| PLATE NO. | View of the City and the Bridge south of the Guadalquivir, | 1 | The Bridge, | 2 | View of Mosque and Bridge, | 3 | The Iron Mill on the Guadalquivir, | 4 | Promenade of ‘Grand Capitaine,’ | 5 | Market Street, or Calle de la Feria, | 6 | Plaza del Triunfo and exterior of the Mosque, | 7 | Entrance Gate of the City, the Column of Triumph, and the Mosque from the Bridge, | 8 | The Column of Triumph, | 9 | Ancient Arab Tower, now the Church of St. Nicholas de la Villa, | 10 | The Tower of San Nicolas, | 11 | Tower of the Cathedral and Patio de Los Naranjos, | 12 | View of the Patio de Los Naranjos, | 13 | The Tower of the Cathedral, | 14 | Entrance to the City from the Bridge, | 15 | Public Fountain in the Patio de Los Naranjos, | 16 | Women at the Spring, | 17 | Well in the Patio de Los Naranjos, | 18 | Peasant with his Donkey, | 19 | A Water-Carrier, | 20 | The Poor Man’s Meal, | 21 | Muleteers, | 22 | A Gardener, | 23 | Girl with a Guitar, | 24 | A Room in the Provincial Museum: View of the Roman and Visigoth Section, | 25 | A Room in the Provincial Museum: View of the Arab Section, | 26 | Door of the House of the Innocents, | 27 | The Door of Don JerÓnimo PÁez, | 28 | The Mosque. Kufic Inscription in the Palace, | 103 | Many of the photographs included in this volume, other than those taken by myself, were supplied by Messrs. Rafael Garzon of Granada, Senan and Gonzalez of Granada, Hauser and Menet of Madrid, Ernst Wasmuth of Berlin, publisher of Uhde’s Baudenkmaeler in Spanien und Portugal, and Eugen Twietmeyer of Leipzig, publisher of JunghÄndel’s Die Baukunst Spaniens, and I take this opportunity of acknowledging their kind permission to reproduce them in this volume. A. F. C.
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