NOTE.—As the small Roman Numerals in this Index denote both the Volumes and the Pages of the Introductions, those who consult it may observe, that when the Introductory Pages are referred to, the Reference to the Volume is in large or Roman Capitals:—For Example, I, xx, refer to the first Volume, and to Page 20 of the Introduction to the same Volume; II, xxii, refer to Volume second, and Page 22 of that Volume.
7-h/52027-h.htm#Page_56" class="pgexternal">56; on the Power of the Devil, 58; complains of Mr. M.'s bad Faith, 60; not appeared against at Court, ib.; another Letter to C. M., 70-74; the Case of Rule further examined, 72, &c.; another Letter to C. M., 79-85; his Endeavors to clear the Accused, 78; expects Enemies, 84; will do his Duty, 85; Letter to Mr. B., 85-92; Letter to the Ministers, 92-102; charges C. M. with being a Cause of the Witch Troubles, 92; his Answer, 93; his More Wonders denounced, 96; Letter to S. Willard, 102-105; another to C. M., 113; describes the Perils to an Opposer of Witchcraft, 122; Letter to the Ministers, 124-34; rebukes the Ministers, 132-3; Letter to Wadsworth, 134-40; Exposure of C. M.'s bad Logic, 136; Answer to Stuart, 186-198; on Angels, 187; accused of Blasphemy, 202; another in Answer to Stuart, 207-212; Strictures on I. Mather's Agency, iii, 18 or 19. Camerarius, living Library, ii, 6. Carlton, William, II, vii. Carrier, Martha, Indictment and Trial of, 194, iii, 113-121; horribly tortures poor People, 115; her Children swear against her, ib.; causes Sores, 116; pulls one by his Hair, 117; kills Cattle, 118; shakes Phebe Chandler, 119; makes Noises in the Air, ib.; seen at Witch-meetings, 120; goes through the Air on a Pole, ib.; at a diabolical Sacrament, ib.; a rampant Hag, 121; to be Queen of Hell, ib. Carrier, Richard, 197, 199, iii, 117; afflicts one, 118. Carrier, Thomas, 194. Cary, Mrs., accused, iii, 11; sent to Prison, 20; Barbarity towards, 20-25; escapes to New York, ib. Cary, Jonathan, [Nathaniel,] iii, 25. Cat-rope, described, ii, 7. Chamberlain, Edward, I, lxxvi. Chandler, Bridget, swears against Mrs. Carrier, iii, 119. Chandler, Phebe, 198; shaken by a Witch, iii, 118; her Legs seized on, 119. Chandler, Susan, 142. Chandler, Thomas, Evidence, iii, 126. Chapman, Simon, and Wife, iii, 107. Charity, recommended, 28. Charles, Second, iii, 143. Charlestown, Witchcraft Trials at, iii, 126. Charms, by whom practiced, ii, 28. Chase, G. W., History of Haverhill, iii, 128, 196-7. Checkley, Samuel, ii, 151. Cheever, Ezekiel, Scribe, iii, 31.
