The figures in italics refer to the notes only. Abbot, The, vi. 440 Abdalmalek, iii. 120 Abdera, vi. 171 Abderrahman, Hadgi, vi. 160 Abelard, v. 634 Abencerrages, the, a Moorish tribe, v. 558 Abenhamim, iv. 530 Aberdeen, "auld toun" of, v. 609; vi. 405 Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of, i. 305, 378, 454; ii. 170, 204; An Inquiry into the Principles of Beauty in Grecian Architecture, i. 336 Abernethy, John, vi. 412 Aboukir, battle of, ii. 459; vi. 14 Abruzzi, the, iv. 288 Abydos to Sestos, Byron's swim from, iii. 13 AcadÉmie des Inscriptions (Paris), v. 603 Acarnania, ii. 143 Achelous (Aspropotamo) river, ii. 143, 182 Acheron (Kalamas) river, ii. 131, 180-182 Acherusia, Palus, ii. 129, 179 Achilles, i. 175, 398; ii. 167, 462; iii. 180; v. 488, 526, 535; vi. 117; his tomb, vi. 204, 211 Achmet II., Sultan, iii. 454 Achmet III., Sultan, vi. 261 Acre, siege of, iii. 4; vi. 14 Acroceraunian mountains, ii. 303 Acropolis, Athens, ii. 100, 165; vi. 429 Actium, battle of, ii. 126, 128, 179; iii. II; vi. 269 Adagia Variorum, v. 396 Adams, John, a carrier of Southwell, vii. 1 Adams, John, of Pitcairn Island (Alexander Smith of the Bounty), v. 583, 588, 605, 625 Adams, Mr., iii. 45 Addison, Joseph, his relative Budgell, i. 449; Essay on Wit, i. 398; Reflections on Westminster Abbey, ii. 133; Cato, ii. 325; vi. 485; Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, ii. 384; on Tasso and the Venetians, ii. 467; quotes an Arabian tale in Spectator, iii. 98; his "faint praise," vi. 602; his publisher Tonson, vii. 57 Address intended to be recited at the Caledonian Meeting, iii. 415 Address spoken at the Opening of Drury Lane Theatre, iii. 51 Address to the Sun in Carthon, iii. 26 Adieu, The, written under the impression that the Author would soon die, i. 192, 232, 237; ii. 458; iii. 48 Adonis, iv. 115 Adramyttium, gulf of, ii. 200 Adrastus, ii. 519 Adrian's Address to his Soul when dying, i. 20 Adriatic, wedding the, ii. 335 Ægean Sea, i. 460; iii. 272 Ægina, i. 457; ii. 362 Ælian, Var. Hist., v. 50 Ælius, ii. 437 Æmilius Paulus, ii. 518 Æneas, i. 153, 156, 157 Æschylus, Prometheus Vinctus, i. 14, 430; ii. 132; iv. 48-50, 82, 94; v. 281, 554; Eumenides, v. 281, 296; Septum contra Thebas, v. 403; PersÆ, vi. 169 Æsopus, ii. 405 Æsyetes, iii. 180 Ætna, ii. 286 Ætolia, ii. 143 Africa, vi. 198 Afshar tribe, vi. 384 Agamemnon, vi. 15 Age of Bronze, The, ii. 92, 151, 239, 397; v. 332, 333, 364, 405, 495, 535-578, 606; Introduction to, v. 537 Age of Gold, vi. 284 Age of Waterloo, The, ii. 227 Agesilaus, king of Sparta, v. 619 Agg, John, ii. 213 Agilulf, Duke of Turin, ii. 489 Agincourt, battle of, ii. 459 Agis, king of Sparta, iv. 455 Aglietti, Dr. Francesco, ii. 324; iv. 456, 457 Agnadello, battle of, v. 498 Agostini, Leonard, ii. 490 Agrarian Laws, vi. 407 Agrippa, ii. 436; vi. 139 Aholibamah, v. 285 Ahriman (Angra Mainyu), the Spirit of Evil, iv. 112 Aisha, Lilla, vi. 160 Aitken, G. A., his edition of Swift's Journal of Stella, vi. 187 Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress at, v. 563 Ajax, ii. 99, 167; vi. 117, 204, 339 Akenside, iii. 452 Alamanni, Sat., iv. 459 Alaric, king of the Visigoths, i. 462; ii. 109, 172, 390, 512 Alban hill, the, ii. 455, 522 Albanese (or Arnaouts), the, ii. 169, 174 Albania, ii. 123, 173, 174 Albanian (or Arnaout) dialect, specimen of, ii. 183 Albanian war-dance, vi. 151 Albano, ii. 454 Albano, Francesco, vi. 502 Albany, Countess of, publishes Alfieri's Opere Inediti, v. 211 Albany, Duke of (Prince Leopold), iii. 157 Albion, its "chalky belt," vi. 419 Albricus Phil., De Imag. Deor., ii. 328 Albrizzi, Isabella Teotochi, Countess, Ritratti di Uomini lllustri, ii. 324; iv. 456, 457, 536, 570 Albrizzi Giuseppino, iv. 456, 457 Albuera, battle of, ii. xi, 51, 81 Alcantara, Martin de, ii. 81 Alcibiades, his beauty, and charm of his name, v. 485; vi. 547 Alcina, v. 573 Aid. Manut., De Reatina Urbe Agroque, ii. 384 Aldini, Professor, i. 308; vi. 50 Alemanni, the, ii. 298 Alesia (Alise in CÔte d'Or), siege of, iv. 331 Alexander the Great (Iskander), i. 467; ii. 123, 174, 509; iii. 180; v. 21, 24, 542, 565; vi. 226, 378, 562; and Mount Athos, vi. 479 Alexander I. of Russia, i. 468, 476, 489; v. 539, 551, 553, 563, 564; vii. 27, 39, 40 Alexander III., Pope, ii. 473 Alexander IV., Pope, iii. 369 Alexander, Grand-Duke, v. 564 Alexander, George, as "Ulric" in Werner, v. 324 Alexandra, Queen, MS. of The Two Foscari, v. 113 Alexandria (Ramassieh), battle of, ii. 108 Alexey, the Tzarovitch, vi. 417 Alexis I., ii. 202 Alfieri, Vittorio, ii. 324; iii. 503; iv. 325, 327; his pilgrimage to Petrarch's tomb, ii. 353; his grave in Santa Croce Church, ii. 369, 491; Autobiography, ii. 369; iv. 264; Mirra, iii. 150; iv. 367, 368; v. 5; sonnet on the tomb of Dante, iv. 244; Abele, v. 211 Algiers, vi. 56 Alhama, iv. 529-534 Ali Coumourgi, Cumourgi, or Cumurgi, iii. 442, 455 Ali Pasha, the original of Lambro in Don Juan, ii. 127, 129, 138-140, 146, 148, 174, 180; ii. 199, 205; iii. 145 189; vi. 195, 234; vii. 53 Alighieri, Alighiero (Dante's father), iv. 248 Alighieri, Beatrice (Dante's daughter), iv. 254 Alighieri, Pietro (Dante's son), iv. 254 Alison, History of Europe, v. 570, 575; vi. 374 All is Vanity, saith the Preacher, iii. 394 "Alia Hu!" concluding words of the Muezzinn's call, ii. 136; iii. 120, 481; Mussulman war-cry, vi. 332 Allacci, L., Drammaturgia, vi. xvi. Allegra, Byron's natural daughter, i. 208; v. 469; vi. 186, 297 Allen, Edward Heron, RubÁiyat of Omar Khayyam, iii. 109 Allen, Dr. John, i. 337 Allen, Richard, A Souvenir of Newstead Abbey, vi. 497 Allied Army occupy Paris, iii. 431 Allied Sovereigns, Congress at Verona of, v. 537-539; at Vienna, v. 562 Allingham, The Weathercock, i. 45 All's Well that Ends Well, vi. 506 Almachius, or Telemachus, an Eastern monk, ii. 520 Almack's, i. 476; vi. 431 Almanack de Gotha, vi. 417 Almas, Turkish dancing-girls, iii. 251 Almonacid, ii. 89 Alp, "the Adrian renegade," iii. 454 Alpheus river, ii. 182 Alphonso I. of Tuscany, ii. 354 Alphonso II. of Tuscany, ii. 355, 356 Alphonso III., ii. 356; iii. 299; iv. 139, 145 Alphonso X., king of Castile, TabulÆ AlphonsinÆ, iv. 523 Alpinula, Julia, ii. 256, 299 Alpinus, Julius, ii. 299 Alps, "the Palaces of Nature," ii. 254, 385; iv. 258 Alpuxarras, the, vi. 30 Al-Sirat's arch, iii. 109 Altada, a character in Sardanapalus, v. 12 Alterkirchen, battle of, ii. 296 Alvirt, L., Sardanapale TragÉdie ImitÉe de Lord Byron, v. 2 Alypius, prÆtor, ii. 520 Amasis, king of Egypt, ii. 519 Amaun, quarter or pardon, iii. 115 Amazons, v. 526 Amber, its perfume, iii. 181 Ambition, ii. 241, 398; v. 488; vi. 78, 392, 456 Ambracia, Gulf of, ii. 128; iii. 11 Ambrosius, Mediolanensis Episcopus, vi. 168 Ameer Khan, i. 468 Amenhotep III., v. 497 America, Byron's eulogy of, iv. 197, 198 American War of Independence, i. 500; ii. 82; iv. 511, 516; vi. 12, 508 Amiens Academy, ii. 6 Ammonians, the, iv. 259 Amnani, Lilla, vi. 160 AmpÈre, M.J.J., La GrÈce, Rome, et Dante, iv. 317 Amphion, i. 438 Amstel, A. van (Johannes Christiaan Neuman), iv. 5 Amulets, iii. 181 Amycus, king of the Bebryces, vi. 220 Anacreon, Odes, i. 82, 109, 147, 149, 228; ii. 139, 270; vi. 26, 171 Anacyndaraxes, Sardanapalus' father, v. 23, 24 Anah, v. 285 Analectic Magazine, iii. 377; iv. 198 Anatolia, plains of, vi. 211 Anaxarchus, the philosopher, v. 543 Anchialus, v. 23 Andernach, ii. 296 Anderson, British Poets, i. 198; ii. 236; iii. 129, 262, 405 Anderson, the actor, as "Jacopo Foscari," v. 114 Andreini, Giovanni Battista, Adam, a Sacred Drama, v. 218 Andrews, Miles Peter, Better Late than Never, i. 353 Andromache, v. 577 Andromachus, the senator, ii. 513 And wilt thou weep when I am low? i. 266 Anent, use of the word, vi. 440 Angas, G. F., Polynesia, v. 599-601 Angelo, Reminiscences, i. 322, 343 Angiolina, Dogaressa, iv. 367 Angiolini, Mdlle., i. 347, 348 Angling, "that solitary vice," vi. 513 Angora, battle of, iii. 312 Anhalt Zerbst, Prince of, vi. 388 Anholt, i. 488 Anio river, Falls of the, ii. 384, 523 Anlace, a dagger, ii. 57 Anne Boleyn, her remark on the scaffold, iii. 265 Anne, Empress of Russia, vi. 417 Annesley, hills of, i. 210 Annesley Park and Hall, iii. 311, 477; iv. 31, 32, 36, 37 Annual, The, i. 303 Annual Anthology, iv. 521 Annual Biography, v. 568; vi. 413 Annual Biography and Obituary, vi. 265 Annual Register, i. 495, 496; iii. 25; vii. 72 Annuitants, alleged longevity of, vi. 100 Another Simple Ballat, vii. 61 Anselm, Pope, i. 493 Anson, Lady, vi. 410 Anson, Sir W., Voyages, iv. 58; Memoirs of Augustus Henry, Third Duke of Grafton, iv. 510 Anster, Faust, iv. 85, 123; v. 493 Anstey, Christopher, New Bath Guide, i. 114; vi. 587 Answer to a Beautiful Poem, written by Montgomery, etc., i. 107 Answer to some Elegant Verses sent by a Friend to the Author, etc., i. 114 Answer to—— 's Professions of Affection, vii. 40 Anteros, iv. 105 Anthemocritus, the herald, ii. 431 Anthologia GrÆca, i. 490 Anthony (Antony), ii. 179, 492; v. 486; vi. 139 Anthony and Cleopatra, ii. 179 Anthony Pasquin (Williams), i. 304 Antigallican Monitor, iii. 535 Antigonus, v. 487 Anti-Jacobin, or Weekly Examiner, i. 304; iii. 304; vii. 49 Anti-Jacobin, Poetry of the, i. 315, 329, 368; ii. 7, 30; iv. 482, 483 Antilochus, ii. 99; iii. 180 Antimachus, i. 404 Antinomianism, i. 417 Antinous, ii. 167 Antipater, Coelius, Annales, ii. 378 Anti-Paros, island of, iii. 295 Antiquary, The, i. 413; iv. 524; v. 377 Antonina, Belisarius' wife, vi. 139 Antoninus Pius, ii. 440, 514 AÖus (Viosa, or Voioussa) river, ii. 182 Apelles, iv. 270 Apennines, the, ii. 385; iv. 253 Apicius, vi. 562 Apollo Belvidere, statue of, 446 Apollo BoËdromios, ii. 446 Apollodorus, ii. 273 Appian, ii. 179, 509 Appleton's Encyclopedia, vi. 349 Aquileia, iv. 386 Aquinas, St. Thomas, De Omnibus Rebus; De Quibusdam Aliis, ii. 163 Arabs, their hatred of the Turks, iii. 163 AraktchÈef, "the corporal of Gatchina," v. 564 Aranjuez, insurrection at, ii. 90 Ararat, Mount, v. 294 Arbaces, the Mede, v. 11, 13; Governor of Media, v. 12 Arcadia, ii. 189 Arcadius, vi. 8 Archangels, the, v. 286 Archenholtz, M. de, Picture of Italy, iv. 470 Archidamus, king of Sparta, v. 619 Archilochus, ii. 483 Archimedes, vi. 538 Archivio Veneto, iv. 457 Ardennes, forest of, ii. 232, 293 Ares, fountain of, ii. 189 Aretini, B. Accolti, Dialogus de PrÆstanti Virorum sui Ævi, iv. 309 Aretino, Lionardo (Leonardo Bruni), Le Vite di Dante, ii. 500; iv. 253, 275, 309; Istoria Fiorentina, iv. 287 ArgentiÈre, Mount, ii. 300 Argonauts, the, vii. 10 Argos, iii. 447 Argus, Ulysses' dog, ii. 30, vi. 149 Argyle Rooms, i. 348 Argyrocastro, ii. 174, 202 Arici, Cesare, La coltivazione degli Ulivi; Il Corallo; La Pastorizia, iv. 245 Arimanes, Arimanius, etc., king of the Spirits, iv. 86, 112 Ariosto, Lodovico, ii. 5, 65, 354; iv. 141, 239, 265, 480; v. 615; vi. xviii, 176, 210; Satira, ii. 309; iv. 149; "The Southern Scott," ii. 311; the gondoliers and, ii. 330, 468; Orlando Furioso, ii. 359; iii. 243; iv. 75, 266, 283; v. 573; his bust, ii. 360, 486; Titian's portrait of, iv. 162 Aristaenetus, ii. 199 Aristippus, vi. 139 Aristobulus, v. 24 Aristogeiton, ii. 228, 291 Aristomenes, iv. 566 Aristophanes, Clouds, v. 289 Aristotle, i. 398; ii. 196; iv. 253; v. 13, vi. 47, 73, 182 Armada, Spanish, ii. 459 Armida and Rinaldo, vi. 34 Arminius, ii. 293 Armstrong, John, laird of Gilnockie, ii. 25, 295 Armstrong, poet, iii. 330 Arnaout, or Albanian dialect, specimen of, ii. 183 Arnaouts (or Albanese), ii. 169, 174 Arnaud, ii. 502 Arno Miscellany, i. 358 Arno river, ii. 364; vi. 402 Arnold, Matthew, ii. 370; A Wish, iii. 39, Poetry of Byron chosen and arranged by, v. 205, 254; Motto to Poems, vi. 173; A Picture of Newstead, vi. 496 Arnold, Dr. Thomas, on Cain, v. 224 Arnulph, a Lombard, ii. 390 Arpenaz, Falls of, ii. 383 ArquÀ, ii. 312, 350; Petrarch's tomb at, ii. 482 Arragonians, the, v. 560 Arrian, v. 24; Alexand. Anabasis, v. 543 Arrowsmith, John, Tractica Sacra, vi. 380 Arsenalotti, the, iv. 356, 358 ArsÉniew, vi. 306, 332, 353 Arsenius, Archbishop of Monembasia, iii. 121, 122 Art of Happiness, Horace's, vi. 490 Arta, gulf of, ii. 142, 145 Artaxerxes Mnemon, v. 3, 4 Artemidorus, Oneirocritica, ii. 488 Artemis, temples of, i. 467; ii. 441 Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, i. 331, 334 Arundel, Lord, vi. 496 Arvad, island-city of, v. 4 As You Like It, ii. 293, 399, iv. 153; v. 153, vi. 466 Ascanius, i. 157 Ascham, Roger, Schoolmaster, iv. 153 Asdrubal, v. 606 Ashburton, Lord, iv. 513 Ashpitel, F.S.A., Arthur, vi. 497 Askalon, i. 2 Asma Sultana, vi. 261 Asmodeus, i. 56, iv. 516 Aspasia, v. 5 Asphaltites, lake, ii. 237, 294 Aspropotamo (Aehelous), river, iv. 143, 182 Assyrians, the, v. 4 Astarte, iv. 115 Astley, Mrs., vii. 59 Astley's Theatre, iv. 203; vii. 59 Astoreth, the Phoenician, iv. 115 Astrea, the goddess of justice, i. 111 Asturias, the, ii. 89; v. 558 Asurbanipal, king of Assyria, v. 4 Asuretiliani, king of Assyria, v. 4 Ataghan, long dagger, iii. 103 Atalantis, vi. 453, 454 Athanasian Creed, vi. 275 Atheista Fulminalo, the old Spanish play, vi. 4 AthenÆum, i. xiii; ii. 36, 216; iv. 32, 36, 513, v. 324 AthenÆus, DeipnosophistÆ, v. 11, 24, 103, 107 Athenian Society, the, i. 336 Athens, i. 376; its works of Art plundered, i. 454-474; ii. 187-204; besieged by the Venetians, ii. 165, et seq., treachery of the Greeks after capitulation of, v. 556 Athos, Mount, ii. 116; iii. 18; vi. 479 Atkinson, Miss, as "Josephine" in Werner, v. 324 Atlantic Monthly Magazine, v. 584; vii. 3 Atlas, Mount, ii. 386 Atreus, i. 144 "Attic Bee," vi. 585 Attica, ii. 129; vi. 429 Attila, the Hun, ii. 107, 298; iii. 306, iv. 386, 456; v. 158; vi. 321 Atuahalpa, king of Quito, ii. 81 Aubin, Commander Philip, sloop Betsy, vi. 98, 102 Aubrey, John, Miscellanies upon Various Subjects, iv. 524, Letters and Lives of Eminent Persons, vi. 571 Auchinleck, Lord, vii. 35 Auerstadt, battle of, v. 550 Augustini Cod., v. 118 Augustini Cronaca, v. 190 Augustinian monks, iv. 120 Augustinus de CremÂ, ii. 340, Confess., ii. 520 Augustus, ii. 128, 336, 408, 488, 509, 518; v. 542 Augustus, port of, vi. 179 Aulus CÆcina, ii. 299 Aulus Gellius, ii. 92; Noct. Attic., vi. 379 Aurelian, ii. 520 Aurelius, column of, ii. 410 Aurora Borealis, vi. 479 Austen, Sarah, translation of Ranke's Popes of Rome, v. 520; vi. 208 Austerlitz, battle of, i. 489, 495; ii. 342; v. 548; vi. 14, 351 Austria, and Italy, ii. 363; iv. 456, 458; loan to, v. 573 Austrians, restore St. Mark's Lions to Venice, ii. 336, defeated by Dumouriez at Jemappes, vi. 13, at battle of Leipsic, vii. 23 Ava, cava, or kava, a Tongan intoxicating drink, v. 600 Avalanches in Switzerland, ii. 385 Avarice, "a good old-gentlemanly vice," vi. 78 Aventicum (Avenches), ii. 256, 298 Avicenna, iv. 523 Avogadori di Commun (State advocates), iv. 346, 361, 399, 463, 465 Ayesha, Mahomet's favourite wife, vi. 139 Ayliffe, Parergon, v. 135 Ayscough, Samuel, iv. 153 AzÂzÊl, v. 291 Azrael, iii. 171 Azzo V. (d'Este), of Tuscany, ii. 354 B Baal, king of Tyre, v. 4, 18, 19, 36, 70, 95 Babbage, Charles, ii. 215 Babel, Tower of, vi. 235 Babylon, iii. 402-404; vi. 235, 236, 348 Bacchus, vi. 129 Bacci, O., Manuale della Letteratura Italiana, iv. 536 Bacon, Captain Anthony, ii. 11 Bacon, Friar (The Famous Historie of), his brazen head, vi. 78; discovers gunpowder, vi. 340 Bacon, Lady Charlotte Mary (nÉe Harley), "Ianthe," ii. xii, 11 Bacon, Lord, ii. 514; vi. 174, 548; Advancement of Learning, v. 228; Essays, v. 489; vi. 259; Nat. Hist., vi. 518 Bactria, v. 20 Badajoz, capture of, i. 496 Baden, Franz, v. 564 Baffin's Bay, vi. 51 Bagehot, Literary Studies, i. 303 "Bagpipe," "pibroch" used for, i. 133 Bailen, ii. 54 Bailli, Jean Sylvani, first Mayor of Paris, iv. 454 Baillie, Agnes, vi. 412 Baillie, Joanna, iv. 339; vi. 412; De Montfort, iv. 338 Baillie, Dr. Matthew, vi. 21, 412 BairÂm, the Moslem Easter, iii. 96 Baird, Sir David, ii. 80 Bajuzet, cage of, iii. 312 Baker, H. Barton, The London Stage, v. 324 Bakewell, T., The Moorland Bard, etc.; A Domestic Guide to Insanity, i. 361 Baldwin and Cradock, vii. 50 Balgownie, Brig o', vi. 405 Ballad. To the Tune of "Sally in our Alley," vii. 58 Ballantyne, i. 435, 436 Baltazhi-Mahomet, Grand-Vizier, v. 564 Bandelli, iii. 505 Banderillos, dart-throwers, ii. 67 Bandusia, fountain of, ii. 524 Bank tokens, i. 495 Bankes, William, i. xii, 84, 497; iv. 162, 279, 472 Banks, Sir Joseph, ii. 7; v. 582 Bannier, or Baner, Johan, Swedish general, v. 371 Barataria, pirates of, iii. 296 Barbarelli, Giorgio (Giorgione), iv. 162 Barbarigo, Doge Agostino, v. 195 Barbarigo, Doge Marco, v. 195 Barbarossa, Frederic, ii. 336, 390, 473 Barbette, vi. 305 Barbiera, R., Poesie Veneziane, iv. 457 Barbo, Pantaleone, iv. 352 Barclay, Captain Robert, i. 321 Bardela, ii. 523 Barings, the, vi. 456 Barker, Miss, Lines addressed to a Noble Lord, iii. 488 Barlow, Sir George, i. 468 Barnave, Antoine Pierre Joseph, vi. 13 Barnet, Lewis, Sub-Dean of Exeter, iii. 299 Baronius, Ann. Eccles., ii. 512, 513, 521 Barossa, battle of, i. 469; ii. 81 Barotti, ii. 487 Barrett, Eaton Stannard ("Polypus"), All the Talents, i. 294, 337 Barrey, Lodowick, Ram Alley, i. 493 Barrol, M. de Fallette, iv. 367 Barrow, Dr. Isaac, vi. 128 Barrow, Sir John, Memoir of the Life of Peter the Great, iv. 209, 505, The Eventful History of the Mutiny of the Bounty, etc., v. 584, 588, 592, 594, 596; a Q.R. contributor, vii. 76 Barry, the actor, as "Werner," v. 324 BarthÉlÉmi; i. 414; Anacharsis, ii. 199 Bartolini, Lorenzo, vi. 360 Barton, Catherine (Mrs. Conduit), vi. 400 Baruffaldi Giuniore, AbbÉ G., La Vita di M. L. Ariosto, ii. 486 Baschet, Armand, Les Archives de VÉnise, iv. 327, 364, 399 Basejo, Pietro, iv. 382 Bashkirs, a Turco-Mongolian tribe, v. 565 Basili, Byron's Albanian servant, ii. 175, 176 Baskerville, vi. 146 Basle, Treaty of, ii. 90 BasquiÑa or saya, the outer petticoat, vi. 116 Bastille, the, vi. 214 Bathurst, Captain, Salsette frigate, iii. 13 Bathurst, Henry, Earl of, v. 545, 546 Batteux, M., i. 402 Bauer, Juliette, tr. of Klencke's Alexander von Humboldt, vi. 216 BaussiÈre, Madame, i. 493 Bautzen, battle of, iii. 431 Baxter, Richard, i. 417 Bayard, i. 107; ii. 7; v. 498 Bayart, Chronique de, v. 515 Bayle, Pierre, Historical and Critical Dictionary, ii. 502, 519; iii. 122; iv. 523; v. 202, 208, 226, 235, 250, 306, 634; vi. 571 Beachey, Captain, Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific, v. 588, 605 Beatrice (Portinari), Dante's, iv. 247, 248, 251; vi. 146 Beattie, James H., Minstrel, ii. 5, 65, 82, 115, 123, 350, 479; v. 615; vi. 78 Beaufort, Duke of, Driving, vii. 26 Beauharnais, EugÈne, Viceroy of Italy, iv. 458; vi. 12 Beaumont and Fletcher; i. 397, 398, 489; The Humorous Lieutenant, iv. 172 Beaumont, i. 343, 398 Beaumont, Lady (Margaret Willis), "Lady Bluemount" of The Blues, iv. 569, 570, 585; vi. 587 Beaumont, Sir George, founder of the National Gallery, iv. 341, 570, 582, 585; vii. 63, 64 Beauties of England and Wales, vi. 496, 497 Bebryces, the, vi. 220 Becher, Lady (Elizabeth O'Neill), iv. 338 Becher, Rev. J. T., i. xi, 112, 247, 263 Becket, Thomas À, i. 116; vi. 422, 495 Beckford, William, Childe Harold on; ii. xi; Italy with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, ii. 35, 36, 43, 45; Vathek, ii. 37; iii. 59, 76, 87, 105, 109, 110, 121, 145, 478; iv. 45, 89, 113, 244; "Dives," vii. 7 Becque, Henry, Sardanapale, OpÉra en Trois Actes, v. 2 "Bed of Ware," vi. 272 Beddoes, Dr., i. 307 Bede, Excerptis seu Collectaneis, ii. 435 Bedford, Southey's letter to Mr., vi. 3 Bedford, Lucy, Countess of, iv. 239 Bedlam, vi. 435 Beechy, Lieutenant, vi. 478 Beethoven, iii. 376 Begum of Oude, iv. 72 Behmen or Boehm, Jacob, vi. 268 Behn, Mrs., v. 550 BÉjot, M., ii. 481 Belcher, Lady, Mutineers of the Bounty, v. 588, 589, 622 Beleses, Governor of Babylon, v. 13 Beleses, a ChaldÆan and soothsayer (character in Sardanapalus), v. 12 Belgrade, ii. 153; iv. 331 Belisarius, vi. 139 Bell, John, i. 357, 358 Bellerophon, vi. 255 Bellingham, murderer of Mr. Perceval, v. 477 Belshazzar, iii. 396, 421; vi. 162 Beltane Tree, a Highland festival, i. 142 Belus, v. 25, 31 Belvidere Apollo, the, ii. 446 Bembo, Antonio, iii. 448 Bembo, Bernardo, ii. 495 Ben Nevis, i. 192 Benbow, W., iv. 482; v. 203; vii. 46 Bende, Niccolo dalle, iv. 464 Bender river, v. 551, vi. 362 Benedict XIV., Pope, ii. 282 Benengeli, Cid Hamet, i. 299 Bentham, Jeremy, vi. 267; vii. 32 Bentinck, Lord William, v. 158 Bentley, Richard, i. 30; iii. 209 Bentotes, or Bendotes (Vendoti), ?e????? ??????ss??, ii. 197; iii. 121 Benvenuto Cellini, v. 471, 516, 518, 521 Benzon, Marina Querini, the heroine of La Biondina in Gondoleta, iv. 456, 457 Benzon, Vittore, Nella, iv. 456, 457 Benzon, Countess, iv. 471 Beppo, i. 362, ii. 313, 371, 374, iv. 153-189, 238, 241, 279, 413, 471, 517, 579, vi. xvi, xvii, 214, 287, 390; vii. 51 BÉranger, J. P, de, Chansons InÉdites, vi. 235, 373 Berenice, i. 69; vi. 139 Beresford, James, Miseries of Human Life; or, The Last Groans of Timothy Testy and Samuel Sensitive, i. 338 Beresford, Lord, ii. 51 Beresina, battle of, iv. 207 Bergami, Bartolommeo, vi. 236, 290 Bergamo, v. 119, 138 Bergk, i. 19, ii. 138 Berkeley, D. D., Bishop George, Principles of Human Knowledge, vi. 427 Berlan, Francesco, I due Foscari, Memorie Storicho Critiche, v. 117, 119, 121, 122, 133, 134 Berlin, v. 550 Berlinghieri, Andrea Vacca, ii. 324 Bernadotte, king of Sweden, v. 553 Bernard, Edward, Pedigree of George Gordon, Sixth Lord Byron, vi. 411 Bernard, W. Bayle, adapts Marino Faliero for the stage, iv. 324 Berners, Sir John Bourchier, Lord, The Bake of Duke Huon of Burdeux, v. 496 Berni, Francesco, iv. 157, 283, 325; vi. xvi Bernis, AbbÉ de, iv. 334 Bernstorff, Count, v. 539 BerrÍ, Duc de, iii. 435; v. 567 Berry, Miss, Journal, iv. 569, 570, 587 Bertrand, General, iii. 312; Campagnes d' Egypte et de Syrie, v. 550 Bertuccio, Israel, iv. 340, 464 Bestuchef, Count, vi. 417 Betham, William, v. 588 Bethlen Gabor, king of Hungary, v. 349, 352 Betsy, wreck of the sloop, vi. 98, 102 Bettinelli, ii. 496 Betty, William Henry West, "the young Roscius," i. 342 Beuchot, editor of Voltaire's Works, iv. 212 Bevius, Canon of Padua, ii. 503 Bewley, John H., of Buffalo, N.Y., vii. 63 Bey Oglou, the, iii. 166 Bezborodky, vi. 389 Biagoli, iv. 318 Bianchi, ii. 494 Bianconi, ii. 487 Bibiena, AntonÍo Divizio da, iv. 174 Bibiena, Cardinal, iv. 174 Bibiena, Maria da, iv. 174 Bible, the, ii. xiii; prophecies of, iv. 244 Bibliographie Universelle, iv. 334 Bibliotheca Teubneriana, iv. 213 BibliothÈque de l' École des Hautes Études, Paris, ii. 412 Bindi, V., Monumenti Storici ed. Artistici degli Abruzzi, iv. 288 Bindlose, Sir Francis, i. 101 Biographia Literaria (Coleridge's), i. 489; iii. 435 Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland, iv. 341; vi. 443 Biographie Universelles, vi. 246, 531 Biondo, Niccolo, iv. 464 Birch, Alderman, i. 435 Biren, Ernest John, vi. 417 Biscay, Bay of, ii. 31 Bishop, Sir Henry, iv. 78 Bisognoso, bezonian, a rogue, vi. 347 Black Friar of Newstead Abbey, the, vi. 576, 578, et seq. Black, John, "Maid of Athens'" husband, iii. 16 Black, John, Life of Tasso, ii. 470, 485; iv. 145 Black, Theresa (nÉe Macri), "Maid of Athens," iii. 15; vi. 280 Black Sea, iii. 4; vii. 10 Blackbourne, Dr., Archbishop of York, iii. 298 Blacket, Joseph, i. 323, 359, 442, 443; vii. 11 Blacklock, Dr., ii. 5 Blackmore, Sir Richard, i. 314, 404 Blackstone, Commentaries, i. 29 Blackwood, William, iii. 444; vii. 51 Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, iii. 182; iv. 80, 119, 139, 152, 157, 203, 240, 329, 368, 521, 570; v. 5, 204, 280, 282, 329; vi. xix, 16, 213, 278, 445; vii. 51 Blair, Dr., vi. 128 Blake, Benjamin, barber, i. 422 Blake, K. Jex-, The Elder Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art, ii. 432 Blanc, Mont, ii. 257, 299, 385 Blanchard, E. L., Life and Remains, iv. 324 Bland, Rev. Robert, The Greek Anthology, etc., i. 366; ii. 291; iii. 32; v. 633 Bland-Burges Papers, i. 416, 438 Blank verse, "allied to tragedy," i. 398; "prose poets like," vi. 73 "Blatant beast," a figure for the mob, ii. 40 Blenheim, battle of, ii. 459; iii. 57 Blessington, Lady, Conversations with Lord Byron, i. 337, 390; ii. 236, 423; iv. 63, 64, 70, 538, 545, 549, 562, 570; vi. 509; vii. 38, 82; Lawrence's portrait of, iv. 64 Blessington, Lord, iv. 64; vi. 512; vii. 82 Bligh, Lieutenant William, short account of, v. 587; A Narrative of the Mutiny and Seizure of the Bounty, etc., v. 581-583, 585, 588, 589, 591-595; vi. 98-100, 105, 111 Blondus, Flavius, De Rom InstauratÂ, ii. 509 Bloomfield, George, i. 360 Bloomfield, Nathaniel, i. 300, 441, 442 Bloomfield, Robert, The Farmer's Boy, i. 359, 360, 442, 443 Blore, Edward, architect, iii. 376 Blount, Henry, "Good night to Marmion," i. 312 BlÜcher, Marshal, ii. 459; v. 553; vi. 312, 345; vii. 39 Blue-stockings, the, iv. 176; vi. 75 Blues, The, i. 321, 362; iv. 567-588; vi. 357, 587; vii. 17 Blunt, Lady Anna Isabella Scawen (nÉe Noel), ii. 215 Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, ii. 215 Boabdil, vi. 30 Boatswain, Byron's dog, i. 280; ii. 30 Boccaccio, Giovanni, ii. 353, 373, 498, 500; iv. 248, 253, 254; vi. 179; "the Bard of Prose," ii. 371; Decameron, ii. 495, 501, 502; his burial-place, ii. 499; his cenotaph at ArquÀ, ii. 503; Il Comento sopra la Com media, iv. 316 Bodleian Library, Oxford, v. 302, 473 Bodoni, ii. 472 Boehm, Mrs., her masquerade, iv. 177 Boeotia, ii. 66, 93 Boethius, De Consolat. Philos., iv. 318 Bogle, Scottish for goblin, vi. 449 Bohemia, evacuated by the Swedish garrisons, v. 371 Bohours, ii. 485 BoÏardo, Matteo Maria, Orlando Innamorato, ii. 293, 354, 485; iv. 281, 283 Boileau, i. 402; ii. 358, 484, 485 Boissevain, P., editor of Dio Cassius' Hist. Rom., iv. 370 Bolero, i. 492; iii. 3, 26; vi. 526 Boleyn, Anne, her remark on the scaffold, iii. 265 Bolingbroke, Lord, hires Mallet to traduce Pope, i. 326 Bolivar, Simon (El Libertador), v. 555 Bonar, James, Malthus and his Work, vi. 461 Bonesani, Beccaria, Dei Delitti e delle Pene, ii. 196 Boniface VII., Pope, ii. 494 Bonivard, Amblard de, iv. 14 Bonivard, FranÇois de, Prior of St. Victor (Prisoner of Chillon), iv. 3-28, 327; Les Chroniques de GenÈve, iv. 5; MÉmoires, etc., iv. 18 Bonivard, Jean AimÉ de, iv. 9, 20 Bonivard, Louis de, iv. 9 Bonn, vi. 419 Boone, Colonel Daniel, The Adventures of; Containing a Narrative of the Wars of Kentucky, vi. 348, 349 Boone, George, of Exeter, vi. 349 Booth, G., The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian, v. 11 Booth's Theatre, New York, Sardanapalus at, v. 2 Border Minstrelsy, ii. 4, 25, 295 Borgia, Lucrezia, ii. 354 Borgo, Count Pozzo di, v. 539 Bornou, vi. 474 Borysthenes (DniÉper) river, iv. 211 Boscan, Juan, of Barcelona, Leandro; The Allegory, vi. 40 Bosphorus, vi. 219, 220; vii. 10 Bosquet de Julie, ii. 305, 306 Boswell, James, Life of Johnson, i. 401, 409, 449; ii. 460, 489; iv. 500, 573; v. 592; vi. 247, 455, 482 Botzaris, Marco, Suliote chief, ii. 180 Boudot, M., ii. 481 Boufflers, Marshal, ii. 297 Boulanger, J. C., De TerrÆ Motu et Fulminibus, ii. 488 Bounty, Mutiny of the, See also The Island, v. 581-584. See also The Island Bourbon, ConnÉtable Charles de (Comte de Montpensier, Dauphin d'Auvergne), ii. 390; iv. 258; v. 495, 498, 515-518, 520 Bourbon, Susanne, Duchesse de, v. 499 Bourbons, the, iv. 334 Bourdeille, Pierre de, v. 520 Bourne, H. R. Fox-, Life of John Locke, ii. 353 Bourrienne, M., i. 489 Bouveret, ii. 304; iv. 18 Bouwah! the Suliote war-cry, vii. 83 Bowles, Rev. William Lisle, Strictures on Pope, etc., i. 292, 305, 323-327, 352, 370, 421, 435; ii. 139; iii. 535; iv. 555, 562; Spirit of Discovery, i. 324, 325, 404; The Missionary of the Andes, vii. 45; The Invariable Principles of Poetry, vii. 74, 75 Bowles and Campbell, vii. 74 Bowring, E. A., The Tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri, v. 211 Boyd, Hugh, iv. 313, 513 Boyer, J. B., Lettres Juives, iii. 123 Boyne, W., i. 495 "Boz," Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, vi. 11 Bracciolini, Poggio, ii. 354 Braganza, vii. 6 Braham, John, i., 347; music for Hebrew Melodies, iii. 375 Bramante, first architect of St. Peter's, Rome, iv. 270 Brandenburgh, George William, Elector of, v. 373 Brandl, Professor A., Goethes VerhÄltuiss zu Byron, iv. 82; Goethe-Jahrbuch, iv. 136 Brandywine, battle of, i. 500 BrantÔme, Memoires de Messire Pierre de Bourdeille, v. 504, 520 Brasidas, ii. 167, 335 Brass, Corinthian, vi. 284 Braziers, the, vii. 72 Bread-fruit (Autocarpus incisa), v. 596 "Break squares," to, vi. 487 Breitenfeld, battle of, v. 371 Brennus, iv. 258 Brenta, the, ii. 349 Brentano, M. Frantz Funck-, L'Homme au Masque de Velours Noir, iv. 514 Brentford, ii. 66 Brenton, E. P., The Naval History of Great Britain, vi. 589 Brescia, v. 119, 138 Bret Harte, The Society upon the Stanislaus, iv. 296 Breuner, General, iii. 455 Brewster, Sir David, Letters on Natural Magic, v. 483; Memoirs, etc., of Sir Isaac Newton, vi. 400 Briareus, vi. 276 Bride of Abydos, i. 340; iii. 13, 17, 80, 157-210, 217, 219, 275, 319, 480; iv. 56; vi. 204; vii. 55 Bridge of Sighs, Venice, ii. 327, 465; iv. 364; v. 139 Bristol, Countess of, vi. 219 "Britannicus," Revolutionary Causes, etc., and A Postscript containing Strictures on Cain, etc., v. 202 British Album, i. 358, 383 British ArchÆological Society, iii. 120 British Bards, A Satire, original title of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. xiv, 293, 303, 306, 307, 311-314, 316, 317, 321-325, 327, 332, 339-342, 344-346, 353-355, 357, 361, 366, 367, 371-373, 375, 376 British Critic, vi. xx British Museum, i. xiv, 108; ii. 441; v. 542, 548, 600; vii. 78; Egerton MSS., i. 235, 293, 387; MS., Proof b, i. 394-396, 398-401; Childe Harold MS., ii. 3-5; iii. 38; MS., vii. 87 British Review ("The Old Girl's Review;" "My Grandmother's Review"), iii. 128; iv. 578, 579; v. 204; vi. xx, 76 British Theatre, iii. 158 Brocken, German superstition about the, v. 483 Brodribb, Rev. W. J., Pliny's Letters, ii. 380 Brossano, Petrarch's son-in-law, ii. 484 Brougham, Lord, i. 293, 302, 306, 338; iv. 195; The Identity of Junius with a Distinguished Living Character established, iv. 513; his Fabian tactics, vi. 67-70; "Parolles," vi. 506; his critique of Hours of Idleness, vi. 551 Brown, Horatio F., Venice, an Historical Sketch, etc., ii. 338, 340; iv. 356, 361, 399; v. 119, 125; Venetian Studies, iv. 427 Brown, John, The Kentucky Pioneers, vi. 349 Brown, Rawdon, Preface to Venetian Calendar of State Papers, iv. 447 Browne, Felicia Dorothea (Mrs. Hemans), vii. 70 Browne, Isaac Hawkins, The Fireside, a Pastoral Soliloquy, vi. 348 Browne, Sir Thomas, ii. 345; Religio Medici, iii. 165 Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett, Casa Guidi Windows, iv. 239, 250 Browning, Oscar, Peter the Great, iv. 203; Charles XII., iv. 208; vi. 363; Dante, iv. 254 Browning, Robert, Poetical Works, ii. 346; Brownlow, Bishop of Winchester, vii. 22 Bruce, James ("Abyssinian Bruce"), Life and Travels, iii. 99; v. 302; vi. 122 Bruchard, Henri de, Notes sur le Don Juanisme, vi. xx, 387 Brue, Benjamin, Journal de la Campagne en 1715, iii. 442, 481 Brummell, "Beau," iv. 179; vi. 451 Brunck, Richard Franz Philippe, i. 30; Anthologia GrÆca, i. 490; Gnomici PoetÆ GrÆci, ii. 404 Brunelleschi, ii. 376 Brunswick, Duchess of, vii. 35 Brunswick, Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of, ii. 239; vi. 12, 312 Brunswick, Frederick William, Duke of, ii. 230 Brussels, the Waterloo ball at, ii. 228, 292 Brutus, ii. 374, 392; iv. 370, 386; v. 560; vii. 37 Bryant, Jacob, iii. 179; Dissertation concerning the War of Troy, etc., vi. 204, 211 Bryant's Dictionary of Painters, ii. 171 Brydges, Sir E., iv. 541 Bucentaur, the Venetian State barge, ii. 335 Buchan, fifth Earl of, i. 429 Buckhurst, Thomas Sackville, Lord, Gorboduc, i. 197 Buckingham, George Villiers, second Duke of, i. 197; The Rehearsal, i. 309, 401, 423, 447; vi. 52, 303 Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of, Essay upon Poetry, i. 354 Buda retaken from the Turks, iii. 458 Budd, the publisher, i. 356 Budge, E. A. Wallis, Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great, v. 543 Budgell, Miss, i. 449 Budgell, Eustace, i. 448, 449 Buffo, vi. 206 Bulgarin, Iwan Wizigin, iv. 203 Bull-fights, ii. 67-72 Bulmer, W., printer, i. 317; iii. 301 BÜlow, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron von, vi. 345 Bulukof, Count, vi. 260 Bumpus, John, i. 234 Bunbury H., The Little Grey Man, i. 317 Bungay, Friar, vi. 78 Bunyan, John, vi. 208 Bunyan, William, An Effectual Shove, etc., i. 417, 418 Buonaparte, Jacopo, Sacco di Roma, etc., iv. 258; v. 471, 514, 516, 520, 521 Buonaparte, Joseph, iv. 458; v. 533 Buonaparte, Prince Lucien, ii. 522 Buonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon Buonaparte Buratti (Bucati), Pietro, iv. 456, 457 Burchard, Diar., iii. 367-369 Burdett, Sir Francis, i. 435, 436; vii. 30, 40, 67, 68 Burgage, or tenure in burgage, vi. 590 BÜrger, Lenore, i. 305 