THE STORY OF THE MANX KINGS THE STORY OF THE MANX KINGS Islanders—Our Island—The Name of our Island—Our History—King Orry—The Tynwald—The Lost Saga—The Manx Macbeth—The Manx Glo’ster—Scotch and English Dominion—The Stanley Dynasty—Iliam Dhoan—The Athol Dynasty—Smuggling and Wrecking—The Revestment—Home Rule—Orry’s Sons THE STORY OF THE MANX BISHOPS THE STORY OF THE MANX BISHOPS The Druids—Conversion to Christianity—The Early Bishops of Man—Bishops of the Welsh Dynasty—Bishops of the Norse Dynasty—Sodor and Man—The Early Bishops of the House of Stanley—Tithes in Kind—The Gambling Bishop—The Deemsters—The Bishopric Vacant—Bishop Wilson—Bishop Wilson’s Censures—The Great Corn Famine—The Bishop at Court—Stories of Bishop Wilson—Quarrels of Church and State—Some Old Ordeals—The Herring Fishery—The Fishermen’s Service—Some Old Laws—Katherine Kinrade—Bishop Wilson’s last Days—The Athol Bishops. THE STORY OF THE MANX PEOPLE THE STORY OF THE MANX PEOPLE The Manx Language—Manx Names—Manx imagination—Manx Proverbs—Manx Ballads—Manx Carols—Decay of the Manx Language—Manx Superstitions—Manx Stories—Manx “Characters”—Manx Characteristics—Manx Types—Literary Associations—Manx Progress—Conclusion THE LITTLE MANX NATION