NOTE.—As the small Roman Numerals in this Index denote both the Volumes and the Pages of the Introductions, those who consult it may observe, that when the Introductory Pages are referred to, the Reference to the Volume is in large or Roman Capitals:—For Example, I, xx, refer to the first Volume, and to Page 20 of the Introduction to the same Volume; II, xxii, refer to Volume second, and Page 22 of that Volume.
tml@files@52027@52027-h@52027-h-15.htm.html#Page_116" class="pginternal">116. Enchantments encountered, 9-48. Endicott, Zerobbabel, 210. English, Mary, committed, iii, 16; escapes, 50, 79; Testimony against, 126-7. English, Philip, indicted, iii, 16; escapes from Prison, 50; Account of, 177; an Episcopalian, 178; dies, 181. Ethnics, Gentiles, ii, 119, iii, 164. Evelith, Joseph, Apology of, iii, 135. FALKNER, condemned to Death, iii, 45. Familiar Spirit, who hath it, iii, 166. Farnam, John, iii, 126. Farnum, [Varnum?] Ralph, 195. Farrare, Thomas, iii, 185. Fast, appointed in Reference to Witchcraft, iii, 132. Felt, Joseph B., cited, ii, 109, iii, 20, 181. Filmer, Robert, Sir, on Witchcraft, I, xvii-xx, xxv. Firmin, Giles, 13. Fisk, Thomas, Apology of, iii, 36, 135. Fisk, William, iii, 135. Fletcher, Benjamin, Gov., iii, 25; his Kindness to Fugitives from Witchcraft Prosecutions, 180. Flint, Thomas, a Searcher for Witchteats, iii, 39. Flood, a great one in the Connecticut, 29. Fogg, John S. H., ii, 75. Fools, made able Fortune-tellers, iii, 142. Foster, Ann, executed, iii, 45; her Confession, 119-20; Remark upon, 208. Foster, Ephraim, Evidence in Wardwell's Case, iii, 126. Foster, Hannah, confesses being carried on a Pole to a Witch-meeting, 199. Foster, Jacob, iii, 107. Foster, John, first Printer in Boston, 26. Fowler, Joseph, iii, 8. Fowler, Samuel P., ii, 6; his Life of Parris, iii, 198. Foy, [John?] Captain, 137. Franckius, [Peter?] I, lxxvi. Franklin, Benjamin, I, lxxvi-vii. Freemen, and Non-freemen, iii, 143. Fuller, Goodman, is killed by Witchcraft, iii, 64. Fuller, [Jacob?] a Doctor, decides a Case of Hysterics to be Witchcraft, iii, 100. Fuller, John, iii, 11. Fuller, Thomas, D. D., I, lxxvi-vii, II, 196. Fuller, Thomas, iii, 199. GALLOWS-HILL, where reputed Witches were executed, iii, 45. Gallows-Tree, iii, 177. Gaul, John, on Detection of Witches, 42-4; his Rules observed, 153; Remarks upon, ii, 12; Calef on, 56, 70, 178, 197; Mather on, iii, 64. Gedney, Bartholomew, I, vii, 26; Judge, iii, 26; Conduct at Capt. Alden's Trial, 28, 30, 172. Gee, Joshua, I, xcvi. Germany, the Devil on a Chimney there, 116, 117; Witchcraft in, ii, 197. Ghosts of murdered People appear, 155, 156-7, 209, iii, 106. Gibbs, Barnabas, II, xxv. Gidney, Bartholomew.—See Gedney. Gill, Obadiah, II, xxi; William, a Searcher for Witchteats, iii, 39. Glanville, Joseph, describes Unbelievers in Witchcraft, I, lxi. Glover, Goody, executed, iii, 153. Goblin, one described, iii, 85-6.