Variable spelling and hyphenation have been retained. Minor punctuation inconsistencies have been silently repaired. Footnotes were renumbered and placed at the end of each section. The Index was copied from the third volume. The entry Tockinosh, John, ii, 23. does not correspond to the text. Corrections. The first line indicates the original, the second the correction. p. 80: - with a Cnmmission from some of Mankind
- with a Commission from some of Mankind
p. 116: - Witchcraft, because the Emher
- Witchcraft, because the Ember
p. 125: - it is to ee hoped that
- it is to be hoped that
p. 193: - reckons up Withcraft among the Works
- reckons up Witchcraft among the Works
Footnote 72: - about A.D. 277, and his Docrine
- about A.D. 277, and his Doctrine
Footnote 78: - of the Hononrable Persons
- of the Honorable Persons
Footnote 89: - The others will be noticed onward, in the Account o the Trials.
- The others will be noticed onward, in the Account of the Trials.
Footnote 97: - The same Gentleman mentioned in Note 86, Page 64.
- The same Gentleman mentioned in Note 86, Page 157.
Errata. The first line indicates the original, the second how it should read. p. 25: - threatning bittterly to kill
- threatning bitterly to kill
p. 32: - which the Old Serpent made where he did his first Adddress
- which the Old Serpent made where he did his first Address
p. 103: - on so flight
- on so slight
p. 141: - found no redress in this matter, accountea ourselves
- found no redress in this matter, accounted ourselves
p. 193: - it were very improper to place it with Drunkennness
- it were very improper to place it with Drunkenness