Burges, Elizabeth, Lady (nÉe Noel), i. 437 Burges, Sir James Bland, i. 314; Richard the First; Exodiad, i. 436, 437 Burgoyne, General John, vi. 12 Burgundians, the, ii. 254, 297 Burke, Edmund, i. 416; iv. 75, 513; v. 592; Reflections on the Revolution in France, ii. 7; iii. 513 Burkitt, Thomas, able seaman on the Bounty, v. 583 Burns, Robert, Farewell to Ayrshire, i. 210; Lewis's Tales of Terror, i. 317; referred to in E. B. and S. R., i. 360, 362; Farewell to Nancy, iii. 147; The Life and Age of Man, iii. 449; Dr. Currie's Life of, vi. 174; Burton, Sir Richard F., Arabian Nights, iii. 87, 104, 109, 113 Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, ii. 236; v. 543 Burun, Ralph de, iv. 543; vi. 411 Busaco, battle of, i. 470 Busby, Dr. Thomas, A New and Complete Musical Dictionary; The Age of Genius; Drury Lane Address, i. 481, 485; iii. 55-58; translation of Lucretius, iii. 57 Busingen, iv. 97 Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, iv. 501, 510 Butler, A. J., The Hell of Dante; iv. 245; translation of Francesca da Rimini, iv. 320 Butler, Dr., Headmaster of Harrow ("Pomposus"), i. 17, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94 Butler, Rev. Alban, Lives of the Saints, vi. 32, 33 Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, vi. 153, 404, 551 Buxton, Fowell, vi. 549 Byng, George, M. P. ("the County Byng"), vii. 67, 68 Byng, Admiral John, ii. 40, 41 Byrne, editor of Morning Post, i. 358 Byrne. Mrs. (Charlotte Dacre), "Rosa Matilda," i. 306, 357, 370; Hours of Solitude, i. 358 Byron, Augusta Ada. See Lovelace, Lady Byron, Cecilie, Lady (widow of Sir Francis Bindlose), i. 101 Byron, Charlotte Augusta (Mrs. Christopher Parker), iii. 417 Byron, Elizabeth, Lady (nÉe Chaworth), iv. 542 Byron, Hon. Mrs. Frances (nÉe Levett), vi. 410 Byron, Hon. George, vi. 410 Byron, George Anson, iii. xxi; vii. 41 Byron, Hon. Juliana, iii. 381 Byron, Lucy, Lady, i. 101 Byron, the Little Sir John, i. 1, 3, 119 Byron, Admiral the Hon. John, iii. 381, 417; iv. 57; vi. 410; Narrative of his shipwreck in the Wager; Voyage round the World, iv. 58; vi. 102, 121 Byron of Rochdale, 1st Lord (Sir John Byron of Clayton), i. 3, 101, 119, 121; vi. 294, 495 Byron, Sir Nicholas, i. 3 Byron, Richard (2nd Lord), i. 3, 101; iv. 14; vi. 294 Byron, Sir Robert, i. 101 Byron, Sophia Maria, vi. 410 Byron, William (3rd Lord), iv. 542 Byron, William (5th Lord, "the wicked Lord Byron"), ii. 17; iv. 58, 542; vi. 121, 410, 497 Byron, Hon. William, iii. 381 Byron, Sir William, i. 121 Byron, Lady (Miss Milbanke), i. 260, 301, 359; ii. x, 74, 288, 427; iii. 411, 449, 499; iv. 39, 63, 184, 254, 492; vi. 22, 274; her transcription of Parisina, iii. 499; "my moral Clytemnestra", iv. 64; "a poetess—a mathematician—a metaphysician," iv. 576; "Miss Lilac" of The Blues, iv. 570; on Byron's lameness, v. 470; Remarks on Mr. Moore's Life, etc., vi. 21; and M. Baillie, vi. 412; patroness of the Charity Ball, vii. 71 Byron, Lord, Diary or Journals referred to, i. 5, 25, 30, 45, 103, 184, 303, 310, 362; ii. 61, 187, 304; iii. 46, 50, 70, 105, 149, 150, 157, 165, 210, 218, 303, 305, 307, 308, 311, 314, 411, 495; v. 28, 61, 78, 159, 199, 254, 477, 555, 615; vi. 18, 128, 146, 173, 197, 204, 240, 263, 421, 461, 504, 511; vii. 51, 74; My Dictionary, vi. 381 Byron, Mrs. (mother), i. 269, 336; iii. 449; iv. 543; Byron's letters to, i. 125, 282, 351; ii. ix, 24, 27, 34, 42, 49, 59, 63, 100, 124, 128, 138, 301; iii. 4, 13, 441, 450; vi. 128, 195, 565; furiosa, vi. 30 "Byron's Tomb," at Harrow, i. 26 Byzantium, ii. 337 C CaballerÍas, the, ii. 47 Caballero, Victoires et ConquÈtes des FranÇais, ii. 94 Cabot, Sebastian, iv. 262 Cabotto, or Gavotto, Giovanni, iv. 262 Cadiz, ii. 63, 67, 77, 93; iii. 1 Cadmus, i. 148 CÆcina, Aulus, ii. 299 CÆsar, i. 351, 422; ii. 397; iv. 352; v. 560; vi. 139, 339, 404; De Bello Gallico, iv. 331 Caia river, ii. 45 Cain, iii. 32, 182; iv. 34, 48, 50; v. 5, 9, 197-275, 279, 306, 469; vi. 385, 444, 491; vii. 78; Introduction to, v. 199; Dedication, v. 205; Preface, v. 207 Calderon, El MÁgico Prodigioso, iv. 81; v. 470; Los Cabellos de Absalon, iv. 100 Caledonian Meeting, the, iii. 415 Caledonian Mercury, iii. 45 Calendario, Filippo, a stone-cutter, iv. 382 Calendario, Philip, a seaman, iv. 464 Calenture, the, v. 159; vi. 586 Calenus, A., ii. 520 Caligula, ii. 408; iii. 455; iv. 334; v. 542; vi. 276 Caliriotes (Albanese women), ii. 183 Callcott, Lady (Mrs. Maria Graham), iii. 532; vi. 206, 207 Callimachus, ii. 173; vi. 445 Callistratus, ii. 291 Calma, AbbÉ, v. 211 Calmana, Caimana, etc., Cain's twin sister, v. 226 Calmar, i. 177 Calmet, Augustine, Dissertations sur les Aparitions, iii. 123 Caloyer, Greek monk, ii. 130, 181; iii. 123 Calpac, centre part of Turkish headdress, iii. 119 Calpe's rock (Gibraltar), i. 378; ii. 89, 113, 455 CalprenÈde, M., i. 398 Calvert, Charles, actor, iv. 78; as "Sardanapalus," v. 2 Calvin, i. 417 Calvinism, Byron's, ii. 74 Calypso, ii. 118 Calypso's isle (Goza), ii. 118, 173; iii. 10 Camarases, John, translation of Ocellus Lucanus' De Universi Natura, ii. 198 Cambridge, Duke of, iii. 145 Cambridge, Rev. O. P., iii. 107 Cambridge University, i. 373, 392; Whig Club at, vii. 66, 68 Cambyses, 2nd king of Persia, iv. 259 Camel, "ship of the desert," v. 606 Cameron of Fassieferne, John, ii. 292 Cameron of Lochiel, Donald, ii. 232, 292 Cameron, Sir Evan, ii. 232, 292 Camerotti di sotto, and di soprÀ, (Venetian prisons), iv. 364 Camese, Albanian kilt, ii. 146 Camillus, ii. 518 CamoËns, Luis de, i. 78, 313, 320, 370 Campbell, J. Dykes, iii. 538 Campbell, Thomas, i. 331, 435; vii. 49; Specimens of the British Poets, i. 198; vii. 74, 75; a true poet, i. 306; Pleasures of Hope, i. 361; ii. 169; iii. 459; Gertrude of Wyoming, i. 429; ii. xiii, 23, 113; vi. 39; Hohenlinden, ii. 49; Lochiel's Warning, ii. 292; iv. 235; Elegy on Princess Charlotte's Death, ii. 450; Battle of the Baltic, ii. 459; Last Man, iv. 42; referred to in Don Juan, vi. 6, 75, 444 Campo Formio, Peace of, ii. 363 Can Grande della Scala, v. 562 Canaries, Isles of the Blest, vi. 169 Candia, ii. 340; v. 127 Cangas, battle of, ii. 46 CannÆ, battle of, ii. 255 Canning, George, New Morality, i. 294, 363; Gifford's support of, i. 304; his "colleagues hate him for his wit", i. 377; M.P. for Liverpool, i. 497; attempts to form coalition Ministry, i. 497; his duel with Perceval, ii. 79; Needy Knife-Grinder in Anti-Jacobin, ii. 80; praises Bride of Abydos, iii. 151, 197; parodies Southey's Elegy on H. Martin, iv. 482; Pitt's "The Pilot that weathered the Storm," v. 568, vi. 482; and Roman Catholic Emancipation, v. 569; Byron on, vi. 482; Brougham and, vi. 506; quotes Christianity to sanction slavery, vi. 549; "the tall wit," vii. 54; "for War," vii. 30 Canova, Antonio, ii. 324, 369, 370; iv. 174, 536 Cantabria, Favila, Duke of, v. 558 Cantemir, Demetrius, History of the Growth and Decay of the Othman Empire, vi. 259, 277 Canterbury, vi. 421, 422 Canzani, Lambro, iii. 194, 219 Cape de Verd Islands, vi. 169 Cape Gallo, iii. 248 Capena, ii. 416, 516 Capo di Ferro, Cardinal, ii. 508 Capo d'Istria, Count, President of Greece, v. 575 Capote, Albanese cloak, ii. 132, 181; iii. 450 Cappelletti, Giuseppe, Storia della Republica di Venisia, iv. 327, 345, 427 Capperonier, M., ii. 481 Caracalla, ii. 517, 521; iii. 180 Caracci, Hannibal, ii. 437 Caractacus, vi. 497 Carapanos, Constantin, Dodone et ses Ruines, ii. 132, 182 Carasman (or Kara Osman), Oglou, iii. 166 Caravaggio, vi. 502 Carbonari, the, vi. 259, 489; v. 567 Cardan, De Consolatione, ii. 236 Carew, Thomas, Poems, iii. 17; The Spark, ii. 236 Carey, Henry, Chrononhotonthologos; Sally in our Alley, i. 413; Namby Pamby, or a Panegyric on the New Versification, i. 418 "Caritas Romana," ii. 437 Carlisle, taken by the Highlanders, vii. 25 Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of, i. 354, 370, 383; ii. 23, 234; vii. 78 Carlisle, Lady, v. 329 Carlo Dolce, vi. 502 Carlowitz plain, iii. 455 Carlyle, Thomas, i. 489; French Revolution, iv. 13, 454; History of Frederick the Great, iv. 334; vi. 337 Carmagnola, v. 179, 180 Carnarvon, 1st Earl of, i. 336 Caroline (of Anspach), Queen, ii. 282 Caroline (of Brunswick), Queen, i. 311; ii. 230; iv. 555; v. 15, 206, 569; vi. 67, 236, 275, 290, 450, 451; vii. 72, 78 Carpenter, Dr. F. J., Selections from the Poetry of Lord Byron, iv. 119 Carr, Sir John (Stranger in France; Travels), i. 38, 378, 379; ii. 65, 78 Carrara, Francesco Novello da (Signer of Padua), ii. 476, 482 Carreno, JosÉ Maria, Commandant-General of Panama, v. 602 Carrer, Luigi, iv. 456, 457, 536 Carrer Museum, Venice, iv. 457 Cartaginense, Il, vi. 91 Cartaret, Lord, i. 418 Carthage, iv. 251; vi. 348; burning of, v. 512 Carthaginians and Irish, vi. 337 Carttar, Joseph, coroner for Kent, vi. 265 Carus, Rev. W., Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Mr. Simeon, i. 417 Gary, New Pocket Plan of London, Westminster, and Southwark, vi. 434 Gary, Rev. Henry Francis, Dante, iv. 23, 313; Memoir of, iv. 314 Carysfort, John Joshua Proby, 1st Earl of, i. 445 Casaubon, ii. 518 Casemate, a, vi. 305 Cash, power of, vi. 458 Casimir V., king John, of Poland, iv. 201, 205, 211, 212 Cassander, v. 487 Cassandra, i. 377; iv. 243 Cassiodorus, Tripartita, ii. 521; iii. 306; iv. 386 Cassius, ii. 374; iv. 120, 386 Castelar, Emilio, Life of Lord Byron, ii. 374 Castellan, Antoine Louis, Lettres sur la MorÉe, etc. iii. 249, 270; Moeurs des Ottomans, iii. 480 Castelnau, Marquis Gabriel de, Essai sur L'Histoire ancienne et moderne de la Nouvelle Russie, vi. 264, 304, 305-307, 309-313, 315-317, 319, 320, 331-335, 340, 343, 344, 352, 356, 358, 359, 362, 365, 366-368 CastÉra, J. H., Vie de Catherine II., vi. 370, 392 Casti, Animali Parlanti, iv. 156 Castiglione, Marchesa, iv. 157 Castlereagh, Lord, ii. 342; iv. 476; vi. 4, 7, 264, 389, 418, 450; vii. 20, 30, 65, 81 Castri, village of, ii. 61, 85, 92, 189 Castriota, George (Scanderberg or Scander Bey), ii. 124, 173 Catalani, Angelica, i. 346; v. 562 Cataneo, Maurizio, iv. 150 Cathay, vi. 457 Cathcart, Lord, i. 468, 488 Catherine II. of Russia, ii. 193, 198, 200, 282; v. 550, 564; vi. 313, 333, 351, 370, 381, 383, 387-399, 406, 411, 413, 414, 439 Catholic Claims, iv. 561 Catholic Emancipation, iv. 503; v. 569; vi. 506 Catilina, iii. 117 Catinat, MarÉchal Nicholas, MÉmoires, vi. 170, 514 Cato, i. 449; ii. 514; iv. 253; v. 506; vi. 270, 303 Catullus, v. 613; vi. 26, 139; vii. 17; Ad Lesbiam, i. 72; "Lugete Veneres, Cupidinesque," i. 74; "Mellitos oculos tuos, Juventi," i. 75 Caucasus, Mount, i. 378; v. 17, 30, 57, 294 Causeus, Museum Romanum, ii. 509 Cava, the Helen of Spain, ii. 46, 89; iv. 334 Cava, battle of, vi. 14 Cava, kava, or ava, a Tongan intoxicating drink, v. 600 Cavalier, a military earthwork, vi. 352 Cavalier Servente, iv. 165, 172 Cavalli, Marquis Antonio, iv. 547 Cawthorn, James, i. 294, 387, 453; ii. ix, x; vii. 9 Cayster river, ii. 182 Ceccho, Captain, ii. 477 Cecilia Metella, tomb of, ii. 402-405 Cecrops, i. 462 Cellini, Benvenuto, v. 471, 516, 518, 521 Ceneda, Lorenzo, Count-bishop of, iv. 332 Centaur, H.M.S., wreck of, vi. 90, 92, 94-96, 99, 110 Century Dictionary, ii. 135; v. 135 Century Magazine, iii. 435 Cephalonia, ii. 125; vii. 83 Cephalus, ii. 178 Cephisus river, i. 459; iii. 272 Ceraunian mountains ("Chimera's Alps"), ii. 131, 181 Cerement (searment), ii. 154 Ceres, vi. 129; "fell with Buonaparte," vi. 383 Cerigo, island of, ii. 167 Certaldo, Boccaccio's tomb at, ii. 373, 499 Certosa Cemetery, i. 21 Cervantes, Don Quixote, i. 299; ii. 89, 178; vi. 303, 483 Cesi, Pietro, President of Romagna, vi. 212 Cevallos, Don Pedro de, i. 338 Chad, G. W. vi. 374 ChÆronea, ii. 294. Chalmers, George, iv. 513; The Life of Mary Queen of Scots, vii. 53 Chambrier, M., iv. 514 Champion, The, iii. 532-535; vii. 37, 38 Champollion, Jean Franjois, v. 603 Chandler, Dr., Travels in Greece, ii. 172, 189 Chantrey, Sir Francis, vii. 49 ChaponniÈre, J. J., editor of Advis et Devis de l'ancienne et nouvelle Police de GenÈve, etc., iv. 5 Chappell, William, Old English Popular Music, vi. 145 Charity Ball, The, vii. 71 Charlemagne, iv. 287-290; vi. 507 Charlemont, Lady, iii. 105; iv. 569; vi. 215 Charles I., i. 2, 3, 101, 130,; v. 560; vii. 35, 36 Charles II., i. 2, 123, 198; v. 487 Charles III., Duke of Savoy, iv. 4, 10 Charles IV. of Spain (ConnÉtable de Bourbon, Comte de Montpensier), ii. 390; iv. 258; v. 495, 498, 515-516, 520 Charles V. of Spain, ii. 453; iii. 308, 309; v. 499, 549 Charles VII. (Duke of Lorraine), iii. 458 Charles VIII. of France, ii. 504 Charles IX. of Sweden, v. 371 Charles XII. of Sweden, i. 107; iv. 202, 207, 233; v. 551; vi. 362, 363 Charles of Anjou, ii. 494 Charles of Saxony, Prince, vi. 605 Charles the Bold, ii. 297 Charles, Prince (the Pretender), i. 173 Charles Edward, Prince, ii. 369 Charles, R. H., translation of Dillman's Ethiopic Text (Book of Enoch), v. 302 Charlotte, Princess, wife of Tzarovitch Alexey, vi. 417 Charlotte of Wales, Princess, ii. 313, 450; iii. 45, 376; vii. 35, 78 Charlotte, Queen, iii. 4 CharriÈre, E., La Vie vaillant Bertran du Guesclin, v. 549 Chateaubriand, FranÇois RÉnÉ, Vicomte de; ii. 190; iii. 195, 431; v. 538, 539; Les Aventures du dernier Abencerrage, v. 558; Congress, etc. v. 562, 567, 575; Les Martyrs ou le Triomphe de la religion chrÉtienne, v. 575 ChÂteauneuf-de-Randon (LozÈre), v. 549 Chatham, Earl of, i. 113; iv. 510; vi. 478; vii. 28 Chaucer, mentioned in Hints from Horace, i. 395; his use of the word lemman, ii. 22; Canterbury Tales ii. 155; the nightingale's "merry note," iii. 170; terza rima, iv. 313; Compleint to his Lady, iv. 239; Wife of Bath, iv. 484 Chaumont, Treaty of, v. 550 Chaworth, George, Viscount, iv. 542 Chaworth, Mary Ann (Mrs. Chaworth-Musters), i. 52, 189, 192, 210, 329, 277, 282, 283, 285, 475; ii. 18, 29. 421; iv. 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 542; Byron's "bright morning star of Annesley," iv. 38 Chaworth, William, i. 189; ii. 17; iv. 542 Cheltenham, v. 609 Chemnitz, battle of, v. 371 Cheops, king, vi. 79 Cherbuliez, J. L. A., vi. 461 Chermside, Sir Herbert Charles, Governor of Queensland, vi. 497 Chermside, Lady (nÉe Webb), vi. 497 Cherry, Andrew, The Travellers; Peter the Great, i. 306, 345 Cherubim, the, v. 228 Chester Mysteries, vi. 551 Chester Plays, v. 200, 207 Chesterfield, 4th Earl of, Letters, i. 415; vi. 525 Chesterfield, Philip Henry, 5th Earl of, President of the Four-Horse Club, vii. 26 Chetsum, Rev. David, ii. 283 Chevalier, Le, iii. 13 Chezy, A. L., Jama's Medjnoun and Leila, iii. 160 Chiaus, a Turkish messenger, iii. 113 Chichester, Lady, ii. 23 Chichester, Mrs., i. 350 Childe Harold, Introduction to Cantos I. and II., ii. ix-xv; Notes on the MSS. of, ii. xvi-xx; Itinerary, ii. xxi-xxiv; Preface to Cantos I. and II. ii. 3-8; Canto I., ii. 15-84; Notes on Canto I., ii. 85-95; Canto II., ii. 99-163; Notes on Canto II., ii. 165-208; Introduction to Canto III., ii. 211-214; Canto III., ii. 215-289; Notes on Canto III., ii. 291-307; Introduction to Canto IV., ii. 311-315; Original Draft Canto IV., ii. 316-319; Dedication of Canto IV., ii. 321-326; Canto IV., ii. 327-463; Notes on Canto IV., ii. 465-525; referred to, i. 5, 232, 277, 282, 324, 355, 366, 368, 379, 387, 453-455; iii. xix, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 90, 91, 96, 107, 120, 121, 123, 129, 134, 145, 165, 168, 210, 225, 336, 395, 417, 450, 459, 460, 470, 480, 485, 495, 499, 521; iv. 6, 34, 40, 41, 53-59, 62, 63, 65, 79, 87, 100, 104, 105, 127, 131, 132, 139, 155, 162, 166, 173, 193, 194, 196, 238, 244, 257, 266, 271, 275, 304, 364, 397, 404, 413, 422, 425, 426, 446, 456, 471, 529, 536, 578, 580; v. 27, 73, 126, 139, 149, 153, 157, 163, 333, 365, 408, 500, 556, 607, 610, 612, 615; vi. xv, xvii, 12, 13, 48, 74, 84, 116, 149, 186, 200, 212, 234, 303, 382, 384, 419, 424, 434, 476, 539, 558; vii. 7, 37, 49, 51, 55, 58 Childe Harold's Good Night, ii. 26; vii. 6 Childish Recollections, i. 17, 84-106; ii. 8, 12, 95; iii. 324 Children of Apollo, i. 294, 342, 445 Childs, George W., vii. 63 Chili, Independence of, v. 556 Chillon, Castle of, ii. 303, 304; iv. 3, 4, 18 Chimariot mountains, ii. 131, 181 Chinazzo, David, The War of Chioza, ii. 338, 477 Chioggia (Chioza), war of, ii. 338, 476, 497 Chisholm, G. G., ii. xxiv Chiswick Press, i. xi Choiseul-Gouffier, Count, Voyage Pittoresque de la GrÈce, ii. 168; iii. 295; vi. 151 Chouet, i. 414 Chrematoff, vi. 307 Christian, Charles, v. 622 Christian, Edward, Chief justice of Ely, v. 588; editor of Blackstone's Commentaries, v. 622 Christian, Fletcher, mate of the Bounty, v. 581-584, 588; short account of, v. 622 Christian Observer, iii. 377 Christians of Ewanrigg, the, v. 622 Christodoulos, an Acarnanian, ?e?? F???s?f??, ?.t.?., ii. 198 Christopher Caustic's Terrible Tractoratian, etc., i. 307 Chronique de Bayart, v. 515 Chryseus, ii. 462 Chrysostom, vi. 28 Chulos, footmen, ii. 67, 71 Church, Rev. A., Pliny's Letters, ii. 380 Churchill, Charles, iv. 45, 51; v 337; Prophecy of Famine, iv. 14; The Times, iv. 21; The Candidate, iv. 46; The Farewell, iv. 174 Churchill, Charles, master-at-arms on the Bounty, v. 583 Cibber, Colley, The Provoked Husband, i. 399; Lives, iii. 280 Cicero, "Tully's fire," i. 29; Addison on his puns, i. 398; Sulp. Severus' letter to, ii. 133; In Verrem, ii. 168; speeches in the Forum, ii. 301, 413; De Finibus, ii. 345; Epist. ad Familiares, ii. 362; Epist. ad Atticum, ii. 384, 509; "Alas, for Tully's voice," ii. 392; In Catilinam, ii. 396, 510; Academ., ii. 399; Middleton's Life quoted, ii. 408; site of his villa, ii. 455, 522; Romans and the theatre, ii. 492; De Divinat., ii. 510; vi. 585; De Suo Consulatu, ii. 510; De Legibus, ii. 519; De Natur Deorum, iv. 115; Epist., iv. 120; Pro Sexto Roscio, Amerino, iv. 438; Diodorus Siculus contemporary with, v. 3; "the topical memory of the ancients," vi. 16 Cicisbeo, origin of the word, iv. 171 Cicogna, E. A., Personaggi illustri della Venezia patrizia gente, iv. 457; Inscrizioni Veneziane, v. 123 Cicognara, Leopoldo, Conte de, ii. 324, 472; iv. 456, 457 Cicognini, Giacinto Andrea, Convitato di Pietra, vi. xvi Cid Hamet Benengeli, i. 299 Cilicia, v. 4, 24 Cimon, iv. 108 Cincinnatus, iii. 314; v. 571 Cinna, ii. 393 Cintio Giraldi, Nouvelles, v. 471 Cintra, Convention of, ii. xi, 38, 39, 65, 86; mountain, ii. 31, 34; Royal Palace at, ii. 37 Circassia (Franguestan), iii. 111; vi. 279 Circe, v. 573 Cisternes, Raoul de, Le Duc de Richelieu, vi. 333 Ciudad Real, ii. 89 Ciudad Rodrigo, fall of, i. 496; vi. 69 Civil Wars, the, i. 3 Civitella, village of, ii. 523 Civran, iv. 331 Claiborne, W. C. C., Governor of Louisiana, iii. 297, 298 Clairmont, Jane (her transcription of Childe Harold, Canto III.), ii. 145, 211, 214, 216, 217, 230, 232, 288, 304; iv. 3, 70 Clancarty, Lord, vi. 374 Clare, John Fitzgibbon, 1st Earl of, i. 100 Clare, John Fitzgibbon, 2nd Earl of ("Lycus"), i. xi, 96, 98-100, 128, 200, 222 Clarence, Duke of, vi. 60, 451 Clarendon, History of the Rebellion, i. 3 Clarens, ii. 277, 304; iv. 18 Clark, J. W., Cambridge, vi. 433 Clarke, Edward Daniel, Travels in Various Countries, i. 455; ii. 168, 172, 204; iii. 75, 94, 151, 272, 295; vi. 171, 204, 211; The Tomb of Alexander, etc., v. 542 Clarke, Hewson, i. 373-375, 383; ii. 213 Clarke, John, i. 406 Clarke, J. S., Memoir of William Falconer, ii. 169 Clarke, Mary Anne, i. 391 Claude Lorraine, ii. 168; vi. 502 Claudian, ii. 412; In Ruffin., v. 289; Epigrammata, v. 562 Claudius, ii. 520 Clayton, Sir Richard, Critical Enquiry into the Life of Alexander the Great, vi. 226 Clement XII., Pope, ii. 389, 432; v. 521 Cleon, ii. 190 Cleonice, iv. 108 Cleopatra, i. 490; ii. 397; iii. 11; v. 484; vi. 269; her mummy in the British Museum, v. 542 Clermont, Mrs., vi. 22 Cleveland, Duchess of, iv. 541 Clinton, George, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord Byron, iii. 443, 447; v. 581 Clitumnus river, ii. 379-381 Clodius, i. 351; iv. 352; vi. 139 Clootz, Jean Baptiste, Baron de (Anacharsis Clootz), vi. xviii, 13 Club, Byron's definition of a, i. 407 Clusium, iv. 334 Clytemnestra, ii. 426 Clytus, ii. 124 Coalition Ministry, the, i. 500 Cobbett, William, i. 297; ii. 40; v. 572; vi. 380; vii. 65, 67, 68 Cobbett's Weekly Register, v. 540, 572; vi. 266 Cochineal, kermes, vi. 575 Cochrane, Thomas, Lord, iv. 111; vi. 67 Cockburn, Admiral Sir George, ii. 239 Cockburn, Mrs. Robert (Mary Duff), i. 192 Cocker, Arithmetic, vi. 601 Cockney School, the, iv. 339 Coehoorn, Baron Menno van, a Dutch military engineer, vi. 344 Coelius Antipater, Annales, ii. 378 Cohen, Francis (afterwards Sir F. Palgrave), translation of Old Chronicle (Marino Faliero); Rise and Progress of the English Constitution; History of the Anglo-Saxons, iv. 46 Coke on Littleton, vi. 568 Colbleen mountain, i. 194 Cole, W., boatswain on the Bounty, v. 583 Coleorton, Memorials of, iv. 585 Coleridge, Miss Edith, iii. 454 Coleridge, Hartley, Essays, ii. 331; First Visit to the Theatre in London, v. 474 Coleridge, H. N., Study of the Classics, vi. 117 Coleridge, Sara, i. 489 Coleridge, Mrs. S. T., iv. 521 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, The Devils Walk, i. 31; vii. 21; Byron and, i. 305, 365; iii. 444; vi. 74; nitrous oxide, i. 307; Poems, i. 315, 316; ii. 22; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 316, 369; on Monk Lewis, i. 138; Letters of, i. 318; ii. 401; iv. 225, 585; v. 175, 544; vi. 350, 421; Table Talk of, i. 318; iv. 318, 339, 485; v. 175; vi. 152; Cottle's Early Recollections of, i. 329; Anima PoetÆ, i. 367; ii. 113, 236; iv. 587; vi. 91; and Charles Lloyd, i. 368; Frost at Midnight, i. 369; Sir J. Bland Burges, i. 437; on dancing in Germany, i. 475; on Kotzebue, i. 489; Biographia Literaria, i. 489; iii. 435; vi. 4, 39, 167, 168, 175; Ancient Mariner, ii. 22; iv. 22, 27, 104, 225, 230, 506; vi. 106, 114; Lamb's apology for, ii. 22; Christabel, ii. 134, 274, 360; iii. 443, 471, 476, 511, 519, 537; iv. 20, 82, 224; v. 281; vi. 243, 279; vii. 45; Hymn before Sunrise in the Valley of Chamouni, ii. 254; iv. 110; Dejection: An Ode, ii. 264; vi. 39; The Friend, ii. 281, 301; vi. 174; Lines to Nature, ii. 302; vi. 179; "Oh for one hour of The Recluse," ii. 337; Boccaccio, ii. 374; Essays on His Own Times, ii. 397, 401; a Parliamentary reporter, ii. 401; Kubla Khan, ii. 416, 418, 447; iv. 267; v. 73, 277; Israel's Lament, ii. 450; his influence on Rogers, iii. 320; Lines to a Gentleman, iii. 336; Byron's letters to, iii. 441; iv. 338; Byron's beneficiary, iii. 444; "Apostacy and Renegadoism," iii. 488; Songs of the Pixies, iii. 524; Zapolya, iv. 24; Sibylline Leaves, iv. 42; Religions Musings, ibid.; depreciates Voltaire, iv. 184; "No more my visionary soul shall dwell," iv. 225; on Walpole's Mysterious Mother, iv. 339; author of the libel on Shelley? iv. 475; The Plot Discovered, etc., iv. 512; Miscellanies, etc., iv. 515; Hazlitt on, iv. 518; the result of pantisocracy, iv. 521; on Southey's Life of Wesley, iv. 522; translates Schiller's Piccolomini, iv. 566; Lectures of 1811-1812, iv. 575; Coligny, vi. 246 Coliseum (or Colosseum), Rome, ii. 423-435; iv. 131 Collegio dei Signore di notte al Criminal, iv. 427 Colleoni, Battolommeo, iv. 336, 392 Collier, Jeremy, Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, i. 416; Shakespeare, vi. 502 Collignon, Maximo, Histoire de la Sculpture Grecque, ii. 365, 432, 445 Collini, Mdlle., i. 348 Collins, Ode to Pity, ii. 34; How Sleep the Brave, ii. 50; Ode on the Death of Mr. Thomson, iii. 50; Irish Eclogues, iii. 224 Collins, Peerage, vi. 410 Colman the younger, George, i. 306, 343; iv. 75; The Iron Chest; Heir-at-Law, i. 343; John Bull, or An Englishman's Fireside, i. 343, 400; The Review, or the Wags of Windsor, iii. 435; Love Laughs at Locksmiths, vi. 308 Cologne, vi. 419 Colonna, Cape, ii. 156, 169; iii. 86, 134 Colonna de' Francesi, La (Ravenna), vi. 212 Colonna, Vittoria, iv. 262 Columbia, Republic of, v. 555; vi. 456 Columbus, Christopher, iii. 76; iv. 262; vi. 552 Columella, De Re Rustica, ii. 488 Comboloio, a Turkish rosary, iii. 181, 275 Commodus, iv. 334 Comnena, Anna, Alexiad, ii. 202 Complaint, The, iv. 220 Compostelli, Pietro de, iv. 448, 467 Conan the Jester, v. 209 "Concision" used for "conciseness," vi. 550 CondÉ, Prince de, iv. 262 Condolatory Address to Sarah, Countess of Jersey, on the Prince Regents returning her Picture to Mrs. Mee, vii. 37 Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine, Marquis de, President of Legislative Assembly in 1792, vi. 13 Conduit, Mrs. (Catherine Barton), vi. 400 Congreve, i. 198, 306, 349, 416; vi. 510 Congreve, Sir William, inventor of "Congreve rockets," vi. 50 Conquest, The, vii. 82 Consiglio Minore (Venice), iv. 345 Consiglio dei Dieci. See Council of Ten Constable, Archibald, i. 310, 436 Constans, ii. 520 Constant, Henri Benjamin de Rebecque, v. 566, 567 Constantine, Emperor, ii. 336, 520 Constantine, Grand-Duke, v. 564 Constantinople (Istambol, ?pt???f??), i. 378; ii. 152, 194; iii. 17, 21; vi. 219 Constitutionel, Le, v. 566, 577 Contarini, Doge Andrea, ii. 477, 497 Contarini (afterwards Foscari), Lucrezia, v. 115, 130 Conti, v. 371 Contrario, Ugoccion, iii. 506 Cook, Captain, i. 325; v. 582; vi. 19; voyage in the Resolution, v. 588, 605 Cook, Dutton, A Book of the Play, i. 414 Cooke, George Frederick, i. 46, 344; iv. 338 Cookery, science of, vi. 561 Cooper, actor, iv. 324 Copenhagen, bombardment of, i. 468; v. 588 Copet, iv. 53; vii. 50 Coray, Diamant or Adamantius, BibliothÈque HellÉnique, ii. 196-199, 203 Corday, Charlotte, vi. 14 Cordoba, ii. 54 Corfu, ii. 193 Corfu, Giovanni da, iv. 464 Corinth, ii. 363; iii. 440-496; Gulf of, ii. 60 Corinthian brass, vi. 284 Corinthians, v. 262 Coriolanus, ii. 388, 452; iv. 338; v. 27 Cork Convent, ii. 35, 86 Cork and Orrery, 8th Earl of, vi. 504 Cork and Orrery, Mary, Countess of ("Countess Crabby"), vi. 504 Cornaro, Flaminio, EcclesiÆ VenetÆ, v. 123 Cornaro, Marco, iv. 402, 465 Cornelia, daughter of Metellus Scipio, and widow of P. Crassus, iv. 264 Cornelian, The, i. 66, 240; iii. 48 Cornwall, Barry. See Procter, B. W. Cornwall wreckers, ii. 141, 182 Coron, or Corone (the ancient Colonides), iii. 249 Corresponding Society, The, iv. 516 Corsair, i. 388, 457; ii. 252; iii. xix, 46, 49, 217-229, 303, 319-321, 409; v. 584; vi. 132 Corsi, Cardinal, ii. 495 Cortejo, Spanish, vi. 55 Cortes, v. 555 Cosmo II., ii. 499 Costerden, Elizabeth, vi. 294 Costerden, William, vi. 294 Cotta, v. 81, 108 Cottle, Amos, Translation of the Edda of SÆmund, i. 314, 328, 329, 403 Cottle, Joseph, Alfred; The Fall of Cambria, i. 328, 436; Early Recollections of Coleridge, i. 329 Cotton, Mrs., of Worcester, iii. 209 Couch of Hercules, vi. 220 Coulman, M. J. J., iv. 543 Council of Ten (Il Consiglio dei Dicci), iv. 363, 366, 385, 399, 441, 448, 465, 470; v. 115-118, 169 Courier, The, i. 423, 436; ii. xii; iii. 45, 377, 488, 534; iv. 477-479, 482; v. 203; vi. 4, 12 Courland, Anne, Duchess of (Empress of Russia), vi. 417 Courland, Frederick William, Duke of, vi. 417 Courland, James, 3rd Duke of, vi. 417 Courlande, Pierre, last Duc de, vi. 417 Courrier, v. 566, 577 Courtney Melmoth. See Pratt, Samuel Jackson Courtney, W. P., English Whist, vi. 507 Coutts, Mrs., iv. 541; Byron's "Mrs. Rabbi;" Vivian Grey's "Mrs. Million," vi. 504 Covent Garden Theatre, O.P. riots at, i. 347; vi. 11; Manfred at, iv. 78; Lee's The Three Strangers at, v. 337 Cowley, Abraham, i. 403; vi. 166; Davideis, i. 436 Cowley, Henry Wellesley, 1st Baron, ii. 79 Cowley, Mrs. Hannah (nÉe Parkhouse), i. 314; The Belle's Stratagem, i. 358, 403; Siege of Acre, i. 436 Cowley, W. D., translation of Parrot's Journey to Ararat, v. 294 Cowper, Joseph Meadows, Memorial Inscriptions, etc., vi. 422 Cowper, Lady (afterwards Palmerston), i. 301 Cowper, William, mentioned in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 362; The Task, iv. 174; vi. 348; Hayley's biography of, i. 321; Milton, v. 218 Coxe, William, Archdeacon of Wilts, Trav. Switz., ii. 385; Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough, vi. 174 "Crane," to, vi. 524 Crashaw, Richard, vi. 166 Crassus, ii. 405; iv. 264 Creech, Thomas, Translation of Horace, vi. 247 CremÂ, v. 138 CremÂ, Augustinus de, ii. 340 Creon, king of Corinth, i. 170 Crespan, Gio., Della Vita e delle lettere di Luigi Carrer, iv. 457 Crespi, the tenor, vi. 206 Cressy, battle of, i. 2 Crete, v. 127 Creusa, i. 159 Crib, i. 466 Critical Review, iii. 473, 499, 518; iv. 6, 13, 27, 81, 99 Croesus, iii. 519 Croker, John Wilson, ii. 4, 187; iii. 157, 217; iv. 74, 157, 339; v. 546; vi. 482; vii. 49; article on Keats in Q.R., vi. 445; vii. 76 Croly, D. D., Rev. George, Paris in 1815; Catiline; Salathiel; The Angel of the World, vi. 444, 445 Cromwell, Oliver, i. 122, 123; ii. 292, 394, 453; iv. 334; v. 560; vi. 174; vii. 35 Cronaca Augustini, v. 190 Cronaca Dolfin, v. 117, 118, 121, 172 Crosby and Co., B., i. xii, 234 Crosby's Magazine, i. 368 Crossing the Line, v. 616 Croupade, ii. 70 Crousaz-CrÉtet, LÉon de, vi. 264 Cruikshank, drawing of Jackson's rooms, i. 434; frontispiece to Rowfant Library Catalogue, iv. 508 Crusaders, the, i. 117 Cruscanti, the, iv. 152 Crusius, Martinus, Turco-GrÆcia, iii. 122 Ctesias of Cnidos, Persica, v. 3, 4, 11; vi. 122 Ctesilaus, ii. 431 Cuba, iii. 296 Cuesta, ii. 89 Culloden, battle of, i. 173; ii. 292; vi. 12 Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of, and King of Hanover, gazetted Field-Marshal 1813, vii. 31 Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of, vi. 12 Cumberland, Princess Olive of, iv. 541 Cumberland, Richard, Wheel of Fortune, i. 45, 344; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 306, 314, 343; The West Indian; The Jew, i. 344; and Townsend, i. 403; Observer, i. 414; iii. 85; Exodiad; Calvary, i. 436 Cumourgi (Courmourgi or Cumurgi), Ali, iii. 442, 455 Cunningham, Allan, vi. 3 Curll, a bookseller, i. 220, 326 Curran, John Philpot, ii. 236; iv. 561; vi. 450; Life of, iv. 555; "Longbow from Ireland," vi. 509 Currie, M.D., James, Works of Robert Burns, with an Account of his Life, etc., vi. 174 Curse of Minerva, i. 378, 451-474; ii. ix, 33, 106, 107, 168, 192, 252, 366; iii. 270 Curtis, Sir William, v. 578; vii. 68 Curtius, Q., Hist. Alexand., vi. 226 Curwens of Workington Hall, the, v. 622 Curzon, Visits to Monasteries of the Levant, ii. 294 Cuvier, le Bon G., Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles, etc., v. 210; vi. 385, 415 Cyanean Symplegades, vii. 10 Cyanometer, vi. 216 Cyaxares, v. 107 Cybele, ii. 328 Cyclades, vi. 118, 203 Cymar, or simar, a shroud, iii. 143 Cymbeline, vi. 487 Cypress tree, "the only constant mourner o'er the dead," iii. 99 Cyprus, iv. 400 Czaplinski, Governor of Poland, iv. 211 D d'AbrantÉs, Duke (Junot), ii. 39, 40 d'Acerenza, FranÇois Pignatelli de Belmonte, Duc, vi. 417 d'Acerenza, Jeanne Catherine, Duchesse, vi. 417 Dacians, the, ii. 412 Dacier, M., i. 402; Aristotle, vi. 182 Dacre, Charlotte. See Byrne, Mrs. Dacre, Lady (Mrs. Wilmot), vii. 48 D'Alembert, Jean-le-Rond, ii. 209; v. 554; vi. 63 Dalkeith, Countess of, i. 310 Dallas, Rev. Alexander, i. 387; ii. xvi Dallas, Judge, i. 495 Dallas, R. C., his copy of British Bards, i. xiv, 293, 298, 322; Byron's letters to, i. 294, 347, 359, 404; ii. xi, xii, xiv, xviii, 15, 24, 30, 32, 37, 65, 73, 83, 95, 104, 105, 161-163, 208; iii. 129; iv. 125; vii. 9; Fitzgerald's and Byron's jeux d'esprit, i. 298; Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, i. 305, 387; ii. ix-xii, xiv, xv, 89, 104, 120, 176; iii. 107; iv. 446; MS. of Childe Harold, ii. xvi, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22-24, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41-43, 45, 46, 48-52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 62, 64, 66, 82, 83, 100-102, 105-107, 110, 112-116, 126, 131, 135, 138-140, 146, 147, 149, 150, 155, 157, 159-162, 328, 329, 336, 341, 342, 352, 370, 373, 382, 385, 413, 419, 421, 443, 451, 458, 460; a suppressed Note on Spain and Portugal, ii. 87; on Cain, v. 199; certain "ludicrous stanzas" of The Island, v. 615; MS. of The Island, v. 587, 589, 590, 592, 595-597, 600-604, 611, 612, 615, 621, 625, 632, 636, 637, 639; Don Juan MS., vi. 143, 144, 150, 159, 167, 168, 170; "Yes! wisdom shines in all his mien," vii. 12; MS. of On a Royal Visit, etc., vii. 36 Dallas, Robert, iii. 18 Dallaway, Rev. James, Constantinople Ancient and Modern, iii. 90, 166 Dalrymple, Sir Hew, ii. 39, 40 dal Sale, Alberto, iii. 506 Dalzell, Sir George, Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea, vi. 87, 89-92, 94-96, 99, 102-110, 112 DamÆtus, i. 128 Damas d'Antigny, Joseph Elizabeth Roger, Comte de, vi. 312 Damascus, ii. 151 Damon, i. 175 Dampier, discoverer of the bread-fruit, v. 596 d'Ancona, A., Manuale della Letteratura Italiana, iv. 536 Dandies, the, iv. 176 Dandolo, Doge Andrea, iv. 352, 366, 438, 459 Dandolo, Giovanni, iv. 356 Dandolo, Doge Henry, ii. 329, 336, 337, 475 Dandolo, Conte Girolamo Antonio, Sui Quattro Cavalli, etc.; La Caduia della Repubblica di Venezia, iv. 456, 457 Danes at battle of Copenhagen, i. 