—See Hobgoblin. God, swears in loud Thunders at the Devil, 73; more abandons the World than formerly, 75; bids the Devil make all miserable, 76; permits the Devil to come upon us, 107; has the Devil in a Chain, 110; his Wrath sets on the Devil, 118; would have subdued the Devil if called upon, 120; swears in Wrath, 125; clucks to us, 130; a Dog of Hell barking at him, 219; the Devil superior to, ii, 9; whether he commissions the Devil, 70; the Mother of, 82; leaves the Devil at free-will, 118; commissions the Devil, 130-1. Godfrey, John, iii, 52. Gold, Sam., at Mrs. Bishop's Trial, iii, 78; at Giles Cory's, 170. Good, Sarah, accused of being a Witch, iii, 6, 7; her Child also, 11; Chains for, 20; executed, 33; Horrors attending, 34, 187. Good, William, iii, 7. Goodall, Goodwife, iii, 8. Goodwin, John, Children bewitched, I, lxxxviii; testifies to a Miracle, II, xxi; Baxter on the Story, 45; farther Note on, iii, 153. Gould, William, II, xxiii. Gowans, William, I, xciii. Gray, Samuel, swears against Mrs. Bishop, 166, iii, 31. Green Lane, iii, 115. Green, Mary, imprisoned and escapes, iii, 53. Green, Thomas, II, xxv. Greenslett, John, iii, 64. Greenslett, Thomas, swears against Mr. Burroughs, iii, 64. Griggs, Dr., iii, 8, 190, 205-6. HADLEY, Deborah, iii, 107. Hale, John, prays at Witch Trials, iii, 10; attends Examinations, 22; his Wife accused, 48; on Mr. Parris's Conduct, 207. Hall, Bishop, on the Devil's Prevalency, 112; on Astrology and Magic, 124. Hanvoord, Goodman, iii, 11. Happy Family, Origin of, 29. Hardy, Thomas, his Snare of Devilism, iii, 102. Harris, Benjamin, I, vii, II, 55. Harrod, John, iii, 11. Hathorne, John, I, vii, 26, iii, 6, 9, 15; Inhumanity of, 23; Examinant of Giles Cory, 169; of Tituba, 187; of Mary Clark, 195. Hathorne, Susanna, iii, 195. Haverhill, Witchcraft in, iii, 128, 195, 197. Hell, Toyls of, 19; Belial of, 22; Mad Dogs of, 27; Philistines of, 27; Mastives of, 64; lowest Depths of, 77; hellish Rattlesnakes, 80; wild Beasts of, 86; Ty-dogs of, 108; Adders of, 118; a little Portraiture of, 131; a Queen appointed for, 200; the Pilate of, ii, 27; Lions and Bears of, 43; lively Demonstrations of, 47; Covenant with, 136; great Officers of, iii, 113. Hemmingius, Nicholas, 204. Herrick, George, ii, 109; Marshal, iii, 11, 17; testifies against Giles Cory, 172. Herrick, Henry, iii, 135. Heyman, Samuel, 26. Hiacoomes, a Christian Indian, ii, 12; Mr. Calef on, 56, iii, 165. Perley, John, 193-4; Fence Rails bewitched by, iii, 111; Apology of, 135; Samuel and Wife, 105, 106. Perley, Timothy, Witness, 192. Pharaoh, Old, accused of Witchcraft, iii, 126-7. Philistines of Hell, 27. Phillips, Edward, I, xi; John, 26; Samuel, ii, 151; Evidence for Mrs. How, iii, 106. Phips, William, arrives, 25, iii, 18; orders Irons for the Accused, 20; orders the Trials for Witchcraft published, 58; called Home, 130; how became Governor, 137; finished his Life and Government together, ib.; a Pizarro, 138; harsh Temper, 141; had his Fortune told, 154; vanquishes the Devil, 158; his Relatives accused, 159. Pike, Robert, 26, iii, 103. Pithagoras, Doctrine of, ii, 118. Pitman, Thomas, 206. Pizarro, Sir W. Phips compared to, iii, 138. Plagues, caused by the Devil, ii, 79. Plastic Spirit of Witches, 204, ii, 88; a Nonentity hooked in, 90; Mischief to the Devil, 