A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ?(The figures indicate the Numbers of the Hymns.) - A
- Abide with me, fast falls the eventide, F. Lyte. 1227
- A broken heart, my God, my King, Watts. 347
- A charge to keep I have, C. Wesley. 876
- Acquaint thee, O mortal, Knox. 789
- A few more years shall roll, Bonar. 828
- Affliction is a stormy deep, Cotton. 1004
- After the toil, when the morning breaks, 933
- Again our earthly cares we leave, 696
- Again the Lord of light and life, Mrs. Barbauld. 694
- Ah, guilty sinner, ruined by transgression, 1118
- Ah, what avails my strife, C. Wesley. 364
- Ah, wretched, vile, ungrateful heart, Mrs. Steele. 341
- Alas, and did my Saviour bleed, Watts. 240
- Alas, how poor and little worth, Longfellow (Tr.) 1089
- Alas, what hourly dangers rise, Mrs. Steele. 872
- A little longer still, Christian Register. 931
- All around us, fair with flowers, 970
- All as God wills, who wisely heeds, Whittier. 904
- All hail the power of Jesus’ name, Perronet. 203
- All ye nations, praise the Lord, Montgomery. 743
- All you that are weary and sad, come, 321
- All you that have confessed, 496
- Almighty Father, gracious Lord, Mrs. Steele. 644
- Almighty Father of mankind, Logan. 87
- Almighty God, thy word is cast, 733
- Almighty Maker of my frame, Mrs. Steele. 1045
- Almighty Sovereign of the skies, 1245
- Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, Newton. 403
- Am I a soldier of the cross, Watts. 863
- Among the mountain trees, T. J. Edmunson. 166
- A mother may forgetful be, Mrs. Steele. 446
- And are we yet alive, C. Wesley. 705
- And can I yet delay, C. Wesley. 365
- And can my heart aspire so high, Mrs. Steele. 1011
- And did the holy and the just, Mrs. Steele. 173
- And is the gospel peace and love, Mrs. Steele. 143
- And is there, Lord, a rest, Palmer. 1133
- And let our bodies part, C. Wesley. 739
- And must I part with all I have, Beddome. 360
- And now another day is gone, 1191
- And now, my soul, another year, 1240
- And will the judge descend, Doddridge. 300
- Angels from the realms of glory, Montgomery. 137
- Angels, roll the rock away, Gibbons. 189
- Another day is past, 1196
- Another six days’ work is done, Stennett. 616
- A parting hymn we sing, A. R. W. 530
- A pilgrim through this lonely world, Bonar. 150
- Approach, my soul, the mercy seat, Newton. 564
- Arise, ye people, and adore, F. Lyte. 199
- Arise, ye saints, arise, 877
- Arm of the Lord, awake, awake, Shrubsole. 1268
- Around Bethesda’s healing wave, Barton. 349
- As down in the sunless retreats, Moore. 1032
- As flows the rapid river, S. F. Smith. 1088
- Ashamed of Christ, our souls disdain, 381
- Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep! Mrs. McKay. 1038
- As much have I of worldly good, 148
- As o’er the past my memory strays, 871
- As oft with worn and weary feet, Wilberforce. 997
- As on the cross the Saviour hung, Stennett. 176
- As the hart, with eager looks, Montgomery. 823
- As the sweet flower that scents, Cunningham. 1040
- A sweetly solemn thought, Alice Carey. 1195
- At evening time when day is done, Montgomery. 1221
- Awake, and sing the song, Hammond. 648
- Awaked from sin’s delusive sleep, Moore. 342
- Awake, my soul, and with the sun, Kenn. 1181
- Awake, my soul, to joyful lays, Medley. 634
- Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes, Mrs. Barbauld. 847
- Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, Doddridge. 866
- Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bring, Needham. 105
- Awake, our souls, away our fears, Watts. 856
- Awake, ye saints, awake, Cotterill. 630
- Awake, you saints, and raise your, Doddridge. 815
- Away from earth my spirit turns, Palmer. 518
- Away from his home, W. Hunter. 1095
- A weak and weary dove, with drooping wing, 950
- B
- Beautiful Zion, built above, 1157
- Before Jehovah’s awful throne, Watts. 674
- Before thy throne, with tearful eyes, Palmer. 941
- Begin, my soul, the lofty strain, Mrs. Rowe. 53
- Behold the blind their sight receive, Watts. 145
- Behold the bright morning appears, 194
- Behold the day is come, Beddome. 1115
- Behold the glories of the Lamb, Watts. 236
- Behold the lofty sky, Watts. 19
- Behold the man! how glorious he, 171
- Behold the morning sun, Watts. 271
- Behold the mountain of the Lord, M. Bruce. 597
- Behold the Saviour of mankind, S. Wesley, sen. 175
- Behold the sure foundation stone, Watts. 444
- Behold the woman’s promised seed, Watts. 118
- Behold, where in a mortal form, Enfield. 149
- Beneath the shadow of the cross, S. Longfellow. 956
- Benignant God of love and power, 549
- Be still, be still, for all around, 684
- Be still, my heart, these anxious cares, Newton. 898
- Be thou exalted, O my God, Watts. 675
- Beyond, beyond that boundless sea, Conder. 84
- Beyond the smiling and the weeping, Bonar. 840
- Beyond the starry skies, Turner, varied. 259
- Beyond where Cedron’s waters flow, S. F. Smith. 164
- Bleeding hearts, defiled by sin, 307
- Blessed are the humble souls that see, Watts. 411
- Blest are the pure in heart, Keble. 741
- Blessed are the sons of God, Humphreys. 420
- Blessed be the dear uniting love, C. Wesley. 488
- Blessed be the everlasting God, Watts. 182
- Blessed be the tie that binds, Fawcett. 495
- Blessed be thy love, dear Lord, John Austin. 916
- Blessed day of God, most calm, most bright, 699
- Blessed feast of love divine, 532
- Blessed hour when mortal man retires, Raffles. 679
- Blessed is the hour when cares depart, S. F. Smith. 712
- Blessed is the man whose, Mrs. Barbauld. 953
- Blessed is the man who shuns the place, Watts. 772
- Blessed morning whose young dawning, Watts. 183
- Blessed Saviour, Friend divine, W. T. Moore. 406
- Blessed Sovereign, let my evening song, Watts. 1192
- Blow ye the trumpet, blow, Altered by Toplady. 273
- Book of grace and book of glory, 21
- Bread of heaven, on thee we feed, Conder. 534
- Breast the wave, Christian, when it, Staughton. 895
- Breathe thoughts of pity o’er a, Edmeston. 975
- Bright and joyful was the morn, 127
- Brightness of the Father’s glory, 661
- Bright source of everlasting love, Boden. 954
- Bright the vision that delighted, Ancient Hymns. 662
- Bright was the guiding star, Spirit of the Psalms. 229
- Broad is the road that leads to death, Watts. 283
- Brother, hast thou wandered far, 948
- Burdened with guilt, wouldst thou be blest, 318
- Buried beneath the yielding wave, 382
- Burst, ye emerald gates, and bring, 202
- By cool Siloam’s shady rill, Heber. 1211
- By faith in Christ I walk with God, Newton. 855
- C
- Call Jehovah thy salvation, Montgomery. 421
- Calm on the listening ear of night, Sears. 123
- Child amid the flowers at play, Mrs. Hemans. 574
- Children of the heavenly King, Cennick. 498
- Child of sin and sorrow, T. Hastings. 322
- Christian! see the Orient morning, 602
- Christians, keep your armor bright, 861
- Christian, the morn breaks sweetly o’er thee, 934
- Christian, the vision before thee, A. S. Hayden. 1097
- Christ leads me through no darker, R. Baxter. 1003
- Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day, C. Wesley. 190