468 Daniel, To the Lady Lucy, Countess of Bedford, iv. 239 Daniel, prophecies of, ii. 78; the writing on the wall, iii. 398; in the lions' den, vi. 235; Book of, vi. 504 Dante, ii. 355, 375, 494, 503; iv. 237-276; v. 562; vi. 146, 212, 213, 303; his tomb, ii. 371, 494; iv. 237, 244; Ricci's monument to, ii. 375; Inferno, iii. 227, 249, 270; iv. 23, 238, 245, 254, 272, 314, 316; vi. 36, 37, 105, 289, 408, 606; Div. Commedia, iv. 237, 570; Paradiso, iv. 347; La Vita Nuova, iv. 248, 253; Sonnet, iv. 249, 253; Il Convito, iv. 253, 256, 274, 318; Danton, Georges Jacques, vi. 13 Danube, vi. 304, 306, 331, 368 Dardanelles, the, iii. 13; vi. 208 d'Argens, Marquis, Lettres Juives, iii. 123 Darkness, iv. 42; v. 315 Darmesteter, James (Notes to Childe Harold), ii. 67, 106, 115, 134, 149, 236, 325, 345, 358, 419; translation of Zend-Avesta, iv. 112 Darnley, Lord, vii. 29 Daru, P., Histoire de la RÉpublique de VÉnise, iv. 332, 471; v. 115, 124, 179, 188, 190, 195; vi. 199; Histoire de la RÉpublique FranÇaise, v. 196 Darwin, Charles Robert, i. 367 Darwin, Erasmus, The Botanic Garden; The Temple of Nature, i. 306, 367 Davenport, actor, as "Ulric" in Werner, v. 324 David, i. 490 Davies, Scrope B., ii. 211, 212; iv. 179; Parisina dedicated to, iii. 501 Davies, Thomas, Massinger, i. 304; Life of Garrick, i. 409, 428 Davis, Henry Edward, ii. 283 Davison, Mrs., iv. 70 Davison, T., printer, i. 452, 453; iii. 259, 315, 323; vii. 58 Davoust, General, v. 550 Davy, Lady (Mrs. Apreece), iv. 541 Davy, Sir H., i. 307; iv. 472, 570, 586; his safety-lamp, vi. 51 Davy, Martin, Master of Caius College, Cambridge, iii. 170 Dead Sea, ii. 237, 294 Death of Calmar and Orla, i. 177 Debora, or Azzrum, Cain's sister, v. 226 Decies, Lord, Archbishop of Tuam, i. 390 Dee river, Aberdeenshire, i. 193, 238 Deformed Transformed, The, ii. 423, 483; iv. 15; v. 72, 371, 469-534, 606; vi. 500 d'Egville, Don Quichotte, ou les Noces de Gamache, i. 347 de la Bastie, M. le Bimard, Baron, MÉmoires de l'AcadÉmie, etc., ii. 480, 481, 482 De la Berge, Essai sur le rÈgne de Trajan, ii. 412 de la Croix, Sieur, i. 493 Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor EugÈne, painter, iv. 461 de la GuilletiÈre, Le Sieur, LacedÉmone Ancienne et Nouvelle, iii. 122 de la Houssaie, Sieur Amelott, History of the Government of Venice, iv. 358 de la Motraye, Aubrey, Voyages, vi. 295, 296 Delano, Amasa, Narrative of Voyages, etc., v. 622 De la Pryme, Charles, iv. 46 De La Rose, Pierre, vii. 3 Delavigne, Casimir Jean FranÇois, Marino Faliero, tragÉdie en cinq actes, iv. 329, 367 Delawarr, George John, 5th Earl of ("Euryalus"), i. 7, 100; ii. 22 Delawarr, Thomas, 3rd Earl of, i. 101 Delbora, or Awina, Abel's sister, v. 226 Delhis, or delis, Turkish bravos, "Forlorn Hope," ii. 136, 149; iii. 168, 459; vi. 312 Della Cruscan School, i. 304, 323, 357, 358, 441, 444; Academy (Florence), i. 358; ii. 357, 485 della Scala, Francesco can Grande, v. 562 Delort, M., iv. 514 Delphi, i. 425; ii. 15, 60, 61, 85, 92 Delphin, Martial, vi. 27 Delpini, Charles Anthony, Don Juan; or, The Libertine destroyed, vi. xvi, 11 Del Pinto, vi. 227, 228 Delvinachi (Illyria), ii. 134, 174, 177, 202 Demeter, v. 570 Demetrius Poliorcetes, v. 486 Democracy, "an Aristocracy of Blackguards," vi. 381 Democritus, i. 422 Demosthenes, i. 29; ii. 301 Denham, Clapperton, and Oudney, Narrative of Travels ... in Northern and Central Africa, vi. 474 Denman, Lord, i. 366; ii. 291 Dennis, John, i. 220, 326; iii. 279; Essay on the Operas after the Italian manner, etc., i. 410 Dent, M.P., John ("Dog Dent"), vii. 49 Denvil ("Manfred Denvil"), the actor, iv. 78 d'Epinay, Madame, ii. 266 De Principatibus ItaliÆ Tractatus Varii, ii. 478 Derby, Lord, Homer's Iliad, vi. 339 d'Erceville, Rolland, Recherches sur les PrÉrogatives des Dames chez les Gaulois, etc., ii. 6 Deropoli, plain of, ii. 134 Dervish Tahiri, ii. 175, 176; iii. 134, 450 Dervishes, the, i. 492; iii. 254 Derwentwater, iv. 525 Desaix de Voygoux, Louis Charles Antoine, vi. 14 Descamisados, or Sansculottes of the Spanish Revolution, vi. 456 Deshayes, ballet-master at the King's Theatre, i. 347 De Silver and Co., i. 452, 453 des Issarts, Marquis de Forbin, v. 566 Desmoulins, Camille, vi. 14 d'Este, Marquis, of Tuscany, ii. 354; iii. 503 d'Este, Alfonso, ii. 486 d'Este II., Alfonso, Duke of Ferrara, iv. 266 d'Este, Borso, ii. 354 d'Este, Ercolo, ii. 354 d'Este, Hugo, iii. 503 d'Este, Leonora, ii. 355; iv. 145, 147, 148, 151, 152 d'Este, Lionel, ii. 354 d'Este, Luigi, Cardinal, ii. 486; iv. 146 d'Este, Niccolo, Marquis, iii. 505-507 d'Este, Ugo, iii. 505-507 Destruction of Sennacherib, The, iii. 404 Detached Thoughts, i. 99, 205; ii. 301; iv. 75, 179, 562, 580, 584; v. 485; vi. 270, 360, 509 Dettingen, battle of, vi. 12 Deuteronomy, ii. 294; iv. 499 Devil's Drive, The, i. 30; vii. 19-34 Devonshire, Elizabeth, Duchess of, ii. 410; iii. 31; vi. 70, 488 Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of, v. 329, 378 Devonshire, William Spencer, 6th Duke of (Byron's "Duke of Dash"), vi. 50 Dewick and Clarke, printers, vii. 3 D'Herbelot, BibliothÈque Orientale, ii. 149; iii. 76, 109, 120, 145, 173; iv. 113; v. 280; vi. 292 d'Houdetot, Comtesse, ii. 265, 300 Diana, vi. 151 Dibdin, Thomas John, i. 341; iv. 338; The Jew and the Doctor; Mother Goose, i. 345, 346; The Grinders, or more Grist to the Mill, vii. 61 Dickens, Charles, v. 114; vi. 208; Tale of Two Cities, vi. 435 Dictionary of Antiquities, vi. 151 Dictionary of National Biography, ii. 25, 280; iv. 501, 503, 513; v. 589; vi. 67 Diderot, ii. 266 Dido, i. 157 Diez, iv. 171 Digentia river, ii. 523 Dilettanti Society, i. 378, 379, 454; ii. xi, 109 Dillman, Professor, Ethiopic Text of Book of Enoch, v. 302 Dillon, Charles, actor, iv. 78 Dinner-bell, "the Tocsin of the Soul," vi. 232 Diocletian, iii. 308 Diocletian's (Pompey's) Pillar, v. 548 Diodorus Siculus, BibliothecÆ HistoricÆ, v. 3-5, 11, 14, 21, 81, 106, 405, 543 Diogenes, ii. 241; v 565; vi. 303, 436 Diogenes Laertius, i. 18, 414; De Vit et Sententiis, vi. 585 Dion Cassius, ii. 179; Hist. Rom., ii. 411, 510, 511, 512; iv. 370 Dionisus, G. J., Canonico di Verona, ii. 496 Dionysius, ii. 413; Antiq. Rom., ii. 510, 512, 513, 518 Dionysius the Areopagite, Celestial Hierarchy, v. 286 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, ii. 497 Dionysius the Younger, iii. 311 Dionysus, India occupied by, v. 21 Dirce river, ii. 189 Disdar, ii. 187 Disraeli, Benjamin, Vivian Grey, vi. 504, 506 Disraeli, Isaac (Curiosities of Literature), ii. 468, 470; iii. 217, 499; vi. 555 d'Istria, Count Capo, v. 575 Djerrid, or jerreed, Turkish javelin, iii. 97 DniÉper river, vi. 201, 202, 208, 211, 233 Dniester river, vi. 362 Dodona, site of, ii. 132 Dodsley, A., The Ordinary, ii. 17; Description of the Leasowes, iii. 41; Plays, v. 200 Dodwell, E., Classical Tour, i. 455; iii. 272; Tour through Greece, vi. 151 Dog-tax Bill, 1796, vii. 49 D'Ohsson, Mouradja, Tableau gÉnÉrale de l'Empire Othoman, ii. 136, 206; iii. 176, 206 Dolabella, ii. 405 Dolce, Carlo, vi. 502 Dolfin Cronaca, v. 117, 118, 121, 172 Dolfino, Doge Giovanni, ii. 475 d'Olivet, M. l'AbbÉ (Thoulier), Histoire de l'AcadÉmie FranÇaise, ii. 485 Dolman, Miss Maria, iii. 41 Domestic Pieces (Poems), ii. 247, 426 Domitian, ii. 408; iv. 334 Domitius Marsus, i. 73 Don, brig of, vi. 405 Don Juan, i. 260, 203, 362, 403, 434; ii. 30, 59, 139, 149, 227, 281, 332, 342, 366, 372, 374, 441; iii. 13, 397, 463, 481, 488, 490, 494, 495; iv. 16, 17, 47, 60, 125, 132, 165, 184, 195, 226, 232, 238, 243, 279, 280, 475-477, 566, 570, 578; v. 159, 202-204, 351, 396, 497, 568, 584; vi. entire; vii. 9, 25, 76, 77 Don Quixote, i. 490 Donati, Corso, iv. 253 Donati, Gemma, iv. 253 Donate, Andrea, v. 123 Donate, Ermolao (or Almoro), v. 116, 134 Donatus, Tib. Cl., ii. 514; Life of Virgil, ii. 407 Donne, Dr., vii. 19 Donoughmore, Earl of, Byron's speech on motion for Committee on Roman Catholic claims, iv. 561 Doomsday Book, vi. 411 Dorchester, Lady, ii. 319; iv. 548, 566; vi. 608 Doria, Paganino, iv. 356 Doria, Pietro (Genoese admiral), ii. 338, 476, 497 Doria, transcript of Sanudo's Diaries, iv. 326 DoroshÉnko, Peter, President of the Western Ukraine, iv. 201 Dorotheus of Mitylene, Archbishop of Monembasia, Univ. Hist., ii. 198 D'Orsay, Count Alfred, "Cupidon dÉchaÎnÉ," vi. 507, 526, 547 Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of, To all you Ladies, etc., i. 198, 418 Dorset, George John Frederick, 4th Duke of, i. 194; iii. 423, 425 Douce, Francis, edition of Holbein's Dance of Death, vi. 555 Dover, vi. 420 Dowden, Edward, Life of Shelley, ii. 145, 258, 300; iv. 475 Downie, Commodore, iv. 198; vi. 508 Drachenfels, Castle of, ii. 249, 295; vi. 419 Dramali, Turkish general, v. 556 "Drapery misses," vi. 442 Drayton, Michael, The Barons' Wars, iii. 405 Dream, The, i. 210; ii. 219, 220, 260, 332; iv. 31-41, 63, 404, 544 Dresden, re-entered by Napoleon, v. 553; battle of, vi. 14 Drexel Institute, vii. 63 Dromedary, "ship of the desert," v. 606 Drouineau, Gustave, Rienzo, ii. 415 Druid oak, Newstead Abbey, vi. 497 "Druids," the, i. 443; ii. 213 Drummond, Sir William, iv. 337; A Review of the Government of Athens and Sparta; Herculanensia, ii. 204 Academical Questions, ii. 422; vi. 528 Drury Lane Theatre, burnt, i. 417; Byron's Address, iii. 51; iv. 69; Manfred at, iv. 78; Marino Faliero at, iv. 324, 328; the sub-Committee, iv. 338, 584; Sardanapalus at, v. 2; The Two Foscari at, v. 114; Werner at, v. 324; Lee's The New Peerage at, v. 337; Don Juan: or, The Libertine at, vi. 11; Nourjahad at, vii. 33 Manuel; Ina at, vii. 48 Drury, Henry, i. 25, 84, 88; ii. xvii, 100; iii. 13, 27; vi. 280; vii. 8, 10 Drury, Dr. Joseph, Headmaster of Harrow ("Probus"), i. 15, 16, 17, 25, 86, 89, 90, 94, 103; ii. 387 Drury, Mark, i. 17, 89 Dryden, John, on the Earl of Dorset, i. 198; his Virgil, i. 220, 477; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 305, 306, 312; Byron's support of, i. 368; a translator, i. 375; in Hints from Horace, i. 395, 397; Almanzor, i. 398; a caricature of, i. 401; Alexander's Feast, ii. 123; iv. 446; Absalom and Achitophel, ii. 420; vi. 482; Cymon and Iphigenia, iii. 59; "the ponderous ball expires," iii. 493; Palamon and Arcite, iv. 26; Georgics, iv. 208; a borrower from Boccaccio, iv. 316; to "partake," iv. 362; "Thou shall believe in," vi. 74; Indian Emperor, vi. 178; Theodore and Honoria, vi. 180; "Dedication" of the Æneis, vi. 182; his publisher Tonson, vii. 57 Dublin Examiner, iii. 473 Dublin University Magazine, iv. 82; vi. xx Dubois, Edward, My Pocket-Book, etc., i. 378, 379 Dubost, i. 390 Dubourdieu, Admiral, iii. 25 Ducange, Glossarium ad Scriptores Med., etc., ii. 435 Ducato, Cape (Leucadia's Cape), ii. 125 Duel, The, iv. 542 Duff, Mary (Mrs. Robert Cockburn), i. 192 Duff, Sir M. E. Grant, Notes from a Diary, i. 293 Dufferin, Lady, i. 343 Dugdale, Monasticon, v. 200, 207 Dugdale, Sir William, A Short View of the Late Troubles in England, vi. 174 Duke William, wreck of the transport, vi. 95 Dulauloy, General, vii. 24 Dumarsais, i. 402 Dumouriez (Dumourier), General Charles FranÇois Duperier, Memoirs, vi. 12, 13 Dunbar, battle of, ii. 394 Duncan, vi. 14 Dunning, John, iv. 513 Dupaty, President, ii. 508 Duppa, R., Life of Michael Angelo, iv. 272, 273 DuprÉ, F., v. 554 Dura, in Assyria, vi. 504 Duran, H., Romancero General, iv. 529 Duris, the historian, v. 11 Dwarfs, vi. 242 Dyce, Rev. Alexander, iii. 348; Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, vi. 78 Dyer, George, Country Walk, iii. 330; Sketch of Southey, vi. 175 Dying gladiator, statue of the, ii. 432 E E Nihilo Nihil; or, An Epigram Bewitched, vii. 55 Earl of Abergavenny, wreck of the ship, vi. 91 Early English Text Society, v. 207, 496 Early Poems from Various Sources, i. 210-285 Earthquakes, ii. 377, 505 East India Co., i. 377; vi. 236 Eastlake, Sir C. L., his picture "Byron's Dream," iv. 37 Eccentric Review, i. 322 Ecclesiastes, i. 307; vi. 303 Ecclesiasticus, ii. 155 Eckermann, Conversations with Goethe, iv. 157, 327, 328; v. 119, 122, 199, 204 Eckersall, Harriet (Mrs. T. R. Malthus), vi. 461 Eckersall, John, vi. 461 Eclectic Review, i. 379, 430, 431, 432; iii. 444, 493, 500; iv. 6, 158, 203, 240; v. 204, 329; vi. 162 Edgcumbe, or Edgcombe, Richard, ii. 430; iii. 72; iv. 15 Edgeworth, Maria, vi. 18 Edinburgh Annual Register, i. 435, 436 Edinburgh Evening Post, i. 430 Edinburgh Monthly Magazine, afterwards Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, q.v. Edinburgh Review, i. xiv, 202, 292, 294, 301-303, 305, 310, 330, 331, 336-341, 382, 392, 395, 429, 432; ii. xv, 109, 196, 201, 204, 213, 315, 360; iii. 77, 151, 219, 377; iv. 6, 48, 80, 158, 239, 313, 329, 342, 513, 574; v. 5, 119, 204, 280, 282, 338, 551; vi. xx, 9, 51, 67, 76, 172, 175, 403, 445, 459, 551; vii. 32 Edinburgh Weekly Journal, vi. xix Edleston (Byron's "Cornelian"), i. 66; ii. 104 Edom, Sea of, vi. 122 Edu, Rajah of Ellichpur, v. 631 Edward the Black Prince, i. 107; vi. 422 Edward III., vi. 496 Edward VI., iv. 542 Edwards, Captain, of the Pandora frigate, v. 584 Edwards, Dr., Master of Sidney Sussex Coll., Cambridge, i. 417 Egan, Pierce, Life in London, i. 321, 434; vi. 431-433; Anecdotes of the Turf, vi. 433 Egeria, ii. 454, 515; Grotto of, ii. 416 Egerton MSS., in British Museum, i. 235, 293, 387; ii. xvi Eginhard, iv. 288 Egotism. A Letter to J. T. Becher, i. 247 Egripo, the Negropont, iii. 173 Egypt, evacuated by the French, ii. 108; the Pyramids of, v. 550 Ehrenbreitstein, ii. 251, 297 Eiger, the Grosse, iv. 129 Ekenhead, Lieutenant, iii. 13 Elam, v. 4 Elchingen, Michel Ney, Duke of, vi. 373 Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, ii. 213; iv. 328, 482; v. 203; vi. 460, 569; vii. 13, 29 Elector Palatine, the, i. 2 Electric telegraph, invention of the, iv. 505 Elegiac Stanzas on the Death of Sir Peter Parker, Bart., iii. xix, 417 Elegy, vii. 75 Elegy on Newstead Abbey, i. 116 Elena, Duchess, iv. 367 Elgin, Lady, i. 452 Elgin, Lord, and the Elgin Marbles, i. 378, 452-474; ii. x, xi, 100, 106, 108-110, 167, 168, 172, 188 Elizabeth, Princess, i. 437 Elizabeth, Queen, i. 197; ii. 453 Ellenborough, Lord, vi. 265; vii. 29 Ellice, v. 555 Ellis, A. G. (British Museum), iii. 95 Ellis, F. S., ed. Golden Legend, iv. 494; vi. 33, 230, 273 Ellis, George Agar, i. 396; ii. xiii; iii. 77, 94, 151, 219, 321; iv. 514 Elliston, Robert W., iii. 51; iv. 338; Memoirs of, iv. 328 Elmsley, Professor, vii. 52 EloÏsa, v. 634 Elze, Karl, Life of Lord Byron, i. xi, 4, 18; ii. 248, 352; iv. 14, 543 Encina, Juan del, Teatro Completo, v. 207 EncyclopÆdia Biblica, v. 4, 219, 491 EncyclopÆdia Britannica, iii. 107, 130; v. 558 EncyclopÆdia Metropolitana, ii. 415 EncyclopÉdie, La Grande, v. 566 Endor, witch of, iii. 392; iv. 108 Endorsement to the Deed of Separation, in the April of 1816, vii. 41 Engen, battle of, vi. 14 Englaender, Dr. D., Lord Byron's Mazeppa, iv. 214, 220 Englische Studien, iv. 214, 324, 329 English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. xiv, 128, 203, 289-384, 387, 406, 409, 431, 443, 448, 453, 454; ii. ix, x, 108, 109, 202, 304, 205, 366; iii. 32, 196, 210, 324, 435; iv. 21, 182, 244, 519, 555; v. 537, 540; vi. 50, 67, 292, 587; vii. 6, 15 Enigma on the Letter I (spurious), iii. xxi Ennui, "the best of friends," vi. 176; "a growth of English root," vi. 512 Enoch, Book of, v. 281, 286, 291, 302, 311 Ensor, Miss Fanny, as "Myrrha" in Sardanapalus, v. 2 Eos (Dawn), v. 497 Epaminondas, ii. 155; vi. 376 Ephesians, v. 233 Epicurus, vi. 139 Epigram, vii. 65 Epigram. From the French of RulhiÈres, vii. 62 Epigram on an Old Lady who had some curious notions respecting the Soul, vii. 1 Epigram on the Braziers' Address to be presented in armour by the Company to Queen Caroline, vii. 72 Epigrams, vii. 81 Epilogue, vii. 63 Epirus, ii. 127 Episode of Nisus and Euryalus, i. xii, 151, 177 Epistle from Mr. Murray to Dr. Polidori, vii. 47 Epistle to a Friend in answer to some lines, etc., ii. 163; iii. 28 Epistle to Augusta, ii. 247, 456, 457; iv. 56, 57, 152; vi. 498 Epistle to Mr. Murray, vii. 51 Epitaph, vii. 65 Epitaph for Joseph Blacket, late Poet and Shoemaker, i. 359; vii. 11 Epitaph for William Pitt, vii. 64 Epitaph on a Beloved Friend, i. 18; ii. 137 Epitaph on John Adams of Southwell, vii. 1 Erasmus, ii. 281; Naufragium, vi. 93 Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Catasterismi, ii. 439 Eratostratus, i. 467 Erechtheum, the, i. 463; ii. 106 Erechtheus, ii. 102 Erizzo, Nicolas, ii. 472; v. 117, 134 Erneis, or Ernysius, vi. 410, 411 Ernst, W., Memoirs of the Life of Lord Chesterfield, vi. 525 Eros, iv. 105 Esarhaddon, v. 4 Esau, v. 285 Eschinard, Descrizione di Roma, etc., ii. 516, 517 Esdaile, Mrs. (Shelley's eldest daughter), ii. 13 Espadas, or matadors, ii. 68 Éspinasse, F., Life of Voltaire, ii. 282 Essling, battle of, vi. 14 Este. See d'Este Esterhazy, Prince, v. 539 Eteocles, v. 403 Ethiopians, Book of Enoch preserved by the, v. 302 Etna, v. 55 Eton, William, A Survey of the Turkish Empire, ii. 191, 194 Etruria, king of, ii. 90 Eucrates, ii. 393 Euganean hills, ii. 483 Eugene, Prince, MÉmoires, iii. 256, 455; iv. 331 Eunapius Sardianus, VitÆ Philosophorum et Sophistarum, Philostratorum, etc., iv. 105 Euphrates, river, v. 15, 108 Euripides, Medea, i. 168; vii. 10; Hippolytus, v. 496 European Magazine, i. 343; iii. 444, 500; iv. 99, 490; v. 329 Eurotas' banks (Laconia), ii. 150 Euryalus, i. 151, 175; ii. 387 Eurystheus, ii. 431 Eusebius, ii. 513; v. 281; Chron., v. 107 Eustace, Classical Tour in Italy, i. 452; ii. 440, 500, 516, 524 Euthanasia, iii. 39 Eutropius, Hist. Rom. Brev., ii. 411; the Eunuch, vi. 8 Euxine Sea, ii. 455; vi. 219, 220 Evans, Mr., Master at Harrow, i. 25, 89 Eve's curse, v. 271 Evening Statesman, i. 319 Examiner, ii. 215; iii. xx, 304, 389, 427, 428, 436, 438, 532-534, 538; iv. 478; v. 204, 540; vi. xx; vii. 17, 40 Eyre, trunk-maker, i. 437 Ezekiel, iv. 43 F Fabius, i. 220 Fabricius, Script. Gr. Var., iii. 122 Facciolati, ii. 92 Fagiono, Stefano, iv. 464 Fagiuolo, Niccolo, iv. 464 Fagniani, Maria (Lady Yarmouth), i. 501 Fairburn, John, The Stripling Bard; or, The Apostate Lartreate, iv. 521 Fairfax, Edward, translation of Tasso's Ger. Lib., iii. 362; iv. 296 Falbowski, the pane (Lord), iv. 201, 212 Falconer, William, The Shipwreck, ii. 169 Faliero, Dogaressa Aluica, iv. 448 Faliero, Bertuccio, iv. 346, 367, 464 Faliero, Lucia, iv. 365 Faliero, Marino, iv. 239, 240; story of, iv. 462; Petrarch on the Conspiracy of, iv. 468 Faliero, Doge Ordetafo, iv. 336, 390 Faliero, Doge Vitale, iv. 336, 390 Falkland, Charles John Cary, 9th Viscount, i. 351 Falkland, Lucius Cary, Lord, i. 121, 128, 432; iv. 21 Falkner, Mr., i. xii Fandango, the, i. 492 Fanshawe, Harriet, Enigma on the Letter H., iii. xx Fare Thee Well, iii. 537 Farewell! if ever fondest prayer, iii. 409 Farewell Petition to J. C. H., Esq., vii. 7 Farewell to England (spurious), iii. xx Farewell to Malta, iii. 24 Farewell to the Muse, i. 254 Farish, Rev. W., i. 417 Farquhar, The Beaux' Stratagem, i. 415; iv. 481; Recruiting Officer, ii. 88 Faucit, Helen, as "Angiolina" in Marino Faliero, iv. 324; as "Marina" in The Two Foscari, v. 114; as "Josephine" in Werner, v. 324 Faunus, Lucius, De Antiq. Urb. Rom., ii. 510-513 Fauvel, M., ii. 99, 168, 187, 190 Favell, iv. 225 Favila, Duke of Cantabria, v. 558 Fazillac, M. Roux-, iv. 514 Fazzioli, Venetian kerchiefs, vi. 83 Fea, the Abbate, Spiegazione dei Rami Storia, etc., ii. 518 Feere, consort or mate, ii. 22 "Feeble" used for "foible," vi. 550 Feinagle, Gregor von, vi. 16 Fellowes, Henry Wallop, vi. 569 FÉnÉlon, TÉlÉmaque, ii. 118; vi. 303 Fennell, C. A. M., Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, i. 455 Fenwick, John, translation of Dumourier's Memoirs, vi. 13 Ferdinand and Isabella, ii. 47 Ferdinand V. of Spain, vi. 212 Ferdinand VII. of Spain, ii. 54, 55, 78, 90, 91; v. 538, 558 Ferdousi, i. 353 Ferney, iv. 53 Ferrand, M., Histoire des Trois DÉmembremens de la Pologne, v. 551 Ferrara, ii. 312, 354, 503, 505; iv. 141 Ferrara, Alfonso d'Este II., Duke of, iv. 266; vi. 212 Ferrari, Girolamo, iii. 441 Festus, De Verb. Signif., ii. 437 Fewterel, the prize-fighter, i. 433 Fiandra, Comte Baldovino di, iv. 352 Ficino, ii. 365, 495; iv. 280 Fielding, Beau, iv. 541 Fielding, The Tragedy of Tragedies, or the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great, i. 313, 389, 392, 436; Amelia, i. 385; The Golden Rump, i. 414; Jonathan Wild, ii. 171; iv. 284; Tom Jones, ii. 386; iv. 284, 332; History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, iv. 284; vi. 254, 511; Journey from this World to the Next, iv. 483, 518; his "superior grossness," vi. xviii, 210; his use of "was," vi. 208 Fielding, Sir John, Bow Street magistrate, i. 416 Figuranti, vi. 207 Fiji, v. 599 Filicaja, Poesie Toscaine, ii. 312, 361 Fill the goblet again, i. 283 Finden, Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron, ii. 11 Fingall, Arthur James Plunkett, 8th Earl of, iv. 559 Finlay, History of Greece, ii. 107, 139, 140, 146, 165, 175, 180, 193, 441; v. 556; vi. 168; Greece under Othoman and Venetian Domination, iii. 166, 194, 195, 481 Finley, John, the pioneer, vi. 349 First Kiss of Love, The, i. 82 Fitger, Arthur, iv. 324 Fitzgerald, Colonel, iv. 157 Fitzgerald, Edward, translation of RubÁiyÁt of Omar KhayyÁm, iii. 87, 109 Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, iv. 548 Fitzgerald, Percy, Life of George IV., i. 416 Fitzgerald, W. L., The Tyrant's Downfall, iii. 435 Fitzgerald, William Thomas (Nelson's Triumph; Tears of Hibernia; Nelson's Tomb), i. 297, 444, 448, 481, 485; iii. 312; iv. 549 Fitzpatrick, Richard, Dorinda: a Town Eclogue, i. 500 Flaminius, Consul, ii. 505, 508 Flaminius Vacca, Memorie, ii. 508, 509, 511, 515 Flash language, instances of, vi. 431-433 Flavian Amphitheatre (Colosseum), Rome, ii. 423-435 Fletcher, Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, i. 415; The Two Noble Kinsmen, ii. 217 Fletcher of Saltoun, Andrew, An Account of a Conversation, etc., v. 602 Fletcher, Mrs. William, vi. 22 Florence, ii. 312; iv. 249; Uffizzi Gallery at, ii. 365 Florence Miscellany, i. 358 Florentine nobility, the, ii. 365 Florus, ii. 179 Foix, Odet de, v. 498 Folger, Captain Mayhew, of the American ship Topaz, v. 582, 622 Fontainebleau, Treaty of, ii. 90 Fontenelle, Le Bovier de, Entretiens sur la PluralitÈ des Mondes, ii. 198; iv. 523; vi. 246 Fontenoy, battle of, vi. 12 Foote, Samuel, The Mayor of Garratt, i. 412 Fop's Alley, i. 410; vii. 58 Forbes, Lady Adelaide; ii. 447; vi. 116 Forbes, Sir W., Life of Beattie, ii. 5, 479 Forbin des Issarts, Marquis de, v. 566 Ford, John, i. 304, 397; 'Tis Pity she's a Whore, iv. 377 Fold, Richard, Handbook for Spain, ii. 54, 57, 68, 79; vi. 116 Forli, vi. 212 Forman, Alfred, The Metre of Dante's Comedy discussed and exemplified, iv. 239 Forman, H. Buxton, i. xi; Prose Works of P. B. Shelley, iv. 3, 18, 100; vi. xix; The Metre of Dante's Comedy, etc., iv. 239 Forster, John, v. 114 Forster the murderer, i. 308; vi. 50 Forsyth, Joseph, Remarks on Antiquities, etc., in Italy, ii. 435, 484 Forsyth, William, History of the Captivity of Napoleon, v. 544-546, 548 Forteguerri, Ricciardetto, iv. 156, 166, 176, 319 Fortunes of Nigel, i. 351 Foscari, Doge Francesco, ii. 327, 507; iv. 459; v. 115, 117, 118; vi. 199 Foscari, Jacopo, v. 115 Foscari, Lucrezia (nÉe Contarini), v. 115, 130 Foscari, Marco, v. 118 Foscari, Maria, or Marina (nÉe Nani), v. 115 Foscari, NicolÒ, v. 115 Foscolo, Ugo, ii. 324, 496; iv. 156, 166, 281, 319, 367, 436, 457 Foster, Augustus, iii. 31 Foster, Vere, The Two Duchesses, iii. 31; vii. 15 Foston-le-Clay (Foston, All Saints) Vicarage, vi. 596 Foulon, Joseph FranÇois, vi. 435 Four-Horse Club, the, vii. 26 Fox, C. J., i. 113; vi. 9; Byron's On the Death of Mr., i. 34; Monodies on, i. 356; his friend Fitzpatrick, i. 500; one of "the wondrous Three," iv. 75; "with Fox's lard was basting William Pitt," iv. 511; History of James II., iii. 170; his grave in Westminster Abbey, v. 541 Fox, Charles Richard, ii. 80 Fracassetti, Giuseppe, Petrarch's Letters, ii. 351 Fragment, A, i. 21, 192; iii. 123; iv. 47, 51, 193, 203 Fragment from the Monk of Athos, iii. 18 Fragment of an Epistle to Thomas Moore, vii. 39 Fragment of a Novel by Byron, iv. 20 Fragment of a Translation from the 9th Book of Virgil's Æneid, i. xii, 151 Fragment—written shortly after the marriage of Miss Chaworth, i. 210 Fragments of School Exercises: from the "Prometheus Vinctus" of Æschylus, i. 14 Fragonard, his portrait of Franklin, v. 554 Frame Workers' Bill, i. 412, 495 France, v. 553 Francesca of Rimini, iv. 313-322 Francis Maria II., Duke of Rovere, ii. 498 Francis, Sir Philip, iv. 513 Franguestan (Circassia), iii. 111 Frankfort, i. 489 Franklin, Benjamin, iv. 516; Opinions and Conjectures concerning ... Electrical Matter, etc., v. 554 Fraser, Mrs. Susan, Camilla de Florian, iii. 26 Fraser's Magazine, iv. 542; v. 204 Fraticelli, Il Canzoniere di Dante, iv. 248 Frederick the Great, i. 107; vi. 337 Frederick II. of Prussia, ii. 209, 282; iv. 334; v. 637 Frederick William III. of Prussia, v. 539, 550, 553, 577; vii. 39 French, Waterloo and the, vi. 345 French Revolution, ii. 82; vi. 13, 14 Frere, J. Hookham, i. 395; ii. 327, iii. 151; vii. 48, 49; The Rovers, or the Double Arrangement, ii. 7; British Minister, Spain, ii. 79; The Needy Knife-Grinder, ii. 80; his article in Q.R. on Lady Morgan's France, ii. 187; Whistlecraft, iv. 155, 156, 279, 283; vi. xvi; vii. 53; the ottava rima, iv. 238 FrÉron, Elie Catharine, ii. 282 Friar, the Black, at Newstead Abbey, vi. 576, 578, et seq. Fricker, Edith (Mrs. R. Southey), iv. 521; vi. 175 Fricker, Mary (Mrs. Robert Lovell), iv. 521 Fricker, Sarah (Mrs. S. T. Coleridge), iv. 521; vi. 175 Fricker, Stephen, vi. 175 Friendly Islands, the, v. 581 Friuli's mountains (Julian Alps), ii. 348 Frizzi, Antonio, Memorie per la Storia di Ferrara, iii. 507 From Anacreon, i. 149 From the French, iii. 428; vii. 76 From the Portuguese ("Tu mi chamas"), iii. 71 Frosini, or Phrosine, iii. 145 Frundsberg, George, leader of the Landsknechts, v. 520 Fry, Elizabeth, vi. 425 Fryer, John, master of the Bounty, v. 594 Fugitive Pieces, i. xi, 1-75, 213; iii. 381, 383, 387, 388, 390, 400, 438; iv. 584 Fuller, Worthies: Lincolnshire, vi. 596 Fullerton, Lady Georgiana, v. 329 Fulvius Ursinus, ii. 510, 517 Funck-Brentano, M. Frantz, L'Homme au Masque de Velours Noir, iv. 514 Furius Leptinus, ii. 520 Furtwaengler, A., Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Sculpture, ii. 446 Fusina, ii. 349; vii. 72 G Gabor, Bethlen, king of Hungary, iv. 331; v. 349, 352 Gabriel of Bergamo, Bishop, iv. 467 Gaddi, Cardinal de', v. 516 Gail, Jean Baptiste, ii. 197 Galahad, iv. 320 Galiffe, J. A., Notices GÉnÉalogiques sur les Familles Genevoises, iv. 5; Galignanis Gazette (or Messenger), i. 452; iv. 338; v. 540; vii. 80 Galileo Galilei, ii. 369, 496; vi. 610 Galiongee, or galiongi, Turkish sailor, iii. 184 Gall, Richard, i. 211; vi. 462 Gallehault, iv. 320 Gallienus, vi. 446 Gallo, Cape, iii. 248 Gallois, LÉonard, Historie de NapolÉon d'aprÈs lui-mÊme, iii. 304 Galt, John, Voyages and Travels, i. 492; Life of Lord Byron, iii. 150, 205; vi. 195 Galvani, Professor, i. 308; vi. 50 Galvanism, i. 307; vi. 50 Gambas, the, iv. 259 Gambier, Admiral Lord, i. 468 Gandia, Duke of, iii. 367 Garcia, H. E. Don Juan, vi. 437 Garcilasso, or Garcias Lasso, de la Vega, vi. 40 Gardiki sacked by Ali Pasha, ii. 139 Garnett, Dr. Richard (keeper of Printed Books in the British Museum), Italian Literature, ii. 324, 351, 370; iv. 281; v. 535 Garrick, David, i. 26, 344, 409; iii. 51, 52, 53; Lying Valet, i. 400; produces Don Juan; or, The Libertine Destroyed, at Drury Lane Theatre, vi. 11 Garter, story of the, ii. 7 Garth, vi. 236 Gas, nitrous oxide, i. 307 Gas first used in London, vi. 434 Gas Light and Coke Co., i. 307 Gascoigne, M.P. for Liverpool, i. 479 Gaston de Foix, Due de Nemours, vi. 212 Gastuni, iii. 184 Gates, General, vi. 12 Gauls, the, ii. 413; iv. 331, 334 Gautier, LÉon, Voyage en Espagne, ii. 67, Les EpopÉes FranÇaises, v. 496 Gavotto, or Cabotto, Giovanni, iv. 262 Gay, The Beggar's Opera, i. 416, iv. 75; vii. 74; Trivia, iv. 160, Epitaph, vi. 561 GayarrÉ, Charles Étienne Arthur, History of Louisiana; Fernando de Lemos, iii. 298 Gayton, Miss, i. 347, 348 Gazette, i. 488 Gazette Extraordinary, iii. 303 Gazetteer, iv. 542 Gazetteer of the World, ii. xxiv; iii. 24 Gebhart, Émile, De l'Italie (Le Sac de Rome), v. 471, 472, 510, 515, 520 Gebora, battle of, i. 470 Geddes, Rev. Alexander, Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, v. 208 Gelasius, ii. 512 Gell, Sir William, Topography of Troy; Ithaca; Itinerary of Greece, i. 336, 379; ii. 109, 189, 204 Gelo the tyrant, iv. 440 Gemma, Dante's wife, iv. 253 Genesis, iv. 127; v. 197, 201, 207, 210, 277, 280, 285, 291, 300, 527 Genest, English Stage, ii. 331; iv. 573; v. 324 Geneva, iv. 53 Genlis, Stephanie FÉlicitÉ Ducrest, Marquise de Sillery, Madame de, i. 494 Genoa, v. 158 Genseric, king of the Vandals, ii. 390, 408; iii. 233, 251 Gentleman's Magazine, i. 337; ii. 11, 216; iv. 53, 82, 99, 139; v. 470, 578; vi. 410, 508, 551; vii. 19, 27 Geoffrey II., of Villehouardin, iii. 185 George I., iii. 209, 299 George II., ii. 282; iv. 491; vi. 12, 496; vii. 76 George III., i. 416, 425, 486, 500; ii. 230; iv. 476, 556; v. 542, 560; vi. 77, 368, 451, 496; vii. 31, 35, 76; in Vision of Judgment, iv. 485-525 George IV., i. 319, 487, 491, 495, 497, 500; ii. 360, 450; iii. 45; iv. 74, 548, 555; v. 204, 206, 539, 569, 578; vi. 374, 385, 425, 451, 478; vii. 17, 20, 22, 27, 29, 32, 35-37, 40, 80 George William, Elector of Brandenburgh, v. 373 Georgia, i. 378; vi. 279 GÉrard, his portrait of Napoleon, iii. 314 G. Dict. Univ., ii. 415 Germantown, battle of, i. 500; vi. 12 Germany, "how much we owe to thee," i. 486 Ghibellines, the, iv. 253 Ghormezano, Signor, ii. 99 Ghosts, ii. 255 Giaffir Pacha, iii. 189 Giamschid, Sultan, iii. 108 Giant's Grave (Bosphorus), vi. 219 "Giants' Staircase" (Venice), iv. 325, 336 Giaour, the, ii. 37, 135, 136; iii. 17, 85-146, 149, 150, 183, 210, 217, 225, 235, 254, 293, 384, 453, 464, 465, 481; iv. 21, 38, 125; v. 428, 612; vi. 165, 244, 332 Gibbon, Edward, as a translator, i. 375; Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ii. 174, 185, 202, 283, 307, 350, 392, 434, 475, 479, 482, 508; iii. 173, 251, 301, 519; iv. 53, 141, 288, 386; vi. 8, 9, 139, 179, 260, 279, 446; Miscellaneous Works, ii. 490; iii. 299, 503; Antiquities of the House of Brunswick, iii. 503 Gibraltar (Calpe's Rock), i. 378; ii. 89, 113, 455, 525; v. 588; vi. 344 Gieta, Colonel, iv. 205, 208 Gifford, William (editor of the Quarterly Review), his edition of Massinger, i. 292, 304; his Baviad and MÆviad, i. 294, 304, 362, 363; short account of, i. 304; Epistle to Peter Pindar; edition of Ben Jonson and Ford, i. 304; translation of Juvenal, i. 304, 362, 375; iii. 301; v. 63, 64, 613; vi. 255, 256; of Persius, i. 304; "a true poet," i. 306; alludes in MÆviad to Kotzebue's Pizarro, i. 344; describes Miles Peter Andrews in Baviad, i. 353; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers:—"his heavy hand, etc," i. 356; "born beneath an adverse star," i. 360; "bear witness, Gifford, Sotheby, Macneil," i. 362; iv. 182; "Why slumbers Gifford?" i. 363; attacks Delia Cruscans in Baviad and MÆviad, i. 358; criticizes Jerningham in Baviad, i. 383; on Weber, i. 397; his patron, Lord Grosvenor, i. 412; his "ultimus Romanorum," i. 444; "Edwin's mewlings" in Baviad, i. 444, 445; advises publication of Childe Harold, Canto I., ii. xi; advises suppression of stanzas on Sir John Carr in Childe Harold, ii. 65 enthusiastic about Childe Harold, Canto III., ii. 211; approves Canto IV., ii. 327; on the Giaour, iii. 76; Byron on Bride of Abydos, iii. 149; on Corsair, iii. 217; on Siege of Corinth, iii. 443; his corrections of Siege of Corinth, iii. 467-470, 474, 479-482, 484-486, 489, 492, 494, 495; on Parisina, iii. 449; on Manfred, iv. 79, 136; Murray's adviser, iv. 157; on Marino Faliero, act i., iv. 367; omits to correct Byron's bad grammar, iv. 419; reviews Lectures on the English Poets, etc., iv. 575; his addition to Two Foscari, v. 196; on Cain, v. 204; revises Heaven and Earth, v. 279, 310; his note to Don Juan on Memnon Statue, v. 497; "we've Gifford here reading MS.," vii. 48 Gight, i. 336 Gill, landlord of Byron's lodgings in Nottingham, vii. 1 Gillies, History of Greece, iii. 90 Gillray's Caricatures, i. 307, 476; iv. 509; vii. 29 Gindely, Anton, History of the Thirty Years' War, v. 352, 371, 416 GinguenÉ, P. L., Hist. Lit. d'Italie, iv. 459 Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli), "Judgment of Solomon", iv. 162 Giovanelli, Palazzo, iv. 163 Girl of Cadiz (To Inez), ii. 59, 75; iii. 1; vi. 82 Gisborne, v. 204 Gisborne, Mrs., iv. 100 Giustiniani, Franceschino, iv. 365 Giustiniani, Pietro Giovanni, v. 134, 179, 188, 195 Glaciers, ii. 385 Gladiators, ii. 431, 433, 520 Gladstone, W. E., iii. 157; vi. 26 Gladwin, Francis, translation