s/50204/50204-h/50204-h.htm#Page_171" class="pgexternal">171; one in a Meeting-house, 174; performs Baptisms at Newbury Falls, 194; carries some to a Witch-meeting on a Pole, 199; appoints a Queen of Hell, 200; apishly affects divine Things, 201; his Proceedings among the Swedes, 216; discovered by the Author, 217; his Power, 218; Dog of Hell, 219; Serpent upon a Rock, 220; tempts with Friendship, 224; a speckled Snake when he tempted Eve, 225; shoots cruel Bombs, 227; would burn all the Bibles, 229; a Throng of in the Author's Meeting-house, 230; he rocks Persons to sleep there, 231; hurried Jesus to the Top of the Temple, 232; prevents Witches from uttering all the Lord's Prayer, ib.; a Nimrod, 233; can attack with Thunder and Lightning; raise Storms, ib.; a Goliah; dogs Ministers, bad at quoting Scripture, 234; quotes it for our Terror, 235; plays the Preacher, 236; consulting Astrologers is going to the Devil, 238; a Mountebank, 241; to worship him is Witchcraft, 243; with lengthened Chains, ii, 4; commissioned by Witches questioned, 7; further discussed, ib., 8; his Power to create Strength? 9; origin of the Belief in such a Character, 11; a damnable Doctrine, 12; appears to an Indian, 25; prodigious Descent of, 26; his Size, Complexion and Voice, 29-30; his Power, 41; very uncertain, 42; "horrendous Operations," 46; got a Scourge for his Back, 47; not commissioned by a Witch, 58; denied, 76; can work Miracles, 74; his Bounds set, 76; causes Plagues, 79; does not know every Language, 80; his Testimony not to be regarded, 82; the oldest Sinner, 90; more about his Powers, 94-5; vast Numbers of, ib.; a Free-willer, 118; commissioned by Contract, 128; only commissioned by God, 130-1; no Father of Bastards, 196; an independent Power, 201; resembles an Indian, iii, 70; described, 85; flies over an Apple-tree, 86; Depredation in a Meeting-house, 89; performs Baptism, 112; his Manner of Baptising, 113; vanquished by Sir W. Phips, 158; commissioned by Witches, 162; meets with Astonishment, 209. Douglass, William, I, lxix, lxx, iii, 125, 159. Downer, Robert, Witness against Mrs. Martin, 180; tormented by her in the Shape of a Cat, iii, 105; his Rails bewitched, 112. Laplanders, Witchcraft among, 22, 108. Lawrence, Robert, of Casco, iii, 64. Laws, against Witchcraft, remark on, iii, 125; repealed, ib. Lawson, Dedot, his History, I, iv, vii, 156, 186; endorses the Story of the Iron Spindle, 205; defends the Proceedings against Witchcraft, ii, 154-5; at Salem, iii, 7, 12; on Mr. Burroughs, 39; his Wife and Children killed, 64; Chaplain to Andros's Expedition, ib.; more about the Murder of his Family, 68; on the Devil's Baptism, 113. Le Clerc, [Jean,] cited, ii, 212. Legion, definition of, 56; of Devils, 218, ii, 95. Leverett, John, Gov., ii, 108. Lewis, Mary, [Mercy,] iii, 26, 75. Lewis, Mercy, iii, 8; sees a Man in White, 13; Witness against Mr. Burroughs, 62, 64; against Mrs. Bishop, 75; against Philip English, 126; against Giles Cory, 170; Account of, 204; why she accused Mr. Burroughs, 210. Leyton, [Thomas,] Mr., of Lynn, iii, 185. Loader, [Louder?] John, Evidence against Mrs. Bishop, iii, 76. Locker, George, Constable, iii, 187. Lothrop, Barnabas, Counsellor, 26. Louder, John, 170; sees the Devil, 171; sees a Black Pig, iii, 85. Louis, Fourteenth, 93. Lynd, Joseph, Counsellor, 26. MANCHESTER, a Spectre worsted there, 206. Maniche, an Arabian God, ii, 125, 128. Manning, Jacob, Dep. Marshal, arrests Mr. English, iii, 181. Marshall, John, II, xxviii. Martin, George, iii, 97. Martin, Susanna, Trial of, 175; Execution, iii, 33; Indictment against, 89-103; cast into a very singular Confusion, 100; appears to John Pressy, 101. Martyr, Justin, ii, 10. Mary, Queen of William Third, 92; Death of, iii, 131. Mascon, the Devil of, 59, 70. Mason, Stephen, Counsellor, 