By Madame Campan


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The Bastille


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Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI.

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Madam Campan

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Louis XVI.

A man born solely to contradict

Advised the King not to separate
himself from his army

Ah, Madame, we have all been killed in
our masters' service!

Alas! her griefs double mine!

Allowed her candles and as much
firewood as she wanted

Better to die than to implicate anybody

Brought me her daughter Hortense de

Carried the idea of the prerogative of
rank to a high pitch

Common and blamable practice of

Condescension which renders approbation
more offensive

Customs are nearly equal to laws

Difference between brilliant theories
and the simplest practice

Dignified tone which alone secures the
respect due to power

Displaying her acquirements with rather
too much confidence

Duc d'Orleans, when called on to give
his vote for death of King

Elegant entertainments were given to
Doctor Franklin

Etiquette still existed at Court,
dignity alone was wanting

Extreme simplicity was the Queens first
and only real mistake

Fashion of wearing a black coat without
being in mourning

Favourite of a queen is not, in France,
a happy one

Formed rather to endure calamity with
patience than to contend

Grand-Dieu, mamma! will it be yesterday
over again?

Happiness does not dwell in palaces

He is afraid to command

His ruin was resolved on; they passed
to the order of the day

His seraglio in the Parc-aux-Cerfs

History of the man with the iron mask

How can I have any regret when I
partake your misfortunes

I hate all that savours of fanaticism

I do not like these rhapsodies

I love the conveniences of life too

If ever I establish a republic of

Indulge in the pleasure of vice and
assume the credit of virtue

King (gave) the fatal order to the
Swiss to cease firing

La Fayette to rescue the royal family
and convey them to Rouen

Leave me in peace; be assured that I
can put no heir in danger

Louis Philippe, the usurper of the
inheritance of her family

Mirabeau forgot that it was more easy
to do harm than good

Most intriguing little Carmelite in the

My father fortunately found a library
which amused him

Never shall a drop of French blood be
shed by my order

No one is more dangerous than a man
clothed with recent authority

No accounting for the caprices of a

No ears that will discover when she
(The Princess) is out of tune

None but little minds dreaded little

Observe the least pretension on account
of the rank or fortune

Of course I shall be either hissed or

On domestic management depends the
preservation of their fortune

Prevent disorder from organising itself

Princes thus accustomed to be treated
as divinities

Princess at 12 years was not mistress
of the whole alphabet

Rabble, always ready to insult genius,
virtue, and misfortune

Saw no other advantage in it than that
of saving her own life

She often carried her economy to a
degree of parsimony

Shocking to find so little a man in the
son of the Marechal

Shun all kinds of confidence

Simplicity of the Queen's toilet began
to be strongly censured

So many crimes perpetrated under that
name (liberty)

Spirit of party can degrade the
character of a nation

Subjecting the vanquished to be tried
by the conquerors

Taken pains only to render himself
beloved by his pupil

Tastes may change

That air of truth which always carries

The author (Beaumarchais) was sent to
prison soon afterwards

The Jesuits were suppressed

The three ministers, more ambitious
than amorous

The charge of extravagance

The emigrant party have their intrigues
and schemes

The King delighted to manage the most
disgraceful points

The anti-Austrian party, discontented
and vindictive

There is not one real patriot among all
this infamous horde

They say you live very poorly here,

Those muskets were immediately embarked
and sold to the Americans

Those who did it should not pretend to
wish to remedy it

To be formally mistress, a husband had
to be found

True nobility, gentlemen, consists in
giving proofs of it

Ventured to give such rash advice:

Was but one brilliant action that she
could perform

We must have obedience, and no

Well, this is royally ill played!

What do young women stand in need

When kings become prisoners they are
very near death

While the Queen was blamed, she was
blindly imitated

Whispered in his mother's ear, "Was
that right?"

"Would be a pity," she said, "to stop
when so fairly on the road"

Young Prince suffered from the rickets

Your swords have rusted in their

If you wish to read the entire context of any of these quotations, select a short segment and copy it into your clipboard memory—then open the following eBook and paste the phrase into your computer's find or search operation.

Marie Antoinette by Madam Campan

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Marie Antoinette on the way to the Guillotine



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