of Sa'di's Gulistan, iii. 160 Gleig, History of the British Empire in India, i. 468 Glenbervie, Sylvester Douglas, Lord, Ricciardetto, iv. 156, 176 Glenesk, Lord, MS. of Siege of Corinth, iii. 448, 451, 452, 454-467, 469-471, 473, 476, 477, 479, 482, 483, 487-489, 491-495 Gloria, Maria da, of Portugal, ii. 11 Gloucester, Duke of, i. 498; iv. 177 Glover, i. 317 Gluck, music of Don Juan; or, The Libertine Destroyed, vi. 11; Armida and Rinaldo, vi. 34 Gnatoo, or tappa cloth (Tonga Islands), v. 600 Gneisnau, August Wilhelm Antonius Neidhart von, vi. 345 Gobbi, iv. 271 Godfrey of Viterbo, ii. 337 Godoy, Manuel de, Duke of Alcudia, Principe de la Paz, ii. 54, 90 Godwin, William, iii. 444; iv. 475; Essay Of Population, vi. 459 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, and Monk Lewis, i. 317; Faust, i. 318; iv. 80, 81, 85, 110; v. 201, 247, 281, 294, 409, 470, 471, 474, 493, 494; vi. 483; Sorrows of Werther, i. 494; Travels in Italy ("Letters from Italy"), ii. 330, 335, 424; Kennst du das Land, iii. 157; review of Mannfred in Kunst und Alterthum, iv. 21, 80-82, 340; translation of Manfred, iv. 136; vii. 55; Conversations of, iv. 157, 327, 328; v. 119, 122, 199, 204; Marino Faliero dedicated to, iv. 328, 340-342; vi. 443; vii. 63; Aus meinem Leben, iv. 342; on Vision of Judgment, iv. 480; on Irish Avatar, iv. 556; Sardanapalus dedicated to, v. 7; on The Two Foscari, v. 119, 122; on Cain, v. 199, 204; "The moment he reflects, he is a child," v. 279; on Heaven and Earth, v. 281; Werner dedicated to, v. 335; on Don Juan in Kunst und Alterthum, vi. xix; Madame de StaËl on, vi. 168 Goethe-Jahrbuch, iv. 82, 136; v. 282 Goettlingius, C., Hesiod Carm., ii. 188 Gold, vi. 455 Goldau, iv. 97 Golden Fleece, vi. 158 Goldoni, Carlo, iv. 157; Belisarus; Le Bourru Bianfaisant, etc., iv. 164; Mercanti, iv. 166 Goldsmith, Edmund, v. 289 Goldsmith, Oliver, Vicar of Wakefield, i. 480; vi. 145, 586; Citizen of the World, ii. 88, 323; Deserted Village, vi. 471 Golitsyn, Prince Basil, iv. 202 Gondola, description of a, iv. 165 Gondoliers of Venice, ii. 329, 468; iv. 165 Gonzaga, Cardinal Luigi Valenti, ii. 371, 495 Gonzaga, Scipio, iv. 143, 144 Good, John Mason, The Book of Job, iv. 498 Goodman's Fields Theatre, i. 414 Goose, game of, vi. 471 Gordianus III., Emperor, ii. 423 Gordon, Duchess of, ii. 350, 479 Gordon, Lord George, i. 484 Gordon, Pryse Lockhart, Personal Memoirs, etc., ii. 226, 227, 294; iv. 156; Life of Alexander VI., iii. 369 Gordon, Mrs. P. L., ii. 226 Gordon, Thomas, History of the Greek Revolution, v. 557; vii. 53 Gordon, Sir William, i. 173 Gorrequer, Major, v. 545 Gorton, Biog. Dict., ii. 173 Gosnell, S., printer, i. 478 Gothenburg (Gottenburg). i. 487, 488 Goths, Rome sacked by the, ii. 390 Gottschall, Rudolph von, iv. 203 Gouffier, Count Choiseul-, Voyage Pittoresque de la GrÈce, ii. 168; iii. 295; vi. 151 Gounod, his "Maid of Athens," iii. 16 Gouria, ii. 143 Gower, Hon. F. Leveson, his article in Nineteenth Century—"Did Byron write Werner?" v. 329 Goza (Calypso's Isle), ii. 118, 173; iii. 10 Gozzi, Count Carlo, Memoirs, ii. 120, 339 Grabius, Joannes Ernestus, Spicilegium SS. Patrum, v. 302 Gracchus, Tiberius, vi. 407 Gradenigo, Dogaressa Aluica, iv. 333, 377 Gradenigo, Beriola, iv. 377 Gradenigo, NicolÒ, iv. 377 Gradenigo, Doge Pietro, iv. 360 Grafton, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of, iv. 177; Autobiography iv. 510 Grafton, Duchess of, iv. 177 Graham, Mrs. (Lady Callcott), iii. 532; vi. 206, 207 Graham, General Thomas (Lord Lynedoch), i. 469 Grahame, Rev. James, Sabbath Walks; Biblical Pictures; British Georgics, i. 305, 323, 370, 429 Granada, ii. 46, 54; v. 558; vi. 30 Granard, George, 6th Earl of, vi. 116 Granby, John Manners, Marquis of, vi. 12 Grand Council (Venice), v. 169 Grande EncyclopÉdie, La, v. 566; vi. 313 Grange, James, pastry-cook, Piccadilly, i. 321; iv. 583 Granger, Biog. Hist. of England, iii. 298 Grant, Harding, Chancery Practice; Lord Byron's Cain, etc., with Notes, v. 203, 204 Granta, A Medley, i. 56; iv. 516 Granville, Lady, v. 329 Granville, Lord, v. 329; vii. 36 Grattan, i. 100; iv. 556, 561; vi. 226, 450 Graves, Oliver B., of Cambridge, Mass., vii. 3 Gray, May, Byron's nurse, vii. 1 Gray, Thomas, Alcaic Fragment, i. 49; The Fatal Sisters, i. 70; ii. 252; Lloyd's parodies on, i. 220; Lewis' Tales of Wonder, i. 317; "glance their many-twinkling feet," i. 483; Elegy, ii. 399; iii. 240; vi. 181, 503; Progress of Poesy, ii. 413; his lyric measure, iii. 128; Poemata, iii. 423 Great Council (Maggior Consiglio), Venice, iv. 360, 399 Greatheed, Bertie, i. 358 Greece, i. 424; ii. 62, 109, 149, 154; iii. 90, 446; v. 555; vii. 85, 87; Isles of, vi. 169 Greek Committee, the, v. 331 Greeks, the, ii. 191, 192; defeat Turks at Lerna, v. 556 Green, Hist. English People, i. 468 Green, poet, iii. 330 Greene, Robert, Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, vi. 78 Greenwood, scene-painter, Drury Lane Theatre, i. 346 Grenville, Lord, i. 437, 470, 497; iii. 45 Grenville, Lord George, Portugal; a Poem, ii. 4 Grete, river (Southwell), i. 239 Greville, Charles, vi. 451 Greville, Colonel, i. 348 Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl of, vi. 478 Grey, Lord, i. 497; iii. 45 Grey, Mr., iii. 170 Grief, Martin, iv. 329 Griffin, A., i. 234 Griffith, H. T., edition of Cowper's Task, etc., vi. 348 Griffiths, George Edward, iv. 165 Grillion's Hotel, Albemarle Streetvi. 437 Grillo, Angelo, iv. 146 Grillparzer, Sappho, v. 61 Grimaldi, Joseph, i. 345; vi. 11 Grimm, Baron F. M., Cor. Lit., ii. 266 Grindelwald, iv. 110 Gritti, Benedetto, v. 116 Grolierius (Grollier), CÆsar, Historia ExpugnatÆ ...Urbis, v. 471, 510 Gronow, Captain, Reminiscences, i. 345, 357, 476; vi. 69, 276, 507, 508, 529 Gropius, Karl Wilhelm, ii. 166, 171 Grose, Captain Edward, 1st Life Guards, vi. 355 Grose, Francis, Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, ii. 66; vi. 433 Grosvenor, 1st Earl, i. 412 Grosvenor, Robert, 2nd Earl (afterwards Marquis of Westminster), i. 412 Grote, George, History of Greece, ii. 102, 158, 341; iii. 311; iv. 566 Grotta Ferrata, site of Cicero's villa, ii. 522 Grouvelle, i. 402 Gruterus, ii. 299 Guadalquivir, ii. 54; vi. 112 Guadiana river, ii. 46 Gualandra hills, ii. 505-507 Guardian, i. 418 Guariglia, Signor, vi. 205 Guarini, Pastor Fido, iv. 141 Guasti, Tasso's Letters, ii. 355 Guelphs, the, iv. 253 Guesclin, Bertrand du, v. 549 Guhl, ii. 441 Guicciardini, Francesco (Luigi), Sacco di Roma, iv. 258; v. 471 Guiccioli, Countess (My Recollections of Lord Byron), i. 99; ii. 289, 374; iv. 119, 213, 237, 241, 545, 547, 549, 563, 570; v. 5; vi. 52, 297, 373 Guiccioli, Palazzo, ii. 372; iv. 279 Guido, fresco of the Aurora, vi. 526 Guilford, Earl of, iv. 143 Guiscard, Robert, ii. 390 Gunpowder, discovered by Friar Bacon, vi. 340 Gurney, Hudson, The Golden Ass of Apuleius; in English Verse, entitled Cupid and Psyche, vi. 165 Gurney, William Brodie, vi. 66 Gurwood, Colonel, Wellington Dispatches, vi. 266 Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, "The Lion of the North," v. 371, 373, 553 Guy Mannering, iv. 566 Gwynne, Nell, vi. 496 "Gynocracy" used for "gynÆcocracy," vi. 473, 588 H Hachette, iv. 14 Hadrian, i. 20, 462, 493; ii. 167, 411, 431, 436, 440 Hadrian's Mole, ii. 439 Hafiz. See Stott Hague, vi. 419 Haivali (or Kidognis), ii. 200, 207 Hales, Sir Matthew, vi. 610 Halford, Bart., Sir H., An Account of what appeared on Opening the Coffin of King Charles the First, vii. 35 Halgh of Halgh, George, vi. 294 Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of, i. 413 Hall, Captain Basil, Narrative of a Voyage to Java, 1840; Voyage to the Corea and the Loochoo Islands; Extracts from a Journal written on the Coast of Chili, etc., v. 546, 548, 556 Hallam, Henry, i. 306, 340, 380; Middle Ages, i. 337; iv. 288; vi. 464 Hallet, midshipman on the Bounty, v. 588 Hamet Benengeli, Cid, i. 299 Hamilton, Anthony, Archdeacon of Colchester, ii. 108 Hamilton, Archibald, 9th Duke of, i. 311 Hamilton, Lady Anne, Epics of the Ton, i. 294, 311, 330, 343, 353, 468, 471; Secret Memories of the Court of England, i. 311; vii. 78 Hamilton, Sir William Richard ("Dark Hamilton"), Lord Elgin's Secretary, Memorandum on the Earl of Elgin's Pursuits in Greece, i. 455, 466; ii. x, 108, 167, 168, 204 Hamlet, i. 401; ii. 64, 99, 103, 154, 418, 450; iii. 543; iv. 77, 95, 458; v. 25, 423; vi. 309, 342, 386, 394, 432, 456, 511, 550, 570-572 Hammer-Purgstall, J. von, Histoire de l'Empire Othoman, iii. 166, 312, 441, 454, 455 Hammond, George, iii. 217; iv. 472; vii. 49 Hamond, Mrs. (Miss Chaworth Musters), i. 277 Hampstead, ii. 66 Handbooks for—Central Italy, ii. 373, 380; iv. 275; Greece, ii. 117, 127, 157, 166, 189; Northern Italy, ii. 372; iv. 336, 392, 430; vi. 212; Rome, ii. 389, 403; iv. 271, 273 Hanmer, vi. 487 Hannibal, i. 349, 493; ii. 187, 459, 505; iii. 301; v. 606 Hansard, Parliamentary Debates, iv. 482 Hanson, Charles, vi. 460 Hanson, Hargreaves, i. 86 Hanson, John, i. 25, 86; iii. 540; vi. 100 Hanson, Mary Anne (Lady Portsmouth), vi. 569 Hanson, Newton, i. 86 Happiness, "was born a twin," vi. 130; Horace's Art of, vi. 490 Haratch, Turkish capitation tax, iii. 195 Harcourt, General, ii. 23 Harcourt, Mrs., ii. 23 Hardinge, George ("Jeffries Hardsman"), Senior Justice of Brecon, etc., vi. 508 Hare, Francis ("Silent Hare"), vi. 529 Harley, Lady Charlotte Mary (afterwards Bacon), "Ianthe," ii. xii, 11 Harmodius and Aristogeiton, ii. 228, 291; v. 556 Harmonists, the, vi. 554 Harness, Rev. W., i. 66; ii. 204; iv. 575 Harold, Baron de, iii. 100 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vi. 349 Harpocration, vi. 169 Harrison, John ("Longitude Harrison"), inventor of watch compensation, vi. 19 "Harroviensis," A letter to Sir Walter Scott, etc., v. 202 Harrow, i. 15-20, 25, 84-106, 208, 222, 237, 259; ii. 66; vi. 49; "Byron's Tomb" at, i. 26; speech-day at, i. 86, 102; rebellion at, i. 93; Byron's first English exercise at, iv. 48 Harrowby, Lord, vii. 13 Harte, Bret, The Society upon the Stanislaus, iv. 296 Hartford, Works of Lord Byron, In verse and Prose, iii. xxi; Remarkable Shipwrecks, vi. 98, 102, 103 Harvard University Library, vii. 3 Harvey, i. 405 Hasell, E. J., Tasso, ii. 356 Hastings, Francis Rawdon, 1st Marquis of, i. 497 Hastings, Warren, impeachment of, iv. 72; v. 542 Hathaway, Miss, as "Zarina" in Sardanapalus, v. 2 Havard, William, i. 428 Hawarden, Lady, i. 485 Hawke, Admiral Edward, Lord, vi. 12 Hawksworth, Voyages, ii. 7 Hay, iii. 217 Haydn, iii. 376 Haydon, Life of, i. 456; "The Elgin Horse's Head," ii. 336 Hayley (or Hailey), William, The Triumph of Temper; The Triumph of Music, i. 305, 321, 322, 370; vi. 587; translation of three cantos of Dante's Inferno, iv. 238, 244, 313; Essay on Epic Poetry, iv. 244; Life of Milton, vi. 7 Haymarket Theatre, Werner at, v. 324 Hayter, Bishop of Norwich, iii. 299 Hayward, Peter, midshipman on the Bounty, v. 588, 605 Hazlitt, William, ii. 17; My First Acquaintance with Poets, iv. 518; "Scamp, the Lecturer," of The Blues, iv. 570; Lectures on the English Poets, iv. 570, 586; vi. 12, 175; Lectures of 1818, iv. 575; The Spirit of the Age, vi. 506, 509 Hearne, Journey from Hudson's Bay, iv. 220 Heath, James, Flagellum, vi. 174 Heath, Miss, actress, as "The Witch of the Alps," in Manfred, iv. 78; as "Zarina" in Sardanapalus, v. 2 Heathcote, Katherine Sophia Manners, Lady, vii. 17 Heathcote, Sir Gilbert, vii. 17 Heaven and Earth, iv. 50; v. 277-321, 469, 527 Heaviside, Dr., i. 431, 432 Heber, Richard, Early English Poets, i. 396 Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta, i. 396; iii. 151, 217; v. 111; Reviews Marino Faliero in Quarterly Review, iv. 329; reviews Sardanapalus, Two Foscari, and Cain in Quarterly Review, v. 5, 111, 119, 204; on Don Juan in Quarterly Review, vi. xx Hebrew Melodies, ii. 273; iii. xix, 382-406, 417; v. 199, 231 Hecatonnesi Islands, ii. 200 Hecla (Iceland), vi. 569 Hector, v. 488, 577 Heinemann (G. Vuillier), History of Dancing, i. 492 Heiss, Baron, iv. 514 Helbig, Guide to the Collection of Public Antiquities in Rome, ii. 432 Helen, iv. 334; vi. 535 Helena, Princess (Duchess of Albany), iii. 157 Helicon, i. 373, 397 Heligoland, i. 487, 488 Hell, Byron's definition of a gambling, i. 407; vi. 436 paved with good intentions, iv. 499; vi. 338 Hellespont, iii. 13, 178, 179; vi. 112, 204 Helps, vi. 567 Helvetii, the, ii. 299 Helvoetsluys, vi. 419 Hemans, Captain, vii. 70 Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea (nÉe Browne), vii. 70 Henley, S., Notes to Vathek, iii. 76, 87, 105, 109, 110, 120; iv. 244 Henley, "Orator," vi. 303 Henry, John, v. 560 Henry, Patrick, one of the leaders of the American Revolution, v. 560 Henry of Prussia, Prince, v. 550 Henry I., i. 493 Henry II., i. 1, 116; v. 495 Henry IV., i. 399; iii. 134, 432; iv. 13, 262, 407 Henry IV., vi. 20, 48, 256, 342, 347, 431, 444, 453 Henry IV., Emperor of Germany, ii. 390 Henry V., ii. 19, 216 Henry V., vi. 487 Henry VI., vi. 347 Henry VII, vi. 496 Henry VII., Emperor of Germany, ii. 403, 494 Henry VIII., i. 1, 119; v. 499; vii. 35, 36 Henry VIII., vi. 495 HephÆstus, v. 396 HeraclidÆ, the, ii. 431 Herbert, Baron, Austrian Ambassador, iii. 4 Herbert, George, Jacula Prudentum, iv. 500 Herbert, William, Dean of Manchester, i. 306; HorÆ ScandicÆ, i. 336 Hercules (Alcides), i. 144; v. 27; Couch of, vi. 220 Hercules, wreck of American ship, vi. 90 Hermann, Mrs., as "Angiolina" in Marino Faliero, iv. 324 Hero and Leander, iii. 14, 178 Herod the Great, iii. 400 Herod, king of Chalcis, vi. 139 Herodes Atticus, ii. 416 Herodias, i. 490 Herodotus, ii. 272; v. 107; vi. 79, 169, 572; Cleobis and Biton, vi. 186 Herod's Lament for Mariamne, iii. 400 Herostratus, i. 467 Herrick, Robert, To Anthea, iv. 35 Hertford, Marchioness of, vii. 22 Hervey, Lord ("Lord Fanny"), Lines to the Imitator of Horace, i. 326 Hesiod, ii. 188; Works and Days, vi. 169 Hesperus, vi. 180 Heterodoxy, vi. 267 Hetman of the Cossacks, vii. 39 Heyne, Christian Gottlob, i. 490 Hiero, a painter, ii. 168 Highgate, "swearing on the horns" at, ii. 66 Highland Light Infantry, iii. 416 Highland Society, the, iii. 415 Highland welcome, a, vi. 272 Hildyard, Lieutenant J. T., Historical Record of the 71st Highland Light Infantry, iii. 416 Hill, Rev. H., iv. 476; vi. 4 Hill, S. McCalmont, iii. 18 Hints from Horace, i. 298, 303, 343, 359, 360, 385-450, 453; ii. ix, 108, 192, 196; iv. 517; vi. 433, 442 Hippocrates, ii. 197 Hippocrene, i. 328, 373 Hippolytus, vi. 255 Hiron, vi. 153 Hispalis (Seville), ii. 52, 60, 93; vi. 15 Historical Records of the Life Guards, i. 495 Hita, GinÈs Perez de, Historia de las Guerras Civiles de Granada, iv. 529, 530; v. 558 Hoadley, ii. 504 Hoare, Rev. Charles James, i. 372 Hobbes, Thomas, v. 615; vi. 195, 200, 570; vii. 32 Hobhouse, John Cam (afterwards Lord Broughton de Gyfford), Imitations and Translations, i. xiii, 264, 327; ii. 30; iii. xix; vi. 62, 142; vii. 8; his lines in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. xiv, xv, 292; Epistle to a Young Nobleman in Love, i. 267; on Hints from Horace, i. 388; Travels in Albania and other Provinces of Turkey, in 1809 and 1810, i. 454, 460; ii. 15, 60, 84, 100, 106, 125, 130, 131, 133, 136, 137, 142, 145, 148, 153, 157, 158, 169, 171, 174, 182, 189, 194, 198, 200, 208, 441, 461; iii. 7, 8, 14, 20, 85, 93, 145, 173, 179, 180, 194, 272, 468; iv. 31; vi. 151, 204, 208, 231, 261; vii. 9; "I don't remember any crosses here," ii. 36; "one of the finest stanzas I ever read," ii. 42; with Byron in Spain, ii. 52; "said they were vultures," ii. 61; en route for the Negroponte, ii. 75; Historical Illustrations to the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, ii. 313-315, 358, 379, 380, 389, 390, 403, 408, 410, 412, 435, 437, 439, 486, 512, 524; iv. 146, 245; v. 153; vi. 233; Italy: Remarks made in Several Visits from the Year 1816 to 1854, ii. 315; Childe Harold dedicated to, ii. 321; Hobhouse, Sir John, iii. 76 Hobson, Captain, vi. 146 Hoche, General L., ii. 251, 296; vi. 14 Hock, i. 486 Hodgson, Rev. Francis, Byron on Boatswain's death, i. 280; letters from Byron to, i. 280, 282, 379; ii. 29, 42, 63, 78, 104, 187, 192, 331; iii. 35, 38, 449; vi. 182, 467; vii. 10; Gentle Alterative for the Reviewers, i. 295; Bland's Greek Anthology, i. 306, 366; iii. 32; translation of Juvenal, i. 337; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 375; Lines on a Ruined Abbey, ii. 20, 170; Byron's Epistle to a Friend, ii. 163; iii. 28-30; Lady Jane Grey, ii. 170; Monitor of Childe Harold, ii. 360; on the Giaour, iii. 137; on the Bride of Abydos, iii. 151; "scribbler Mr. Hodgson," iv. 165; and Cain, v. 199; Byron's Lines to—written on board the Lisbon Packet, vii. 4; MS. of Devil's Drive, vii. 21; "principally to shock your neighbour," vii. 42 Hodgson, Rev. James T., Life of the Rev. Francis Hodgson, i. 375; ii. 288; iii. 28, 30 Hofmann. Lexicon Universale, ii. 156, 173, 261, 328, 390; iii. 181 Hofmann, C., Primavera y Flor de Romances, iv. 174, 529 Hogarth, caricature of Wilkes, iv. 508 Hohenlinden, battle of, vi. 14 Hohenlohe, Prince, v. 550 Holbein, Dance of Death, vi. 555 Hole, Rev. Richard, Arthur; or, The Northern Enchantment, i. 314, 436 Holford, Margaret, Margaret of Anjou, vii. 44, 45, 59 Holland, Henry Fox, 1st Lord, ii. 40 Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 2nd Lord, ii. 80 Holland, Henry Richard Vassall, 3rd Lord, i. 294, 306, 337, 338, 340, 356, 380, 417; ii. xi, 51-54; iii. 151, 155, 170; "Sir Richard Bluebottle" of The Blues, iv. 570; his motion on Napoleon's treatment at St. Helena, v. 545 Holland, Elizabeth, Lady (nÉe Vassall), i. 294, 355, 380; ii. 80; vi. 541; A Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith, vi. 596; Napoleon's snuff-box, vii. 77 Homer, i. 312, 379, 398, 404; vi. 73, 173, 177, 211, 263, 327, 478; vii. 62; a punster, i. 377; Odyssey, i. 426; ii. 100, 173; iv. 264; "and Homer (damn him) calls," i. 427; in Hints from Horace, i. 432, 438; the Homeric ghosts, ii. 255; v. Ariosto, ii. 359; iv. 266; Iliad, ii. 301, 452, 462; v. 488, 512, 573; vi. 117, 218, 339, 513, 534; Dante superior to! ii. 495; ?pe????, iii. 179; his Ocean stream, vi. 218; catalogue of ships, vi. 503 Homunculi, v. 493 Hone, W., publisher of Poems on his Domestic Circumstances, i. 452, 453; iii. xx, 24; Every Day Book, ii. 66; publishes Wat Tyler, iv. 521 Honorius, ii. 35, 86, 440, 521 Hood and Sharpe, publishers, i. 379 Hook, James, A Lass of Richmond Hill, vii. 59 Hook, Theodore, i. 306, 344; Tekeli; Fortress; Music Mad, i. 341; editor of John Bull, v. 206 Hoole's Tasso, ii. 143 Hooper, G., Waterloo: The Downfall of the First Napoleon, ii. 234 Hooper, W., Rational Recreations, vi. 550 Hope, Thomas, Anastasius, i. 390; Byron omits stanzas in Childe Harold on, ii. xi; Household Furniture and Internal Decoration, ii. 108 Hope, Mrs. Thomas (Louisa Beckford), i. 390; iv. 580 Hoppner, John, R.A., vii. 54 Hoppner, John William Rizzo, vii. 54 Hoppner, Richard Belgrave, English Consul at Venice, ii. 351; iv. 15, 459, 471, 472, 547; vii. 54; translation of Goethe's review of Manfred, iv. 82 Horace, Odes, i. 81; ii. 40, 76, 262, 387, 421, 448; iv. 197, 243, 323; vi. 15, 77, 78, 236, 453, 521; vii. 73; Satires, i. 184; ii. 405; v. 568; vi. 391, 446; Ars Poetica, i. 385, 402, 409; ii. ix, xiv; iv. 518; "Farewell, Horace—whom I hated so," ii. 388; his Sabine farm, ii. 455, 524; Epist., v. 367; vi. 246, 273, 474, 490; Louis XVIII.'s criticisms on Sanadon's translations of, v. 567; Epist. ad Pisones, vi. 15, 177, 505; Scholar of Love, vi. 139; Epodes, vi. 378, 536; his Art of Happiness, vi. 490 Horistan Castle, Derbyshire, i. 2 Homer, Francis, i. 302, 470 "Horns," "swearing on the," at Highgate, ii. 66 Horsetails, a Pasha's standard, iii. 480 Hortensius, vi. 270 Horton, Eusebius, iii. 381 Horton, Anne Beatrix, Lady Wilmot, origin of "She walks in beauty," iii. 381; iv. 569, 570; vii. 54, 61 Horton, Sir Robert J. Wilmot, vii. 54 Hoste, Captain Sir William, iv. 456 Hounslow Heath, i. 484 Houris, ii. 60; iii. 110; vi. 364 Hours of Idleness, and Other Early Poems, i. xi-xiii, 1-288, 303, 311, 374, 432; iii. 182; iv. 67 Houson, Miss Anne, i. 70, 244, 246, 251, 253 Houson, Rev. Henry, i. 70 Howard, Hon. Frederick, i. 355; ii. 11, 234, 293 Howatt, Hill, iv. 31 Howe, Admiral Richard, Earl ("Black Dick"), v. 588; vi. 12, 14 Howell, iv. 167 Hoyle, Rev. Charles, Exodus, i. 372, 430 Hoyle, Edmund, i. 372; vi. 173 Hroswitha, Lapsus et Conversio Theophrasti Vice-domini, iv. 81 Hucknall Torkard Church, i. 3, 70; ii. 334; iv. 14, 479 Hughes, iii. 16 Hughes, Mrs., vi. 496 Hugo, Victor, Les Feuilles d'Automne, ii. 358; Le Rhin, iv. 14; Orientale, iv. 202 Hulme, Thomas, Journal, vi. 554 Humane Society, vi. 50 Humboldt, Baron Alexander von, v. 539; vi. 215 Hume, David, History of England, i. 374; ii. 266 Hume, Joseph, ii. 504 Hungary, Bethlen Gabor, king of, iv. 331; v. 349, 352 Hunt, James Henry Leigh, his copy of Fourth Edition of Childe Harold, i. xvi, 311, 334; Byron's letters to, iii. 218; v. 537, 582, 584; Lord Byron and Some of his Contemporaries, iii. 474; Autobiography, iii. 509; vi. 26; the Examiner, iii. 532, 538; Story of Rimini, iv. 36; Stories from the Italian Poets, iv. 275, 281, 314; Morgante Maggiore, iv. 285; the Liberal, iv. 571; in Horsemonger Lane Gaol, vii. 16; "Blackguard Hunt," vii. 67, 68 Hunt, John, iv. 281, 285, 478, 479; v. 279, 325, 537, 581; publishes The Deformed Transformed, v. 472; and Don Juan, vi. xvi Hunt, Dr., i. 455 Hunter, Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 631 Hunter, William, vi. 412 Huntingdon Peerage, ii. 215 Huntly, George, 2nd Earl of, i. 173 Huon, of Bordeaux, v. 496 Hussite, or Taborite, Crusade, v. 549 Hyde of land, a, vi. 411 Hydra, Hydrea, or Idra, island, i. 457; iii. 270 Hyginus, FabulÆ, iv. 287; vi. 535 Hymettus, i. 459; ii. 157; iii. 271 Hypocrisy, vi. 410, 453 Hypsilantes, v. 556 I I saw thee weep, iii. 390 I would I were a careless child, i. 205 "Ianthe" ("Flower o' the Narcissus"). See Harley, Lady Charlotte M. Ibort, Jorge (Tio Jorge), ii. 94; v. 559 Ibrahim Pasha, ii. 174 Ich Dien (Windsor Poetics), vii. 36 Idra, Hydra, or Hydrea, island, i. 457; iii. 270 Iermolof, Catherine II.'s favourite, vi. 388, 389 If that high world, iii. 383 Ihne, Hist. of Rome, ii. 377 Ile de Paix, iv. 26 Ilissus, i. 459; iii. 272 Illyria, ii. 129 Imitated from Catullus, i. xi, 75 Imitation of Tibullus, i. 74 Imitations and Translations, i. 264, 266, 268, 272, 277, 281-283, 285, 287, 288; vi. 62 Imlay, North America, vi. 349 Imperial Dictionary, ii. 137 Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 631 Imperial Magazine, iv. 43 Impromptu, vii. 82 Impromptu, in reply to a friend, iii. 69 Incantation, the (Manfred), iv. 15, 63, 64, 79, 91 Independent Whig, iii. 534 India, i. 468; conquered by Dionysus, v. 21; invaded by Nadir Shah, vi. 384 Inglefield, Captain, H.M.S. Centaur, vi. 90, 92, 94-96, 99 Ingleston, George, "Brewer," i. 433 Innocent II., Pope, ii. 389 Inquisition, Spanish, v. 558 Inscription on the Monument of a Newfoundland Dog, i. 280; ii. 30; vi. 304 Invercauld, i. 171 Ionian Islands, ii. 193 Iphis, ii. 13 Irad, son of Enoch, v. 285 Ireland, W. H. ("Flagellum"), All the Blocks, an Antidote to All the Talents, i. 294, 356 Iris, The, i. 331, ii. 383 Irish and Carthaginians, vi. 337 Irish Avatar, iv. 49, 555; vi. 368, 439 Iron Mask, Man in the, iv. 514 Irving, Sir Henry, iv. 78; as "Werner," v. 324 Irving, Washington, Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey, iv. 32, 38; vi. 497, Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, vi. 30, History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, vi. 552 Isaiah, ii. 166, 398, iii. 305 Iskra, iv. 202 Island, The; or, Christian and his Comrades, i. 173; iii. 459, 467, 494, v. 579-639; iv. 61, 485; v. 514, vi. xvi, 106, 193, 405 Isles of Greece, vi. 169 Ismail, siege of, vi. 264, 304-370 Ismenus river, ii. 189 Israello, Bertuccio, iv. 356, 464 Italy, ii. 361; iv. 256; vi. 8 Ithaca, ii. 124, 177 Itys, iv. 287 Ilulus, i. 159 J Jackals, vi. 382 Jackson, General Andrew, iii. 298 Jackson, "Gentleman," i. 433; iv. 303; vi. 433 Jackson, James Grey, Account of the Empire of Marocco and Suez ... to which is added an account of Tombuctoo, vi. 51, 198 Jackson, Lady, The Court of the Tuileries, v. 567 Jackson, Rev. Luke, i. 70 Jackson, William, a Keswick carrier, vi. 177 Jacobi, M., i. 494 Jacobinism, v. 544 Jacob's Reports, v. 204; vi. 460 Jacobs, Epig. GrÆc., i. 18 Jamat-al-Aden, the Mussulman paradise, iii. 197 Jamblichus, the philosopher, iv. 105; v. 480 James I., i. 173, 198, iv. 543 James II., ii. 121, 292; iv. 504 James V., ii. 295 Jama, Medjnoun and Leila, iii. 160 Janina, or Joannina (Yanina), lake of, ii. 129, 179, 189; Archbishop of, iii. 145 Japhet, v. 284 Jason, i. 170, vi. 177, 521 Jassy, Treaty of, v. 551 Jeaffreson, Cordy, Real Lord Byron, iv. 32 Jefferies, Judge, i. 332 Jefferson, Thomas, iv. 159 Jeffrey, Francis, Lord, referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. xiv, 301, 302, 332, 333, 339; Moore's duel with, i. 203, 305, 333-335, 380; "self-constituted Judge of Poesy," i. 301; "his pay is just the sterling pound a sheet," i. 302; founder of the Edinburgh Review, i. 302; v. 338; reviews Marmion in E.R., i. 310, Montgomery's poems in E.R., i. 331; article on de Cavallos' work in E.R. by Brougham and, i. 338; Byron accused of personality towards, i. 382; "the Devil and Jeffrey," i. 429; lines in Hints from Horace on, i. 430-433; counsel for Sir F. Burdett v. William Scott, i. 436, his articles in E.R. on:—Childe Harold, ii. 213; Giaour, iii. 77; Corsair and Bride of Abydos, iii. 151, 219; Hebrew Melodies, iii. 377; Prisoner of Chillon, iv. 6; Manfred, iv. 80-82; Beppo, iv. 158; Prophecy of Dante, and Marino Faliero, iv. 329; Sardanapalus, Two Foscari, and Cain, v. 5, 119, 204; Heaven and Earth, v. 282; Jehoshaphat, valley of, iv. 288 Jekyll, Joseph, Corr., i. 319; vi. 413, 504 Jemappes, battle of, vi. 13 Jenner, Edward, i. 307; and vaccination, vi. 50 Jephson, Two Strings to your Bow, i. 345; The Servant with Two Masters, i. 445 Jephtha's Daughter, iii. 387 Jeremiah, iii. 312; iv. 43 Jerningham, Edward, The Nunnery; The Old Bard's Farewell, i. 383 Jerningham Letters, i. 383 Jerningham, Sir George, Bart., i. 383 Jerreed, djerrid, jarid, a Turkish javelin, in. 97, 168 Jersey, Sarah, Countess of, vi. 541; vii. 37, 40 Jersey, Earl of, iv. 472 Jerusalem, iii. 401 Jesse, J. H., Memoirs, etc., of George III., vii. 31 Jesuits, the, ii. 493; v. 558 Jesus Christ, vi. 267 Jeux d'Esprit and Minor Poems, 1798-1824, vii. 1-88 Jews, v. 100, 236, 573 Jex-Blake, K., The Elder Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art, ii. 432 Joan of Arc, i. 313 JoÃo V., Don, ii. 87 Job, Book of, iii. 406; iv. 498; vi. 59, 605; vii. 34 Joel, iv. 43 John Bull, iv. 555, 571; v. 206 John Bull's Letter, iii. 280; vi. 75 John, of Trocnow, surnamed Zika, or the "One-eyed," v. 549 John George, elector of Saxony, v. 373 John II. of France, v. 549 John Casimir V., king of Poland, iv. 201, 205, 211, 212; vi. 246 John Keats, vii. 76 Johnson, James, Musical Museum, vi. 64 Johnson, Miss, iii. 45 Johnson, Dr. Samuel, Lives of the Poets, i. 220, 401, 416, 423; Prologue to Irene, i. 400; Boswell's Life of, i. 401, 409, 449; ii. 460, 489; vi. 247; Rasselas, ii. 37, iii. 145; vi. 574; "Hell is paved with good intentions," iv. 499; "brandy for heroes," v. 592; Life of Milton, vi. 174; Life of Dryden, vi. 182; Vanity of Human Wishes, vi. 183; on misers, vi. 455; "liked an honest hater," vi. 482; Dictionary, vi. 575, and Lord Auchinlech's reminder, vii. 35 Johnston, J., "the Cheapside impostor," ii. 212, 213; iii. xx Johnston, Major, leader of insurrection (1805) in N.S. Wales, v. 588 Johnstone, Sir James, ii. 4 JonciÈres, Victorini, v. 2 Jones, Inigo, iv. 161 Jones, Sir William, iii. 86; A Grammar of the Persian Language, iii. 100; Solima, iii. 110; Asiatic Research, iv. 555 Jonson, Ben, i. 304, 398, 420; iv. 239; and Sylvester, vi. 7; Every Man in his Humour, vi. 68 Jordan, Mrs., i. 353 Jordan, Professor, ii. 413 Jornandes, De Getarum Origine, iii. 235 Joseph and Potiphar's wife, vi. 255 Joseph, king, ii. 53, 89 Joseph II., Emperor, vi. 313. 