NOTE.—As the small Roman Numerals in this Index denote both the Volumes and the Pages of the Introductions, those who consult it may observe, that when the Introductory Pages are referred to, the Reference to the Volume is in large or Roman Capitals:—For Example, I, xx, refer to the first Volume, and to Page 20 of the Introduction to the same Volume; II, xxii, refer to Volume second, and Page 22 of that Volume.
>65; prevents Discoveries and Inventions, 66; sends Plagues, and Pestilence, and Wars, 67; a Vulcan, 68; makes a horrible Tempest, 69; uses a hot Iron, 71; his Wrath increases, is Prince of this World, 72; God swears at, 73; his Time almost out, 74; God's Command to, 76; makes Earthquakes, 77; his present Quarters, 79; his World, 80; incredible Droves of, 81; nibbles at the Heels of Saints, 83; the World his Country, 85; his Time nearly out, 88-91; his eldest Son, 89; alarmed at the Settlement of N. England, 94; an Eyesore to, ib.; an antagonistic Force, 96; appears as a black Man, 102; his Law Book, 104; takes on the Likeness of harmless People, 106; permitted by God, 107; burning and sooty, 109; in God's Chain, 110; baptises, 111; administers the Sacrament, ib.; how influenced to come down, 114; the Way to out-wit him, ib.; we give Rest to, 115; Sparks of Hell Fire flashing from every Side of, 115; on a Chimney in Germany, 116; throwing Stones there, and other Mischief, 117; set on by the Wrath of God, 118; rattling of his Chains heard, 121; an Asp, 122; infernal Dragon, 124; flies about as a Bird, 130; Children dedicated to, 131; a Whip for his Back, 132; forced to fly by a Woman behind the Door, 133; a Prince, a God, 134; afflicts with Distempers, 148-9; a black Man, 159; described, 171; one in a Meeting-house, 174; performs Baptisms at Newbury Falls, 194; carries some to a Witch-meeting on a Pole, 199; appoints a Queen of Hell, 200; apishly affects divine Things, 201; his Proceedings among the Swedes, 216; discovered by the Author, 217; his Power, 218; Dog of Hell, 219; Serpent upon a Rock, 220; tempts with Friendship, 224; a speckled Snake when he tempted Eve, 225; shoots cruel Bombs, 227; would burn all the Bibles, 229; a Throng of in the Author's Meeting-house, 230; he rocks Persons to sleep there, 231; hurried Jesus to the Top of the Temple, 232; prevents Witches from uttering all the Lord's Prayer, ib.; a Nimrod, 233; can attack with Thunder and Lightning; raise Storms, ib.; a Goliah; dogs Ministers, bad at quoting Scripture, lii, liii. James Second, 10, 92, iii, 131; Knights Sir William Phips, 137, 143. Jennings, David, I, lxvii. Jesus, on the Top of the Temple, 232; on the Battlements, 233. Jewel, Bishop, [John,] I, xxxix. Jewett, Nehemiah, ii, 151. John, Indian, iii, 3; bewitched, 15; accuses E. Bishop, 17; his Wife Tituba, 22. Johnson, Eliza, iii, 126. Johnson, Samuel, defines Witchcraft, xiv. Jolliffe, John, Counsellor, 26. Judges, remarkably blind, 107; pitiable, 127; defer to Hale's Decisions, 141; their Reason departed, 174. Jurin, James, I, lxxvi. Jurors, some acknowledge their Errors, iii, 134-5. Justin, Martyr, ii, 10. KEELING, Judge, a wise Decision of, disregarded, 148. Kembal, John, Witness against Martin, 180; she bewitches his Cattle, iii, 96-7; sees a black Cloud, and runs upon Stumps, ib.; Puppies appear to him, 98. Keney, Henry, testifies against Mrs. Cory, iii, 7. Kersey, John, his Definition of Witchcraft, I, xii. Keys, used by Conjurors, iii, 142. Keysar, ——, Daughter distracted, iii, 16. Kimball.