How to Study Architecture |
Author of “How to Study Pictures,” “The Story of French Painting,” “The Story of Dutch Painting,” “The Story of Spanish Painting,” “Appreciations of the Drama,” “Art for Life’s Sake,” etc. AN ATTEMPT TO TRACE THE EVOLUTION OF ARCHITECTURE AS THE PRODUCT AND EXPRESSION OF SUCCESSIVE PHASES OF CIVILISATION
WITH ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY 1917 Copyright, 1917 By DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY, Inc. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author gratefully acknowledges the critical assistance given to him on certain points by Professor William H. Goodyear, W. Harmon Beers and William Warfield; and his indebtedness to Caroline Caffin for compiling the index and to Irving Heyl for several architectural drawings. For some of the illustrations he has put himself under obligations to the following publications, through the courtesy of the Librarian of the Metropolitan Museum of Art—“Histoire de l’Art,” by Perrot et Chipiez; “Assyrian Sculptures,” by Rev. Archibald Paterson; “Monuments Modernes de la Perse,” by Pascal Coste; “Ruins of the Palace of Diocletian at Spalato” by R. Adams, and “The Annual of the British School at Athens.” CONTENTS Book I INTRODUCTION | CHAPTER | PAGE | I | Preliminary Considerations | 3 | II | Primitive Structures | 13 | Book II PRE-CLASSIC PERIOD | I | Egyptian Civilisation | 25 | II | Egyptian Architecture | 38 | III | ChaldÆan, Assyrian and Babylonian Civilisation | 56 | IV | ChaldÆan, Assyrian and Babylonian Architecture | 65 | V | Persian Civilisation | 74 | VI | Persian Architecture | 80 | VII | Minoan or Ægean Civilisation | 88 | VIII | Minoan or Ægean Architecture | 95 | Book III CLASSIC PERIOD | I | Hellenic Civilisation | 105 | II | Hellenic Architecture | 116 | III | Roman Civilisation | 147 | IV | Roman Architecture | 163 | Book IV POST-CLASSIC PERIOD | I | Early Christian Civilisation | 187 | II | Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture | 193 | III | Muhammedan, also Called Saracenic Civilisation | 212 | IV | Muhammedan Architecture | 220 | V | Early MediÆval Civilisation | 232 | VI | Early MediÆval or Romanesque Architecture | 241 | Book V GOTHIC PERIOD | I | Later MediÆval Civilisation | 263 | II | Gothic Architecture | 270 | III | Gothic Architecture in France | 281 | IV | Gothic Architecture in England and Wales | 287 | V | Gothic Architecture in Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain | 301 | VI | Gothic Architecture in Italy | 310 | Book VI THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD | I | Renaissance Civilisation | 319 | II | Renaissance Architecture in Italy | 338 | III | Renaissance Architecture in Italy—Continued | 357 | IV | Renaissance Architecture in France | 375 | V | Renaissance Architecture in Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain | 391 | VI | Renaissance Architecture in England and American Colonial Architecture | 410 | Book VII POST-RENAISSANCE PERIOD | I | Classical and Gothic Revivals | 435 | II | The Modern Situation | 454 | Glossary: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Z | 479 | Index: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Z | 497 |
ILLUSTRATIONS | FACING PAGE | Stonehenge. Salisbury Plain, England | 12 | Section and Plan of Treasury of Atreus | 12 | Teocalli or “House of God,” at Guatusco | 12 | Section of Pyramid | 38 | Modelsof Mastabas | 38 | Types of Egyptian Columns | 38 | Temple-Tomb of Rameses II at Abou-Simbel | 38 | Plan of Ramesseum | 38 | Model of Hypostyle Hall at Karnak | 39 | Peripteral Sanctuary, at PhilÆ | 39 | Temple of Edfou. Entrance to Hypostyle Hall | 39 | Example of Carved Decoration | 39 | “Sargon’s Castle.” Conjectured Restoration | 66 | Part of “Lion Frieze” and “Frieze of Arches” | 66 | Details of Wall Decoration