26. Mather, Cotton, why charged with an undue Share of the Persections, I, iii, lxxiv, lxxxv; his Faith in Witchcraft, v; his unfortunate Book, xxxiv; Memoirs of, 45. Parris, Elizabeth, iii, 8, 209. Parris, Noyes, iii, 221. Parris, Samuel, Protest against, ii, 141-3; long and humble Acknowledgment, 143-8; Ministers and Elders of the Churches recommend his Acknowledgment be accepted, 149-51; further Protest against, 152-3; the Elders' Plea for, 155-6; accused of swearing falsely, 158; his Account of the Beginning of the Troubles, iii, 3-4; swears against Rebecca Nurse, 11; preaches, 14; appointed Scribe at the Examinations, 15; Examinations at his House, 22; swears against Mrs. Bishop, 75; Scribe at How's Trial, 105; at other Times, 127; at Cory's Examination, 173; Account of, 198-222; Family of, 203-4, 209; not an Enemy to Mr. Burroughs, 210; not a swift Witness, ib.; how his Name comes to be frequent in the Trials, 211; cleared by a Council, 217; but dismissed, 218; Epitaph on his Wife, 221; his Death, ib. Parris, Samuel, Deacon, iii, 221. Parris, Thomas, iii, 198, 222. Payne, Robert, Juror, iii, 127, 185. Payson, Edward, ii, 151; pleads for Mrs. How, iii, 106. Peabody, John, Apology of, iii, 135. Peach, Bernard, a Witness against Mrs. Martin, 178-9; bites a Witch, iii, 94, 95. Peasley, Joseph, Constable, iii, 196. Pemberton, Ebenezer, ii, 15. Pennington, Thomas, I, ix. Perd, Margaret, ii, 50, 51; smells Brimstone, 53. Perkins, Thomas, Apology of, iii, 135. Perkins, William, defines Witchcraft, I, xiii; his Rules questioned, xxxiii; Notice of, 37; his Doctrine of Witchcraft, ii, 12; Mr. Calef on, 56, iii, 165. Perley, John, 193-4; Fence Rails bewitched by, iii, 111; Apology of, 135; Samuel and Wife, 105, 106. Perley, Timothy, Witness, 192. Pharaoh, Old, accused of Witchcraft, iii, 126-7. Philistines of Hell, 27. Phillips, Edward, I, xi; John, 26; Samuel, ii, 151; Evidence for Mrs. How, iii, 106. Phips, William, arrives, 25, iii, 18; orders Irons for the Accused, 131. Williams, Abigail, ii, 156, 158, iii, 7, 8, 9; at the Devil's Sacrament, 13; cries out on Capt. Alden, 26; of Mrs. Bishop, 75; Mr. Cory, 170, 179; Account of, 204; one of the Originators of the Witchcraft Delusion, 209. Williams, Daniel, on Margaret Rule, ii, 69. Williams, Nathaniel, a Committee on Salem Affairs, ii, 151. Williams, Thomas, opposes Mr. Parris, iii, 212. Wilson, John, of Boston, 7. Wilson, Sarah, accused, iii, 57. Winchell, David, Sergent, iii, 219. Winsor, Hannah, iii, 26. Winthrop, Adam, Counsellor, 26. Winthrop, Wait, 26, ii, 157, iii, 30; Judge, 125, 221. Witchcraft, Cause of its Decline, I, iv; Works upon, v-x; Definitions of, xi-xvi; taught in the Bible, xvi; how People's Eyes were opened, xvii; how carried on, xxii; Practiced through Images or Pictures, ib.; Laws respecting, xxiv-v; the Bible upon, xvi, xxvii; Ideas respecting, xxviii; opposed only by Infidels, xxix; Origin of, xxxi; the Question which stayed its Progress, xxxii; Works upon, xxxiv-viii; Law against, xxxix, xliii; not Spiritualism, lx; at the present Day, lxxv; came near blowing up all the Churches, 17; Storms of, 20; thorny Business, 29; will not be shammed, 34; disposed of, 42; in Lapland, 68-9; flourishes where are no Churches, 130-1; to worship the Devil, 243; a Relict of Heathen Learning, ii, 11; a principal ecclesiastical Engine, 12; further defined, 56-7; how Prosecutions were eventually checked, 110-11; sensible and evident, 105; Laws made against, iii, 124; repealed in England, 125; a Hobgoblin Monster, 137. Witchteats, for the Devil to suck, ii, 57, 100; a horrid Barbarity to search for, 132; Excrescences, iii, 124. Witches, how made, I, xv; Nature of their Covenant with the Devil, xxiii; the Devil a Slave to, xix; exist by God's Permission, xx; how to detect, FINIS. |