Title: North American Free Trade Agreement, 1992 Oct. 7 Table of Contents Author: Canada Language: English Annex 300 - A: Automotive Sector Chapter 4: Rules of OriginChapter 5: Customs ProceduresChapter 6: EnergyChapter 7: Agriculture Subchapter A: Market Access Chapter 8: Emergency Action============================================================================= PART THREE: TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADEChapter 9: Standards-Related MeasuresPART FOUR: GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENTChapter 10: Government ProcurementPART FIVE: INVESTMENT, SERVICES AND RELATED MATTERSChapter 11: InvestmentChapter 12: Cross-Border Trade in ServicesChapter 13: TelecommunicationsChapter 14: Financial ServicesChapter 15: Competition Policy, Monopolies and State EnterprisesChapter 16: Temporary Entry for Business PersonsPART SIX: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYChapter 17: Intellectual PropertyPART SEVEN: ADMINISTRATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONSChapter 18: Publication, Notification and Administration of LawsChapter 19: Review and Dispute Settlement in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty MattersChapter 20: Institutional Arrangements and Dispute Settlement ProceduresPART EIGHT: OTHER PROVISIONSChapter 21: ExceptionsChapter 22: Final Provisions |