—See Kemble. King, D. P., owned the Site of Giles Cory's House, iii, 74. Knowlton, Joseph, and Wife, iii, 107. LACY, Lawrence, Wife bewitched, iii, 120. Lacy, Mary, 199; another, 200; Condemned and Executed, iii, 45; her Confession, 120. Lancashire Witches, 158. Lane, Francis, Witness, 193, iii, 105; his Rails bewitched, 112. Laplanders, Witchcraft among, 22, 108. Lawrence, Robert, of Casco, iii, 64. Laws, against Witchcraft, remark on, iii, 125; repealed, ib. Lawson, Dedot, his History, I, iv, vii, 156, 186; endorses the Story of the Iron Spindle, 205; defends the Proceedings against Witchcraft, ii, 154-5; at Salem, iii, 7, 12; on Mr. Burroughs, 39; his Wife and Children killed, 64; Chaplain to Andros's Expedition, ib.; more about the Murder of his Family, 68; on the Devil's Baptism, 113. Le Clerc, [Jean,] cited, ii, 212. Legion, definition of, 56; of Devils, 218, ii, 95. Leverett, John, Gov., ii, 108. Lewis, Mary, [Mercy,] iii, 26, 75. Lewis, Mercy, iii, 8; sees a Man in White, 13; Witness against Mr. Burroughs, 62, 64; against Mrs. Bishop, 75; against Philip English, 126; against Giles Cory, 170; Account of, 204; why she accused Mr. Burroughs, 210. Leyton, [Thomas,] Mr., of Lynn, iii, 185. Loader, [Louder?] John, Evidence against Mrs. Bishop, iii, 76. Locker, George, Constable, iii, 187. Lothrop, Barnabas, Counsellor, 26. Louder, John, 170; sees the Devil, 171; sees a Black Pig, iii, 85. Louis, Fourteenth, 93. Lynd, Joseph, Counsellor, 26. MANCHESTER, a Spectre worsted there, 206. Maniche, an Arabian God, ii, 125, 128. Manning, Jacob, Dep. Marshal, arrests Mr. English, iii, 181. Marshall, John, II, xxviii. Martin, George, iii, 97. Martin, Susanna, Trial of, 175; Execution, iii, 33; Indictment against, 89-103; cast into a very singular Confusion, 100; appears to John Pressy, 101. Martyr, Justin, ii, 10. Mary, Queen of William Third, 92; Death of, iii, 131. Mascon, the Devil of, 59, 70. Mason, Stephen, Counsellor, 26. Mather, Cotton, why charged with an undue Share of the Persections, I, iii, lxxiv, lxxxv; his Faith in Witchcraft, v; his unfortunate Book, xxxiv; Memoirs of, lxv-xcviii
m.html#Page_202" class="pginternal">202-3; by applying the Plastic Spirit, render themselves and Tools invisible, 204; Cause of Suicides, 207; nineteen executed, 217; can't say the Lord's Prayer, 232; their Power to commission Devils Questioned, ii, 7; Scriptures do not describe it, ib., 8; commission Devils? 76; drive a Trade of commissioning, 80-1; let fly Demons, 81; turn into Cats, Dogs, and Cattle, 127; a Witch not known to Reason, 138; can commission Devils, 139; of Lancashire, reference to, iii, 69; steal Liquor, 110; some goe on a Pole to a Witch-meeting, 120. Witch-Circles, held by young Girls, iii, 208; Origin of the Salem Troubles, ib., 209-10. Witch-Hill, where the Execution of those accused of Witchcraft were executed, iii, 45. Wizard, a Witch, I, xii, xxxviii; reveals the Witch by the Devil's Help, 40; the Soul that goeth a whoring after, ii, 154. Wood, Martha, Witness, 192, iii, 110. Woodbury, Abigail, iii, 79. Woodward, John, I, lxxvi. Woodward, W. E., I, viii, x-xvi. Wolcott.—See Walcutt. Wool, Pall of, as Snow, I, lxxiii. Wyllys, Edward, II, xii.