Nullius Addictus Jurare In Verba Magistri. Hor. From SATURDAY, May 10, to SATURDAY, May 17, 1783. St. AUGUSTINE, May 17.On Sunday last arrived off our Bar, after a tedious passage from New York, his Majesty’s ships Narcissus and Bellisarius, having under convoy four vessels laden with provisions for this province. Three other victuallers had sailed in company, also for this place, but separated by some accident on the passage. EAST-FLORIDA.By his Excellency Patrick Tonyn, Esquire, Captain General, Governour and Commander in chief in and over his Majesty’s Province of East-Florida, Chancellor and Vice Admiral of the fleet. A PROCLAMATION Whereas his Excellency Sir Guy Carleton, Commanding in chief his Majesty’s forces in North America, hath informed me that provisions to the 1st of October next, have been sent to this province, for the support of his Majesty’s good and faithful subjects, who have been under the necessity of leaving the provinces of South Carolina and Georgia: And whereas his Excellency the Hon. Robert Digby Esquire, commanding his Majesty’s naval forces in North America, from his tender and compassionate regard for the sufferings of his Majesty’s loyal subjects, and anxious to lighten their distresses by every means in his power, hath given me the strongest assurances of every assistance being afforded the inhabitants of this province for their removal; that the commanding officer of his Majesty’s ships of war on this station has his directions to consult the convenience of the inhabitants; and that transports may be had for such of them as wish to proceed to England or the West-Indies, or any other part of his Majesty’s dominions, previous to the evacuation of the said province, which probably will not be effected during the course of this summer, as there are no accounts of the definitive treaty of peace being signed. I have therefore thought fit by and with the advice of his Majesty’s Honourable Council, to notify and make publick, and I do hereby notify and make publick such information and assurances to all his Majesty’s good and faithful subjects of this his Majesty’s faithful province of East-Florida; and that such of the said inhabitants, who may not be employed in agriculture, and are desirous of taking the easiest opportunity of departing, do forthwith give in their names, numbers, and destination, to the Secretary’s Office, that they may be properly accomodated, hereby offering every assistance and support in my power; and I do earnestly recommend and require all his Majesty’s said subjects who may be employed in agriculture, to be attentive in raising their crops of provisions now in the ground for their future subsistence. PATRICK TONYN. Given under my Hand, and the Great Seal of his Majesty’s said Province, in the Council Chamber, at St. Augustine, the twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, and in the twenty-third year of his Majesty’s Reign. God save the King! By his Excellency’s command, David Yeates, Secretary. All persons who have any demands against the estate of the late John Reid deceased, are required to bring in their accounts properly attested, and all those any ways indebted to the said estate, are required to make payment immediately to DONALD M’CALPIN & WILLIAM DENNIE. Adms. St. Augustine, April 12, 1783. (BY PERMISSION.) Doors to be opened at SIX o’Clock; Performance to commence at SEVEN; no money taken at the door, nor any person admitted behind the scenes. Tickets to be had at Mr. Johnston’s store, formerly Mr. Payne’s. PUBLICK AUCTION.
Any person having the following NEGROES, good property, which they wish to dispose of, may hear of a purchaser, who will pay down the cash, by applying to the Printer. A good Carpenter, two Bricklayers, a Black-Smith and a good Gardener. TEN DOLLARS REWARD.Stolen or strayed out of my yard, on the night of Tuesday last, a bright bay Horse, upwards of fourteen hands high, about eight years old, paces, trots, and canters; lately branded on the mounting shoulder, M.S. with a slit in his left ear. The above reward will be given to any person that will deliver the said Horse to the subscriber in St. Augustine, Captain Cameron in Pacalato, or to Mr. Sutherland at Hester’s Bluff. JAMES SEYMOUR. NOTARY PUBLIC. At his House the North end of Charlotte-street, near the house of Mr. Robert Mills, House Carpenter. All sorts of LAW PRECEDENTS done with care and expedition. |