414 Josephus, v. 208 Joshua, grave of, vi. 220 Journal de Savants, iv. 578 Journal de TrÉvoux, iv. 578 Journal des Economistes, vi. 461 Journal in Cephalonia, vii. 83 Journal of a Soldier of the 71st Regiment, vi. 376 Journal of the ArchÆological Association, vi. 497 Journals of the House of Lords, iv. 542 Joy, Mr., iv. 472 Juba, king of Mauretania, vi. 236 Judges, iii. 118 Julia Alpinula, ii. 256, 299 Julian (A Fragment), iii. xxi, 419 Julian Alps ("Friuli's mountains"), ii. 348 Julian, Count, ii. 46, 89 Julian the Apostate, vi. 9 Juliet, i. 37, 38; her tomb at Verona, v. 562 Julius Alpinus, ii. 299 Julius CÆsar, ii. 375, 392, 434, 490, 514, 520; v. 476 Julius CÆsar, vi. 268 Julius II., Pope, iv. 271, 273; vi. 212 Julius III., Pope, ii. 508 Jungfrau, the, ii. 385; iv. 81, 82, 94, 102, 109 Junia, wife of Cassius, ii. 374 Junius, Letters of, iv. 476, 480, 512-515 Juno, wreck of the, vi. 105, 107, 108 Junot (Duke d'AbrantÉs), ii. 39, 40 Jupiter, i. 14; vi. 130 Jupiter Olympius, temple of, i. 462; ii. 167 Jupiter Optimus Maximus, temple of, ii. 412 Jura range, the, ii. 269, 273 Justin Martyr, ii. 513 Justinian, ii. 166 Justinius, Hist., ii. 60; iv. 40; v. 79 Juvenal, i. 297, 303, 304, 351; ii. 187, 190, 416, 516; iii. 16, 301; v. 63, 64, 543, 613; vi. 27, 139, 254-256 Juvenilia, i. xi K Kaff (Mount Caucasus), i. 378; vi. 292 Kahn, Gustave, Don Juan, vi. xx Kalamas river (Acheron), ii. 131, 180, 181 Kalamata, gulf of, iii. 249 Kaleidoscope, vi. 109 Kamschatka, i. 492 Kant, Professor Immanuel, vi. 418; vii. 32 Kara Osman, or Carasman, Oglou, iii. 166 Kashmeer, the butterfly of, iii. 105 Katzones, Lambros, iii. 194, 219 Kava, cava, or ava, a Tongan intoxicating drink, v. 600 Kazdaghy, Mount, vi. 211 Kean, Charles, as "Sardanapalus," v. 2; as "Manuel, Count Valdis," vii. 48 Kean, Mrs. Charles (Miss Ellen Tree), iv. 78; as "Myrrha" in Sardanapalus, v. 2 Kean, Edmund, i. 344; iv. 338, 436, 584, 587 Keary, C. F., The Francis Letters, iv. 513 Keates, Admiral Sir Richard Goodwin, iii. 25 Keats, George, vi. 446 Keats, Georgiana, vi. 446 Keats, John, Lines on, iii. xx; vii. 76; and Coleridge, v. 175; "killed off by one critique," vi. 445; Endymion, vii. 76 Kebbiera, Lilla, vi. 160 Keble, Christian Year, ii. 292 Keith, Lord, iii. 428 Kellerman, General, ii. 39 Kemble, Charles, i. 46, 344, 353 Kemble, John Philip, iv. 338 Kendal, Duchess of, iii. 209 Kennard, John Peirse, v. 175 Kennedy, Dr. James, Conversations on Religion with Lord Byron, iii. 393; v. 199 Kenney, James, i. 306; Raising the Wind, i. 342; Sweethearts and Wives, i. 343 Kent, Duke of, i. 498 Kent's London Directory, iv. 583 Kentucky, wars of, vi. 348 Keppel, Admiral Augustus, Viscount, vi. 12 KhmelnÍtzky, BogdÁn, iv. 211 Kibitka, springless carriage, vi. 383 Kidd, Captain, vii. 5 Kiepert, Carte de l'Épire et de la Thessalie, ii. xxiv Killiecrankie, ii. 292 Kilworth, Lord, i. 485 King, "Jew," i. 357; vi. 100 King, Leonard W., his article "Assyria" in Enc. Biblica, v. 4 King, R. J., Handbook to the Cathedrals of England, vi. 596 King, Rosa, i. 357 King John, i. 356; vi. 165 King Lear, ii. 196; vi. 256, 446 King Richard, i. 401 King's College, Cambridge, i. 392 Kings, Book of, v. 107 Kingsley, Rev. Charles, Last Buccaneer, iii. 451; on Don Juan, vi. xviii; Westward Ho! vi. 483; Letters and Memoirs, vi. 517 Kinkel, G., editor of Bibliotheca Teubneriana, iv. 243 Kinnaird, Douglas, iii. 375, 402; iv. 70, 343, 472, 478, 545, 549; v. 325, 537; vi. 12, 100, 373, 450, 455, 458, 546; vii. 77; Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, vi. 374; Letter to the Duke of Wellington on the Arrest of M. Marinet, ibid. Kinnaird, Lord, iv. 472 Kipling, Rudyard, Barrack-Room Ballads, v. 72 Kirk, J. F., History of Charles the Bold, ii. 298 Kit-Cat Club, vii. 57 Kitto, Travels in Persia, v. 294 Kizlar aghasi, head of the black eunuchs, iii. 168 Kleeman, Nicholas Ernest, Voyage de Vienne À Belgrade, vi. 216, 280 Klencke, Professor, Alexander von Humboldt, vi. 216 Knebel, iv. 81 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, vi. 496 Knight, American Mechanical Dictionary, v. 404 Knight, Cornelia, Personal Reminiscences, v. 563; Autobiography, vii. 35 Knight, H. Gally (Ilderim, a Syrian Tale; Phrosyne, a Grecian Tale; Alashtar, an Arabian Tale), iv. 175; vi. 230; vii. 44, 45, 51, 60, 70; Byron's Ballad on, vii. 58 Knight, Richard Payne, Taste, i. 337, 383; Monody on the death of C. J. Fox, i. 356; Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, i. 378, 454 Knight, Professor W., Life of William Wordsworth, iv. 341, 582; vi. 91, 178; Shakespeare, vi. 487, 502 Knight and Lacy, i. 234, 452 Knights of St. John, iv. 400 Knolles, The Turkish History, vi. 259 Koch, History of Europe, i. 468; ii. 364; iv. 197 Kochlani horses, v. 496 Kodrikas, Professor Panagios (Panagiotes), translation of Fontenelle, ii. 198 Koepang Bay, v. 583 KÖlbing, Professor Engen (Englische Studien), Ada Byron, ii. 289; Siege of Corinth, iii. 442, 449, 454, 472, 475, 496; Prisoner of Chillon, and other Poems, iv. 6, 15, 21, 42; Mazeppa, iv. 214; Marino Faliero, iv. 324, 329 Kolokotrones, v. 556 Kopreas, the herald, ii. 431 KorÂn, the, iii. 103, 109, 110, 113, 119, 181, 186, 195, 206 Kosciusko, v. 550, 551; vi. 418 KotchÚbey, Matrena, iv. 202 Kourakin, Prince Alexis Borisovitch, vi. 307 Koutousof, Michailo Smolenskoi, Commander of Austro-Russians at Austerlitz, vi. 351-354 Koutsonika, Suliote leader, ii. 180 Krasnoi, battle of, iv. 207 Krdschalies, Turkish levies, iii. 188 KrÜdener, Baronne de (Barbe Julie de Wietenhoff), v. 564 Kruitzner, Friedrich (Count Siegendorf), v. 327 Kunst und Alterthum, iv. 21, 80, 81, 340 Kyrle, John, "The Man of Ross," vi. 350 L La BÉdoyÈre, Charles AngÉlique FranÇois Huchet, Comte de, iii. 431 La Revanche, vii. 15 LacedÆmon, ii. 155 Lachin y Gair, i. 171 Lactantius, De Fals Religione, ii. 512 Lady Hobart, wreck of the ship, vi. 96, 109, 110 Lady of the Lake, ii. 347 Laertius, Diogenes, i. 18, 414 La Fayette, v. 567; vi. 13 Lafitte, Jacques, Governor of Bank of France, vi. 456 Lafitte, Jean, chief of the Pirates of Barataria, iii. 296-298 Lafitte, Marshal, v. 567 Lafitte, Pierre, iii. 297 La Fontaine, de, vi. xviii; Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, vi. 62 La Harpe, FrÉdÉric CÉsar, v. 564 Laing, Malcolm, History of Scotland, etc.; Poems of Ossian, etc., i. 183 LaÏus, ii. 431 Lake School of Poets, the, ii. 115, 281; iii. 320, 473; iv. 184, 339, 485 Lalla Rookh, iii. 181, 186; iv. 176, 587 Lamartine, Voyage en Orient, ii. 171 Lamb, Lady Caroline (Glenarvon), i. 301, 476; ii. 429; iii. xx, xxi, 31, 59; iv. 177; v. 329; vi. 138, 451; vii. 45 Lamb, Sir P., Viscount Melbourne, i. 300, 380; vii. 15 Lamb, Charles, i. 329, 343, 438; ii. 22, iv. 478; Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, iv. 81, 377; v. 489; Triumph of the Whale, iii. xx; On the Tragedies of Shakespeare, v. 339; Fragments of Criticism, vii. 18 Lamb, Hon. George, i. 300-302, 306, 368, 380; vii. 15; Whistle for It, i. 338 Lamb, Hon. Mrs. George (Caroline Rosalie Adelaide St. Jules), i. 301; iii. 31, 32, vii. 15 Lamb, Mary, i. 343 Lamb, William, i. 300, 306 Lamberti, Anton Maria, La biondina in gondoleta, iv. 456, 457 Lambro Canzani (or Lambros Katzones), iii. 194, 219 Lamech, v. 209 Lament of Tasso, ii. 354; iii. 503; iv. 139-152, 237, 266; v. 152; vii. 55 Lamentations, ii. 166 L'AmitiÉ est l'Amour sans Ailes, i. 106, 220; ii. 12 Lamotte, i. 423 Lancashire Glossary, ii. 71 Lancaster, Henry, Duke of, v. 549 Lanciani, Professor R., Ruins and Excavations of Ancient Rome, ii. 413, 416, 424, 425, 436, 440 Lancilotto, iv. 321 Landino, Commentary on Dante, iv. 272 Landor, Walter Savage, Works, iii. 402; Idyllia Heroica Decem. Librum Phaleuciorum Unum, iv. 484; Gebir, iv. 485; v. 613, 614; A Satire on Satirists, etc., iv. 518; v. 614; Juvenal, v. 613; "that deep-mouthed Boeotian," vi. 445; Landsknechts, the, v. 520 Landwehr, Prussian troops at Leipsic battle, vii. 23 Lanfranchi, Palazzo, vi. 402 Lang, Andrew, Life and Letters of J. G. Lockhart, iii. 532; The Making of Religion, v. 601 Langeron, Andrault, Comte de, vi. 312 Langhorne, Rev. John, translator of Plutarch's Lives, iv. 109, 251, 352, 386, 423; v. 4, 5, 21, 72, 486, 487, 506; vi. 139, 226, 270, 339, 348, 376, 404, 477, 547 Lansdowne, Lady, iii. 72 Lansdowne, Granville George, Lord, Inscription for a Figure representing the God of Love, v. 633 Lansdowne, Henry Petty, 3rd Marquis of, i. 319, 340; iv. 472 LanskoÏ, Catherine II.'s favourite, vi. 388, 389, 391, 412 Lanzi, ii. 490 Laocoon, ii. 445; vi. 200 Laos river, ii. 134, 182 La PeÑa, Captain-General, i. 469 Lapland, i. 489 La Plata, ii. 82 Lara, iii. 188, 219, 323-371, 443, 477, 508; vi. 235 Lardner and Co., i. 307 La Rousse, ii. 415 Las Cases, MÉmorial de Ste. HÉlÈne, v. 537 Lascy, General de, vi. 340, 347 Last Words on Greece, vii. 85 Latour, Major A. La CarriÈre, Historical Memoirs of the War in W. Florida and Louisiana, iii. 298 Lauderdale, Lord, iii. 45; iv. 472; vi. 67 Laugier, Sig. Abate, Istoria della Repubblica di Venezia, iv. 332, 335 Laura, Petrarch's, vi. 145 Laurence, Richard, translation of The Book of Enoch, v. 281, 302 Lausanne, iv. 53 Lavater, ii. 107 Laverne, L. M. P. Tranchant de, The Life of Field-Marshal Souvarof, vi. 222, 320-322 Lawler, C. F., the pseudo-Peter Pindar, ii. 213 Lawrence, Sir Thomas, i. 389; iv. 565 Lawrence v. Smith, v. 204 Lay of the Last Minstrel, i. 309, 310; ii. 19; iii. 96, 472; vi. 406, 458, 560 Layard, Sir A. H., Handbook of Painting, iv. 163 Lazzarino, Vittorio, Marino Faliero avant il Dogado, iv. 331, 403; Marino Faliero, La Congiura, iv. 325, 332, 333, 346, 349, 351, 356, 365, 383, 384, 432, 439, 448, 462 Leacroft, Julia, i. 38, 41 Leake, William Martin, Researches in Greece, ii. 174, 204 Leander, iii. 13, 178 Lear, i. 26, 400 Le Chevalier, Jean Baptiste, Voyage de la Propontide, etc., iii. 13, 179, 210 Leckie, G. F., i. 349 Lecky, W. E. H., History of England in the Eighteenth Century, iv. 513 Le Clercq, Miss Rosa, actress, iv. 78 Lee, Harriet, Kruitzner; or, The German's Tale, v. 325, 326, 328-332, 337, 349, 418 Lee, Lady Margaret, vi. 146 Lee, Sophia, The Young Lady's Tale; The Clergyman's Tale, v. 337 Lee, Sophia and Harriet, Canterbury Tales, v. 325, 326, 381-384, 446; vii. 33 Leeds, Duchess of, i. 443 Leeds, Duke of, ii. 23 Leen river, vi. 495 Leeuwarden, ii. 407 Lefanu, Alicia, Memoirs of Mrs. F. Sheridan, vii. 33 Lefebvre, Marshal, ii. 94. Leigh, Colonel George, ii. 23 Leipzig (Leipsic), Fairs of, i. 489; battle of, v. 371, 553; vi. 50; vii. 22, 23 Lely, Sir Peter, vi. 496, 501 Le Mann, vi. 22 Leman, Lake, ii. 257, 269; iv. 17, 53 LempriÈre, i. 437 Lenclos, Ninon de, iv. 212; vi. 246 Lens, Mr. Serjeant, vii. 22 Lentulus Spinther, ii. 405 Lenzoni, Marchioness, ii. 499 Leo X., Pope, ii. 489; iii. 367-369; iv. 273 Leoben, Treaty of, ii. 297 Leochares, ii. 446 Leon, Don Rodrigo Ponce de, iv. 530 Leone, Port, ii. 94 Leoni, Michele, Italian translation of Childe Harold, and of Lament of Tasso, iv. 244; of Don Juan, vi. 8 Leonidas, iii. 21; vi. 331 Leonora, Tasso's, iv. 145, 147 Leopardi, Alessandro, iv. 336 Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, ii. 450 Lepanto, battle of, ii. 126, 178, 340 Lepidus, ii. 492 Leptinus, Furius, ii. 520 Le Roux de Lincy, A. J. V., Recuel de Chants historiques franÇais, v. 472 Le Sage, Diable Boiteux, i. 56; iv. 516 Lesbia, i. 72 L'Espinasse, Mdlle. Claire FranÇoise, ii. 209 Lestrange, Sir R., iv. 484; vi. 550 Le Sur, Charles Louis, Histoire des Kosaques, iv. 211 Lethe, vi. 184 Letronne, J. A., La Statue vocale de Memnon, v. 497 Letter to the Editor of My Grandmother's Review, vi. 76 Lettere di Torquato Tasso, iv. 143, 144, 146, 150 Leucadia, now Santa Maura, ii. 126, 178 Leucadia's Cape (Cape Ducato), ii. 125 Leuctra, battle of, ii. 294 le Vasseur, Theresa, ii. 266 Levati, Professor Ambrogio, Viaggi di Francesco Petrarca, iv. 469 Levett, Ellis, vi. 410 Lewis, Matthew Gregory ("Monk" Lewis), i. 305, 307, 346, 356, 369; iii. 473; iv. 53, 80-82, 325, 337, 342; Tales of Terror, i. 309, 317; short account of, i. 317; Tales of Wonder; Ambrosio the Monk, ibid.; The Castle Spectre, i. 317, 409, 489; Life and Correspondence of, i. 318; Romantic Tales, iii. 389; The Wood Demon, v. 474 Lewtas, Matthew, ii. 36 Lexicon Universelle, iv. 174; vi. 259 Lezze, Luga da, iv. 432 Liakura mountain (Parnassus), i. 426; ii. 60, 62, 92, 186; iii. 113, 464 Liberal, The, iv. 281, 478, 479, 495, 518, 520, 570; v. 279, 471, 540; vi. 266; vii. 75, 76, 81 Libochabo, ii. 174, 177 Libokhoro, ii. 134 Licensing Act, i. 415 Licenza village, ii. 523 Licinus (CÆsar's barber), i. 422 Licoo, Tonga, v. 601 Lido, the, ii. 470 Lie, lye, or ley, solution of potassium salts, vi. 505 Lieven, Count de, vii. 32 Lieven, Countess de, i. 476; vii. 32 Life, Writings, Times, and Opinions of Lord Byron, vii. 12 Lincoln, Bishop of, i. 356 Lincy, A. J. V. Le Roux de, Recueil de Chants historiques franÇais, v. 472 Lindenau, vii. 83 Lindsay, Lady Anne, ii. 288 Lindsay, Lord, ii. 288 Lightning, ii. 360, 488 Ligne, Charles, Prince de, vi. 333 Ligne, Charles Joseph, Prince de, vi. 312; MÉlanges Militaires, etc., vi. 313, 333; Memoirs, vi. 414 Ligny, vi. 345 Lines addressed by Lord Byron to Mr. Hobhouse on his Election for Westminster, iii. xx; vii. 69 Lines addressed to a Young Lady, i. 70 Lines addressed to George Anson Byron (spurious?), iii. xxi; vii. 41 Lines addressed to the Rev. J. T. Beecher, etc., i. 112 Lines composed during a Thunderstorm, ii. 119, 130 Lines found in the Travellers' Book at Chamouni (spurious), iii. xxi Lines in the Travellers' Book at Orchomenus, iii. 15 Lines inscribed upon a Cup formed from a Skull, i. 276; iii. 129 Lines on hearing that Lady Byron was Ill, ii. 429; iv. 63 Lines on the Bust of Helen by Canova, ii. 370 Lines to a Lady Weeping, iii. 45 Lines to Mr. Hodgson. Written on board the Lisbon Packet, vii. 4 Lines to the Countess of Blessington, iv. 62, 64; v. 346 Lines written beneath a Picture, iii. 19 Lines written beneath an Elm in the Churchyard of Harrow, i. 208 Lines written in an Album at Malta, iii. 4 Lines written in "Letters of an Italian Nun, etc." by Rousseau, i. 15 Lines written in the Bible (spurious), iii. xx Lines written on a blank leaf of "The Pleasures of Memory", iii. 50 Lintot, Barnaby Bernard, publisher of Pope's Iliad and Odyssey, vi. 56 Lioni, Niccolo, iv. 465 Lippincott's Magazine, iv. 32 Lipsius, Justus, ii. 299; Saturn. Sermon., ii. 520, 521 Lisbon, ii. 32; assassinations in, ii. 36, 86 Lissa, naval battle of, iii. 25; iv. 456, 457 Liszt, Franz, Mazeppa the "symphonic poem," iv. 203 Literary Chronicle, iv. 571; v. 540, 584 Literary Fund, i. 448 Literary Gazette, iii. 280; iv. 478, 571; v. 196, 540, 584; vi. xx Literary Panorama, ii. xiv; iii. 444, 500 Literary Register, iv. 571, 580 Literary Souvenir, iv. 314 Literature, v. 333 Litta, Conte Pompeo, Celebri Famiglie Italiane, iii. 507 Liverpool, Robert Bankes Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of, i. 496, 497; vi. 374; vii. 14, 20, 28 Lividia, Point, iii. 248, 349 Livingstone, David, vi. 497 Livy, ii. 372, 377, 391, 392, 413, 496, 505, 510, 512, 513; iv. 251; v. 607 Lloyd, Charles, Poems on the Death of Priscilla Farmer, i. 368 Lloyd, Robert, Odes to Obscurity and Oblivion, i. 220 Loch na Garr, i. 238 Locke, John, i. 425; ii. 353, 504; v. 615; vi. 548, 610; vii. 12 Lockhart, John Gibson, Life of Scott, i. 318, 397; ii. 88; iii. 443; v. 206; Lang's Life of, iii. 532; A Sketch, v. 206 Lodge, G. H., Rosalynd, ii. 293; History of Ancient Art, ii. 431 Lodi, battle of, vi. 14 Lofft, Capel, i. 359, 441 Lombardy, ii. 342; Venetian, iv. 197 London, Don Juan's description of, vi. 425 London Gazette Extraordinary, ii. 40; vi. 336 London Magazine, iii. 535; iv. 42; v. 472; vi. 188 London Review, i. 403 Londonderry, Robert Stewart, Lord, iv. 560; v. 568, 569, 570; vi. 307 Londos, Andreas, vi. 168, 169 Long, Edward Noel ("Cleon"), i. 101 Long, Sir Tylney, Bart., i. 485 Longfellow, translation of Dante's Paradiso, iv. 247 Longinus, On the Sublime, vi. 26, 74, 551 Longman, i. xii, 234, 427; ii. x; v. 280; vii. 9 Longwood controversy, the, v. 538, 544 Lonsdale, James, 1st Earl, iv. 586 Lonsdale, William, 2nd Earl, iv. 341, 582, 585; vi. 5 Lord Byron's Verses on Sam Rogers, iv. 538 Lord of the Isles, ii. 244 Loredano, iv. 377 Loredano, Jacopo, v. 123, 195 Loredano, Marco, v. 123 Loredano, Pietro, Admiral of the Venetian fleet, v. 123 Lorraine, Claude, ii. 168; vi. 502 Lorraine, FranÇois Mercy de, ii. 186 Louis Philippe, vi. 425 Louis XII., vi. 212 Louis XIV., i. 402; ii. 453; iv. 334, 514 Louis XV., ii. 282 Louis XVI., iv. 13, 493 Louis XVIII., v. 539; vi. 313, 333, 374; Letters d'Artwell, v. 566 Louisiana, iii. 296-298 Louvel, v. 567 Love and Death, vii. 84 Love and Gold, iii. 411 Lovelace, Lady (Augusta Ada Byron), ii. 215, 287, 289; vi. 274 Lovelace, Ralph Gordon Noel, 2nd Earl of, i. 262, 264, 387; ii. 215; MS., i. 265-267, 271-273, 277, 278, 387, 389, 391-397, 399, 400, 402, 404-408, 410-413, 416, 418-430, 433, 434, 436, 438, 440, 443, 444, 446-450 Lovelace, Richard, Orpheus to Beasts, iii. 165; To Althea—From Prison, iv. 28 Lovelace, William King Noel, 1st Earl of, ii. 215 Lovell, Robert, iv. 521 Love's Labour's Lost, vi. 87 Love's Last Adieu, i. 109 Lowe, Sir Hudson, Governor of St. Helena, ii. 239; v. 544, 545; vi. 444 Lowe, John Hudson, surgeon in the Army, v. 545 Lowertz, iv. 97 LozÈre, v. 549 Lucan, Pharsalia, ii. 156, 246, 372 Lucanus, Ocellus, De Universi NaturÂ, ii. 198 Lucian, VerÆ HistoriÆ, iv. 43; De Syri DeÂ, iv. 115; Hermotimus, v. 396 Lucietta. A Fragment, vii. 81 Lucifer, Byron's conception of, v. 199-203, 210; vi. 183 Lucius Faunus, De Antiq. Urb. Rom., ii. 510-513 Lucretia, iv. 334 Lucretius, i. 485; ii. 93, 121, 367; iii. 57; De Rerum Nat., vi. 604 Lucullus, L., vi. 563 Lud, General Ned, vii. 42 Luddites, the, vii. 42 Ludus CoventriÆ, v. 200, 207 Ludwig, Otto, iv. 329 Luis, Maria JosÉ, Regent of Portugal, ii. 43 LunÉville, Treaty of, ii. 297 Lupercalia, the, ii. 512 Lusieri, Don Battista, ii. 109, 168, 171, 172, 190 Luther, vi. 303, 380 Lutraki, or Utraikey, ii. 142, 143 Luttrell, H., vi. 175 Lutzen, battle of, iii. 431; v. 371, 553 Lycanthropy, vi. 380 Lyceum Theatre, Werner at, v. 324; Moore's M.P.; or, The Blue Stocking at, vii. 12 Lycophron, Cassandra or Alexandra, iv. 243 Lycurgus, i. 29 Lynedoch, Thomas, Lord, i. 469 Lyons, Gulf of, vi. 92 Lysander, ii. 336 Lysippus, ii. 336 Lyttleton, Lord, iii. 209 Lytton, Bulwer (The Last of the Tribunes), ii. 415; vi. 567 M Macassar oil, vi. 19 Macaulay, Lord, Lays of Ancient Rome, ii. 391; Byron "singled out as an expiatory sacrifice," iii. 534; Critical and Historical Essays, iv. 72; v. 542 Macbeth, i. 84, 131, 401, 408, 432; ii. 50, 57, 244, 291, 307, 423, 452; iii. 280, 346, 476, 480, 483, 510; iv. 44, 157, 181, 338, 341, 386, 388, 401, 451; v. 393, 611; vi. 12, 184, 199, 202, 203, 265, 281, 375, 441, 453, 505, 559, 578, 590, 594 Macchiavelli, ii. 369, 493 Macdonald of Rineton, Captain, i. 192 Macdonell, Sir James ("Jack Jargon"), vi. 508 Macdonough, Commodore, vi. 508 Macfarlane, Charles, Constantinople in 1828, iii. 207 Machiavelli, NiccolÒ, The Prince (Il Principe), vi. 303, 424 Maciejowice, battle of, v. 551 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell, "Incidental Music to Manfred," iv. 78 Mackenzie, Henry, Julia de RoubignÉ, iii. 510 Mackinnon, Daniel, vi. 69, 276 Mackinnon, Henry, vi. 69 Mackintosh, Sir James ("Dick Dubious"), iii. 535; vi. 507; VindiciÆ GallicÆ; Introductory Discourse; lecture in The Law of Nature and Nations, vii. 32 Macklin, Love À la Mode, i. 464 Maclise, Daniel, iv. 540; his portrait of Macready as "Werner," v. 324 McMahon, Colonel, vii. 27 Mac-Murchad, Dermot, king of Leinster, iv. 334 Macneil, Hector, Scotland's Skaith, etc.; The Waes of War, i. 362; iv. 182 Macpherson, James, Ossian, i. 177, 183; iii. 26 Macready, as "Pierre" in Venice Preserved, ii. 331; "the Doge" in Marino Faliero, iv. 324; as "Sardanapalus," v. 2; Reminiscences, v. 2, 114, 324; as "Francis Foscari," v. 114; "Werner," v. 324 Macri, Catinco or Katinka, iii. 16; vi. 280 Macri, Mariana, iii. 16 Macri, Theodora, ii. 176; iii. 15 Macri, Theresa (afterwards Black), "Maid of Athens," ii. 75, 176; iii. 15, 16 Madame Lavalette (spurious), iii. xx Madden, i. 470 Madison, President, iii. 298 Madrid, taken by the French, v. 550; its clime, vi. 409 MÆcenas, ii. 409 Maffei, ii. 431 Mafra, the Escurial of Portugal, ii. 37, 43, 87 Magarenses, the, ii. 431 Magasin EncyclopÉdique, v. 302 Magazine of History (American), iii. 298 Magdalen College, Oxford, vi. 496 Magdeburg, siege of, v. 416 Maghinard of Cavalcanti, Marshal, ii. 501 Maginn, William, John Gilpin and Mazeppa, iv. 203; Miscellanies, v. 326, 329 Mahala, Cain's wife, v. 209 Maharbal, ii. 508 Mahmout Pasha, ii. 206 Mahomet (Macon), iv. 296; vi. 139 Mahomet II., ii. 201 MaÏ, Cardinal Angelo, ii. 324 Maid of Saragoza, ii. 58, 91 Maimonides, Moses, Porta Mosis, iii. 109, 121 Mainotes (or Mainates), ii. 169, 193; iii. 83, 94, 132, 134 Maitland, Captain F. L., of the Bellerophon, v. 546 Maitland, G., printer, i. 478 Majorian, Emperor, iii. 251 Malamani, Isabella Teotochi, I suoi amici, iv. 457 Malatesta, Parisina, ii. 354 Mal bigatto (silkworm), term of contempt and reproach, iv. 389 Malcolm, Colonel, ii. 50 Malcolm, Sir John, History of Persia, vii. 49 Malespini, Celio de', alias Orazio, iv. 144 Malipiero, Doge Pasquale, v. 118 Mallet, i. 326 Malone, Edmund, editor of Spence's Anecdotes, vii. 53 Malo-yaroslavetz, battle of, vi. 351 Malplaquet, iv. 262 Malta, iii. 24; Maltby, Harriet (Mrs. Nichols), i. 129, 263 Malthus, Thomas Robert, vi. 436, 459, 461, 555 Malthus, Mrs. T. R. (nÉe Eckersall), vi. 461 Malvern Hills, v. 609 Mamonoff, Dmitrief, Catherine II.'s favourite, vi. 389 Mamurra, vii. 17 Man in the Iron Mask (Man in the Black Velvet Mask), iv. 514 Mandeville's Tales, i. 314 Manetti, Giannozzo, iv. 253 Manfred, ii. 122, 218, 223, 254, 286, 383, 424, 426; iv. 15, 21, 41, 48, 51, 52, 63-65, 77-136, 325, 327, 340; v. 199, 200, 223, 227, 286, 332, 385, 469, 480, 500; vi. xvi, 129, 198; vii. 55 Manfrini Palace, iv. 162 ManichÆans, the, v. 202, 209, 216, 232 Manicheism, Byron's, v. 206, 209, 254 Manilius, Astronomicon, v. 554 Manin, Doge Lodovico, iv. 457 Manley, Mrs., Secret Memoirs and Manners of several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes, from the New Atalantis, vi. 453 Manlius, M., ii. 413 Mann, Sir Horace, iv. 339 Manners, George, editor of The Satirist, vi. 69 Manners, Katherine Sophia (Lady Heathcote), vii. 17 Mannheim, vi. 419 Manoncourt, Sonnini de, Voyage en GrÈce et en Turquie, ii. 191, 194 Mansel, Dr. William Lort, Bishop of Bristol ("Magnus"), i. 28 Mansfeld, v. 340 Mansfield, Lord, vi. 247 Mansion House, the, vi. 435 Mansour Effendi, iii. 145 Mantinea, ii. 294 Mantua, Ferdinando Carlo Gonzaga, Duke of, iv. 514 Manurza, Arab General, v. 558 Mar, Countess of, vi. 246 Marangoni, Delle memorie sacre e profane dell' Anfiteatro Flavin, ii. 521 Marat, Jean Paul, vi. 13 Marathon, ii. 75, 99, 102, 157, 158, 187, 255, 294; vi. 169 Marceau, General FranÇois SÉvÉrin Desgravins, ii. 251, 296, 297; vi. 14 Marcello, Andrea, v. 134 Marcellus, Nonius, De Compt. Doct., ii. 92 Marchetti degli Angelini, Conte Giovanni, Discorso ... della prima e principale Allegoria del Poema di Dante, iv. 237, 245 Marciana Library, Venice, iv. 457 Marengo, battle of, iii. 313; v. 538; vi. 14 Mareschalchi Gallery, Bologna, iv. 162 Maria I., Queen of Portugal, ii. 43 Maria da Gloria, of Portugal, ii. 11 Maria JosÉ Luis, Regent of Portugal, ii. 43 Marialva, Marchese, ii. 38, 86 Mariamne, wife of Herod the Great, iii. 400 Mariana, Hist., iv. 523 Marie Antoinette, ii. 7; iii. 513; iv. 13, 334 Marie Louise, of Austria (Archduchess of Parma), wife of Napoleon, afterwards Madame de Neipperg, iii. 311; v. 498, 539, 576 Marignano, battle of, v. 498 Mariner, William, Account of the Tonga Islands, v. 581, 584, 598-601, 609, 639-631; vi. 577. Marinet, or Nicholle, M., vi. 373, 374 Marino Faliero, ii. 337; iii. 485; iv. 323-472; v. 3, 40, 115, 139, 148, 158, 332, 389, 469, 479; vi. 24, 443; vii. 63 Marius, Caius, ii. 393; iv. 251; vi. 477 Markland, J. H., editor of the Roxburgh Club issue of Chester Mysteries, vi. 551 Markow, General, vi. 333 Marlborough, John, Duke of, i. 107, 493; iii. 57; iv. 262, 334; vi. 174 Marlianus, Urb. Rom. Topograph., ii. 510 Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus, iv. 80, 81; v. 470, 483; Edward II., iv. 80; Tamburlaine the Great, v. 489 Marly, or malÁi, a grass plat for public ceremonies, Tonga, v. 600 Marmarotouri, ii. 199, 208 Marmion, i. 309, 310, 311, 312, 371; ii. 360; iii. 289, 329, 461, 475, 518; iv. 13; v. 542; vi. 426 Marmont, v. 553 Marsden, Mary, iv. 38 Marshall, Frank, v. 324 Marshall, John, Royal Naval Biog., v. 589 Marston, Westland, Our Recent Actors, v. 324 Marston Moor, battle of, i. 2 Martia, Cato's wife, vi. 270 Martial, Epig., ii. 410, 412; iii. 16; v. 613; vi. 27, 550; vii. 74 Martin, Henry, the regicide, iv. 477, 482 Martin, Isaac, v. 593 Martin, Dr. John, Mariner's Account, etc., v. 581, 584, 598-601 Martin, Lady. See Faucit, Helen Martin, Sir Theodore, iii. 32 Martin, R. Montgomery, The Indian Empire, vi. 384 Mary, Queen of Scots, ii. 453; v. 605; vi. 246, 396 Masham, Lady, ii. 353 Masham, Mrs., iv. 334 Mason, Monck, Massinger, i. 220, 304 Massena, ii. 89 Massingberd, Mrs., vi. 100 Massinger, i. 292, 304, 345; The Two Noble Kinsmen, ii. 217; Unnatural Combat, iii. 219; iv. 35; A New Way to Pay Old Debts, iv. 436, 525; vi. 393 Masson, C. F. P., MÉmoires Secrets sur la Russie, vi. 321, 351, 388, 399, 412 Massorites, the, v. 219 Matapan, Cape, vi. 147 Mathews, Charles, Memoirs, v. 477 Mathias, J. T., Pursuits of Literature, i. 294, 374, 383 Matten, iv. 119 Matthews, Charles Skinner, ii. x, xi, 16, 95; vi. 153; vii. 9 Mattioli, Count Ercole Antonio (Man in the Iron Mask), iv. 514 Maturin, Charles, iii. 444; Bertram, iv. 338; vi. xiii, 4; Manuel, vii. 45, 48 Matz, F., Antike Bildwerke in Rom., ii. 395 Maugabree, Moorish mercenaries, iii. 168 Maupertius, President of the Berlin Academy, ii. 282 Maurice, Rev. Thomas, History of Ancient and Modern Hindostan; Richmond Hill; Memoirs, i. 330 Mauritania, ii. 114 Mawman, J., i. xii Maxwell, Sir Herbert, Bart., The Life of the Duke of Wellington, vi. 345 Maxwell, John, Lord, ii. 4, 25 Maxwell, W. H., Life of the Duke of Wellington, vi. 345 Maypo, battle on the plains of, v. 556 Mazarin, Cardinal, vi. 317 Mazeppa, iii. xix; iv. 193, 198, 201-233, 423; vi. 124, 162, 246, 262 Mazeppa, or Mazepa, Ivan StepÁnovitch, iv. 201, 327 Meadley, G. W., Two Pairs of Historical Portraits, ii. 415 Meadowbank, Lord, i. 436 Measure for Measure, ii. 102, 166, 367; iii. 90; v. 541 Mecca, ii. 151, 186 Mecklenburg, Albrecht Wenceslaus Eusebius, Count of Waldstein, Duke of, v. 371 Medea, i. 170; vi. 177, 536 Medes, v. 4 Medici, Cosmo de', ii. 365, 503 Medici, Giovanni de', ii. 365 Medici, Giuliano de', ii. 375 Medici, Julian de', ii. 489 Medici, Lorenzo de', ii. 365, 375; iv. 280 Medici, Venus of, ii. 489 Medici, the, ii. 355, 503 Medici Chapel, ii. 375 Medici Gallery, Florence, iv. 162 Medinah, ii. 151, 186 Mediterranean, ii. 460 Medwin, Conversations with Lord Byron, i. 93, 189, 276, 355; iii. xx, 17, 59, 76, 90, 443, 472; iv. 39, 40, 81, 238, 326, 410, 478, 545, 555; v. 119, 279, 281, 296, 321, 331, 348, 469-471; vi. 22, 138, 188; vii. 58, 64, 71, 75, 77, 78 Angler in Wales, iv. 539 Mee, Mrs. Anne, a miniature-painter, vii. 37 Megara, ii. 362 Meillerie, ii. 303-306; iv. 18, 107 Meineke, Augustus, editor of Menandri et Philemonis reliquÆ, vi. 186 Meiner, Christopher, History of the Female Sex, i. 489 Mejnoun and Leila (the Romeo and Juliet of the East), iii. 160 Meknop, General, vi. 306, 354 Melancthon, vi. 380 Melbourne, Elizabeth, Lady (nÉe Milbanke), i. 300, 301 Melbourne, Viscount (Sir Peniston Lamb), i. 300, 380; vii. 15 Meleager, Epitaphium in Heliodoram, iii. 32 Meletius of Janina, Archbishop of Athens, Ancient and Modern Geography, ii. 198; Eccles. Hist., ii. 208 Melton Mowbray, vi. 504 Melville's Mantle, etc., i. 294, 356 Memmo, Jacopo, v. 170 Memmo, Marco, v. 120 Memmo, Marin, v. 170 Memnon, statue of, v. 497; vi. 500 MÉmoires de TrÉvoux, iv. 578 Memorials of Coleorton, iv. 585 Menabrea, F. L., Notices sur le machine Analytique de Mr. Babbage, ii. 215 Menander, ii. 178; vi. 186 Menard, Claud, Histoire de Messire Bertrand du Guesclin, v. 549 Mendeli, the ancient Pentelicus, ii. 186 Mender river, vi. 204, 211 Menelaus, king, vi. 535 Mengeaud, Napoleon's surgeon, v. 546 Menken, Adah Isaacs, iv. 203 Merchant of Venice, ii. 331, 342; iv. 166, 273, 436, 473; vi. 472 Mercure de France, vi. xx, 387 Meretrici, in Venice, iv. 456 Merivale, Charles, Dean of Ely, the historian, iv. 283 Merivale, Herman, Under-Secretary for India, iv. 283 Merivale, J. H., Greek Anthology, i. 367; iii. 32; Orlando in Roncesvalles, iv. 156, 279, 283; The Two First Cantos of Richardetto, iv. 156 Merry, Robert, i. 358, 441 Merry Wives of Windsor, i. 496; v. 388, 410; vi. 484 Meschinello, G., La Chiesa Ducale, iv. 390 Mesihi, iii. 86, 105 Mestri, vii. 72 Metastasio, iv. 264 Metella, Cecilia, tomb of, ii. 402-405 Methodism, ii. 302 Metsovo, Monte (Pindus), ii. 126, 129 Metternich, Prince, v. 539, 575; vii. 39 Mexico, ii. 82; gulf of, iii. 296 Meyer of Aaru, the brothers, iv. 109 Meyer, F. J. L., Voyage en Italie, iv. 470 Mezzofanti, Giuseppe, ii. 324 Michael Angelo, ii. 369, 375, 376, 432, 435, 446; iv. 270, 280; his "Last Judgment," iv. 272; his "Moses," iv. 271, 273; vi. 262 Michaelis, A., Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, i. 455 Michaelis, Professor Johann David, iv. 498 Michie, Rev. J., i. 192 Michiel, Madame Giustina Renier, translation of Shakespeare; Origine delle Feste Veneziane, iv. 456, 457 Midas, v. 573 Middleton, Dr. Conyers, Life of Cicero, ii. 362, 408, 523 Midsummer Night's Dream, iv. 21; v. 408; vi. 535 Migne, Opera Cassiodori, iii. 306; PatrologiÆ Cursus, vi. 168 Miguel, Dom, of Portugal, ii. 11 Milan, Filippo Visconti, Duke of, v. 116, 133 Milbanke, Lady, i. 437, 443 Milbanke, Miss. See Byron, Lady Milbanke, Sir Ralph, i. 301 Milbourne, Rev. Luke, Notes on Dryden's Virgil, i. 220 Milit. Dict., vi. 305, 343, 353 Milky Way, the, ii. 439 Mill, James, vi. 480 Millbank Penitentiary, vii. 34 Miller, William, publisher, i. 311; ii. x Miller, Mr. (U.S.A.), iii. 307 Miller, "Joe," i. 301 Milliard, vi. 542 Millin, A. L., Voyage dans le Milanais, ii. 507 Milman, Dean, History of Latin Christianity, ii. 336, 338; Belvidere Apollo, ii. 447; History of the Jews, iii. 400; Fall of Jerusalem, iv. 339; "Cybele's priest," vi. 445; "poet-priest," vii. 76 Milner, Joseph, ii. 283 Milo and the Oak, iii. 307 Miltiades, vi. 171 Milton, John, Paradise Lost, i. 312, 313, 397, 404; ii. 64; iii. 111; iv. 133, 135, 245, 274, 504, 506; v. 203, 204, 208, 216, 234, 255, 262, 272; vi. 6, 183, 518; Hayley's Biography of, i. 321; "deigns to doze," i. 428; Lycidas, i. 446; iii. 480; iv. 227, 241; Sonnets, ii. 364; Samson Agonistes, ii. 422; his lyric measure, iii. 128; Comus, iii. 209; his blank verse, iii. 224; Morning of Christ's Nativity (The Hymn), iv. 115; "pratticke," iv. 167; his terza rima, iv. 239; his Satan, v. 201; use of "shook," v. 135; "thou shalt believe in," vi. 74; his first wife, vi. 146, 174; Milton, Mrs. John (nÉe Powell), vi. 146, 174 Minden, battle of, vi. 12 Minerva, i. 447, 457-474 Minetto, Giacomo, iii. 442 Mingrelia, vi. 279 Minos, iv. 518 Minotaur, fable of the, vi. 125 Minotti, iii. 448, 458 Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, ii. 4 MinturnÆ, iv. 251 Mira, La, ii. 349 Mirabeau, HonorÉ Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de, v. 548; vi. 13 Mirror, the, iv. 32 Miscellaneous Poems, vii. 69 Misers, vi. 48, 455 Mississippi river, iii. 196 Missouri, vi. 349 MistÈre du Viel Testament, v. 200, 207, 226 Misti Consiglio X., iv. 447 Mitford, Miss, Christina, the Maid of the South Seas, v. 582 Mitford, William, Greece, iv. 566; v. 16, 24; vi. 460 Mithridates, king of Pontus, ii. 393; iv. 40 Mobility (mobilitÉ) defined, vi. 600 Mocenigo, Giovanni, iv. 432 Mocenigo, Doge Tomaso, v. 118 Modern British Drama, iii. 200 Modern Universal History, ii. 82; iv. 211, 258, 523; v. 499 Mohammed II., ii. 173 Mohammed Ben Abd-el-Wahab, ii. 151 Mohammed Pasha, ii. 140 Moira, Francis Rawdon, Lord (1st Marquis of Hastings), i. 497; iii. 45 MoliÈre, vi. 246, 510; Dom Juan, on Le Festin de Pierre, vi. xvi, 11 Molina, Tirso de (Gabriel Tellez), El Burlador de Sevilla y Convidado de Piedra, vi. xvi Molinari, Signor, vi. 205 Mollett, John W., Life of Sir D. Wilkie, ii. 92 Mollwitz, battle of, vi. 337 Momus, the god of cruel mockery, v. 396 Monaci, Lorenzo de, iv. 349, 356 Monbron, Fougeret de, Le Cosmopolite, ou le Citoyen du Monde, ii. 1 Moncey, ii. 94 Moniteur, Le, i. 489; v. 562, 575; vi. 12; vii. 41 Moniteur Universel, v. 552 Monk, General, ii. 292 Monk of Athos, The, ii. xiii Monkir and Nekir, inquisitors of the dead, iii. 121 Monmouth Street, noted for sale of second-hand clothes, iv. 160 Monody on the Death of the Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan, iv. 69-75, 79; v. 537 Mont Blanc, iv. 87 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, vi. 151; Letters, vi. 219, 246 Montague, Mrs., iv. 573 Montaigne, ii. 345; vi. 379 Montanti, Antonio, sculptor and architect of Florence, iv. 272 Montanvert, iv. 475 Montebello, battle of, vi. 14 Montecuccoli, Raimondo, iv. 262 Montemajor, Jorge de, Diana, i. 44 Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de, ConsidÉrations ... de la Grandeur des Romains, etc., ii. 393 MontfauÇon, Diarium Italic., ii. 431, 511, 515 Montford, Colonel, vii. 24 Montgomery, James, The Wanderer of Switzerland, etc., i. 107, 305, 330, 331, 370; ii. 450 Monthly Literary Recreations, i. 234 Monthly Magazine, i. 441; iv. 156, 229, 367; v. 540; vi. 87 Monthly Review, i. 379; iii. 444, 499; iv. 82, 158, 165, 203, 240; v. 472, 540, 584; vi. xx Montholon, Count, v. 548 Monticolo, G., Le Vite dei Dogi di Marin Sanudo, iv. 462 Montmartre, heights of, v. 553 Montmorenci, Jean Mathieu FelicitÉ, Duc de, v. 539, 573, 575 Montorsoli, ii. 446 Montpensier, Comte de, Charles V., Dauphin d'Auvergne, ii. 390; iv. 258; v. 495, 498, 515-518, 520 Montreal Herald, vi. 508 Montrond, Casimir, Comte de (Byron's "preux Chevalier de la Ruse"), vi. 507 Montrose, Marquis of, iv. 338 Montucci, A., Tragedie di Alfieri, iv. 368 Mooa, capital of an island (Tonga), v. 600 Moor, Charles de, iii. 296 Moore, Dr. John, Letters to Burns, i. 118; Zeluco; Various Views of Human Nature, etc., ii. 8; A View of the Society and Manners in Italy, iv. 333-335, 469; History of Ireland, iv. 334 Moore, Sir John, ii. 8 Moore, Thomas, Life of Lord Byron, i. xii, xiii, 2, 4, 5, 15, 21, 25, 26, 33, 45, 78, 84, 88, 89, 93, 98, 119, 128, 184, 192, 205, 210, 213, 222, 224, 257, 259, 261, 280, 303, 304, 310, 325, 327, 347, 349, 368, 387, 411, 475, 497, 499; ii. xii, 16, 20, 34, 65, 118, 139, 187, 236, 258, 304, 322, 324, 352, 369, 387, 461; iii. xix, xx, 15, 16, 25, 30, 75, 90, 103, 109, 128, 272, 280, 304, 319, 320, 329, 331, 376, 415, 443, 444, 477, 531, 535, 537; iv. 3, 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 58, 61, 63, 74, 92, 213, 267, 308, 340, 447, 489, 545, 587; v. 82, 210, 348, 470, 471, 477, 489, 610; vi. 21, 128, 143, 297, 578, 601; viii. 12, 18, 19, 21, 71, 82; Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, i. 78, 202, 305, 307, 319, 324, 325, 333, 431; vi. 43; Byron's letters to, i. 195; ii. 30, 238, 351, 447; iii. 69, 75, 77, 149, 219, 249, 255, 303, 319, 320, 376, 413, 417, 423, 433, 496; iv. 53, 64, 69, 157, 159, 169, 176, 178, 214, 279, 411, 478, 520, 538, 555, 558, 561, 570, 578; v. 202, 204, 242, 255, 470, 561; vi. xvii, 24, 149, 227, 302, 373, 403, 578; vii. 35, 37, 42, 46, 48, 70, 71, 73, 74; and Jeffrey, i. 203, 305, 333-335; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 321, 370; "Anacreon," i. 374; Intercepted Letters; or, The Twopenny Post-Bag, by Thomas Brown the Younger, i. 496; iv. 158, 555; vii. 16, 22, 27, 29, 30; the stanza on Beckford, in Childe Harold, ii. 37; The Meeting of the Waters, ii. 246; Irish Melodies, iii. 73; Lalla Rookh, iii. 87, 181, 186; iv. 176, 587; vi. 230; on The Corsair, iii. 217; Corsair dedicated to, iii. 223; Notices, etc., iv. 63; Life of Sheridan, iv. 69, 73; Lines on the Death of Sh-r-d-n, iv. 74; referred to in Beppo, iv. 183; Byron's exclusiveness, iv. 472; calls Madame de StaËl the Begum of Literature, iv. 570; "Tracy" of The Blues, ibid.; M.P.; or, The Blue Stocking, iv. 573; vii. 12; on Cain, v. 204; Loves of the Angels, v. 280, 281; Fables for the Holy Alliance, v. 563; "the question of posterity," vi. 6; "flirtation with the muse of," vi. 75; "Oft in the Stilly Night," vi. 234; Fudge Family in Paris, vi. 243; Fum and Hum, the Two Birds of Royalty, vi. 389, 451; "reigned before and after me," vi. 444; "Here's the Bower she lov'd so much," vi. 447; on Byron's first rhymes, vii. 1; Byron's Jeux d'Esprit on, vii. 12, 16; his noms de plume, vii. 12; the "When Rogers" incident, vii. 17, 18; on The Devil's Drive, vii. 21; "Epigram," vii. 22; at Venice, vii. 72 Moorzuk, vi. 474 Morat, battle of, ii. 255, 297; bones, ii. 298 Moravians, the, i. 305, 322 Mordaunt, Miss, as "Ida" in Werner, v. 324 More, Mrs. Hannah, Bas Bleu, iv. 176, 573; Coelebs in Search of a Wife, vi. 18 More, Sir Thomas, iii. 265 Morea, the, i. 457; iii. 83, 270, 447 Moreau, Jean Victor, vi. 14 Morelli, Cosimo, ii. 324 Morelli, Giacomo, ii. 324 Morelli, Abbate Jacopo, Chronica iadratina seu historia obsidionis JaderÆ, iv. 331; Monumenti Veneziani, iv. 332, 456, 457 Morena, ii. 55 Moreotes, the, v. 556 Morgan, Sydney, Lady (nÉe Owenson), Woman, or Ida of Athens; France; Italy, ii. 187; v. 158; vi. 233; Memoirs, iv. 587 Morgante Maggiore, iv. 157, 279-309; vi. xvi, 184 Morghen, Raphael, iii. 314 Moriah, the goddess of folly, i. 82 Morier, James, A Journey through Persia, i. 492, 500 Morley, John, Rousseau, ii. 266 Morning Chronicle, i. 319, 347, 444, 445, 489; ii. xii, 212; iii. 45, 46, 51, 55, 57, 58, 79, 80, 151, 304, 315, 377, 419, 431, 435, 532-534; iv. 74, 177, 555-557, 559, 560; v. 130, 203, 539, 540, 553, 556, 572, 578, 602; vi. 11, 437, 451; vii. 13, 14, 23, 28, 32, 41, 86, 88 Morning Herald, vi. 179 Morning Post, i. 31, 34, 308, 309, 350, 351, 357, 358, 441, 485, 489, 499; ii. 397, 401; iii. 534; v. 544; vi. 175, 452, 494; vii. 6, 21, 44, 66 Mornington, Lady (Catherine Long), i. 485 Mornington, William Wellesley Pole, 3rd Earl of, ii. 79 Mornington, William Pole-Wellesley, 4th Earl of, i. 484 Morocco, vi. 198 Morosini, Conte Domenico, Medea in Corinto; Giulio Sabino, iv. 456, 457 Morosini, Doge Francesco, ii. 165; iv. 459 Morrison, James, boatswain's mate on the Bounty, Journal, v. 588, 594, 622 Morritt, J. B. S., ii. 88 Morven, Mount, i. 182, 191 Moscow, i. 487; Napoleon's retreat from, iv. 207; v. 551; vi. 351; its clime, vi. 409 Moses, Michael Angelo's statue of, iv. 271, 273; vi. 380 Moses, Henry, engraver of Canova's Works, iv. 536 Mossop, Henry, tragedian, i. 26 Mosti, Agostino (Tasso's gaoler), iv. 146 Mottley, John, i. 301 Moussine-Pousckine, Count Alexis Iwanowitch, vi. 307 Moustoxides (or Moustoxudes), Andreas, ii. 324; iv. 456, 457; Su i Quattro Cavalli della Basilica di S. Marco in Venezia, ii. 472 Moxon, iv. 485 Mozart, iii. 376; vi. 586; Don Giovanni, vi. xvi Muchtar, or Mukhtar, Pasha, of Berat, ii. 148; iii. 144; vi. 244 Mucia, Pompey's third wife, vi. 139 Mules, Italian name of bastards and foundlings, vi. 609 Muley, Abul Hacen, king of Granada, iv. 530 Mulgrave, John Sheffield, Earl of, i. 354 MÜller, the artist, vi. 321 MÜller, F. Max, Sacred Books of the East, iii. 110 MÜllinen, iv. 119 Muncker, Thomas, Notes on the FabulÆ of Hyginus, vi. 535 Munster, Duchess of, iii. 299 MÜntz, Professor E., ii. 424; Raphael, iv. 174 Murat, Joachim, king of Naples and the Two Sicilies, ii. 90; iii. 432; v. 550 Muratori, ii. 502; Nov. Thes, Inscr. Vet., ii. 519; Italic. Rerum Scriptores, iv. 332, 349, 352, 462; v. 134 Murin, Tio, ii. 94 Murphy, Arthur, Apprentice, vi. 601 Murray, Dr. A. S., History of Greek Sculpture, ii. 432, 441 Murray, Joe, i. 280; ii. 27, 52; vii. 6 Murray, Rev. William, i. 347 Murray, A. H. Hallam, iii. 60; MS. of Ich Dien, vii. 36 Murray, John, I., ii. 169 Murray, John, II., Byron's letters to, i. 21, 208, 293, 325, 411, 421, 422, 453, 475; ii. xii, 11, 15, 16, 22, 187, 211, 212, 215, 287, 304, 305, 307, 311, 313, 324, 334, 343, 344, 359, 366, 369, 370, 375, 381, 429, 453, 460, 461; iii. xx, 32, 75, 76, 102, 128, 137, 151, 155, 181, 187, 197-199, 206, 210, 270, 301, 303, 308, 312, 324, 435, 443, 449, 468, 488, 519, 540, 544; iv. 3, 21, 31, 36, 54, 70, 79-81, 107, 126, 136, 157, 162, 163, 165, 168, 174, 182, 198, 214, 237, 239, 245, 259, 279, 280, 285, 304, 308, 313, 325-328, 332, 339, 340, 362, 366, 367, 431, 436, 447, 471, 475, 478, 479, 490, 536, 539, 542, 545, 549, 555, 569; v. 3, 15, 64, 115, 201, 202, 204, 271, 272, 279, 331, 367; vi. xvi, xvii, 3, 4, 8, 18, 52, 70, 75, 76, 87, 142, 153, 160, 175, 210, 260, 263, 294, 428; vii. 45, 47, 48, 62, 66, 69, 72, 77; Byron's copy of Catullus, i. 75; Byron's copy of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 291, 294; Byron on Edinburgh Review of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 293; Marmion, i. 310, 311; MS. of:—English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 354; Hints from Horace, i. 387, 390, 391-394, 397, 399, 405, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 416, 418, 421, 426, 429, 430, 439-444, 448, 449; The Waltz, i. 487, 488, 490, 492, 493, 496, 498, 501; Childe Harold, ii. xvi, xvii, 11, 71, 249, 327-330, 332-337, 339, 341-346, 352-354, 357-359, 361, 363, 365, 368, 370, 371, 375, 377-382, 385, 388, 389, 391, 392, 394, 398-401, 403, 404, 406, 407, 409, 410, 413, 415, 418, 427, 429, 431-434, 436, 438-446, 448, 449, 453-456, 458-462; Poems of 1809-1813, iii. 1, 2-4, 6, 12, 23, 24, 28, 61, 64, 65, 67-72; Lara, iii. 335; Hebrew Melodies, iii. 382, 383, 388, 389; Poems of the Separation, iii. 532, 540, 545; The Giaour, iii. 78; Fare Thee Well, iii. 532; Morgante Maggiore, iv. 281; Sardanapalus, v. 