at Koyunjik | 67 | Tomb of Darius I, Persepolis | 80 | Palace of Darius I, Persepolis. Conjectured Restoration | 80 | Type of Persian Columns | 81 | Hall of One Hundred Columns, Persepolis. Conjectured Restoration | 81 | The Palaces of Persepolis. Conjectured Restoration | 81 | Wall Decoration in Palace of Cnossus | 94 | Lion Gateway at MycenÆ | 94 | Plan of Acropolis of Tiryns | 94 | Part of Staircase in Palace of Cnossus | 95 | Council Chamber, with Gypsum Throne, Palace of Cnossus | 95 | Some Temple Plans—Hellenic | 116 | Hellenic Orders (Columns and Entablatures) | 116 | Roman Orders (Columns and Entablatures) | 116 | Model of the Acropolis | 116 | Model of the Parthenon (restored) | 116 | The Parthenon | 117 | Temples at PÆstum | 117 | Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, Athens | 117 | Temple of Nike Apteros, Athens | 117 | Portico of the Caryatides, Erechtheion | 117 | Detail of Ornament—Hellenic | 117 | Statues in the Round of Persephone and Demeter from the East Pediment of the Parthenon | 117 | Figures in High Relief from Procession of Worshipers. Frieze of the Parthenon | 117 | Plan of House of Pansa, Pompeii | 117 | Plan of Theatre of Dramyssus | 117 | Roman Forum, Conjectured Restoration | 162 | Maison CarrÉe, NÎmes | 162 | Arch of Constantine | 162 | Pantheon, Rome | 162 | Section of the Pantheon | 162 | Colosseum, Rome | 162 | Section of Colosseum | 162 | Basilica of Constantine | 163 | Roman Vaulting; from Baths of Diocletian | 163 | Gothic Vaulting; from Salisbury Cathedral | 163 | Theatre of Orange, France. Conjectured Restoration | 163 | Plan of Theatre of Orange, France. Conjectured Restoration | 163 | Porta Aurea—Golden Gate—Palace of Diocletian | 163 | Pont-du-Gard, Aqueduct Near NÎmes | 163 | Peristyle and Court of the House of the Vettii | 163 | Wall Paintings in the House of the Vettii | 163 | S. Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna | 192 | S. Apollinare-in-Classe, Ravenna | 192 | Church of Kalb-Lauzeh, Syria | 193 | Church of Turmanin, Syria | 193 | Tomb of Galla Placidia | 202 | Interior of San Vitale, Ravenna | 202 | Diagram Showing Pendentives | 202 | Section of SS. Sergius and Bacchus, Constantinople | 202 | Section of S. Sophia, Constantinople | 202 | Diagram showing how a dome rests on eight piers enclosing an octagon, by niches or squinches | 202 | Exterior of S. Sophia, Constantinople | 203 | Interior of S. Sophia, Constantinople | 203 | Plan of S. Sophia, Constantinople | 203 | Plan of S. Mark’s, Venice | 203 | Exterior of St. Mark’s, Venice | 203 | Mosque of El Azhar, Cairo | 220 | Suleimaniyeh or Mosque of Suleiman | 220 | Arcades of the Mosque, now Cathedral, of Cordova | 220 | Court of the Lions, Alhambra, Spain | 220 | Palace of Ispahan, Persia. Conjectured Restoration of Pavilion of Mirrors and Gardens | 221 | College of Shah Hussein, Restoration; Ispahan, Persia | 221 | Mosque of Akbur, Futtehpore-Sikri, India | 221 | Taj Mahal, Agra, India | 221 | Pisa Cathedral, Campanile and Baptistry | 240 | Interior of Pisa Cathedral | 240 | S. Ambrogio, Milan | 240 | S. Michele, Pavia | 240 | The Certosa, or Church of the Carthusian Order, Pavia | 240 | Church of VÉzelay, France | 240 | Church of Abbaye-aux-Dames, Caen | 240 | Remains of the Church of Cluny Abbey | 240 | Church of the Apostles, Cologne | 241 | Doorway of Salamanca Cathedral | 241 | Anglo-Saxon Tower, Earl’s Barton, Northamptonshire | 241 | Iffley Church, near Oxford | 241 | S. John’s Chapel, Tower of London | 241 | Nave of Durham Cathedral | 241 | Peterborough Cathedral | 241 | English Romanesque Detail | 241 | Sculptured Details from Amiens Cathedral Doorway | 270 | Skeleton Structure, showing method of vaulting, by means of pointed arch, and concentration of thrusts and counter-thrusts |
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