- Cling to the crucified, 372
- Cling to the mighty One, 265
- Come, all ye saints of God, 927
- Come, and behold the place, 386
- Come, Christian brethren, ere we, H. K. White. 720
- Come, come, come to the Saviour, A. D. Fillmore. 324
- Come, dear friends, we are all brethren, 501
- Come, every pious heart, Stennett. 670
- Come from the East with gifts, ye Kings, 1267
- Come, happy souls, adore the Lamb, 377
- Come humble sinner, in whose breast, Jones. 291
- Come in, thou blessed of our God, Kelly. 478
- Come in, thou blessed of the Lord, Montgomery. 522
- Come let us anew, C. Wesley. 1242
- Come, let us join in songs of praise, 233
- Come, let us join our cheerful songs, Watts. 206
- Come, let us join our friends above, C. Wesley. 494
- Come, let us join with hosts above, C. Wesley. 1213
- Come, let us join with one accord, C. Wesley. 618
- Come, let us pray; ’tis sweet to feel, 569
- Come, let us to the Lord our God, Morrison
. 357
- Come, Lord, and warm each, Mrs. Steele. 697
- Come, my Christian brethren, come, 824
- Come on, my partners in distress, 509
- Come, O thou King of all thy saints, Mrs. Steele. 693
- Come, O thou mighty Saviour, Palmer. 598
- Come, saints, let us join in the praise, De Fleury. 666
- Come, sing to me of heaven, 1135
- Come, sinners, to the gospel feast, 285
- Come, sound his praise abroad, Watts. 702
- Come to Calvary’s holy mountain, Montgomery. 1319
- Come to the Ark, come to the Ark, 292
- Come to the house of prayer, E. Taylor. 570
- Come unto me, when shadows darkly gather, 1228
- Come, weary souls, with sin, Mrs. Steele. 281
- Come, we that love the Lord, Watts. 701
- Come, ye thankful people, come, Henry Alford. 1236
- Come, ye that know and fear the Lord, G. Burder. 113
- Come, ye disconsolate, where’er, T. Moore. 586
- Come, you sinners, poor and needy, Hart. 312
- Come, you that love the Lord indeed, 481
- Come, you that love the Saviour’s, Mrs. Steele. 230
- Crown his head with endless blessing, 205
- D
- Dark and thorny is the desert, 888
- Dark was the night, and cold the ground, 160
- Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadness, 605
- Day of judgment, day of wonders, Newton. 1117
- Dear as thou wast, and justly dear, Dale. 1056
- Dear Father, to thy mercy-seat, 1309
- Dear is the spot where Christians sleep, 1037
- Dear Jesus, ever at thy side, Faber. 1212
- Death can not make our souls afraid, Watts. 1054
- Deathless Spirit, now arise, Toplady. 1072
- Deem not that they are blest alone, W. C. Bryant. 994
- Delay not, delay not, O sinner, T. Hastings. 330
- Desponding soul, O cease thy woe, T. U. Walters. 363
- Did Christ o’er sinners weep, Beddome. 161
- Didst thou, Lord Jesus, suffer shame, Kirkham. 355
- Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord, Hart. 721
- Does the gospel word proclaim, Newton. 369
- Do not I trust in thee, O Lord, 766
- Down the dark future, through long, Longfellow. 973
- Draw near, ye weary, Mrs. St. Leon Loud. 154
- Dropping down the troubled river, Bonar. 1075
- E
- Early, my God, without delay, Watts. 698
- Earth has a joy unknown in heaven, 396
- Earth, with her ten thousand flowers
- Great God! the followers of thy, H. Ware, jr. 677
- Great God! thy penetrating eye, E. Scott. 40
- Great God! we sing that mighty, Doddridge. 1239
- Great God! whose universal sway, Watts. 213
- Great is the Lord, our God, Watts. 452
- Great Maker of unnumbered worlds, 1255
- Great Ruler of all nature’s frame, Doddridge. 82
- Great Source of boundless power, Mrs. Steele. 1001
- Great Source of life and light, 418
