.html#Page_666" class="pginternal">666. Botetourt, Lord, governor, 556, 558; his death, 559. Boucher, Rev. Jonathan, his opinions on slavery, 526. Braddock, Edward, General, his expedition against Fort Du Quesne, 471; defeat, 475; death, 480. Brandywine, battle of, 685. Braxton, Carter, interposes to stop Henry's advance, 612; member of committee of safety, 624; his Address to the Convention, 646; signer of Declaration of Independence, 652; sketch of, 662. Breckenridge, 432, 490. Brent, Captain, 284. Bridge, Great, battle of, 635. Bryan, Butler, Miss, marries Gov. Spotswood, 408. Bucke, Rev. Mr., 95, 98, 117. Bullet, Thomas, 501, 594, 635. Bullet, Cuthbert, 594. Burden's grant, 428. Burgoyne, General, surrenders at Saratoga, 686. Burnaby, Rev. Andrew, his account of Virginia, 502; his opinion on the disputes between assembly and ministers, 511. Burras, Anne, first Christian married in Virginia, 65. Burwell, Lewis, President, 450. Butler's Account of Virginia, 169-70. Byrd, Captain William, 421. Byrd, Colonel William, Sr., of Westover, purchases records of Virginia Company, 174; auditor, 341; his generosity to Huguenots, 370; runs dividing line, 414; his opinion of people of New England, 415; plans Richmond and Petersburg, 421; his death, 435; epitaph, 436. Byrd, Colonel William, Jr., of Westover, commands a Virginia regiment, 500; member of council, 610. Byrd, Mrs. Maria, of Westover, her correspondence with Arnold, 712. Cabell, Col. William, member of convention of 1776, 624, 626; member of committee of safety, 624; sketch of, 626. Culvert, Sir George, first Lord Baltimore, 183, 189. Calvert, Leonard, commands expedition for planting colony in Maryland, 189. Camden, Gates defeated at, 698. Camm, Rev. John, opposes "Two-Penny Act," 509, 514. Campbell, Colonel William, defeats Ferguson at King's Mountain, 699, 700; 331, 333, 65. Lee, Richard, 264. Lee, Richard Henry, his opinions on the "Two-Penny Act," 512; a burgess, 537; proposes separation of offices of speaker and treasurer, 544; sketch of his early life, 577; moves resolution of separation from Great Britain, 652; biographical sketch of, 659; charges against, 681; he demands an inquiry, 682; his defence and honorable acquittal, 682-84. Lee, Francis Lightfoot, signer of Declaration, 652; notice of, 662; tenders his resignation as delegate in congress, 682. Lee, Thomas Ludwell, member of committee of safety, 624. Lee, Arthur, biographical sketch of, 701. Lee, William, American commissioner at Vienna and Berlin, 704. Lee, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry, biographical sketch of, 745. Lee, General Charles, 664, 668, 688. Leslie's invasion, 707. Lewis, John, pioneer of Augusta, 428. Lewis, Andrew, defeats Indians at Point Pleasant, 585-86; sketch of, 588; his brothers, 589; appointed brigadier-general, 641; expels Dunmore from Gwynn's Island, 665. Lewis, Colonel Charles, killed at Point Pleasant, 585. Loan office scheme, 539. Logan, speech of, 590; sketch of, 590-93; his death, 706. Loudoun, Lord, appointed governor-in-chief of Virginia, 500. Loudoun, Fort, in Virginia, 494. Loudoun, Fort, in Tennessee, 492. Ludwell, Thomas, 264; agent at London, 276; his death, 358. Ludwell, Colonel Philip, member of council, 291; captures Giles Bland, 306; quarrels with Jeffreys, 327; sent to England to prefer complaints against Effingham, 342, 344. Lyons, James, attorney for plaintiff in "Parsons' Cause," 516. Madison, Captain, 166. Madison, Jr., James, biographical notice of, 704. Makemie, Rev. Francis, 371. Manhattan, 111, 151. Manakintown, 370. Manakin Indians, 289. Marriage, the first in Virginia, 65. Marshall, Colonel Thomas, 685. Marshall, John, (chief justice,) 635, 570; delegate to congress, 575; member of committee of safety, 624; president of convention, 644; member of committee of revisal, 676. Percy, Captain George, governor, 63, 66, 70, 73, 75, 97, 102. Petersburg incorporated, 438; skirmish at, 720; General Phillips occupies, 720; his death at, 722; Arnold commands at, 722; Cornwallis arrives at, 726. Philadelphia, congress meets at, 579. Phillips, General, prisoner of war, 694; invades Virginia, 719; commits devastations, 720-21; his death, 722. Pianketank, 59. Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock, 144. Pirates, act against, 360. Pirate captured, 361. Piscataway, siege of, 284. Plague in London, 265. Plantagenet Beauchamp, 210. Plantation, Middle, 300, 358. Plymouth, landing at, 144. Pocahontas rescues Smith, 48; entertains him with a dance, 62; discloses to him a plot, 67; made prisoner by Argall, 107; John Rolfe marries, 109; baptized, 115; visits England, 116; recommended to the queen by Smith, 118; Smith's interview with, 118; presented at court, 119; her death, son, and descendants, 120, 122. Point Pleasant, battle of, 582, 584. Point Comfort, 59, 188. Population of Colonies, 362, 383, 450. Population of Virginia, 272. Porterfield, Colonel, mortally wounded at Camden, 698. Pory, John, 139, 172, 188. Post-office, 348. Potomac River, 56. Pott, Dr. John, governor, convicted of stealing cattle, 182-83. Powder, Dunmore's remo
reedom, 454; in Carthagena expedition, 417. Washington, George, his lineage, 457; early life, 457; surveyor, 458-59; major, 460; despatched on mission through wilderness, 461; lieutenant-colonel, 465; surprises French party, 464; surrenders at Fort Necessity, 466; resigns, 470; aide-de-camp to Braddock, 472; heroism at battle of Monongahela, 477; his account of the defeat, 479; commander-in-chief of Virginia forces, 486; visits Boston, 487; Dinwiddie's correspondence with, 496; member of assembly, 503; marries, 503; receives thanks of assembly, 504; reports non-importation agreement, 558; attends meeting of burgesses, 571; member of congress, 575, 580; chosen commander-in-chief by congress, 621; his conduct of affairs during revolutionary war, 665-68, 686-87, 742, 746, 748, 751. Washington, Colonel William, 716, 718-744. Washington College founded, 677. Weedon, General George, 685. Werowocomoco, 48, 66, 71-2, 108, 129-30. West Point, 126, 313, 316, 320, 327. West, Captain John, 195. West, Francis, Governor, 180. West, Sir Thomas, Lord Delaware, 96. Whitaker, Rev. Alexander, 106, 109, 115, 117. White, Captain John, Governor of City of Raleigh, in Virginia, 26. Whitefield preaches at Williamsburg, 438, 445. William and Mary proclaimed in Virginia, 343. William and Mary College, 345-47, 361-64, 376, 437. William the Third, death of, |