96. Plynyism, what it is, 204. Pope, Joseph, and Wife, iii, 8, 203. Popery, revived Paganism, 52. Poppets, used by Spectres, ii, 40, iii, 82; some found and described, 88; Remark upon, 124. Porter, Benjamin, iii, 11. Post, Mary, Evidence against Mary Clark, iii, 197. Prayers, the great Artillery of Heaven, 132; a Whip for the Devil's Back, ib. Prescot, Peter, Dr., 196, iii, 116. Pressy, John, Witness against Martin, 184; sees a great Light, iii, 100; his Heels are struck up, 101; Loss of Cows, ib. Preston, Samuel, 198; his Cow bewitched, iii, 118. Preston, Thomas, iii, 203. Prince, Thomas, I, xc, xci, xcv. Printing, not sooner discovered owing to the Devil, 66. Procter, Elizabeth, iii, 7; John, ib.; Mrs., cried out on, 15; John, executed, 38; Barbarity to his Family, 40; his Letter to Ministers, 40-2; his Course to prevent Witchcraft, 204. Procter, William, made to confess by Torture, iii, 41. Prodigies, in N. England, not a tenth Part related, iii, 161. Pudeater, Ann, sentenced to be executed, iii, 44. Pulsifer, David, 13, II, vii, III, 169. Putnam, Ann, iii, 7, 8, 9; Witness against Mrs. Nurse, 11; against Mr. Burroughs, 39, 62, 63; against Mrs. Bishop, 75; against Giles Cory, 170; against Mary Clark, 197; why she became an Accuser, 210. Putnam, Edward, ii, 143, iii, 7. Putnam, John, Witness against Mrs. Nurse, iii, 11; Mrs. Dastin, 128; of Parris's Society, 198. Putnam, Joseph, ii, 159. Putnam, Thomas, iii, 7; swears against Mrs. Nurse, 11; Mrs. Bishop, 75; Mrs. Daston, 128. QUINCY, Josiah, on "Certain Proposals," ii, 106; one-sided and dogmatical, iii, 19; on I. Mather's Diary, 136. RAVEN, Story of one speaking, 33. Rawson, Edward, iii, 16, 52, 197. Rea, Joshua, iii, 198. Redd, Willmet, condemned to die, iii, 45. Reed, Richard, iii, 184. Rice, Nicholas, iii, 29. Rice, Sarah, sent to Prison, iii, 29. Richards, John, 26, iii, 30; Judge, 125, 128. Ring, Jervis, 185; suffers from Nightmare, iii, 103. Ring, Joseph, 186; carried about by Demons, iii, 102; in a Snare of Devilism, ib.; hurried through the Air, ib.; taken to Hellish Meetings, 102-3. Ring, Robert, an Error, 186. Robie, William, II, xxi. Robinson, George, II, xxvii. Roggers, John, Witnesses against Martha Carrier, 197; of Billerica, iii, 118; killed by Indians, ib. Ross, Alexander, Hudibras on, ii, 126. Ruck, John, Foreman of Jury, 161, iii, 35, 72-3. Russell, James, 26, iii, 15. Rule, Margaret, Story of, ii, 21; seized by evil Angels, 26; fell into odd Fits, 28; assaulted by eight cruel Spectres, ib.; bring her a red Book to sign, 29; her Tortures described, 30; fasts nine Days, 31; stuck full of Pins, 32; Liquor poured down her Throat "as of scalding Brimstone," 33; her Hurts soon cured, 34; taken up to the Ceiling and held there, 35; her Minister interferes, 38; gets the better of the Devil, 40; visited by Mr. Calef, 49; his Report of her Case, 49-54; a Sweetheart in it, 51-2; Aves's Testimony concerning, 68; others, 69-70. Rum, used in a Case of Witchcraft, ii, 51. SABBATH, begins at Sunset, Saturday, 223. Sadducees, unbelievers in Witchcraft, 32; Baxter on, ii, 45; Mischievous, 46; Witlings, 60, |