- Great was the day, the joy was great, Watts. 269
- Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, Oliver. 115
- Guide us, Lord, while hand in hand, 745
- H
- Had I ten thousand gifts beside, Chatham. 257
- Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, Watts. 480
- Happy are they who learn in thee, 1007
- Happy soul, thy days are ended, C. Wesley. 1077
- Happy the child whose tender years, Watts. 1312
- Happy the Church, thou sacred place, Watts. 441
- Happy the home when God is there, 1171
- Happy the saints whose lot is cast, 719
- Happy the souls to Jesus joined, C. Wesley. 491
- Hail, gracious, heavenly Prince, 1217
- Hail, morning known among the, Wardlaw. 614
- Hail, ransomed world, awake to glory, 328
- Hail, sacred truth, whose piercing rays, 13
- Hail, sweetest, dearest tie that binds, Sutton. 430
- Hail the blest morn, when the great Mediator, 138
- Hail the day that saw him rise, C. Wesley. 628
- Hail, thou long expected Jesus, C. Wesley. 136
- Hail to the brightness of Zion’s, T. Hastings. 608
- Hail to the Prince of life and, Doddridge. 218
- Hail, tranquil hour of closing day, L. Bacon. 1193
- Hallelujah! best and sweetest, Breviary. 924
- Hark, from the world on high, W. T. Moore. 140
- Hark, hark, the notes of joy, 132
- Hark, hark, the voice of ceaseless praise, 1131
- Hark how the gospel trumpet sounds, Medley. 272
- Hark how the watchmen cry, C. Wesley. 878
- Hark, sinner, while God from, J. B. Hague. 334
- Hark, ten thousand harps and voices, Kelly. 663
- Hark the glad sound! the Saviour, Doddridge. 124
- Hark, the herald angels sing, C. Wesley. 126
- Hark, the song of jubilee, Montgomery. 600
- Hark, the voice of love and mercy, Evans. 178
- Hark, what joyful notes are swelling, W. T. Moore. 134
- Hark, what mean those holy voices, Cawood. 135
ernal">519 - Lord, my weak thought in vain, Ray Palmer. 26
- Lord, now we part in thy blest name, Heber. 724
- Lord of all being, throned afar, O. W. Holmes. 636
- Lord of eternal truth and might, Breviary. 1177
- Lord of hosts, to thee we raise, Montgomery. 1304
- Lord of my life, O may thy praise, Mrs. Steele. 1182
- Lord of the harvest, hear, C. Wesley. 473
- Lord of the harvest, thee we hail, J. H. Gurney. 1237
- Lord of the worlds above, Watts. 714
- Lord, thou hast bid thy people pray, C. Wesley. 1257
- Lord, thou hast formed mine every, E. A. Scott. 33
- Lord, thou hast searched and seen me, Watts. 32
- Lord, we come before thee now, Hammond. 708
- Lord, we expect a day, 822
- Lord, what is man? extremes how, Newton. 109
- Lord, when my thoughts delighted, Mrs. Steele. 345
- Lord, when together here we meet, 732
- Lord, while for all mankind we pray, Welford. 1265
- Lord, whom winds and seas obey, C. Wesley. 1295
- Lo! round the throne a glorious band, 1121
- Lo! the Seal of death is breaking, 1112
- Love divine, all love excelling, C. Wesley. 710
- Love for all! and can it be, S. Longfellow. 367
- Love of God! all love excelling, W. T. Moore. 1274
- Lonely and solemn be, Mrs. Hemans. 1087
- M
- Majestic sweetness sits enthroned, Stennett. 250
- Make channels for the streams of love, French. 958
- Mary to the Saviour’s tomb, Newton. 192
- May the grace of Christ our Saviour, Newton. 752
- Meekly in Jordan’s flowing stream, S. F. Smith. 384
- Mercy alone can meet my case, Montgomery. 361
- ’Mid scenes of confusion, and creature, Denham. 510
- Mistaken souls that dream of heaven, Watts. 354
- Morning breaks upon the tomb, Collyer. 191
- Mortals, awake, with angels join, Medley. 121
- Must Simon bear the cross alone, G. N. Allen. 889
