away to the May-pole Come Lasses and Lads, get leave of your Dads, Get leave of your Dads And away to the May-pole hey: A minstrel standing by For every he Has got him a she, with a minstrel standing by. Willy has gotten his Jill For Willy has gotten his Jill, | And Johnny has got his Jone, | To jigg it, jigg it, jigg it, jigg it, | Jigg it up and down. | Dancing Jigg it up "Strike up," says Watt; "Agreed," says Kate, | "And I prithee, Fiddler, play;" | "Content," says Hodge, and so says Madge, | For this is a Holiday! | Then every man did put his hat off to his lass, | And every girl did curchy, curchy, curchy on the grass. | Every girl did curchy, curchy "Begin," says Hall; "Ay, ay," says Mall, | "We'll lead up Packington's pound:" | "No, no," says Noll, and so says Doll, | "We'll first have Sellenger's round." | Then every man began to foot it round about, | And every girl did jet it, | Jet it, jet it in and out. | Every girl did jet it The Fiddler "You're out," says Dick; "Not I," says Nick. | "The Fiddler played it false;" | "'Tis true," says Hugh, and so says Sue, | And so says nimble Alice. | Play the tune again The Fiddler then began to play the tune again, | And every girl did trip it, | Trip it, trip it to the men. | They went to a bower Toasting Then after an hour, they went to a bower, | And played for ale and cakes, | And kisses too—until they were due the lasses held the stakes. | Ale and cakes Lasses held the stakes Take their kisses back The girls did then begin to quarrel with the men, | And bid them take their kisses back, and give them their own again, | And bid them take their kisses back and give them their own again. | Playing a game Played the whole day Now there they did stay the whole of the day, | And tired the Fiddler quite, | With singing and playing, without any paying, | From morning until night. | Singing and playing From morning til night They told the Fiddler then, they'd pay him for his play, | And each a 2-pence, 2-pence, 2-pence, gave him and went away. | Each gave a 2-pence "Good-night," says Harry; "Good-night," says Mary; | "Good-night," says Dolly to John; | "Good-night," says Sue, to her sweetheart Hugh, | "Good night," says everyone. | Good night, good night Some walked and some did run, Some loitered on the way, | And bound themselves, by kisses twelve, To meet the next Holiday, | And bound themselves, by kisses twelve, To meet the next Holiday. | Some loitered Tired and weary ENGRAVED AND PRINTED BY EDMUND EVANS, LTD., 154 CLERKENWELL ROAD, LONDON, E.C.1. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN |