIX | Walnut chairs, William and Mary | 53 | XXX | Queen Anne single chair. Queen Anne arm chair. Walnut Queen Anne chairs | 54 | XXXI | Queen Anne chair | 55 |