- My Christian friends in bonds of love, 485
- My country, ’tis of thee, S. F. Smith. 1251
- My days are gliding swiftly by, Nelson. 800
- My dear Redeemer and my Lord, Watts. 146
- My faith looks up to thee, Ray Palmer. 542
- My feet are worn and weary with the march, 843
- My few revolving years, Beddome. 1241
- My God, how endless is thy love, Watts. 1306
- My God, how excellent thy grace, Watts. 106
- My God, how wonderful thou art, 18
- O Lord, thy precepts I survey, Watts. 17
- O Lord, when faith, with fixed eyes, 169
- O Lord, thy counsels, 899
- O love beyond conception great, 108
- O love divine, how sweet thou art, C. Wesley. 505
- O love divine, that stooped to, O. W. Holmes. 66
- O love of God, how strong and true, Bonar. 110
- O may the power which melts the rock, 1256
- O mourner, who with tender love, 1048
- O my soul, what means this sadness, Fawcett. 890
- Once the angel started back, Bishop Williams. 546
- One baptism and one faith, E. Robinson. 511
- One there is above all others, Newton. 263
- On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand, Stennett. 431
- Only waiting till the shadows, 1226
- O North, with all thy vales of, W. C. Bryant. 256
- O, not to fill the mouth of fame, 771
- On the mountain’s top appearing, Kelly. 604
- Onward, Christian, though the, S. Johnson. 885
- Onward, onward, men of heaven, Mrs. Sigourney. 1275
- Onward speed thy conquering, S. F. Smith. 1286
- On Zion’s glorious summit stood, Kent. 1120
- O peace of God, sweet peace of God, 760
- O praise our God to-day, 966
- O present still, though still unseen, W. Scott. 725
- O render thanks to God above, Tate & Brady. 637
- O sacred day of peace and joy, 613
- O sacred Head, now wounded, Gerhardt. 177
- O Saviour, lend a listening ear, T. Hastings. 945
- O Saviour, whose mercy severe in its, Grant. 893
- O shadow in a sultry land, 1313
- O source divine and life of all, Sterling. 30
- O strong to save and bless, Bonar. 786
- O suffering Friend of human kind, Bulfinch. 157
- O sweetly breathe the lyres above, Palmer. 399
- O tell me no more of this world’s, Gambold. 841
- O that I could for ever dwell, Reed. 981
- O that I had wings like a dove, W. T. Moore. 826
- O there’s a better world on high, 433
- O think that while you’re weeping, Dr. Huie. 1085
- O this is blessing, this is rest, Anna L. Waring. 762
- O thou Fount of every blessing, Robinson. 660
- O thou from whom all goodness flows, Hawes. 862
- O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight, 1030
- O thou my Light, my Life, my Joy, 74
- O thou pure light of souls that love, Breviary. 554
- O thou that hearest praye
>The spacious firmament on high, Addison. 43
- The spring tide hour, J. S. B. Monsell. 1033
- The starry firmament on high, Grant. 3
- The tempter to my soul hath said, Montgomery. 851
- The sun above us gleaming, A. Crithfield. 892
- The voice of free grace cries “escape, Thornby. 332
- The winds were howling o’er the deep, Heber. 151
- The world may change from, Sarah F. Adams. 438
- They are going, only going, 1074
- They who seek the throne of grace, 573
- Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we, Doddridge. 617
- Think gently of the erring one, Miss Fletcher. 490
- This book is all that’s left me now, Morris. 1172
- This is not my place of resting, Bonar. 1142
- This is the day the first ripe sheaf, 621
- This is the day the Lord hath made, Watts. 619
- This is the glorious day, Watts. 624
- This Lord is the Lord we adore, Hart. 658
- This world is poor from shore to shore, Nelson. 874