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 31, 34, 38, 43, 47, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 66, 68, 70-72, 75, 76, 78, 84, 88, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 102, 103, 109, 110; Two Foscari, v. 124-127, 132, 135, 137, 138, 141, 148, 149, 159, 160-162, 165, 171, 175, 188, 192-194; Cain, v. 219, 220, 228-230, 233, 234, 239, 240, 246, 252, 265; Werner, v. 339, 368, 391, 406, 407; Age of Bronze, v. 571, 577; Don Juan, vi. 35, 53, 58, 71, 72, 87, 159; La Revanche, vii. 16; E Nihilo Nihil, vii. 56; The Ballad, vii. 60; Another Simple Ballat, vii. 62; Lucietta, vii. 81; Song to the Suliotes, vii. 84; accepts Childe Harold, ii. x, xi; suppression of stanzas in Childe Harold, ii. 65; Byron on Quarterly Review and Lady Morgan's France, ii. 187; Shelley and the Childe Harold MS., ii. 211; purchase of Childe Harold, Canto III., ii. 212; his compliment to Lady Byron, ii. 288; the Morat bones, ii. 298; Byron's autograph MSS., iii. 411, 419, 425; bears testimony to Byron's genius, iii. 444; Murray, John, III., dedication of Marino Faliero to Goethe, iv. 328, 340; MS. of Werner, v. 326 Murray, John, IV., iii. 66 Murray, Sir George, vi. 374 Murray v. Benbow and Another, v. 204 Murray's Handbooks— Central Italy, ii. 373, 380; iv. 275; Constantinople, vi. 220; Greece, ii. 117, 125, 157, 166, 189; Northern Italy, ii. 372; iv. 336, 392, 430; Rome, ii. 389, 403; iv. 271, 273; Switzerland, ii. 306; iv. 98 Murray's Magazine, ii. 229; iii. 319, 324; vii. 10, 69, 85, 86 MusÆ Etonenses, i. 336 MusÆus, De Herone atque Leandro, iii. 178 Musca, ii. 89 Musk-bull, vi. 478 Mussulmans, Albanian, ii. 144; their devotion, ii. 302 Musters, John, i. 210 Musters, Mrs. Chaworth. See Chaworth, Mary Anne My Boy Hobbie O., vii. 66 My Epitaph, iii. 38; vii. 10 My Grandmother's Review, iv. 578 Myrina, Queen of the Amazons, v. 5 Myrrha, a character in Sardanapalus, v. 12 My soul is dark, iii. 389 Mystery Plays, v. 207 N Nabopolassar, v. 107 Nadir Shah, or Thamas Kouli Khan, vi. 384 Naef, A., Guide to the Castle of Chillon, iv. 14, 15, 19 Nahum, v. 4 Naldi, Giuseppe, i. 346 Nani, Bartolommeo, v. 115 Nani, Maria or Marina, v. 115 Napier, History of the Peninsular War, i. 469, 470; ii. 53, 54, 87, 90-94 Napoleon Buonaparte, his snuff-box, i. 355; vii. 77 mentioned in Hints from Horace, i. 410; the affair of Copenhagen, i. 468; "Buonaparte's fiat," i. 487; fall of Hamburg, i. 488; "then flamed of Austerlitz the blest despatch," i. 489; unwhiskered, i. 493; repulsed at Vimiera, ii. 39; "to swell one bloated chiefs unwholesome reign," ii. 56; abdication of Ferdinand VII., ii. 78; invasion of Spain, ii. 82, 90; blockade of Corfu, ii. 193; Shelley's Feelings of a Republican on the Fall of Buonaparte, ii. 227; "there sunk the greatest, nor the worst of men," etc. (Childe Harold), ii. 238-241, 294; his star, ii. 270; the Horses of St. Mark, ii. 336; the Venus de' Medici, ii. 365; Coleridge on, ii. 397; described by Pitt as "the child and champion of Jacobinism," etc., ii. 400; v. 544; a prisoner, ii. 453; "Waterloo," ii. 459; vi. 539; and Mrs. Spencer Smith, iii. 4; his abdication, iii. 303; Ode to, iii. 305-315; his Farewell, iii. 427, 428; "crushed by the Northern Thor," iv. 179; the retreat from Moscow, iv. 207; vi. 351, 352; Napoleon Buonaparte, Ode to, ii. 187, 238; iii. 305-315; iv. 49, 269; vi. 12 Napoleon's farewell, iii. 427; iv. 111 Napoleon's Snuff-Box, vii. 77 Napoli di Romania, iii. 447 Nardini, F., Roma Vetus, ii. 510, 511, 513, 515, 517 Nash, the architect, i. 349 Nash, Edward, artist, iv. 475 Nasoni, Giovanni Gradenigo, iv. 465 Nathan, Isaac (Hebrew Melodies), iii. 375; Fugitive Pieces, iii. 376, 381, 383, 387, 388, 390, 400 National Gallery, i. 472 National Intelligencer (U.S.A.), iii. 297 Nauck, A., Incert. Fab. Fragm.; Trag. GrÆc. Fragm., iv. 264 Naupli, Gulf of, i. 457 Navagero, Andrea, Storia della Republica Veneziana, iv. 326, 332, 349, 463; v. 115 Neapolitan Government, v. 574 Nebuchadnezzar, Nabuchadonosor, vi. 235, 236 Nectanebus II., v. 543 Negropont, the, iii. 173 Neipperg, Count Albert Adam de, iii. 311; v. 539, 576 Nekir and Monkir, inquisitors of the dead, iii. 121 Nelson, vi. 14 Nemesis, ii. 426, 518, 519 Nemi, village of, ii. 454 Nemours, Gaston de Foix, Duc de, i. 107; vi. 212 Neoptolemus, or Pyrrhus, v. 577 Nepos, Cornelius, Epam., vi. 376 Nepos, Emperor, iii. 301 Neptune, v. 616; vi. 130 Nereus, iv. 243 Nero, Emperor, i. 349; ii. 408, 409, 472; iv. 124; v. 606; vi. 181 Nero, the Consul, v. 606 Nerva, ii. 412 Nervii, the, vi. 339 Nesselrode, Count, v. 539; vii. 39 Nessus, robe of, vi. 447, 575 Neuhaus, iv. 119 Neuman, Johannes Christiaan (A. van Amstel), iv. 5 Neumann, i. 476 Neva, vi. 475 New English Dictionary, i. 314; ii. 4, 57, 70, 122, 146, 172, 181, 205, 294, 325, 385; iii. 113, 157; iv. 13, 166, 171, 172, 445; v. 228; vi. 68, 208, 316, 473, 487, 550, 567 New Grenada, v. 555 New Monthly Magazine, i. 452, 453; ii. 366; iv. 65, 552, 564; v. 282, 584; vi. xx New Orleans, iii. 296 New Plan of the Town of Nottingham, A, vii. 1 New South Wales, insurrection (1805) in, v. 588 New Testament, v. 208 New Vicar of Bray, The, vii. 78 Newbury, battle of, i. 3, 121 Newcastle, Duke of, i. 457 Newcastle Herald, i. 373 Newstead Abbey, i. 1, 116, 256, 280; ii. 16; iii. 27; the lake at, iv. 60; description of, vi. 495 Newton, Professor A., iii. 130 Newton, Sir Isaac, iv. 47; vi. 303, 400 Newton, D. D., Thomas, Life of Milton, vi. 146 Ney, Michel, Duke of Elchingen, vi. 373 Nicholas III., iii. 503 Nicholle, or Marinet, M., vi. 373, 374 Nicholls, Colonel E., iii. 298 Nichols, John, editor of Hardinge's Miscellaneous Works, vi. 508 Nichols, Mrs. (Harriet Maltby), i. 129, 263 Nicolo III. (d'Este) of Tuscany, ii. 354 Nicopolis, ii. 128, 148, 179 Niebuhr, vi. 122 Niger, delta of the, iv. 515 Nightingale and the rose, iii. 86; v. 428, 612 Niketas, Greek general, v. 556 Nile, v. 550 Nimrod, v. 14, 18, 28, 36, 58; vi. 235, 236 Nineteenth Century, iv. 5; v. 326, 329 Nineveh, fall of, v. 4, 13, 25; vi. 348 Ninus, king of Assyria, v. 11 Ninya, v. 79 Niobe, ii. 389 Nisbet, Mary (Lady Elgin), i. 463 Nisbet, William Hamilton, i. 463 Nisus, i. 151, 175; ii. 387 Nitrous oxide gas, i. 307 Nizam Gedidd, new Turkish ordinance, ii. 207 Noah, i. 325; v. 284 Noble, Rev. Mark, continuation of Granger's Biographical History of England, iii. 298 Noel, Captain the Hon. F. L. King, iv. 159 Noel, Lady, vi. 274; vii. 75 Noel, Lady Anna Isabella (Scawen Blunt), ii. 215 Noel, Hon. Elizabeth, i. 437 Noel, Hon. Roden, Life of Lord Byron, ii. xiii; ii. 117; iii. 18 Nogaret, v. 554 Nonius Marcellus, ii. 92 Norbury, Mr., private secretary to Lord Granville, vii. 36 Norbury, Hon. Mrs., vii. 36 Nordlingen, battle of, ii. 186 Norfolk, Charles Howard, 11th Duke of ("Jockey of Norfolk"), vii. 28 Normanby, John Sheffield, Marquis of, i. 354 North, Lord, i. 500 Norton, Mrs., i. 343 Nossa SeÑora da PeÑa, Convent of, ii. 35, 85 Notaras, ii. 203 Notes and Queries, ii. 430, 460; iii. 72; iv. 15, 46, 75, 530, 533; vi. 483; vii. 59 Nott, Dr. George Frederick, Prebendary of Winchester and Salisbury, vii. 78 Notti, Signori di, iv. 465 Nouveau Dictionnaire de l'Économie Politique, vi. 461 Nouvelle Biographie Universelle, iii. 311; v. 499 Novelists Magazine, iv. 519 Novi, battle of, vi. 14 Nugent, vi. 175 Numa Pompilius, ii. 416; vi. 24 Numbers, ii. 271 Nunez, translation of de Quevedo's SueÑos, etc., iv. 484 Nuovo Archivio Veneto, iv. 327, 331, 332, 349, 403, 462 Nympholepsy, ii. 415 O Oakes, Major-General Hildebrand, iii. 25 Observations upon Observations, v. 537; vii. 75 Observer, i. 414 Occasional Pieces (Poems, 1809-1813; Poems, 1814-1816), ii. 37; iii. xix Occasional Poems, iii. 449 Occasional Prologue previous to the Performance of the Wheel of Fortune, i. 45 Ocellus Lucanus, De Universi NaturÂ, ii. 198 Ochakof, siege of, vi. 313 Ockham, Viscount, ii. 215 O'Connell, Daniel, iv. 559 Odalisques, ladies of the Seraglio, vi. 277 Ode from the French, ii. 227; iii. 431; iv. 110; vi. 266, 373 Ode on the Death of Sir Peter Parker, iii. xix, 417 Ode on Venice, ii. 338; iii. xix; iv. 193, 203, 458 Ode to a Lady whose lover was killed by a ball, which at the same time shattered a portrait next his heart, iv. 552; vi. 144 Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, ii. 187, 238; iii. 305-315; iv. 49, 269; v. 519; vi. 12, 348 Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill, vii. 13 Ode to the Isle of St. Helena (spurious), iii. xx Oder, river, v. 348 Odessa, vi. 264 O'Doherty, parody of the "Pisa letter," v. 204; Miscellanies, v. 326 Odysseus, iii. 272 OEdipus, ii. 93, 431 Ogilvy, i. 314, 403 Ogle, Sir Chaloner, vii. 48 Oh, Shame to thee, Land of the Gaul (spurious), iii. xx Oh! snatched away in beauty's bloom, iii. 388 Oh! weep for those, iii. 385 Old Testament, iii. 187; v. 199, 279 Oliphant, Mrs., Annals of a Publishing House, iii. 444 Olivier, G. A., iii. 13; Voyage dans l'Empire Othoman, iii. 188 Ollah, a Turkish cry, iii. 168 Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great, ii. 123; v. 543 Olympieion, Temple of Zeus Olympius, i. 462; ii. 167 Olympus, Mount, ii. 286 Olytsika, Mount (ancient Tomarus), ii. 132, 182 Omar KhayyÁm, RubÁÎyÁt, iii. 87, 109 Ombre, the game of, iv. 507 O'Meara, Dr. Barry Edward, Napoleon in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena, v. 537, 540, 544-547 Omegarus and Syderia, iv. 42, 43 On a change of Masters at a Great Public School, i. 16, 84, 91 On a Cornelian heart which was broken, iii. 48 On a distant view of the village and school of Harrow-on-the-Hill, i. 25 On a Royal Visit to the Vaults (Windsor Poetics), vii. 36 On being asked what was the "Origin of Love", iii. 65 On finding a Fan, i. 253 On Jordan's banks, iii. 386 On leaving Newstead Abbey, i. 1; vi. 499 On Lord Thurlow's Poems, vii. 17 On Moore's last Operatic Farce or Farcical Opera, vii. 12 On my Thirty-Third Birthday, vii. 73 On my Wedding-Day, ii. 322; vii. 64 On Napoleon's Escape from Elba, vii. 41 On Parting, iii. 23 On revisiting Harrow, i. 259 On the Birth of John William Rizzo Hoppner, vii. 54 On the Bust of Helen by Canova, iv. 536 On the death of a Young Lady, Cousin to the Author, and very dear to Him, i. 5 On the death of Mr. Fox, i. 34 On the death of the Duke of Dorset, iii. xxi, 425 On the eyes of Miss A—— H——, i. 244 On the Morning of my Daughter's Birth (spurious), iii. xx On the Quotation "And my true faith can alter never, / Though thou art gone perhaps for ever", ii. xxi, 65 On the Star of "The Legion of Honour", iii. 436 On this day I complete my thirty-sixth year, vii. 86 One struggle more, and I am free, iii. 31, 32, 36 O'Neill, Miss Elizabeth (afterwards Lady Becher), actress, ii. 331; iv. 338; vii. 50 Opera Comique, i. 413 Opie, Mrs., The Warrior's Return, iii. 424 Oracle, The, i. 358 Orange, Prince of, iv. 197 Orazio, alias Celio de' Malespini, iv. 144 Orbe, Madame, ii. 304 Orchomenus, iii. 15 O'Reilly, Count Alexander, vi. 56 Orestes, i. 175; ii. 427 Orford, Lord (Horace Walpole), Reminiscences; Works, iii. 209; iv. 340; Memoirs ... of George II., vii. 76 Oriental Antiquities, ii. 136 Orla, i. 177 Orleans, Duke of, ii. 282; iv. 334 Orlow (Orloff), General, vi. 314, 353, 354 Ormsby, John, translation of Don Quixote, ii. 178 Orosius, Hist., ii. 179, 392, 512 Orpheus, i. 437, 484; ii. 11; vi. 173 Orsini, the, v. 576 O'Ruarc, Dervogilla, iv. 334 O'Ruarc, Tiernan, iv. 334 Orthodoxy, vi. 267 Oscar of Alva, i. 131; ii. 343 Ossian, Poems, i. 1, 116, 177, 183, 191, 229; iii. 100, 115, 389, 416, 426; iv. 126; vii. 2 Ossian's Address to the Sun in "Carthon", i. 229; iv. 126; vii. 2 Ossory, John, 1st Earl of, i. 500 Otaheite (Tahiti), v. 582-584, 588 Othello, i. 340, 342; iii. 131, 313, 540; iv. 164; vi. 271, 379, 502, 543 Otho, v. 63, 64 Otway (Venice Preserved), i. 306, 345; ii. 331, 342; iv. 325, 326, 454; vii. 57 Ouchy, iv. 3 Oude, Begum of, iv. 72 Outalissi, i. 430 Ovid, i. 437; v. 573; vi. 26, 139, 218; Metamorph., ii. 13; iii. 199; v. 570; vi. 38, 177, 235, 273, 535; vii. 9; Amor., ii. 31, 367, 509; v. 289 Fasti, ii. 255, 515; iv. 164 HeroÏdes, iii. 178; vi. 447, 575 Owen, Rev. E. C. Everard, ii. 82, 157, 172, 335 Oxenstiern, Chanc. Axel, vi. 531 Oxenstiern, John, vi. 531 Oxford and Mortimer, Edward, 5th Earl of, ii. 11 "Oxoniensis" (Rev. J. H. Todd), v. 202 Oziosi, the, a literary society at Florence, i. 358 P Pacchierotti, vi. 207 Pacciaudi, ii. 472 Pactolus, v. 487 Padua, iv. 262, 386 Page, Mrs. Anne, vi. 442 Paine, Tom, vii. 65 PalÆopolis, iii. 184 Palafox, ii. 78, 94 Palampore, a flowered shawl, iii. 117 Palatine, Rome, ii. 407; iv. 257 Palazzi, Fasti Ducales, v. 124, 195 Palgrave, Sir Francis (formerly Cohen), translation of Old Chronicle (Marino Faliero); Rise and Progress of the English Constitution; History of the Anglo-Saxons, iv. 462 Palikar, general name for Greek and Albanese soldiers, ii. 144, 183 Pallas Athene, vii. 12 Palmer, E. H., Sacred Books of the East—translation of the Qu'rÂn, iii. 110, 181, 195, 206 Palmerston, Lady (Cowper), i. 301 Palmerston, Lord, i. 57, 476 Pambotis, lake of Yanina, ii. 179 Pan, vi. 130 Pandion, king of Attica, iv. 287 Pandora, i. 285 Pandora, wreck of the, vi. 96 Panizzi, Preface to the Orlando Innamorato of BoÏardo, iv. 281 Pantaloni, nickname of the Venetians, ii. 339 Pantheon, Rome, ii. 435 Pantisocracy, iv. 521; vi. 174 Panvinius, ii. 392 Paphos, ii. 19, 63 Paracelsus, v. 208 ParcÆ, the, vi. 220 Parenthetical Address, iii. 55 Parga, pirates of, ii. 145, 146, 147; vi. 171, 172 Paris, Treaties of, ii. 342, 402; v. 550, 576; Allied Army in, iii. 431; v. 553 Parisina, ii. 113, 288, 354; iii. 377, 443, 505-548; iv. 35, 141, 215; v. 326 Park, Mungo, Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, v. 631 Park Theatre, New York, Werner at, v. 324 Parker, Charlotte Augusta (nÉe Byron), iii. 417 Parker, Christopher, iii. 417 Parker, Margaret, i. 5 Parker, Rev. J., translation of Dionysius' Celestial Hierarchy, v. 286 Parker, Bart., Sir Peter, i. 5; iii. 417 Parkins, Miss Fanny, vi. 578 Parliamentary Debates, i. 412; v. 545; vi. 69, 506, 549 Parliamentary History, i. 412 Parma, Alessandro Farnese, Duke of, iv. 262 Parma, University of, ii. 354 Parnassus (Liakura), i. 426; ii. 60-62, 92, 129, 186; iii. 113, 464 Parnell, Vigil of Venus, i. 317; ii. 279 Paros, island, iii. 273 Parrot, Professor Friedrich, Journey to Ararat, v. 294 Parry, Sir Edward, Voyage in 1819-1820 in Search of a North-West Passage, iv. 496; vi. 51, 478, 491, 521 Parsons, William, i. 358 Parthenon, Athens, i. 454, 455, 462, 463; ii. 166, 172 Parthians, the, ii. 412 Parton, James, Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin, v. 554 Pascal, vi. 379 Pasiphae, vi. 126 Pasqualigo, NicolÒ, iv. 456, 457 Pasqualigo, Orio, iv. 432 Pasqualino, iv. 171 Pasquin, v. 471 Passavant, J. D., Raphael of Urbino, iv. 174 Paswan Oglou, iii. 188 Paterculus, C. Vell., Hist., ii. 492 Paternoster Row, iv. 574; vii. 9 Paterson, Sir John, iii. 301 Patras, ii. 124, 178 Patroclus, i. 175; ii. 462; vi. 117, 204 Patterson, Commander Daniel, iii. 298 Paul, Czar, vi. 333 Paul III., Pope, ii. 411; iii. 122; iv. 270 Pausanias, king of Sparta, and Cleonice, iv. 108 Pausanias, the Sophist, ii. 85; Laconica, iv. 108, 566; Descriptio GratiÆ, v. 526 Pauw, Cornelius de, Recherches philosophiques sur les Grecs, i. 414; ii. 191, 194-196 Payne, J., i. 356 Paxos, ii. 193 Pazig, Christianus, Magic Incantations, v. 289 Peachey, or Peachie, i. 208 Peacock, "that royal bird, whose tail's a diadem," vi. 326 Peacock, Thomas Love, ii. 355; iv. 3, 18, 475; Melincourt, iv. 569, 574; Nightmare Abbey, iv. 569 Pearson, John, vii. 14 Pearson's Cautions, etc., i. 417 Pedro III., Portugal, ii. 43 Peel, Sir Robert, v. 572 Peggy, wreck of the American ship, vi. 103 Pelagius, ii. 89 Pelayo, ii. 46; v. 558 Peleus, v. 488 Pelican, the, iii. 130 Pellegrino, Caraffa, ii. 486 Pemberton, vi. 400 PeÑa, Convent of Nossa SeÑora da, ii. 35, 85 Penelope, ii. 124 Peninsular War, i. 469; iii. 416 Pennant, Thomas, Some Account of London, vi. 435 Pentelicus, Mount (Mount Mendeli), ii. 186 Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons, v. 526 Perceval, Spencer, i. 28, 471, 472, 496, 497; ii. 79; vii. 28 Percy's Reliques, i. 317; ii. 22 Pericles, i. 462; ii. 190 Perkinean Institution, London, i. 308 Perkins, Benjamin Charles, his metallic tractors, vi. 50 Perrier, M. Casimir, Opinions et Discours, v. 566 Perry, editor of Morning Chronicle, iii. 532; vii. 37, 44 Persians, capture Teos, vi. 171; "taught three useful things," vi. 572 Persius, i. 304; ii. 201 Peru, Independence of, v. 556; vi. 457 Pescara, Ferdinando Francesco dagli Avalos, Marquis of, iv. 262 Peter the Great, iv. 202; v. 564; vi. 381 Peter III., vi. 388 Peter Pindar. See Wolcot, Dr. Peterborough, Lord, i. 484; v. 576 Peterborow, Henry Mordaunt, Earl of, iv. 504 Peterwaradin, battle of, iii. 455 Petrarch, i. 108; ii. 350-353, 365, 371, 372, 415, 424, 478, 501-503; iv. 239, 265; and Laura, ii. 480-484; vi. 145; on the conspiracy of Marino Faliero, iv. 468; "the Platonic pimp of all posterity," vi. 218 Petronius, "Arbiter Elegantiarum" to Nero, i. 349; SatyricÔn, vi. 380, 602 Pettigrew, T. J., vi. 497 Petty, Lord Henry (afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne), i. 31, 57, 340, 471 Peucker, Dr. Karl, Griechenland, ii. xxiv PhÆdra, vi. 254 Pharnaces II., ii. 398 Phelps, as "Jaffier" in Venice Preserved, ii. 331; as "Manfred," iv. 78; as "The Doge" in Marino Faliero, iv. 324; as "Werner," v. 324 Phelps, Edmund, as "Ulric" in Werner, v. 324 Phidias, i. 378, 454; iv. 270 Philadelphia Record, vii. 62 Philanthes, ii. 485 Philanthropist, The, ii. 554 Philemon, vi. 186 Philip of Macedon, i. 56; ii. 166; v. 543 Philip II. of Spain, ii. 504; iii. 299, 309 Philippi, battle of, iv. 386 Philips, Ambrose, Epistle to the Earl of Dorset; Pastorals, i. 418 Phillips, Josiah, printer and publisher of The Authentic Memoirs of the Court of England for the last Seventy Years, vii. 31 Phillips, Miss, as "Zarina" in Sardanapalus, v. 2 Phillips, Sir Richard, Personal Tour through the United Kingdom, iv. 32 Philo, v. 281 Philo Byzantius, De Septem Orbis Miraculis, ii. 441 Philomela, iv. 287 "Philo-Milton," Vindication of Paradise Lost from the charge of exculpating Cain, v. 202 Phingari, the moon, iii. 108 Phocas, column of, ii. 410 Phoenix, vi. 117 Phrosine or Frosini, iii. 145 Phyle, Fort, ii. 150, 185, 189 Piazza, the, Covent Garden, iv. 160 "Pibroch" confused with "bagpipe," i. 133, 134, 136, 140 Picadores, horsemen, ii. 68 Pickersgill, Junior, Joshua, The Three Brothers, v. 469, 470, 473 Picton, General, ii. 293 Pignus Amoris, i. 231, 240, 241; ii. 458; iii. 48 Pigot, Miss Elizabeth B., i. 41, 45, 47, 66, 129, 210, 233, 258, 264, 293, 406 Pigot, Mrs., i. 239; vii. 8 Pigot, J. M. B., i. xi, xiv, 45, 63, 213; vi. 30 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (spurious), iii. xx Pilgrim's Oak at Newstead Abbey, vi. 497 Pillans, Professor James, i. 306, 337 Pilsen, v. 340 Pindar, i. 337, 465, 490; ii. 93; vi. 168 Pindemonte, Ippolito, ii. 324; iv. 245, 457; v. 562 Pindus mount (Monte Metsovo), ii. 126, 129; iii. 7 Pinel, M., Sur l'InsanitÉ, ii. 447 Pineta of Ravenna, the, vi. 178, 180 Piombi, the (Venice prisons), iv. 363; v. 148 Piozzi, Mrs., i. 358 PirÆus, ii. 362 Pisa, Byron's household at, v. 348 Pisani, NicolÒ, iv. 356 Pisani, Vettor, ii. 477, 497 Pisistratus, ii. 167 Pisse Vache, or Salanfe, ii. 383 Pitcairn Island, v. 582-584. See also Island, The Pitiscus, ii. 509 Pitt, William, appoints Mansel Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, i. 28; "rules the hour," i. 31; "expired in plenitude of power," i. 34, 57; Sayer's Elijah's Mantle, i. 294, 356; mentioned in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 377; in Hints from Horace, i. 395; "heaven-born," i. 486; the "heavy news" of Austerlitz, i. 489; his description of Napoleon, ii. 400; v. 544; Sheridan's speech on the Begum of Oude, iv. 72; one of "the wondrous Three," iv. 75; George III. and Catholic Emancipation, iv. 503, "with Fox's lard was basting William Pitt," iv. 511; his grave in Westminster Abbey, v. 541; "The Pilot that weathered the storm," v. 568; vi. 482, refusal to accept £100,000 from the merchants of London, vi. 376; "Chatham gone," vi. 478; "so like his friend Billy," vii. 28; Byron's Epitaph for, vii. 64 Pitt and Grenville Acts, the, iv. 512 Pius VII., Pope, Napoleon's snuff-box, vii. 78 Pizarro, Francisco, ii. 81; v. 555 Pizarro, Hernando, ii. 81 Pizarro, Juan Gonzalo, ii. 81 Plancus, ii. 492 PlatÆa, battle of, ii. 294; iv. 108 Plato, i. 414; ii. 169, 196, 325; v. 485, vi. 46, 303, 568, 585 Plato's Epitaph, i. 18; iii. 136 Platonic love, vi. 396, 397 Platow (Platoff), General, vi. 353; vii. 39 Plattsburg Bay, battle of, vi. 508 Plautus, Truculentus, vi. 548 Playfair, Dr., vii. 52 Pliny, Hist. Nat., ii. 31, 378, 379, 384, 432, 437, 441, 445, 488; vi. 220, 236, 563; Epist., ii. 380; Panegyricus, ii. 412 Plum, a, = £100,000, i. 425 Plumptre, E. H., D.D., Commedia, etc., v. 562 Plumptre, E. J., and Gallehault, iv. 320 Plunket, Catholic Emancipation Bills, v. 569 Plutarch, Lives, i. 467; ii. 123, 179, 341, 393, 405, 518; iii. 85, 180, 311; iv. 108, 251, 264, 339, 352, 386, 423, 446; v. 4, 5, 21, 72, 486, 487, 506; vi. 139, 226, 339, 348, 376, 404, 461, 477, 547; Scripta Moralia, etc., ii. 335; v. 619; vi. 479 Po, the river, iv. 545 Pococke, Edward, NotÆ MiscellaneÆ, iii. 109, 121 Poems 1814-1816, iii. 409-438 Poems 1816-1823, iv. 529-566 Poems of July-September, 1816, iv. 29-65 Poems of the Separation, iii. 537-546 Poems on his Domestic Circumstances, i. 452, 453; iii. xx, 24 Poems on Various Occasions, i. xi, xii, 1, 3, 18, 20-22, 27, 29, 31, 32, 38, 41, 46, 47, 52-54, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 70, 74, 76-116, 82-84, 89, 91, 96, 99, 101, 102, 104, 110, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 125, 151, 152 Poems Original and Translated, i. xii, 31, 126, 127, 147, 149, 168, 171, 184, 187, 189, 191-208, 354, 374; iv. 281 Poet's Corner at Newstead Abbey, vi. 498 Poggio, De Fort. Var., ii. 364, 365, 403 Point Lividia, iii. 248, 249 Pola, battle of, ii. 476 Poland, partition of, v. 500, 551; and Alexander I., v. 563 Polenta, Guido Novello da, ii. 371, 494 Polenta, Guido Vecchio da, Lord of Ravenna, iv. 316 Polidori, Dr. J. W., i. 318; iv. 40; vii. 47 Polidori, G., iv. 143 Political Eclogues, i. 395 Political Economy Club, vi. 480 Political Miscellanies, i. 395 Political Ode by Lord Byron, hitherto unknown as his production, vii. 14 Polixena, v. 488 Poliziano, ii. 365; iv. 280 Polozk (Polouzki), vi. 354 PoltÁva, battle of, iv. 207, 233 Polybius, Hist., ii. 377, 506 Polycrates, of Samos, ii. 519; vi. 171 Polynices, v. 403 Polyphontes, the herald, ii. 431 Polyzois, an Albanian poet, ii. 198 Pombal, ii. 43 Pompadour, Madame de, iv. 334 Pompeia, CÆsar's third wife, i. 351; iv. 352; vi. 139 Pompey, i. 422; ii. 395, 492; iv. 264; vi. 139; statue of, ii. 508; pillar of, v. 548 Pompignan, Franc de, ii. 282 Poniatowsky, Prince, vii. 24 Ponsonby, Lady Caroline. See Lamb, Lady Caroline Ponsonby, William, v. 329 Ponte, Antonio da, ii. 327 Poole, Thomas, and his Friends, i. 437 Pope, Alexander, Prologue to the Satires, i. 91, 392; vi. 519, 602; on Earl of Dorset, i. 198; Dunciad, i. 220, 294, 321, 326, 327, 397; iv. 161; vi. 494; Essay on Criticism, i. 289; ii. 13; iv. 481; mentioned in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 304-306, 312, 368, 371; Porphyry, ii. 78 Porson, Richard, i. 30, 313, 438; ii. 283; iii. 402; The Devil's Walk attributed to, vii. 21 Porta Capena, ii. 416, 516 Porter, Jane, Thaddeus of Warsaw, iv. 166 Portfolio, The, iii. 321; iv. 6 Portfolio (Philadelphia), v. 5 Portinari, Beatrice, iv. 247, 248, 251 Portinari, Folco, iv. 248 Portland, William Henry Cavendish, 3rd Duke of, i. 377, 471; iv. 513 Porto Bello taken by Admiral Vernon, vi. 12 Portogallo, Semiramide, i. 347 Portsmouth, Lady (Mary Anne Hanson), vi. 569 Portsmouth, Lord, vi. 569 Portuguese, Byron's estimate of the, i. 469; ii. 33, 45, 87 Potemkin, Prince Gregor Alexandrovitch, ii. 200; vi. 313, 314, 316, 317, 370, 412 Potiphar's wife (Zuleika), iii. 187; vi. 254 Pouqueville, Dr., Travels; Voyage en MorÉe, ii. 179, 180, 194, 195 Poussin, Nicholas, vi. 152 Powell, A., i. 350, 432 Powell, Mary, Milton's first wife, vi. 146 Power, publisher, iii. 423 Powerscourt, Richard, 4th Viscount, i. 96 Pozzi, the Venice state dungeons, ii. 465; iv. 363; v. 148, 153 Pozzo di Borgo, Count, v. 539 Pradt, M. Dufour de, Narrative of an Embassy to Warsaw, v. 551, 552 Praed, The Belle of the Ball-Room, i. 347; vii. 12 Prague, Treaty of, v. 340, 423; battle of, v. 371 Pratt, Lord Chief Justice, iv. 510 Pratt, Samuel Jackson (Courtney Melmoth), Gleanings, i. 322, 323, 442; Blacket's Remains, i. 359, 443 Praxiteles, ii. 236 Prayer of Nature, The, i. 224 Predestination, Byron's belief in, iv. 58 Pregadi, Venetian Senate, iv. 441 Presle, Mdlle., i. 347, 348 Pretty Miss Jaqueline, i. 361 Prevesa, ii. 125, 148, 185 Prevost, Sir George ("General Fireface"), Governor-General of British North America, vi. 508 Priam, v. 488 Priestley, Joseph, ii. 283 Prince's Theatre, Manchester, Manfred at, iv. 78 Princess's Theatre Royal, Manfred at, iv. 78; Sardanapalus at, v. 2 Printer's Devil, The, i. 495 Prisoner of Chillon, ii. 212, 214; iii. xix, 499; iv. 3-28, 63, 79, 92, 182, 194; v. 152, 423, 494; vi. 129, 475 Priuli, Andrea, v. 115 Priuli, Maria, v. 115 Probus, Emperor, i. 375 Procne, iv. 287 Procter, Bryan W. (Barry Cornwall), "Euphues," v. 114; A Sicilian Story, vi. 445 Prometheus, ii. 448; iii. 312; v. 554; vi. 49 Prometheus, iv. 48, 118, 269 Propertius, Eleg., vi. 445 Prophecy of Dante, ii. 441; iv. 7, 26, 49, 144, 237-276, 313, 329; v. 471; vii. xvi, 146, 212 Protasoff, Miss, the "Protassova," vi. 399 Protesilaus, vi. 204 Protestant League, v. 371 Prussian troops at Leipsic, vii. 23 Pruth, river, v. 551; Treaty of, v. 564 Psalidas, Athanasius, True Felicity, ii. 198, 202 Psalms, i. 208; ii. 398, 458; iii. 193; vi. 166, 401 Pseudo-Callisthenes, v. 543 Psyche, vi. 165, 387 PtolemÆus Cocces, v. 542 PtolemÆus Soter, v. 542 Ptolemy, i. 402; iv. 523; v. 487 Ptolemy Philadelphus, iv. 243 Public Characters of 1799-1800, vi. 175 Publius Syrus, i. 414 PÜckler, Herman FÜrst von, iv. 81 Puffend, Hist. Gen., iv. 211 Pugilistic Club, i. 434 Pulci, G., ed. of Morgante Maggiore, iv. 309 Pulci, Luigi, Morgante Maggiore, iv. 156, 279-309, 325, 484; vi. xvi, 156, 184, 505 Pulk, Polish for "regiment," v. 564 Pulteney, Sir James, Bart., i. 347 Pultency Hotel, Piccadilly, vii. 39 "Pultowa's Day," iv. 202, 207 Purgstall, J. von Hammer-, Hist. de l'Empire Othoman, iii. 166, 312, 441, 454, 455 Purple, Tyrian, vi. 574 Purvis, Admiral, ii. 93 Pushkin, Poltava, iv. 203 Puttenham, Art of Poesie, iv. 239 Pye, Henry James, poet-laureate, i. 305, 314, 329, 404, 435; iv. 519 Pygmalion, vi. 281, 390 Pylades, i. 175 Pym, iv. 519 Pyramus, vi. 235 Pyrenees, the, ii. 45 Pyrrhic war-dance, Pyrrhica, vi. 151, 171 Pyrrho, master of the Pyrrhonists or Sceptics, vi. 379 Pyrrhus (or Neoptolemus), ii. 174; v. 577 Pythagoras, i. 59; vi. 610 Pythian Oracle, the, i. 56 Pythias, i. 175 Q Quarantia Criminale (Council of Forty), iv. 333, 345 Quarterly Review, i. 304, 321; ii. xiii, xv, 5, 139, 187, 212, 213, 266, 299, 315, 325, 356; iii. 77, 151, 219, 225, 321; iv. 6, 37, 42, 46, 57, 156, 166, 244, 281, 313, 327, 329, 514, 575; v. 5, 111, 119, 204, 205, 544, 552, 582, 613; vi. xx, 76, 79, 360, 445, 456, 508; vii. 49, 57, 76 Quebec, siege of, vi. 12 Queensberry, William Douglas, 3rd Earl of March, and 4th Duke of ("Old Q."), i. 500 Quem Deus vult perdere prius dementat, vii. 45 Quercetanus, Andreas, notes to Historia Calamitatum AbÆlardi, v. 634 Queries to Casuists, i. 262 Querini, Alvisi (Ormildo Emeressio), L'Ammiraglio dell' Indie, iv. 456, 457 Quevedo of Villegas, Francisco Gomez de, SueÑos, iv. 484; Dream of Skulls, iv. 496 Quiberon Bay, French fleet defeated by Hawke in, vi. 12 Quinctilian, iv. 270; vi. 16 Quincy, De, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, vi. 188 Quirini, Angelo, ii. 389 Quito, capital of Ecuador, ii. 81 Quotidienne, La, v. 566, 573, 577 R Rabbe, Biographie des Contemporains, ii. 168 Rabelais, Life of Gargantua, etc., v. 354 Rack, or arrack, punch, vi. 197 Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann, Mysteries of Udolpho, ii. 327, 342; iii. 89, 351; iv. 364, 413 Rae, W. Fraser, Life of Sheridan, iv. 74; Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox, iv. 511; articles in AthenÆum on Junius' Letters, iv. 513 Rag Fair or Rosemary Lane (now Royal Mint Street), iv. 161 Raikes, Thomas, Personal Reminiscences, i. 476; v. 563; A Portion of the Journal, etc., vi. 507 Rainbow described, vi. 108 Rajna, Pio, iv. 280; Ricerche sui Reali di Francia, iv. 309 Ralph the rhymester, i. 326 Ralston, W. R. S., Russian Folk-Tales, iii. 123 Ramassieh (Alexandria), battle of, ii. 108 RamazÂn, or Turkish Lent, ii. 134, 137; iii. 96 Rambaud, M., History of Russia, v. 563 Ramsay, the artist, vi. 496 Ramsay, Chevalier, vi. 303 Ramsden, Rev.——, i. 431 Rangoni, Aldobrandino, iii. 506 Ranke, Leopold, The Popes of Rome, v. 520 Ransom and Morland, vi. 546 "Ranz des Vaches," v. 159 Raphael, Archangel, v. 281 Raphael, ii. 437; iv. 174; his "Transfiguration," vi. 548 Rapp, George, the harmonist, vi. 554 Rapresentatione di Abel et di Caino, La, v. 264 Raschid, iii. 441 Rasponi, Countess Clelia, iv. 547 Rasselas, iii. 145 Ravenna, ii. 372; iv. 237, 238, 243; v. 138; battle of, vi. 212 Ravenna, Cardinal of, v. 516 Ravenna, Guido Vecchio da Polenta, Lord of, iv. 316 Raven-stone (rabenstein), a German stone gibbet, iv. 122; v. 385 Ravignani, Benintendi de, Grand Chancellor, iv. 431 Rawlinson, Canon, The Five Great Monarchies, etc., v. 24, 107 Rayet, Olivier, Monuments de l'Art Antique, ii. 396 Read, General Meredith, Historic Studies in Vaud, Berne, and Savoy, ii. 299, 303, 307 Read, T., i. 301 Reade, Sir Thomas, v. 544 Rebeck, fiddle, ii. 53 Red Sea, the, vi. 122 Reeve, Henry, Petrarch, ii. 351, 372; Greville Memoirs, vi. 451 Reeves, John, The Rothschilds, v. 574 Reformadoes, vi. 404 Regent, Prince. See George IV. Regnier, General of Saxons at Leipsic, v. 553 RehnskjÖld, Swedish General, iv. 207 Reichenbach, Falls of, ii. 383 Reichstadt, Napoleon FranÇois Charles Joseph, Duke of, v. 545, 576; vi. 590 Reid, vii. 32 Reinagle, R. R., ii. 226; iv. 425 Rejected Addresses, i. 462, 481, 485; iii. 55 Rembrandt, vi. 502 Remember thee! Remember thee! iii. xx, 59 Remembrance, i. 211 Remind me not, remind me not, i. 268 Renault, iv. 454 Rendlesham, Lord, i. 471 Renegado, renegade, ii. 488 Rennes, siege of, v. 549 Reply to some Verses of J. M. B. Pigot, Esq., on the Cruelty of his Mistress, i. xi, 53 Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics, iv. 178 Retz, Cardinal de, MÉmoires du, iv. 338; vi. 93, 94 Retzsch, illustrations to Goethe's Faust, v. 493 Revanche, La, vii. 15 Revelation, ii. 271; iii. 432; iv. 102; v. 499 Revilliod, Gustave, ed. of Advis, etc., iv. 5 Revue Arch., ii. 424 Revue des Deux Mondes, iv. 5 Revue de Paris, La, vi. 507 Revue EncyclopÉdique, vi. xx Revue Historique, iv. 514 Reynolds, Frederick, i. 306, 353; The Caravan; or, The Driver and his Dog, i. 342; Life and Times, i. 416 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, i. 389; Discourses, iv. 271 Rheinfeld, battle of, v. 372 Rhianus, the Alexandrian poet, iv. 566 Rhigas, or Rigas, Constantine, ii. 199; iii. 29, 194 Rhine, the, i. 249, 353; vi. 418; Confederation of, i. 486 Rhodes, iv. 400; vi. 111 Rhoeteum, ii. 99 Rhone, the, ii. 261, 300; iv. 18, 26, 120 Rialto (Rivo alto), Venice, ii. 331; iv. 165 Ribas, Admiral Josef de, vi. 313, 319, 359, 366 Ribaupierre, General, vi. 352 Ricardo, David, vi. 480 Ricci's monument to Dante, ii. 375 Rich, Claudius James, Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon, vi. 236 Richard II., iii. 517; vi. 210 Richard III., iv. 391; vi. 392, 570 Richards, Rev. George, The Aboriginal Britons, i. 306, 376 Richardson, iii. 109 Richelieu, Armand Emanuel du Plessis, Duc de, Journal de mon Voyage en Allemagne, vi. 264, 317, 333, 340, 347, 358, 359 Richelieu, Louis FranÇois, Duc de, Marshal of France, vi. 333 Richmond, Duchess of, ii. 228 Richmond, Duke of, ii. 229, 230 Richmond Hill, ii. 66 Ricimer, a Sueve, ii. 390 Ridge, S. and J., i. xi, xii, xiv, 234 Ridgeway, bookseller, iv. 482 Ridotto, iv. 178, 180 Rienzi, or Rienzo (commonly called Cola di' Rienzi), Nicolas Gabrino di', ii. 414 Riese, Varro. Satur. Menipp. Rel., ii. 92 Rigadoon, the, i. 491 Rimini, Francesca da (nÉe da Polenta), iv. 316 Rimini, Malatesta da Verrucchio, Lord of, iv. 316 Rinaldo and Armida, vi. 34 Riots, O.P., at Covent Garden, i. 347 Rivington, F. and C., i. xii; their Annual Register, q.v. Rivoli, battle of, vi. 14 Rizzo, Antonio, iv. 336 Roberts, William, iv. 578 Roberts, W. Rhys, Longinus on the Sublime, vi. 26 Robertson, James, i. 192 Robertson, J. L., Burns' Selected Poems, iii. 449 Robertson, Mary, i. 192 Robertson, Dr. William, Charles V., iii. 309; v. 471, 560 Robespierre, iv. 476; vi. 13, 14 Robinson, editor of Morning Post, i. 358 Robinson, Mrs., "Perdita" (nÉe Darby), The Mistletoe, i. 358 Rocca, Giovane, ii. 523; vii. 50 Rochefoucauld, Maximes, ii. 307, 419 RÉflexions, iv. 552; vi. 144, 246, 303 Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, Poems, i. 218 Rodd, Thomas, Ancient Ballads from the Civil Wars of Granada, iv. 529, 530 Roderick the Goth, ii. 89 Rogers, Samuel, Byron's withdrawal of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 294; "a true poet," i. 306; Recollections of the Table Talk of, i. 329, 429; iv. 539; vi. 17; Byron and Lord Carlisle, i. 355; Pleasures of Memory, i. 361; iii. 50, 207; Italy, ii. 329, 343, 353, 372, 376-378, 407; iv. 539; v. 130; Byron's opinion of, iii. 50; Voyage of Columbus, iii. 76; Giaour dedicated to, iii. 81; Jacqueline, iii. 319, 320, 323; Byron's letters to, iii. 545; iv. 80; vi. 83, 173; and Byron's Dream, iv. 31; first meeting of Byron and Sheridan at his house, iv. 69; Sheridan's appeal to, iv. 73; Brides of Venice, iv. 166; referred to in Beppo, iv. 183; translation of Zappi's Sonetto, iv. 271; Byron's verses on (Question and Answer), iv. 538; Human Life, iv. 539, 574; at Sir George Beaumont's, iv. 570; in Don Juan, vi. 6; "I wished to learn the Art of forgetting," vi. 17; "Thou shalt not steal from," vi. 75; "have deserted," vii. 17; Lord Thurlow's An Epistle to a Friend, vii. 18-20 Roland, v. 553 Rolland (d'Erceville), M. le PrÉsident, Recherches sur les PrÉrogatives des Dames chez les Gaulois sur les Cours d'Amours, ii. 6; Foscari, v. 130 Rolliad, i. 294, 319, 395, 500 Romaika, kerchief-waving dance, i. 492; vi. 151 Romance Muy Doloroso, iv. 529 Romanceros, the, ii. 47 Romanelli, Dr., ii. 175; vii. 11 Romanin, S., Documentata Storia di Venezia, v. 116, 117, 119, 121, 144, 171, 172, 178, 179, 195 Rome, i. 376; ii. 312, 388; v. 158; vi. 348; siege and sack of, v. 471 RomeÏ, Laodamia, iii. 507 Romeo and Juliet, vi. 540 Romilly, Sir Samuel, ii. 213; v. 181; vi. 17, 451 Romney, i. 321 Romuald of Salermo, ii. 473-476 Ronalds, Sir Francis, iv. 505 Ronco river, vi. 212 Ronda, mount, ii. 54 Roque, M., ii. 190 Ros, Georgiana, Lady de (Lennox), Personal Recollections of the Great Duke of Wellington, ii. 229 Rosa, ii. 425 Rosbach, battle of, iv. 334 Rosciad, i. 294 Roscoe, Life and Pontificate of Leo Tenth, iii. 369 Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of, i. 354 Rose and nightingale, iii. 86; v. 428, 612 Rose, George, Treasurer of the Navy, vii. 30; Diaries, etc., vii. 31 Rose, Sir William Stewart ("Parthenopex Puff" of Vivian Grey), Court and Parliament of Beasts, etc., iv. 156; vi. 506; vii. 55 Rosebery, Earl of, iv. 163; Napoleon, The Last Phase, v. 547; Pitt, vi. 377 Rosetta Stone, ii. 108 Ross, Sir John, A Voyage of Discovery ... for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, vi. 51 Rosse, Sir Laurence Parsons, 2nd Earl of, Defence of the Antient History of Ireland, vi. 337 Rossetti, D. G., Dante and his Circle, iv. 248; Dante at Verona, v. 562 Rossi, Professor V., iv. 309 Rossini, v. 562; vi. 586; Armida and Rinaldo, vi. 34; L'Italiana in Algieri, vi. 205 Rostopchin, General, i. 488 Rothen, iv. 97 Rothschild, Baron Anselm (of Frankfort), v. 573 Rothschild, Baron Charles (of Naples), v. 573 Rothschild, Baron James (of Paris), v. 573; reprints Le MistÈre du Viel Testament, v. 207 Rothschild, Baron Nathan Mayer (of London), v. 573; vi. 456 Rothschild, Baron Salomon (of Vienna), v. 573 Rousseau, J. J., i. 15; ii. 260, 264-267; v. 548; vi. 303; Confessions, ii. 280, 300, 302; iv. 53; Julie, ou La Nouvelle HÉloÏse, ii. 277, 278, 303; iv. 18; vi. 536; on the Ranz des Vaches, v. 159 Roux-Fazillac, M., iv. 514 Rovere, Francis Maria II., Duke of, ii. 498 Rowfant Library, iv. 508 Rowland, Junior, Alexander, An Historical, Philosophical, and Practical Essay on the Human Hair, vi. 19 Rowlandson's caricatures, iv. 509 Roxburgh Club, v. 200; reprints the Chester Plays, or Mysteries, v. 207; vi. 551 Royal Alexandra Theatre, Liverpool, Manfred at, iv. 78; Sardanapalus at, v. 2 Royal Amphitheatre, Westminster Bridge, iv. 203; vii. 59 Royal Caledonian Asylum, iii. 415 Royal Institution, vi. 16 Royalty Theatre, Goodman's Fields, Don Juan; or, The Libertine Destroyed at, vi. 11 Royston, Philip Yorke, Viscount, translation of Lycophron's Cassandra, iv. 243 Ruffin, Marshal, i. 469; vi. 261 Rufinus, the prÆfect, ii. 518 RulhiÈre, Claude Carloman de, vi. 395; Anecdotes sur la rÉvolution de Russie en l'annÉe 1762; Histoire de l'anarchic de Pologne, etc., vii. 62 Rundell, Mrs., Domestic Cookery, vii. 57 Runic, Byron's use of the word, iv. 241 Rushton, Robert, ii. 26, 52; vii. 6 Ruskin, John, Stones of Venice, ii. 327; Modern Painters, iv. 18, 26 Russell, Lord John, ii. 352; iv. 314; Moore Memoirs, iv. 587; v. 5, 280 Russia, her intrigues in Greece, v. 557 Russians v. Swedes, iv. 207, 233; "rushing from hot baths to snows," vi. 475; at Leipsic battle, vii. 23 Rustica (the Ustica of Horace), valley of, ii. 523 Rusticucci, Jacopo, iv. 254 Rycquius, Just., De Capit. Roman. Comm., ii. 511, 512 Ryder, Mrs., as "Ida" in Werner, v. 324 Ryder, Richard, Home Secretary, vii. 13 S Sabellicus, Marcus Antonius Coccius, De VenetÆ Urbis Situ Narratio, ii. 328; v. 179 Sabina, Empress, i. 493 Sabio, Alonso el, ii. 77 Sackville, Lord George, iv. 513 Sacy, Silvestre de, Notice du Libre d' Enoch, v. 302 Sadducees, the, ii. 104 Sade, Hugo de, ii. 350, 480 Sade, Laura de (nÉe de Noves), Petrarch's Laura, ii. 350, 479 Sa'di, The Gulistan, or Rose Garden, i. 353; iii. 160 Sadler's Wells Theatre, Werner at, v. 324; Don Juan; or, The Libertine Destroyed at, vi. 11 Safety-lamp, Sir H. Davy's, vi. 51 Saick, a Levantine barque, iii. 252 St. Albans, Duke of, iv. 541 St. Aldegonde, i. 476 St. Angelo, castle of, ii. 439 St. Anthony, vi. 32 St. Augustine, ii. 480; v. 209, vi. 573; De Civitate Dei, v. 235; Confessions, vi. 28; Epist., vi. 168; Black Canons of, vi. 495 St. Bartholomew, iv. 494; vi. 230 St. Bernard, Convent of, ii. 306 St. Christopher, of Paris, vi. 93 St. Domingo Island, ii. 90; iii. 296 Saint-Evremond, vi. 246 St. Francis of Assisi, vi. 32, 33, 273 St. Gingolph, ii. 304; iv. 18 St. Helena, v. 544 St. Honorius, ii. 35, 86 St. James of Compostella, ii. 206 St. Jean, Mount, ii. 293, 325 St. Jerome, vi. 28 St. John, i. 326 St. John, Knights of, iv. 400 St. Jules, Caroline Rosalie Adelaide (Hon. Mrs. George Lamb), i. 301; vii. 15 St. Lambert, ii. 300 St. Lorenzo, Church of, Florence, ii. 375, 503 St. Mark's, Venice, horses, ii. 336; lions, ii. 471; bells, iv. 363; Doges buried at, iv. 366 St. Maurice, iv. 120 S. Nicola in Carcere, Church of, Rome, ii. 437 St. Pantaleon, of Nicomedia, ii. 339 St. Peter's, Rome, ii. 376, 440, et seq.; iv. 270 St. Petersburg, "that pleasant capital of painted snows," vi. 386 St. Preux, ii. 260, 305 St. Sophia's, Constantinople, ii. 152, 176, 442 St. Thomas Aquinas, vi. 572 St. Ursula, vi. 419 St. Victor, Monastery of, iv. 4 St. Vincent, Lord, vi. 14 Sainte Croix, Guilhem de Clermont LodÈve, Baron de, Examen Critique, etc., vi. 226 Sainte-Palaye, De la Curne de, MÉmoires sur l'Ancienne Chevalerie, ii. 6 Salakhora, ii. 145, 148 Salam aleikoum! aleikoum salam! Moslem salutation, iii. 104 Salamanca, battle of, i. 496 Salamis, battle of, i. 458; iii. 91, 270, 273; vi. 169 Salanfe, or Pisse-Vache, ii. 383 Sale, Preliminary Discourse to the Koran, iii. 110, 121, 197 translation of the Koran, vii. 9 Sale, Alberto dal, iii. 506 Salemenes, a character in Sardanapalus, v. 12 Salisbury, Countess of, ii. 7 Sallust, Catilina, vi. 299 Salsette frigate, ii. 13, 205 Salt-mines, Poland, iv. 212 Saluces, Marquis de, v. 471 Salvator Rosa, vi. 502 Salviati, Lionardo, ii. 357, 485 Salvo, Marquis de, Travels in the Year 1806, etc., iii. 4 SamoÏlovitch, president of the Eastern Ukraine, iv. 201 Samos, vi. 171 San Caetano, Ignatio de, ii. 43 San Liberatore alla Majella, Benedictine Monastery of, iv. 288 San Martin, General JosÉ de, v. 556 San Zanipolo, Church of, iv. 336 Sanadon, PÈre, v. 567 Sancho Panza, i. 490 Sandall, Prior William, vi. 496 Sandasarmu, of Cilicia, v. 4 Sandford, Francis, History of the Coronation of James the Second, iv. 504 Sandi, Vettor, Principi di Storia civile della Repubb. di Venezia, iv. 326, 332 Sandwich, Lord, vi. 267 Sandys, translation of Ovid, iii. 199 Sanguinetto river, ii. 379, 507 Sansovino, F., Venetia cittÁ nobilissima, iv. 166, 390 Sant' Anna, Hospital of, Ferrari, ii. 355; iv. 139, 141, 143, 144, 147 Santa Croce, Church of, ii. 369, 374, 375, 490 Santa Maura (Leucadia), ii. 126, 178 Santi Giovanno e Paolo (or San Zanipolo), Church of, Venice, iv. 336 Sanudo, or Sanuto, Marin, VitÆ Ducum Venetorum, ii. 475; iv. 326, 331, 347, 349, 352, 357, 363, 384, 431, 435, 450, 452, 461, 462; v. 115, 134 Sapienza, island of, iv. 356, 365 Sappho, ii. 125, 178; vi. 26, 139, 180 Saracus, last king of Assyria, v. 107 Saragoza, Augustina, Maid of, ii. 58, 91 Saragoza, siege of, ii. 58, 91, 94 Saratoga, battle of, vi. 12 Sardanapalus, iii. 493; v. 3-112, 115, 199, 203, 204, 243, 279, 469; vi. 140, 461, 538; vii. 77 Sardi, iii. 505 Saronic Gulf, ii. 362 Sassi, the brothers, ii. 389 Satan, v. 201 Satanic School of Poetry, iv. 477, 481, 483; v. 196 Satibarzanes, the eunuch, v. 72 Satirist, The, i. 373, 374, 383; vi. 69 Saul, iii. 392 Saussure, Horace BÉnÉdict de, Essai sur HygromÉtrie, inventor of the cyanometer, vi. 216 Savage, Richard, The Wanderer, iii. 261 Savary, Marshal, iii. 428 Savelli family, the, ii. 403 Savini, Guido, ii. 487 Savioli, Conte Ludovico, iv. 250 Savoie, Louis de (wife of Louis XVIII.), v. 498, 566 Savoy, Charles III., Duke of, iii. 299; iv. 4, 10 Savoy-Carignan, FranÇois Eugene, Prince of, iv. 262 Sawbridge, vi. 100 Saya, or basquiÑa, the outer petticoat, vi. 116 Sayer, Elizabeth Price, translation of Dante's Il Convito, iv. 253, 256 Sayer, James, Elijah's Mantle, i. 294, 356 Saxe, Count, i. 107 Saxe-Cobourg, Leopold of, ii. 450 Saxe-Weimar, Bernhard, Duke of, v. 371 Saxons, the, v. 371, 553 Saxony, John George, Elector of, v. 373 Sbergo, or usbergo, iv. 308 Sbirri, Venetian policemen, iv. 383 Scalanova, Port, Asia Minor, iii. 252 Scaliger, J. J., v. 281, 302 Scaligers, tombs of the, v. 561, 562 Scamander river, ii. 182 Scanderberg, or Scander Bey (George Castriota), ii. 124, 173 Scarron, vi. 246 Sceptics, or Pyrrhonists, vi. 379 Schaffhausen, ii. 383 Schaffner, Alfred, Lord Byron's Cain und Seine Quellen, v. 200 Schaumburg, v. 371 Scheible, Das Kloster, vi. xx Scheremetov, Count Boris Petrowitch, Russian General, vi. 307 Schiavoni, Giorgio, iii. 368 Schiller, iii. 503; Armenian, or the Ghost-Seer (Der Geisterseher), i. 131; ii. 342; Bride of Messina, iii. 150; Wilhelm Tell, ii. 385; Piccolomini, iv. 566 Schipper, Dr. J., Englische Metrik, iv. 239 Schlegel, J. S. B., Tagebuch, etc., vi. 605 Schlick, M., Corr. of, iv. 470 Schoene, A., v. 107 Schroepfer, Johann Georg, vi. 605 Schultz, Hans, Der Sacco di Roma, v. 520 Schumann, R., Music to Byron's Manfred, iv. 78 Schuyler, Eugene, Peter the Great, iv. 203, 207, 233 Scio island, iii. 252 Scipio Africanus, i. 493; ii. 371, 389, 459, 496; (II.), v. 512 Scipio Barbatus, ii. 389 Scipio, Lucius, ii. 389 Scipio, Metellus, iv. 264 Scipios, tomb of the, ii. 389 Semelet, W., iii. 160 Scorpion, The, iii. 107 Scotland, vi. 405 Scot's Magazine, iv. 139; v. 329, 470, 540 Scott, John, iii. 532, 535; iv. 472 Scott, Sir Walter, i. 303, 305, 306, 331, 384; vi. 6; The Wild Huntsman, i. 117, 317; mentioned in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 309-312, 319, 337, 369; Lay of the Last Minstrel, i. 309, 310; iii. 472; vi. 406, 458, 560; contributes to Monk Lewis' Tales of Wonder, i. 317, 318; The Fire King; Glenfinlas; The Eve of St. John; Frederick and Alice, i. 317; Marmion, i. 310, 371; ii. 360; iii. 474; iv. 13; v. 542; vi. 426; Fortunes of Nigel, i. 351; in Hints from Horace, i. 395, 419; his amanuensis, W. H. Weber, i. 396; Antiquary, i. 413; iv. 524; v. 377; and Ballantyne, i. 435; The Vision of Don Roderick, i. 436; ii. 4, 51, 88, 89; Border Minstrelsy, ii. 4, 295; Young Lochinvar, ii. 70; Nossa SeÑora da PeÑa, ii. 86; Sir Tristrem, ii. 203; reviews Childe Harold in Quarterly Review, ii. 213, 315, 325; iv. 6; Lord of the Isles, ii. 244; The Dance of Death, ii. 292; Field of Waterloo, ii. 292; iii. 434; vi. 266; the "Ariosto of the North," ii. 311, 359; Tales of a Grandfather, ii. 337; vi. 12; Lady of the Lake, ii. 347; Byron accused of copying, iii. 128; octosyllabic verse, iii. 224; The Corsair, iii. 225; Byron's present of a silver urn, iii. 301; Coleridge's Christabel, iii. 443, 472; Byron and Wordsworth, iii. 533; reviews Prisoner of Chillon in Quarterly Review, iv. 6; article in Q.R. on The Dream, iv. 37; on Darkness, iv. 42; on Coleridge's imagination, ibid.; on Churchill's Grave, iv. 46; referred to in Beppo, iv. 183; Tales of my Landlord, iv. 284; Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, iv. 456; v. 546; vi. 418; Guy Mannering, iv. 566; meets Byron frequently in society, iv. 570; Memoirs of the Life, etc., iv. 570, 585, 587; The Search after Happiness, iv. 574; Lydia White's death, iv. 587; on Cain and its dedication, v. 204, 205, 206; Waverley, v. 209; vi. 272, 404; on Byron and Alcibiades, v. 485; on Don Juan, vi. xix; edition of Dryden's Works, vi. 178; Byron's letters to, vi. 178, 186, 405, 479; on Byron's features, vi. 360; Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, vi. 380, 491; The Abbot, vi. 440; "reigned before me," vi. 444; "my buon camerado," vi. 459; his use of "gynocracy," vi. 473; Journal, vii. 25 Scott, William, i. 436 Scourge, The, i. 374 Sea-coal (Newcastle coal), vi. 503 Sea-sickness, remedies for, vi. 84 Seale, John Barlow, An Analysis of the Greek Metres, etc., i. 59 Searment, cerecloth, or searcloth, ii. 154 Sebastiani, General FranÇois Horace Bastien, ii. 89, 200 Sedition Bill, iv. 511 Segati, Marianna, iv. 214 Segovia, Cardinal of, iii. 369 Segur, Louis Philippe, Comte de, vi. 314 Selictar, sword-bearer, ii. 149 Selim II., Sultan, vi. 259 Selim III., ii. 207 Sellers, E., ii. 432 Sellis (SÉlis), Duke of Cumberland's valet, vii. 31 Semiramis, v. 14, 15, 19-21, 23, 36, 50, 58, 79; vi. 235, 236 Senebier, Jean, Histoire LittÉraire de GenÈve, iv. 3, 11 Seneca, v. 3, 543; De IrÂ, vi. 292 Senger, Richard, Die beiden Foscari, v. 119, 121, 135, 183 Senhouse, Humphrey, iv. 475 Sennacherib, iii. 404; v. 4, 24 Separation, the, iii. xx Septemberes, Septembriseurs, vi. 595 Septimius Severus, ii. 408, 511, 520; v. 542 Seraphim, the, v. 228 Serassi, La Vita di Tasso, ii. 485, 498 Serenissima Signoria (Venice), iv. 345 Servan, Joseph, vi. 13 Servetus, i. 417 Servius, ii. 133 Servius Sulpicius, ii. 362 Sesostris, v. 405, 543 Sestos, iii. 13 Seven Towers, the, vi. 260 Severus, Sulpitius, ii. 133 SÉvignÉ, Madame de, i. 402 SÉvignÉ, M. de, i. 402; vi. 246 Seville (Hispalis of the Romans), ii. 52, 63, 93; vi. 15 Sextilius, Governor of Carthage, iv. 251 Sforza, Cardinal Ascanio, iii. 367 Sforza, Ludovico, iv. 13 Sgricci, Signor, ii. 492 Shadwell, Lancelot, Vice-Chancellor, v. 203 Shadwell, Libertine, vi. xvi, 4, 11 Shaftesbury, Earl of, vi. 482 Shakespeare, i. 29, 37, 38, 193, 289, 345, 399; ii. xiii, 217; iii. 51, 52; iv. 325, 326; v. 3, 28, 339; vi. 174; compared with Byron, v. 205; his use of "shook," v. 135; of "skirred," v. 163 Sharp, Richard, "Conversation," iv. 570; "Kit-Cat," vi. 511 Shaving, "a daily plague," vi. 522 Shee, Sir Martin Archer, i. 365 Shelley, P. B., ii. 115; translation of Plato's Epitaph, i. 19; letter from Byron, i. 293; witnesses Lewis' will, i. 318; Peter Bell the Third, i. 416; Queen Mab, ii. 13; v. 75, 234, 237, 257, 258, 268; Byron's Albanian song, ii. 145; Third Canto of Childe Harold, ii. 211, 315; Wordsworth as preached by, ii. 219, 311; Feelings of a Republican on the Fall of Bonaparte, ii. 227; "the only important calumny," ii. 248; iv. 63; his companionship, ii. 258; iv. 82; Adonais, ii. 260, 271; iii. 137; vi. 401, 446; Letters from Abroad, etc., ii. 305, 306, 307; his "delicate spirit," ii. 315; Prometheus Unbound, ii. 325, 417; v. 281; Lines written among the Euganean Hills, ii. 338, 343; Julian and Maddalo, ii. 349; "a very decent dungeon," ii. 355; Hellas; Ode to Liberty, ii. 402; Poetical Works, ii. 407; the Castle of Chillon, iv. 3, 18; Revolt of Islam, iv. 38; v. 603; translation of Calderon's El MÁgico Prodigioso, iv. 81; To a Skylark, iv. 96; on Manfred and incest, iv. 100; Prince Athanase; The Woodman and the Nightingale; Ode to the West Wind, iv. 239; Cenci, iv. 367; the entry in the travellers' album at Montanvert, iv. 475; Shelley, Mrs. P. B., ii. 143, 305; iv. 320, 570; her transcript of:—Werner, v. 331; The Deformed Transformed, v. 474; Age of Bronze, v. 537; Don Juan, vi. 268, 269, 272, 274, 310, 373 Shenstone, William, Poetical Works, iii. 41, 59 Sheppard, v. 199 Sheridan, Charles, iv. 74 Sheridan, Mrs. Frances (nÉe Chamberlaine), Nourjahad, etc., vii. 33 Sheridan, R. B., i. 306, 317, 343, 500; iii. 45, 51, 545; iv. 561; vi. 450; The Critic, i. 343, 383; iv. 73, 75; v. 113; vi. 537; Pizarro, i. 344, 489; iv. 73; The Rivals, i. 431, 494; ii. 334; iv. 72, 514; vi. 258; his doggerel on Brunck, i. 490; Lines on Waltzing, i. 499; "ere Brinsley ceased to write," iii. 53; Monody, etc., iv. 69-75; Byron's first meeting with, iv. 69; The Scheming Lieutenant; The Duenna, iv. 72; his Begum and Warren Hastings speeches, iv. 72, 75; A Trip to Scarborough, iv. 73; A School for Scandal, iv. 73, 75, 338; Monologue on Garrick, iv. 75; contrasted with Brougham, iv. 195; his pasquinade on Wilkes, iv. 511 Sheridan, Thomas, iv. 74; Bonduca, i. 343 Sherwood, Southey v., v. 204 Sherwood Forest, vi. 495 Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, i. 478; iii. 256; iv. 482 "Ship of the desert," camel or dromedary, v. 606 Shipwreck, description of a, vi. 88-101 Shiraz, iii. 182 Shirley, Sir Anthony, iii. 105 Shooter's Hill, vi. 424, 429 Shtcherbatof, Princess, vi. 389 Shyness, Byron's, i. 207 Siddons, Mrs. (Sarah Kemble), i. 46, 344, 345; iii. 51, 52; iv. 338 Sidney, wreck of the, vi. 95 Sidney, A., Discourses concerning Government, ii. 504 Siege of Corinth, ii. 113, 288; iii. 449-496, 508; iv. 227, 230, 423; v. 163, 326, 503, 626; vi. 111, 332, 382 Siegendorf, Count (F. Kruitzner), v. 327 Siena, Bindo Borrichi da, iv. 248 Sierke, Dr. Eugen, SchwÄrmer und Schwindler, vi. 605 Sierra Morena, ii. 54, 55, 91 Sigeum, ii. 99; Cape, vi. 204 Sigismund, king of Burgundy, iv. 120 Signori di notte, Venetian police, iv. 383, 427, 467 Silius Italicus, Pun., ii. 379 Silver and Co., De, printers, i. 452, 453 Simar, or cymar, a shroud, iii. 143 Sime, J., Sir Francis Renalds, F.R.S., and his Works in connection with Electric Telegraphy, iv. 505 Simeon, Rev. Charles, i. 417, 431 Simon Magus, ii. 513 Simoon, the, iii. 99; vi. 198 Simpliciad, The, i. 294, 316 Simplon, the, vi. 394 Sinsariskim (Assyria), v. 4 Siria, the bitch-star, vi. 505 Sirocco, the, ii. 48; iii. 9 Sisi, Porta, vi. 212 Sismondi, J. C. L, Simonde de, Histoire des RÉpubliques Italiennes du Moyen Age, iii. 235; iv. 332; v. 115, 138, 196; vi. 199, 461 Sisyphus, i. 329; vi. 538 Sitwell, Lady, iii. 381 Skeat, Rev. W., Complete Works of Chaucer, iv. 239 Skeffington, Sir Lumley St. George, The Maid of Honour; The Mysterious Bride; The Sleeping Beauty, i. 306, 345, 346 Sketch, A, iii. xix, 499, 540; iv. 64; vi. 22 Slave-market, Constantinople, vi. 216 Slavery, abolition of, vi. 549 Sleep, iv. 33; vi. 123 Sligo, Lord, iii. 75, 441 Slowacki, J., iv. 203 Smalkeld articles, v. 520 Small-pox and vaccination, vi. 50 Srmaragdus, the Exarch, ii. 410 Smedley, Sketches from Venetian History, ii. 329; iii. 455; iv. 363; v. 115 Smiles, Dr. Samuel, Memoir of John Murray, i. 310; ii. 327, 359; iii. 98, 217, 313, 320, 443, 488, 499, 519; iv. 3, 139; v. 203; vii. 47, 57 Smith, Alexander, able seaman on the Bounty (John Adams of Pitcairn Island), v. 583, 588, 605, 623 Smith, Miss Araminta, vi. 443 Smith, Horace and James, Horace in London, i. 462, 465; Rejected Addresses, i. 481; iii. 55 Smith, John Spencer, Minister to Turkey, iii. 4 Smith, Mrs. Spencer ("Florence"), ii. xvii, 75, 110, 118; iii. 4 Smith, Rev. Sydney, i. 302, 306, 336; "twelve-parson power," vi. 410; Peter Plymley's Letters, vi. 596 Smith, William, M.P. for Norwich, iii. 488; iv. 482, 516, 578; vi. 175 Smith, Sir William, Classical Dictionary, ii. 156; Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, ii. 424; Dictionary of the Bible, iv. 499 Smith, Admiral Sir Sidney, iii. 4 Smollett, History and Adventures of an Atom, ii. 40; Humphry Clinker, ii. 203; Roderick Random, vi. 210 Smyth, Sir Harry, vi. 153 Smyth, Professor William, English Lyrics, i. 372 Smythe, i. 306 So we'll go no more a-roving, iv. 411, 538 Soane, Sir John, Museum in Lincoln's Inn Fields, iv. 141 Sobieski, John, king of Poland, iii. 458 Social War, B.C. 88, iv. 251 SociÉtÉ d'Histoire, etc., de GenÈve, iv. 5 SociÉtÉ Imperiale d'Histoire de Russie, vi. 317, 340 Society Islands, the, v. 583 Socrates, i. 458; ii. 101, 103; iii. 271; iv. 253; v. 485; vi. 267, 303, 483, 548, 567, 568, 610 Sodom, apple of, ii. 294 Soignies, wood of, ii. 293 Soissons, Bishop of, ii. 337 Solano, Marquis of. Commander-in-Chief at Cadiz, ii. 77, 93 Solerti, Angelo, Vita di Torquato Tasso, ii. 355-357; iv. 144-146 Soliloquy of a Bard in the Country, i. 217 Solitude, ii. 116, 272, 457; vi. 234 Sollikoff, vi. 370 Solomon, vi. 303 Solon, iv. 438 Solyman, ii. 201; vi. 259 Somerset, Duchess of, i. 343; vi. 417 Sonetto di Vittorelli, iii. xix; iv. 535 Song, i. 262 Song for the Luddites, vii. 42 Song of Saul before his Last Battle, iii. 393 Song of Solomon, v. 491 Song to the Suliotes, vii. 83 Sonnet on Chillon, ii. 214; iv. 7 Sonnet on the Nuptials of the Marquis Antonio Cavalli with the Countess Clelia Rasponi of Ravenna, iv. 547 Sonnet to Lake Leman, iv. 53 Sonnet to the Prince Regent (on the repeal of Lord Edward Fitzgerald's forfeiture), iv. 548 Sophia, Princess, vi. 18 Sophia, Tzarina, iv. 202 Sophie of Russia, Princess, vi. 425 Sophocles, iv. 264; Ajax, vi. 172 Sophron, Mimes, i. 414 Soracte, ii. 386, 388 Soranzo, Marco, iv. 384 Sotheby, William ("Botherby"), iv. 182, 569, 570; vi. 75; Saul, i. 362; vii. 59; Oberon, i. 362; iii. 263; v. 496; Ivan, iii. 280; iv. 338; vii. 48; Five Unpublished Tragedies, iii. 280; iv. 578, 584; vii. 48, 70; Constance de Castile, iii. 348; "a bore," iv. 580; The Blues, vii. 17; Orestes; The Death of Darnley, vii. 48; Farewell to Italy; Occasional Poems, vii. 52; "sate sweating behind her," vii. 61 Sotheby, Wilkinson, and Hodges, iii. 537 Soudan, vi. 474 Soult, ii. 51, 77 South, Dr., vi. 128 Southcott, Joanna, Book of Wonders, iv. 497; vi. 176, 452 Southey, Robert, i. 331, 443; ii. 56; iii. 402; v. 613, 614; vi. 166; The Devil's Walk, i. 31; vii. 21; Letters from Spain, i. 44; ii. 43; Letters, Life, and Correspondence, i. 303, 344, 359, 396; ii. 34, 87; iv. 225, 476, 482; vi. 3, 4, 175, 350; "notable remarks on," i. 305; "Southey's epics cram the creaking shelves," i. 307; "soaring," i. 308; Epics of the Ton on, i. 311; "the Ballad-monger," i. 313; Thalaba, i. 313, 434; iii. 121, 472; iv. 24; Joan of Arc, i. 313, 437; Madoc, i. 313, 314, 437; vi. 215; The Old Woman of Berkeley, i. 315, 317; on Hayley, i. 321; iv. 244; on Pizarro, i. 344; Life of Henry Kirke White, i. 363; iv. 521, 522; his followers, Lamb and Lloyd, i. 368; "his teeming muse," i. 369; his epic bathos, i. 403; "sink to Southey's level in a trice," i. 404; Curse of Kehama, i. 435, 436; v. 271, 281, 469; History of the Peninsular War, ii. 43, 91, 92, 94; Roderick, ii. 46; iii. 477, 496; v. 565; Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo, ii. 227, 234, 235; iv. 521; Funeral Song for the Princess Charlotte of Wales, ii. 450; on vampires, iii. 123; Carmen Triumphale, iii. 217; vii. 39; The Doctor, iii. 488; Wat Tyler, iii. 488; iv. 477, 481, 482, 521; English Eclogues, iv. 47; The Inchcape Rock, iv. 428; Byron's quarrel with, iv. 474-485; Vision of Judgment, iv. 475, 476, 478, 489, 491, 495, 497, 508, 512, 522, 524; v. 196; Elegy on H. Martin, iv. 477, 482; Essays Moral and Political, iv. 479, 482; vi. 175; his "quartos," iv. 516; Byron on his appearance, iv. 520; The Pious Painter, iv. 520; Battle of Blenheim, iv. 521; Life of Wesley, and Rise and Progress of Methodism, iv. 522; Common-Place Book, iv. 529; Chronicle of the Cid, ibid.; "renegade," iv. 578; his indictment of the Satanic School, v. 196; on the "Byron Head," Castle Street, v. 203; Don Juan dedicated to, vi. 3; "so quaint and mouthy," vi. 74; Epilogue to the Lay of the Laureate, vi. 80; Coleridge's eulogy of, vi. 168; his marriage, vi. 175; March to Moscow, vi. 307; Byron's abuse of, vi. 403; "turncoat," vi. 444; "rogue Southey's gander," vi. 445; Omniana, vi. 576; "Who shot the arrow?" vii. 76 Southey, Herbert, iv. 485 Southey, Mrs. Robert, iv. 521 Southwell Minster, i. 119 Spagnoletto, vi. 502 Spain, i. 469; revolution in, v. 537, 538; vi. 456; royalist reign of terror in, v. 558; the Inquisition in, ibid. Spalding, Lieut.-Colonel, SuvÓroff, vi. 320, 321, 370 Spanish women, their style of beauty, ii. 59 Sparamizus, the eunuch, v. 11 Sparks, Jared, Works of Benjamin Franklin, v. 554 Sparta, iii. 21 Spartans, ii. 195 Spectator, ii. 133; iii. 98; vii. 57 Spelman, iv. 445 Spence, Rev. Joseph, Observations, Anecdotes, and Characters of Books and Men, vi. 303; vii. 52 Spence, Thomas, vi. 265 Spencer, General, ii. 93 Spencer, William, iv. 581 Spenser (FaËrie Queene), i. 395; ii. x, 4, 5, 17, 71, 72, 101, 139, 146; iii. 224, 474; vi. 592 Spercheus, a river-god, v. 488 Sperone Speroni, ii. 498 Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, iv. 262 Spinther, Lentulus, ii. 405 Spurious verses, attributed to Byron, iii. xx, xxi Spottiswoode, William, the mathematician, vii. 56 StaËl, Madame de, i. 494; vi. 70; Corinne, ou L'Italie, ii. 424, 490, 503; iv. 413; vi. 71, 541; vii. 32; De L'Allemagne, iii. 164; vi. 168; vii. 32; on Fare Thee Well, iii. 534; on Byron's Sonnet to Lake Leman, iv. 53; attempts to reconcile the Byrons, iv. 63; quizzed by Sheridan, iv. 75; on Goethe's Werther, iv. 341; "the Begum of Literature," iv. 570; ConsidÉrations sur la RÉvolution FranÇaise, vii. 49 Staines, Sir Thomas, v. 582 Stamboul, i. 378; ii. 152, 194 Stamp Acts, v. 560 Stanhope, Colonel, iii. 272; vii. 86 Stanhope, Lord, i. 452, 457, 471; ii. 299; Life of Pitt, iv. 503 Stanislaus of Poland, iv. 202 Stanley, Dean, Life of Arnold, v. 224 Stanzas, iv. 549; vii. 70 Stanzas composed during a Thunderstorm, iii. 4, 7 Stanzas for Music, iii. 413, 423, 426, 435, 438; iv. 91, 147 Stanzas to a Hindoo Air, iv. 563 Stanzas to a Lady, on leaving England, i. 285; ii. 18, 29 Stanzas to a Lady, with the Poems of CamoËns, i. 78 Stanzas to Augusta, ii. 247, 248, 271; iii. 544; iv. 54 Stanzas to Jessy, i. 234 Stanzas to the Po, iv. 545 Stanzas written in passing the Ambracian Gulf, ii. 128; iii. 4, 11 Stanzas written on the road between Florence and Pisa, iv. 562 Star, The, iii. 534 Stasicrates the architect, vi. 479 Statesman, The, i. 319 Statius, Thebaidos, ii. 189 Staubbach, ii. 383; iv. 81, 82, 119, 124 Steno, Michele, iv. 333, 345, 349, 463 StefanovÍc, Vuk (Wuk Stephanowitsch), Narodne Srpske Pjesme; Chants Populaires des Servics, iii. 188 Steinmetz, Adam, v. 175 Stephani, ii. 446; Thesaurus, iv. 113 Stephen, Leslie, iv. 513 Sterne, Tristram Shandy, ii. 176; vi. 487; Sentimental Journey, vi. 214 Sternhold and Hopkins, v. 279 Sternhold, Tom, vii. 39 Stevens, John, continuation of Dugdale's Monasticon, v. 200, 207 Stevenson, Sir John, iii. 423 Stewart, George, midshipman on the Bounty ("Torquil" of The Island), v. 583, 584; short account of, v. 605 Stewart, Peggy, v. 605 Stickles, John, i. 417 Stilicho, ii. 390 Stillingfleet, Benjamin, iv. 573 Stirling, Edward ("Vetus"), vii. 28 Stoics, "men without a heart," vi. 225 Stole, a long loosely-flowing robe, ii. 101 Stonehenge, vi. 434 Stott, Robert ("Hafiz"), i. 306, 308, 352, 357, 358, 370; ii. 139 Stout, Captain Benjamin, of the American ship Hercules, vi. 89 Strabo, ii. 173, 178, 196, 204, 512; v. 497; vi. 116, 122; Rerum Geog., v. 21, 24, 542 Strahan, William, publisher of Johnson's Dictionary, Gibbon's Decline and Fall, Cook's Voyages, etc., vii. 56 Stralenheim, Baron, v. 327 Strangford, Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, 6th Viscount, Poems from the Portuguese by Luis de CamoËns, i. 78, 305, 320, 370 Stroganoff Collection, St. Petersburg, ii. 446 Strutt, Joseph, Sports and Pastimes, vi. 471 Stuart, editor of Morning Post, i. 31 Stuart, Daniel, editor of Courier, i. 422 Stuart, Personal Reminiscences of the late Miss, i. 423 Stuart, Princess Annabella (Countess of Huntly), i. 173 Stumpf, De, Chroniques des Ligues, iv. 4 Styx, river, vi. 184 Substitute for an Epitaph, vii. 11 Suetonius, ii. 298, 409, 488; iv. 270; VitÆ C. Julius CÆsar, ii. 397, 434, 509; v. 484; vi. 181, 276, 575; Vit. August., ii. 488, 509, 518; Vit. Tiberii, ii. 488; De XII. CÆsaribus, iv. 124, 445; vi. 174; Opera Omnia, v. 501; in Tiberium, vii. 36 Suicide, vi. 265, 517 Suleyman Aga, ii. 205; v. 558 Suli, district of, ii. 126, 141; vi. 171 Suliotes, the, ii. 129, 146, 180; vii. 83 Sulla, iv. 251; vi. 348 Sulpicius Servius, ii. 362 Sulpitius Severus, ii. 133 Sun of the Sleepless! iii. 399 Sunday News, ii. 535 Sunium, vi. 172 Supernaculum, v. 354 Superstition, ii. 128 Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of, iv. 239 Surrey Institution, iv. 575; vi. 12 Surrey Theatre, vii. 59 Surtees Society, v. 207 Sussex, Duke of, vi. 590 Suwarrow (SuvÓroff, Suwarof, Souvarof, Souwarrow), Field-Marshal Aleksandr Vasilievitch, vi. 14, 222, 304, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320, 322-326, 370, 393 Swedes, v. Russians, iv. 207, 233; Bohemia evacuated by the, v. 371 Swift, Dean, i. 397, 414, 418, 419; ii. 78; iv. 342; vi. 142, 303; Tale of a Tub, iv. 484; The South Sea Project, v. 159; The Journal of Stella, vi. 187; Corinna, vi. 454; Letters, vi. 528 Swimming, Byron's feats of, ii. 461 Swinburne, A. C., Marino Faliero, a Tragedy, iv. 329, 367; Selections from the Works of Lord Byron, vi. xvi, xx Swine Green, Nottingham, vii. 1 Swinton, Hon. Mrs. J. R., A Sketch of the Life of Georgiana, Lady de Ros, ii. 229 Swiss Tour, Journal of Byron's, iv. 95, 107 Sylvester, John, vi. 7 Symonds, J. A., Renaissance in Italy, ii. 355, 356; iv. 280, 281, 289; Memoirs of Count Carlo Gozzi, ii. 339; translation of Life of Benvenuto Cellini, v. 516, 518, 521; "Evening, all things thou bringest," vi. 180 Symonds, bookseller, iv. 482 Sympathetic Address to a Young Lady (Lines to a Lady Weeping), iii. 45 Symplegades, the Cyanean, ii. 456, 525; v. 573; vi. 129; vii. 10 Syncellus, Georgius, Chronographia, v. 281, 302 Syracuse, battle of, ii. 341 Syri SententiÆ, ii. 420 Syrius, Publius, i. 414 T Taborite, or Hussite, Crusade, v. 549 Tacitus, Annales, ii. 242, 293, 375, 409; Histor., ii. 294, 299; Agricola, iii. 198 Tact, vi. 63 TÆnaron, Cape, ii. 193 Tagus, river, ii. 31 Tahiri, Dervish, ii. 175, 176; iii. 134, 450 Tahiti, v. 582-584, 588 Tahiti, Queen of, ii. 7 Talavera, battle of, ii. xi, 39, 49, 50, 89 Tales, vi. xv Tales of a Grandfather, ii. 337; vi. 12 Tales of my Landlord, iv. 284 Talfourd, v. 114 Talleyrand, v. 573; vi. 507 Talleyrand, DorothÉe, Duchesse de, vi. 417 Talleyrand, Edmond de Talleyrand PÉrigord, Duc de, vi. 417 Talus, the slope or inclination of a wall, vi. 343 Talvi, Languages and Literature ofthe Slavic Nations, iii. 188 Tambour, Turkish drum, iii. 160 Tambourgi, drummer, ii. 146 Tamerlane, iii. 312; v. 489 Taming of the Shrew, vi. 297 Tappa-cloth, or guatoo (Tonga), v. 600 Tarentum, Duke of, vii. 24 Tarik, ii. 89 Tarku (Tirhakah), king of Ethiopia, v. 4 Tarleton, General, i. 479 Tarpeian Rock, ii. 413 Tarquins, the, iv. 334 Tarragona, British Consul, iii. 13 Tarsus, v. 23 Tasso, Cornelia, iv. 146 Tasso, Torquato, i. 313; iv. 265; vii. 52; Gerusalemme Liberata, i. 312; ii. 133, 143, 246, 329, 467, 485; iii. 215, 362; vi. 34; Rinaldo, i. 398; "In Venice Tasso's echoes are no more," ii. 329; "Thy choral memory of the Bard divine," etc., ii. 342; "their glory and their shame," ii. 355; "Peace to Torquato's injured shade," ii. 358; Boileau v., ii. 484; and the Cruscans, ii. 485; Sonnet, iii. 417; The Lament of, iv. 139-152, 237 Tattersall, Rev. John Cecil ("Davus"), i. 97, 98 Tauchnitz, ii. 335 Taurida Palace, St. Petersburg, vi. 386 Tavell, Rev. G. F., i. 406 Taylor, Thomas, translation of the Periegesis GrÆciÆ, iv. 109, 566 Tcharacovista valley, ii. 132, 182 Tchocadar, Turkish attendant, iii. 176 Telemachus, ii. 118 Telemachus, an Eastern monk, ii. 520 Tellez, Gabriel (Tirso de Molina), El Burlador de Sevilla y Convidado de Piedra, vi. xvi Temenos, ii. 132 Tempe, ii. 129, 384 Tempest, The (Shakespeare), ii. 213; v. 478; vi. 428 Temple, Lord, iv. 510 Teniers, vi. 502 Tennyson, Lord, Palace of Art, ii. 123; Break, break, break, ii. 126; In Memoriam, ii. 461; vi. 516; Locksley Hall, iv. 43, 319; "Of old sat Freedom on the Heights," iv. 196; Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, iv. 501; Locksley Hall, Sixty Years After, vi. 180 Tenorio, Don Juan, vi. xvi Teos, birthplace of Anacreon, vi. 171 Tepeleni, ii. 134, 174, 202 Terence, i. 480; Andrea, vi. 484; Eun., vi. 598 Terentia, wife of Tully, iv. 253 Terentius Varro, M., ii. 92; iv. 253; Rerum Rusticarum, vi. 348 Tereus, iv. 287 Terni, the Cascata del Marmore of, ii. 383 Terpsichore, i. 483 Terrick, Richard, Bishop of London, ii. 108 Terry, Ellen, as "Josephine" in Werner, v. 324 Tertullian, De Carne Christi, vi. 573 Terza rima, iv. 239, 243, 244, 313 Teuman, king of Elam, v. 4 Thackeray, W. M., Vanity Fair, vi. 197 Thakombau, king, v. 600 Thamas Kouli Khan, Nadir Shah, vi. 384 Thames, ii. 66; vi. 434 The Harp the Monarch Minstrel swept, iii. 382 The spell is broke, the charm is flown, iii. 12 ThÉatre ImpÉrial Lyrique, v. 2 Theatre Royal, Brussels, v. 2 Theatre Royal, Haymarket, Werner at, v. 324 Theatre Royal, Manchester, Sardanapalus at, v. 2 Thebes, ii. 93 Thellusson, Peter Isaac (Lord Rendlesham), banker, i. 425, 471 Themistocles, ii. 190; iii. 85; iv. 423 Theodoret, Hist. Eccl., ii. 521 Theodoric, iv. 386 Theodosius, ii. 390, 472 There was a time, I need not name, i. 264 Thermia (Kythnos) island, ii. 156 ThermopylÆ, ii. 149; iii. 21, 91 Theseus, ii. 102; vi. 255; Temple of, i. 459; iii. 272 Thessaly, ii. 126 Thetis, v. 489; vi. 184 Thibault, Mes Souvenirs de vingt ans de SÉjour À Berlin, ou FrÉdÉric le Grand, etc., v. 637 Thirty Years' War, the, ii. 186; v. 340 Thirza, Abel's wife, v. 209 Thisbe, vi. 235 Thistlewood, vi. 67 Thomas, wreck of the, vi. 103, 110 Thomson (Seasons), ii. 5, 65, 489; iii. 224; v. 615; vi. 200; his use of "shook," v. 135; Castle of Indolence, v. 502; Liberty, vi. 200 Thomson, Ninian Hill, translation of Machiavelli's Il Principe, vi. 424 Thornton, Thomas, Present State of Turkey, ii. 191, 194-196, 206 Thoroton, History of Nottinghamshire, iv. 35 Thorpe, Markham, iii. 425 Thorwaldsen, vi. 79 Thou art not false, but thou art fickle, iii. 64 Thoughts suggested by a College Examination, i. 28 Thrasybulus, ii. 150, 185; iv. 440 Thrasymene, Lake, ii. 377-379; battle of, ii. 505 Throsby, Thornton's History of Nottinghamshire, iv. 35 Thun, Lake, iv. 119 Thurlow, Edward Hovell, Lord, Poems on Several Occasions, vii. 17-19; Hermilda in Palestine, vii. 19 Thy days are done, iii. 391 Tiber, ii. 390 Tiberius CÆsar, ii. 374, 408, 488 Tibullus, i. 73; Sulpicia ad Cerinthum, i. 74; Eleg., iii. 199 Tickell, pasquinade on Wilkes, iv. 511 Ticknor, George, History of Spanish Literature, iv. 484, 496, 523, 530; v. 207; vi. xx, 40, 41 Tigris, river, v. 13 Tilleman, Peter, his picture of Newstead Abbey, vi. 590 Tillotson, Archbishop, vi. 128, 303 Tilly, Johann Tserclas, Count von, v. 371, 416 Tilly, Mr., possessor of Tom Paine's bones, vii. 65 Timariots, the, iii. 166 Timbuctoo, vi. 51 Times, The, ii. xii, 11, 288, 401; iii. 534; v. 114, 324; vi. 275; vii. 27, 28 Timoleon, iii. 452; iv. 423 Timon, ii. 8 Timophanes, iii. 452; iv. 423 Timor island, v. 583 TimÚr Bey, or TimÚr Lang (Tamerlane), iii. 312; v. 489 Tindal, Dr., i. 449 Tio Jorge (Jorge Ibort), v. 559 Tipaldo, Biografia degli Italian Illustri, iv. 245, 457 Tiraboschi, Storia delta Letteratura Italiana, ii. 481, 486, 494, 496, 501 Tiresias, vi. 535 Tirhakah (Tarku), king of Ethiopia, v. 4 Titans, vi. 385 Tithonus, v. 497 Titian, iv. 141; vi. 502, 589; Venus of, iv. 162; his portrait of, Ariosto, iv. 162 Titius, ii. 492 Titus, ii. 392, 409, 410, 424, 445; iii. 401; vi. 139, 174; "Amici, diem perdidi," vi. 575 Titus Andronicus, ii. 22 Tlepolemus, a worker in wax, ii. 168 To——, i. 242; iv. 564 To a beautiful Quaker, i. 38 To a knot of Ungenerous Critics, i. 38, 213 To a Lady, i. 189; iv. 37 To a Lady, on being asked my reason for quitting England in the Spring, i. 282 To a Lady who presented the Author with the velvet band which bound her tresses, i. 212, 233 To a Lady, who presented to the Author a lock of hair braided with his own, and appointed a night in December to meet him in the garden, i. 36 To a vain Lady, i. 70, 244 To a youthful friend, i. 271 To an Oak at Newstead, i. 256 To Anne, i. 70, 246, 251 To Belshazzar, iii. 421 To Caroline, i. xi, 8, 9, 21, 23 To D——, i. 7 To Dives. A Fragment, ii. 37; vii. 7 To E——, i. 4, 20 To Edward Noel Long, i. 101, 184, 244 To Eliza, i. xi, 47 To Emma, i. 12 To Florence, iii. 4, 5 To Genevra (sonnet), iii. 67, 70, 71 To George, Earl of Delawarr, i. 7, 126 To George Anson Byron, vii. 41 To Harriet, i. 263 To her who can best understand them (spurious), iii. xxi To Ianthe, ii. 11; iii. 65, 384 To Inez, ii. 59, 75; iii. 1 To Lady Caroline Lamb (spurious), iii. xxi To Lesbia, i. 41 To Lord Thurlow, vii. 19 To M—, i. 68 To M. S. G., i. 76, 79 To Marion, i. 129, 263 To Mary, i. xi, xiii To Mary, on receiving her Picture, i. 32, 192 To Miss Chaworth (spurious), iii. xx To Mr. Murray, vii. 44, 56, 76 To my dear Mary Anne (spurious), iii. xx To my Son, i. 260; vi. 591 To Penelope, vii. 71 To Romance, i. 174 To the Author of a Sonnet beginning, "'Sad is my Verse,' you say, 'And yet no tear'", i. 252 To the Countess of Blessington, iv. 565 To the Duke of Dorset, i. 194 To the Earl of Clare, i. 200 To the Hon. Mrs. George Lamb, vii. 15 To the Lily of France (spurious), iii. xx To the sighing Strephon, i. 63 To Thomas Moore, written the Evening before his visit to Mr. Leigh Hunt in Horsemonger Lane Gaol, May 19, 1813, vii. 16 To Thyrza, ii. 104; iii. 30 To Woman, i. 43 Toa, a drooping casuarina, v. 599 Tobacco, in praise of, v. 615 Tobit, v. 286, 527 Todd, Rev. J. H., Archdeacon of Cleveland ("Oxoniensis"), A Remonstrance to Mr. John Murray respecting a Recent Publication, v. 202 Token-flowers, iii. 17 Tolbooth prison, Edinburgh, i. 334 Toledo, Judah de, translation of Avicenna's Works, iv. 523 Tolstoi, War and Peace, vi. 351 Tomaros, Mount (Olytsika), ii. 132, 134, 182 Tomasini, Petrarca Redivivus, ii. 373 Tonson, Jacob, publisher of The Spectator, vi. 555; vii. 56 Toobo Neuha, a Tongau chieftain, v. 609 Tooke, Andrew, Pantheon, vi. 26 Tooke, John Home (Pantheon), ii. 156; iv. 513, 516; vi. 580 Tooke, Thomas, vi. 480 Tooke, W., Life of Catherine II., vi. 314, 370, 386, 389, 395, 417 Tophaike, musquet, iii. 96 Topham, Captain, editor of The World, i. 353, 358 Tornabuoni, Lucrezia, iv. 280 Torniellus, v. 306 Torrens. W. T. M'Cullagh, Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, i. 476 Torriano, Anonimo, iv. 332 Torstenson, Lennart, Swedish General, v. 371 Tortoises, in the Troad, vi. 204 Tott, Baron de, Memoirs concerning the State of the Turkish Empire, vi. 261, 277 Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, Relation d'un Voyage du Levant, iii. 121, 295; v. 294; vi. 216, 233 Tower of London, i. 438 Towneley Plays, v. 207 Townly, i. 399 Townsend, Rev. George, Canon of Durham, Armageddon, i. 403 Townshend, Lord John, pasquinade on Wilkes, iv. 511 Tozer, H. F. Geography of Greece; Childe Harold, ii. 60, 62, 113, 117, 123, 134, 139, 143, 146, 158, 167, 180-182, 186, 217, 271, 292, 344, 373, 452 Tractors, metallic, i. 307 Trafalgar, ii. 126, 178, 459 Trajan, his column, ii. 410, 411 Tranchant de Laverne, L. M. P., The Life of Field Marshal Souvaroff, vi. 222, 320-322 Translation from Adrian, i. 20 Translation from Anacreon, i. 147, 149, 228 Translation from Catullus, Ad Lesbiam, i. 72 Translation from Horace, i. 81 Translation from Prometheus Vinctus of Æschylus, i. 14 Translation from the Medea of Euripides, i. 168 Translation from Vittorelli, iv. 535 Translation of a Romaic Love Song, iii. 62 Translation of the famous Greek War Song, ?e?te pa?de? t?v ???????, iii. 20 Translation of the Nurse's Dole in the Medea of Euripides, vii. 10 Translation of the Romaic Song, ????? e?' t? pe?????, ??a??t?t? ?a?d?, ?.t.?., iii. 22 Travis, Archdeacon George, ii. 283 Treason Bill, iv. 511 Trecentisti, the, vi. 168 Tree, Miss Ellen (afterwards Mrs. Charles Kean), iv. 78; as "Myrrha" in Sardanapalus, v. 2 Trelawny, E. T., Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author, iv. 539; vii. 78; Recollections, etc., vi. 608 TrÉvoux, Journal de (MÉmoires de), iv. 578 Trimmer, Sarah, Easy Introduction to the Study of Nature; History of the Robins, vi. 18 Tripolitza, iii. 447 Tripp, Baron, i. 476, 499 Triptolemus, v. 570 Tritonia, or Tritogenia, epithet of Athene, ii. 156 Troad, the, vi. 204 Trocnow, John of (surnamed ika, or the "One-eyed"), v. 549 Troilus and Cressida, ii. 124; iv. 319 Troppau, Congress at, v. 563 Troubadours, the, ii. 6 Troy, ii. 294; iv. 243, 334; vi. 173, 211 Troyes, Bishop of, ii. 338 Tschairowsky, "Manfred Symphony," iv. 78 Tubal-Cain, v. 291 "Tuism," vi. 575 Tullia, Cicero's daughter, ii. 405 Tully, iv. 253 Tully, Richard, Narrative of a Ten Years' Residence in Tripoli in Africa, etc., vi. 160 Turcomans, the, iii. 453 Turenne, Marshal, i. 493; iv. 262 Turgot, v. 554 Turin, Agilulf, Duke of, ii. 489 Turkey, travelling in, ii. 204 Turks, ii. 206; their hatred of the Arabs, iii. 163; defeated by Greeks near Lerna, v. 556 Turnus, i. 157, 161, 163 Turtukey, or Tutrahaw, fall of, vi. 370 Tuscan, "that soft bastard Latin," iv. 173 Tuscany and its Dukes, ii. 503 Tusculum, ii. 454, 522 Tweddell, Remains of the late John, iii. 4 Tweed, river, i. 334 Twelfth Night, vi. 268, 272 Two Foscari, The, ii. 187, 327; iv. 364, 477, 479; v. 3, 5, 9, 113-196, 199, 203, 469; vi. 199, 586; vii. 77 Two Gentlemen of Verona, vi. 189 Tyndal, N., translation of Cantemir's Othman Empire, vi. 259 Tyrants, the Thirty, vi. 446 Tyrconnel, Fanny Jennings, Duchess of, vi. 496 Tyre, i. 376; v. 4; vi. 348 Tyrian purple, vi. 574 Tyrwhitt, Rev. Edmund, vii. 27 Tyrwhitt, Thomas, editor of Canterbury Tales, vii. 27 Tyrwhitt, Sir Thomas, Private Secretary to the Prince of Wales, auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, Lord Warden of the Stannaries, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, vii. 27 Tzigaras, A., ii. 198 U Uberti, Fazio degli, iv. 248 Ude, Louis Eustache, The French Cook, vi. 562 Uffizi Gallery, Florence, ii. 365 Ugolino, iv. 258 Ukraine, Russian, or frontier region, iv. 201, 220 Ulysses, vi. 117, 149 United States of America, war with England, i. 496 Unspunnen, Castle of, iv. 110, 129 Upton, William, Poems on Several Occasions; Words of the most Favourite Songs, Duets, etc., vii. 59 Urban V., ii. 482 Urbino, Duke of, ii. 503 Urbino, Simone di Battista di Ciarla da, iv. 174 Urdamane, king of Ethiopia, v. 4 Urlichs, Dr. H. S., The Elder Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art, ii. 432 Urquhart, translation of Rabelais' Gargantua, v. 354 Ursinus, Fulvius, ii. 510, 517 Usbergo, or sbergo, iv. 308 Ushant, battle of, vi. 12 Uticans, the, v. 506 Utraikey, or Lutraki, ii. 142, 143 Utrecht, Peace of, iv. 334 V Vacca, Flaminius, ii. 508, 509, 511, 515 Vaccination, i. 307; vi. 50 Vaga, Pierrin del, ii. 437 Valentia, George Annesley, Viscount, Voyages and Travels, etc., i. 378, 379 Valenza, Cardinal of, ii. 367 Valerianus, I. P., De fulminum significationibus Declamatio, ii. 489 Valerius Flaccus, Argonaut, i. 200 Valerius Maximus, Factorum Dictorumque Memorabilia, ii. 437; iii. 307; v. 543; vi. 46 Valetta, iii. 24 Valid, son of Abdalmalek, iii. 120 Vallance, General Charles, R.E., Essay on the Celtic Language, vi. 337 Vallaresso, Ermolao, v. 134 Valley of Sweet Waters, ii. 153 Valori, vi. 337 Valpy, A. J., ii. 437 Vampires, iii. 121-123 Vanbrugh, The Provoked Husband, i. 399 Vandals, the, iii. 235, 251 Vansittart, i. 471 Varchi, Ercolano, ii. 495 Varro, M. Terentius, ii. 92; iv. 253; Rerum Rusticarum, vi. 348 Vasari, iv. 163 Vasilly the Albanian, ii. 75, 130 Vathek (W. Beckford), ii. 37; iii. 59, 76, 87, 105, 109, 110, 121, 145, 478; iv. 45, 89, 113, 244 Vauban, vi. 344 Vaughan, Charles Richard, Narrative of the Siege of Saragoza, ii. 91, 94 Vaughan, Taylor, A Familiar Epistle, etc., i. 445; iv. 74 Vault, The, vii. 35 Vaux, James Hardy, Vocabulary of the Flash Language, vi. 431 Velinus, Lake, ii. 382, 384 Vely Pasha, Vizier of the Morea, ii. 203, 205 VendÔme Column, v. 548 Vendoti, Georgie (Bentotes, or Bendotes), ii. 197; iii. 121 Venetian Institute, the, iv. 457 Venetian Lombardy, iv. 197 Venetians, besiege Athens, ii. 165; their love of music and poetry, ii. 471; their society and manners, iv. 469 Veneziano, Luca, iv. 283 Venezuela, v. 555 Venice, ii. 327; decline of, ii. 477; iv. 193-198, 456; Alamanni's prophecy, iv. 459 Venice, a Fragment, iv. 537 Veniero, Sebastian, ii. 340 Venturi, iv. 318 Venus de' Medici, ii. 365, 489; vi. 200 Venus, cestus of, ii. 272 Venus and Adonis, vi. 487 Venuti, Ab. R., Accurata et Succincta Descrizione di Roma moderna, ii. 513, 517 Vercingetorix, iv. 331 Vernon, Admiral Edward, vi. 12 Vernon, Lady, Journal of Mary Frampton, vii. 40 Veroccio, Andrea, iv. 336 Verona, Congress at, v. 537-539, 562, 573, 574, 575, 576; vi. 453; amphitheatre at, v. 561 Verres, i. 455; ii. 168, 170 Verrucchio, Gianciotto da, iv. 316 Verrucchio, Malatesta da, Lord of Rimini, iv. 316 Verrucchio, Paolo da, iv. 316 Verses addressed in the Year 1812 to the Hon. Mrs. George Lamb, iii. 32 Verses found in a Summer-house at Hales-Owen, iii. 59 Versicles, vii. 45 Version of Ossian's Address to the Sun, A, vii. 2 Very mournful Ballad on the Siege and Conquest of Alhama, A, iii. xix; iv. 529 Vespasian, ii. 298, 392, 408, 410, 512, 524 Vespucci, Amerigo, iv. 262 Vestris, i. 347 Vesuvius, v. 552 Vevey, ii. 277, 303 Vianolo, L'Histoire VÉnitienne, v. 124 Vicovaro, village of, ii. 523 Vienna, Congress of, ii. 402; v. 538, 550, 562; vi. 399; Siege of, iii. 458; taken by the French, v. 550; Treaty of, v. 550 Villa Ludovisi, ii. 432 Villani, P., Liber de FlorentiÆ Famosis Civibus, iv. 309 Villanuova, Alberti di, Dizzionario Universale, iv. 309 Villari, Professor, ii. 415 Villehardouin, ii. 329 VillÊle, M. de, v. 575 Villeneuve, town, iv. 18, 26, 120 Villeneuve, JÉrÔme Petion de, Mayor of Paris, vi. 13 Villiers, De, Le Festin de Pierre, ou le fils criminel, vi. xvi Vimercato, Augustino, Canzoni di Dante, etc., iv. 248 Vimiera, battle of, ii. 39 Virgil, iv. 319; vi. 73, 478; Æneid, i. xii, 25, 151, 372, 382, 451, 477; ii. 64, 71, 133, 143, 189, 384, 396, 407, 510, 514; vi. 521, 526; Domitius Marsus' epitaph on, i. 73; "and Maro sang," i. 312; Georgics, i. 362, 440; ii. 379; vi. 323; "forced no more to groan O'er Virgil's devilish verses," i. 405; Heyne's edition of, i. 490; "Alas, for Virgil's lay," ii. 392; Petrarch's, ii. 480; Mantua his birthplace, ii. 507; Eclogues, iv. 567; v. 289; vi. 26, 185, 492 Visconti, Ennius Quirinus, ii. 324, 518 Visconti, Filippo, Duke of Milan, v. 116 Vision of Belshazzar, iii. 397 Vision of Don Roderick, i. 436; ii. 4, 51 Vision of Judgment, i. 305; iv. 280, 473-525, 579; v. 196; vi. xvi, 4, 75, 338, 445 Vitellius, ii. 299 Vitepsk, battle of, iv. 207 Vitiges, a Dalmatian, ii. 390 Vittorelli, Jacopo, iv. 535 Vittoria, battle of, iii. 416 Vittoria Colonna, iv. 262 Vivian, General, ii. 234 Viviani, Vincenzo, ii. 369 Vlack (Wallachia), Bey of, ii. 199 Vocabolario Italiano-Latino, iv. 308 VogÜÉ, Viscount E. Melchior de, Le Fils de Pierre Le Grand, Mazeppa, etc., iv. 203, 220 VoÏart, Madame Elise, Chants Populaires des Servics, iii. 188 Volondorako, ii. 142 Voltaire, FranÇois Marie Arouet de, Pucelle, i. 437; Candide, ou l'Optimisme, ii. 41, 89, 281; vi. 226; Rousseau and, ii. 266; imprisoned in the Bastille, ii. 282; his Ferney Estate, ii. 306; Henriade, iii. 361; Mariamne, iii. 400; Benjamin Brue, iii. 442; Byron's Sonnet to Lake Leman, iv. 53; Volume of Nonsense, A, vii. 70 von Duhn, F., ii. 395 von Ranke, Leopold, History of Servia, iii. 188 von Stolberg, Louise, ii. 369 von Talvi, Volkslieder der Serben, iii. 188 Vopiscus, ii. 520 VÓrskla river, iv. 208, 233 Vossius, I., De Ant. Urb. Rom. Mag., ii. 516 Vostizza, ii. 60 Voygoux, Louis Charles Antoine Desaix de, vi. 14 Vuilliemin, Chillon Étude Historique, iv. 5 Vuillier, G. (Heinemann), History of Dancing, i. 492 W Waddington, Samuel Ferrand, A Key to a Delicate Investigation. An Address to the People of the United Kingdom, vi. 265 Wagner, Richard, Rienzi, ii. 415 Wahabees, the, ii. 151, 186 Waithman, Sir Robert ("Bobby"), M.P. for the City of London, vii. 67, 68 Wake, Kyd, iv. 511 Walcheren Expedition, the, vii. 29 Waldegrave, James Earl, Memoirs, vii. 76 Waldie, Miss Jane, iii. 313; Sketches Descriptive of Italy, iv. 471 Waldstein, Albrecht Wenceslaus Eusebius, Count of, v. 371 Wales, Princess Charlotte of, vi. 19 Waliszewski, K., The Story of a Throne, vi. 381, 389, 399, 412; Romance of an Empress, vi. 388 Walker, Wolcot v., v. 204 Wallace Collection, the, iv. 461 Wallach, J. W., as "Ulric" in Werner, v. 324 Wallachia (Vlack), Bey of, ii. 199; conquered by the Austrians, vi. 222 Waller, i. 306 Walpole, Horace, ii. 480; vi. 208; Memoirs of the Reign of King George II., iii. 299; vii. 76; Letters, iv. 339, 367; vi. 528; Castle of Otranto; Mysterious Mother, iv. 339, 367; "the summer has set in with its usual severity," iv. 505 Walpole, Sir Robert, i. 414; vii. 68 Walpole, Rev. Robert, ii. 204 Walsh, Rev. Dr. R., Narrative of a Resident in Constantinople, iii. 16 Walton, Izaak, vi. 513 Waltz, The, i. 475-502; ii. 53, 177; iii. 251; v. 537; vi. 151, 448, 451; vii. 33, 46 Warburton, Bishop (The Divine Legation of Moses, etc.), v. 209; vi. 487; "orthodoxy is my doxy," vi. 267; Works of Pope, vi. 453 Ward, Hon. J. W., iii. 217, 499; vii. 49, 54 Warden, William, Letters written on board His Majesty's Ship the Northumberland, and at St. Helena, v. 545 Wardle, Colonel Gwyllim Lloyd, i. 391 Ware, ii. 66, 88; bed of, vi. 272 Warens, Madame de, ii. 266, 303 Waring, Major John Scott, ii. 7 Warner, Mrs., as "Josephine" in Werner, v. 324 Warton, Dr. Thomas, poet-laureate, i. 305, 411; iii. 452, 474; vi. 166; History of English Poetry, v. 200, 207 Warville, Jean Pierre Brissot de, vi. 13 Washington, George, iv. 516; v. 554; vi. 331, 376 Waterloo, ii. 226, 255, 293, 459; iii. 429, 431; v. 538; vi. 345, 375, 539 Watkins, Dr. John, Memoirs, etc., of Lord Byron, v. 203, 474 Watson, James, a Radical agitator, vi. 265 Watson, Richard, Bishop of Llandaff, ii. 283; Anecdotes of the Life of, v. 208 Watts, A. A., iii. 280 Waverley, iv. 334; v. 209; vi. 272, 404 Way, Billy, i. 348 Webb, William Frederick, vi. 497 Webb, Miss Geraldine (Lady Chermside), vi. 497 Weber, W. H. (Scott's amanuensis), Metrical Romances of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Centuries, i. 396; iii. 145 Webster, Lady Elizabeth (afterwards Lady Holland), ii. 80 Webster, Lady Frances Wedderburn, iii. 67, 69, 149, 218, 319, 390; vi. 375, 451 Webster, James Wedderburn, iii. 149, 381; iv. 459 Waterloo and other Poems, vii. 45 Webster, Sir Godfrey, Bart., ii. 80 Weekly Messenger (Boston), iii. 297, 307 Weekly Political Register, ii. 40 Weekly Register, v. 540, 572; vi. 266 Weevers, John, Funerall Monuments, vi. 422 Well! thou art happy, i. 277; iv. 37 Wellesley, Marquis of, ii. 79, 497 Wellesley, William Pole Tylney Long, vi. 451 Wellington, Duke of, i. 485; v. 568, 575-577; "new victories," i. 496; Childe Harold on, ii. xi; Convention of Cintra, ii. 39, 86; has enacted marvels, ii. 88; Lady de Ros, ii. 230; The "Holy Alliance," ii. 402; Waterloo, ii. 459; vi. 345; in Parenthetical Address, iii. 57; Mrs. Boehm's masquerade, iv. 177; Achilles statue in Hyde Park inscribed to, v. 535; at the Vienna Congress, v. 539; "filled the sign-posts then, like Wellesley now," vi. 12; "great moral lesson," vi. 266; and Dan Mackinnon, vi. 276; Don Juan, Canto IX., vi. 373; the Kinnaird-Marinet incident, vi. 374; "I have seen a Duke turn politician stupider," vi. 452; "has but enslaved the whites," vi. 461 Wellington Despatches, ii. 50, 51; vi. 345, 374 Wells, Bishop Hugh de, vi. 596 Welschinger, Henri, L'Ami de M. de Tallyrand, vi. 507 Wentworth, Lord, i. 437 Wentworth, W. C., A Statistical Description, etc., of N.S. Wales, v. 588 Were my bosom as false, etc., iii. 399 Werner, i. 369; iii. 521; iv. 19, 21, 81, 122, 226; v. 279, 323-466, 543, 549, 611, 612; vi. 148 Werner, Franz von (Murad Effendi), iv. 329 Werner, Friedrich Ludwig Zacharias, v. 347 Werther, i. 476, 494 Wesley, John, iv. 522; vi. 303 West, Benjamin, i. 389, 466 West, Mrs. W., actress, iv. 324 Westall, W., A.R.A., ii. 11; vi. 478 Western, v. 572 Westminster, Marquis of (Lord Robert Grosvenor), i. 412 Westminster Review, iii. 25, 76; vi. 3; vii. 86 Westphalia, Peace of, v. 340, 372; Congress of, vi. 531 Wharton, Henry Thornton, Sappho, vi. 180 Wheat, prices in England (1818-1822), v. 539 Wheatley, H. B., London Past and Present, iv. 161 When coldness wraps this suffering clay, iii. 395 When I roved a young Highlander, i. 191 When we two parted, iii. 410 Whig Club of Fox's time, its uniform of blue and buff, vi. 9 Whig Club, Cambridge, vii. 66, 68 Whiskey, a light carriage, ii. 65 Whist, vi. 173 Whiston, vi. 400 Whitbread, Samuel, iii. 54; iv. 75, 519; vi. 451; vii. 30 White, Henry Kirke, i. 363; ii. 123; Remains, iv. 522 White, Miss Lydia, Sydney Smith's "Tory Virgin," iv. 569; "Miss Diddle" of The Blues, iv. 570; her death, iv. 587 Whitefield, i. 412 Whitworth, Earl of, i. 195 Wicklow, the Irish gold-mine in, i. 426 Wicksteed, Rev. Philip H., iv. 248 Wiel, Alethea, Two Doges of Venice, v. 119, 121, 133, 143, 171, 178, 179, 183, 190, 193 Wieland's Oberon, i. 362; iii. 263 Wilberforce, iv. 181; vi. 461, 549 Wild Gazelle, The, iii. 384 Wilderswyl, village of, iv. 119 Wildman, Colonel Thomas, i. 89, 257; vi. 496, 497, 589 Wilhelm, Paul, ii. 299 Wilkes, John, iv. 476, 480, 508-511 Wilkie, Dr. W., i. 403; Epigoniad, i. 436 Wilkie, Sir David, "The Defence of Saragossa," ii. 92 William the Conqueror, iv. 543; vi. 410 William and Mary, vi. 496 William I. of Germany, his "triumphant piety," vi. 370 William I. of Holland, ii. 225 William III., i. 198 Williams, Edward, v. 331 Williams, Hugh W., Travels in Italy, Greece, etc., iii. 15, 16 Williams (Anthony Pasquin), i. 304 Williams, Dr., Theol. Lib., iv. 479 Willis, Chief Justice, iv. 585 Willis, Rev. Dr. Francis, i. 416; ii. 43 Willis, John, i. 416 Willis, Margaret (Lady Beaumont), iv. 585 Willis' Rooms, i. 347 Wilmot, Juliana, Lady, iii. 381 Wilmot, Mrs. (Barberina Ogle), afterwards Lady Wilmot Horton, then Lady Dacre, the original of "She walks in Beauty," iii. 381; iv. 569, 570; vii. 48, 54; Ina, a Tragedy, vii. 48 Wilmot, Sir Robert John (afterwards Wilmot Horton), iii. 381; vii. 54 Wilmot, Sir Robert, iii. 381 Wilson, printer, i. 452 Wilson, John (Christopher North), ii. 315, 462; Isle of Palms, iii. 230; on Moore, iv. 61; v. 280; on Manfred, iv. 80, 81; on Marino Faliero, iv. 329; City of the Plague, iv. 339; Noctes AmbrosianÆ, iv. 570; on Heaven and Earth, v. 280, 282; on Don Juan, vi. 213 Wilson, Sir Robert Thomas, "Southwark's Knight," vii. 67 Wilson, W., A Missionary Voyage to the South Pacific Ocean, etc., v. 605 Winckelmann, Storia delle Arti, etc., ii. 396, 431, 432, 490, 509, 511, 512, 518 Windsor Poetics. Lines composed on the Occasion of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent being seen standing between the coffins of Henry VIII. and Charles I. in the Royal Vault at Windsor, vii. 35 Winsor, Justin, History of America, iv. 198 Wirt, William, Life of Patrick Henry, v. 560 Wolcot, Dr. John (Peter Pindar), i. 294, 304, 390, 395, 412; iv. 158; Instructions to a Laureat, iv. 519; Ode to a Margate Hoy, vii. 5 Wolcot v. Walker, v. 204 Wolf of the Capitol, Rome, ii. 396 Wolf, F., Primavera y Flor de Romances, iv. 529 Wolfe, General James, vi. 12 Wolfe, Rev. C., vi. 165 Wolmar, Madame, ii. 305 Wolseley, Lord, Decline and Fall of Napoleon, v. 551 Woman's Hair, A, i. 233; iii. 12 Wood, J. T., Modern Discoveries on the Site of Ancient Ephesus, ii. 441 Wood, the pedestrian, i. 322 Woodhouselee, Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord, Essay on Petrarch, ii. 351 Woodward, Dr. John, Fossils of England, v. 632 Worcester, battle of, ii. 395 Wordsworth, Miss Dorothy, i. 422; iv. 585 Wordsworth, John, captain of The Earl of Abergavenny, vi. 91 Wordsworth, William, i. 305, 318, 331; ii. 311; iii. 149; vi. 39, 80, 587; vii. 70 Byron's review of his Poems, i. 234; Lyrical Ballads, i. 315, 316; iv. 269; Distributor of Stamps for the County of Westmorland, i. 321; iv. 582; vi. 5; "Yet let them not to vulgar Wordsworth stoop," etc., i. 368; "Let simple Wordsworth chime his childish verse," i. 369; "write but like Wordsworth—live beside a lake," i. 422; on Bland Burges, i. 437; Concerning the Relations of Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal, ii. 87; "l'acent Wordsworthien," ii. 115; iv. 6; as preached by Shelley, ii. 219; Emperors and Kings, etc., ii. 227; "Not in the Lucid Intervals of Life," ii. 258; Tintern Abbey, ii. 261, 272; v. 613; Intimations of Immortality, ii. 271, 352; Excursion, ii. 272, 281; v. 94, 613; vi. 4, 176; On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic, ii. 336; In the Pass of Killycranky, ii. 337; Near the Lake of Thrasymene, ii. 377, 378; Descriptive Sketches, ii. 385; "How clear, how keen, how marvellously bright!" iii. xx; Coleridge's Lines to a Gentleman, iii. 336; his quarrel with Byron, iii. 533; iv. 479; Song at the Feast of Brougham Castle, iv. 16, 27; Ruth, iv. 24; Works, iv. 25, 27, 33, 220; A Poet's Epitaph, iv. 26; Byron an admirer of, iv. 47; "Wordsworth and Co.," iv. 182; depreciates Voltaire, iv. 184; Resolution and Independence (originally The Leech-gatherer), iv. 267, 582 Two Addresses to the Freeholders of Westmorland, iv. 341; Peter Bell, iv. 341; vi. 177; vii. 63, 64; Hazlitt on, iv. 518; referred to in The Blues, iv. 585; Sonnet to a Painter, v. 251; "crazed beyond all hope," vi. 74; "unexcised, unhired," vi. 175; Benjamin the Waggoner, vi. 177; "poet Wordy," vi. 214; Supplement to the Preface (Poems), ibid.; compared with Jacob Benmen, vi. 268; Thanksgiving Ode, vi. 332; "has supporters two or three," vi. 445; Mackintosh, vii. 32; The White Doe of Rylstone; or, The Fate of the Nortons, a Poem, vii. 45; "the great metaquizzical poet," vii. 72, 73 World, The, i. 358; vi. 525 Wormeley, Katharine Prescott, translation of Prince de Ligne's Memoirs, vi. 415 Wren, C., i. 438 Wright, John, ii. 217; iii. 75, 443; iv. 63 Wright, Walter Rodwell, HorÆ IonicÆ, i. 366; ii. x, 104, 202 Wright, Professor, Kufic Tombstones in the British Museum, iii. 120 Written after swimming from Sestos to Abydos, iii. 13; vi. 112 Wul-wulleh, death-song of Turkish women, iii. 205 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, iv. 239 Wycherley, i. 322 Wylde, G., i. 45 Wynn, iv. 520 Wynne, iv. 476 X Xantippe, iv. 253 Xeres, v. 565 Xerxes, ii. 166; iv. 259; vi. 46, 169 Y Yakintu, king of Arvad, v. 4 Yanina, Janina, or Joannina, lake of, ii. 179, 189 Yarmouth, Maria Fagniani, Lady, i. 501 Yarmouth, Lord, "Red Herrings," i. 493, 497, 501; vii. 22 Yearsley, Ann, i. 329 YesoukoÏ, Lieutenant-Colonel, vi. 354 Yonge, C. D., translation of AthenÆus' Deipno., v. 11 York, Duchess of, iii. 45 York, Duke of, i. 3, 391; ii. 169; iii. 45; iv. 587; vi. 67, 451, 507 Young, Edward, Revenge, i. 26, 409; iii. 158, 200; Night Thoughts, ii. 95, 161; iii. 129, 262; vi. 186, 450; Resignation, vi. 450; Love of fame, the Universal Passion, vi. 461 Young, Rosalind A., The Mutiny, etc., v. 622 Young Lochinvar, ii. 70 Z Zama, battle of, ii. 459 Zanetti, ii. 472 Zanga, a character in Young's Revenge, i. 26, 409 Zappi, Giovanni Battista, iv. 271 Zara, siege of, iv. 331, 332 Zaragoza, Augustina, maid of, ii. 58, 91 Zarina, Queen, character in Sardanapalus, v. 12 Zarotti, iv. 287 Zechariah, v. 286 Zegri, the, a Moorish tribe, v. 558 Zela, battle of, ii. 398 Zeller, Dr. E., Socrates and the Socratic Schools, ii. 103 Zend-Avesta, iii. 110; iv. 112 Zendrini, A., Elogio di Jacopo Morelli, iv. 457 Zeno, Carlo, ii. 477, 497 Zeus Olympius, Temple of, ii. 167 Ziani, Doge Sebastian, ii. 473 Zibeon, Esau's wife, v. 285 Zimri, king of Israel, v. 107 Zitza, convent and village of, ii. 129, 174, 180; iii. 7 ika, John of Trocnow, v. 549 Zoffani, iv. 508 Zoili of Albemarle Street, the, vi. xix, 467 Zonaras, Annales, ii. 202 Zonta of Twenty, the, iv. 385, 441 Zoritch, or Zovitch, Catherine II.'s favourite, vi. 388 Zoroaster, the creed of, vi. 491 Zosimado, ii. 197 Zosimus, HistoriÆ, ii. 172 Zoubof, Plato, Catherine II.'s favourite, vi. 388 Zrini, Hungarian commander, iii. 442 Zsigetvar, siege of, iii. 442 Zuccari, ii. 437 Zuccato, Bartolommeo, iv. 332 Zuleika, Persian name of Potiphar's wife, iii. 187; vi. 254 |