- Thou art gone to the grave, but we will, Heber. 1096
- Thou art my hiding place, O Lord, Raffles. 563
- Thou art my portion, O my God, Watts. 774
- Thou art, O God, the life and light, Moore. 49
- Thou art, O Lord, the boundless source, W. T. Moore. 34
- Thou art our Shepherd, glorious God, 729
- Thou art the way, and he who sighs, 223
- Thou art the way, to thee alone, Doane. 248
- Thou, dear Redeemer, dying Lamb, Cennick. 231
- Though all the world my choice, G. Terstergan. 336
- Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our way, 583
- Though I walk through the gloomy vale, Watts. 1047
- Though I walk the downward shade, 1071
- Though troubles assail, and dangers, Newton. 100
- Thou God of love! beneath thy sheltering wings, 1093
- Thou grace divine, encircling all, Eliza Scudder. 1311
- Thou hidden love of God, whose, G. Terstergan. 859
- Thou Lord of life, whose tender care, 1310
- Thou only Sovereign of my heart, Mrs. Steele. 222
- Thou Saviour, from thy throne on, Ray Palmer. 555
- Thou sovereign Lord of earth and skies, 1170
- Thou sweet gliding Cedron, Maria De Fleury. 167
- Thou that dost my life prolong, Enfield. 1187
- Thou very present aid, C. Wesley. 1020
- Thou who didst stoop below, Martineau’s Coll. 200
- Through all the changing scenes, Tate & Brady. 911
- Through all this life’s eventful road, 716
- Through cross to crown! and though, Rosegarten
- When reft of all, and hopeless care, Drummond. 435
- When shall we all meet again, 502
- When shall we meet again, Select Hymns. 504
- When spring unlocks the flowers to, Heber. 1238
- When the King of kings comes, 1101
- When the spark of life is waning, Dale. 1091
- When the vale of death appears, Mrs. Gilbert. 1080
- When the worn spirit wants repose, Edmeston. 623
- When thou, my, Countess of the Huntington. 1114
- When through the torn sail the wild, Heber. 1296
- When we can not see our way, 370
- When we hear the music ringing, W. M. 1151
- When we reach a quiet dwelling, 1156
- When we the sacred grave survey, 180
- When shall the child of sorrow find, 963
- Where two or three with sweet accord, Newton. 552
- While in sweet communion feeding, 540
- While in the slippery paths of, A. S. Hayden. 1214
- While life prolongs its precious light, Dwight. 277
- While now thy throne of grace we, C. Robins. 683
- While o’er our guilty land, O God, Pres’t Davis. 1254
- While others pray for grace to die, 952
- While thee I seek, Miss H. M. Williams. 561
- While thou, my God, art my help, W. Young. 929
- While with ceaseless course the sun, Newton. 1243
- Whither goest thou, pilgrim stranger, 886
- Whither, O whither, should I fly, C. Wesley. 767
- Who are these in bright array, Montgomery. 1137
- Why do we mourn departing friends, Watts. 1057
- Why should I in vain repining, Edmeston. 1025
- Why should we start and fear to die, Watts. 1043
- Why will ye waste on trifling cares, Doddridge. 282
- With earnest longings of the mind, Watts. 1013
- Within thy house, Lord, Con. Ev. Mag. 690
- With Israel’s God who can compare, Newton. 71
- With joy we meditate the grace, Watts. 228
- With joy we own thy servant, Montgomery. 469
- With my substance I will honor, Francis. 971
- With one consent let all the earth, Doddridge. 29
- With sacred joy we lift our eyes, Watts. 689
- With songs and honors sounding, Hugh White. 1231
- With tearful eyes I look around, 278
- With willing hearts we tread, 389
- Worship, honor, glory, blessing, 753
- Y
- Ye Christian heralds, Winchell’s Sel. 465
- Ye golden lamps of heaven, Doddridge. 1053