ting Phonograph Records, 279 Dust Collector, Flour Mills, 232 Dyes, Coal Tar, 223 Dynamite Gun, 405 Dynamo Armature, 43 Dynamo, Bipolar, 42 Dynamo, Description of, 42 Dynamos, Different Kinds, 42 Dynamo Electric Machine, 38-47 Dynamo, Gramme and D’Ivernois, 41 Dynamo, Hjorth, 40 Dynamo, Multipolar, 47 Dynamo, Siemens’, 41 Dynamo, Wilde, 41 Eads, Caissons of, 345 Earthquake-Proof Palace, 355 Edison’s Electric Lamp, 67-73 Edison’s Carbon Microphone, 82 Edison’s Concentrating Works, 392 Edison’s Electric Pen, 96 Edison’s Kinetoscope, 297 Edison’s Three Wire System, 72-74 Edison’s X-Ray Apparatus, 323 Eiffel Tower, 355 Electric Automobile, 270 Electric Body Appliances, 97 Electric Cautery, 97 Electric Furnace, 44 Electric Furnace, Acheson, 45 Electric Furnace, Bradley, 46 Electric Lamp, Edison’s, 67-73 Electric Lamp, Sawyer-Man, 67-73 Electric Lamp, Starr-King, 66 Electric Launch, 93-94 Electric Light, 63-75 Electric Light Beacon, 65-69 Electric Light Circuit, 74 Electric Locomotive, 59 Electric Motor, 48-62 Electric Motor, Barlow’s Wheel, 48 Electric Motor, Dal Negro, 49 Electric Motor, Davenport, 51-52 Electric Motor, Dr. Page, 51 Electric Motor, Faraday, 48 Electric Motor, Henry, 50 Electric Motor, Jacobi, 51 Electric Motor, Neff, 52 Electric Motor, Prof. Henry’s, 50 Electric Motor, Railway, 58 Electric Motor, Westinghouse, 53 Electric Musical Instruments, 98 Electric Pen, Edison’s, 96 Electric Piano, 148 Ironclads, 147 Jablochkoff Candle, 64 Jacobi’s Electric Boat, 92 Jacobi’s Electric Motor, 51 Jacquard Loom, 427 Janney Car Coupling, 129 Jenkins’ Phantascope, 299 Jetties, Mississippi, 352 John Bull, Locomotive, 124 Kaiser Wilhelm, Steamer, 142 Kaleidoscope, 294 Kelly’s Process Making Steel, 377 Kinetoscope, 297 Kirchhoff’s Spectroscope, 293 Kneading Machines, 233 Knitting Machines, 430 Kodak Camera, 307-309 KÖnig’s Rotary Press, 157 Krag-Jorgensen Magazine Rifle, 413 Krupp Gun, 398 Laryngoscope, 249 Latch Needle for Knitting Machine, 432 Lathe, Blanchard’s, 368 Laughing Gas, 246 Launches, Electric, 94 Leading Inventions, Nineteenth Century, 7-14 Lee Invents Knitting Machines, 431 Lee’s Magazine Rifle, 412 Lick Telescope, 286 Light, Electric, 63 Light, Rapidity of Travel, 299 Lime Light, 338 Link Motion, 128 Linotype Printing, 165 Liquid Air, 447-457 Lister’s Antiseptic Surgery, 256 Lithography, 170 Lithotrity, 250 Locke Wire Binder, 203 Locks, Pneumatic Lift, 300 Locomobile, Steam, 267 Locomotive, Electric, 59 Locomotive, Largest, 132 Locomotive, Steam, 118 Loom, Jacquard, 427 Loom, Positive Motion, 429 Loom, Power, 426 Lovers’ Telegraph, 76 Lowe’s Water Gas Apparatus, 332 Lyall Positive Motion Loom, 429 Machine Gun, 405 Magazine Pistol, 409 Magnetic Concentrator, 392 Magneto-Electric Machine, 38-39 Malarial Parasite, 254 Mann Harvester, 200 Mantles for Welsbach Burner, 116 Steam Railway, 118-132 Steam Turbine, 109 Steel Alloys, 389 Steel, Open Hearth, 380 Stephenson’s Link Motion, 128 Stephenson’s Locomotives, 121-123 Stereo-Binocular Field Glass, 289 Stereoscope, 294 Stereoscopic Camera, 310 Stereotyping, 159 Sterilizing Food Stuffs, 236 Stethoscope, 249 Stevens’ “Phoenix”, 136 Stevens’ Screw Steamer, 134-135 St. Gothard Tunnel, 346 Stockton & Darlington Railway, 121 Storage Battery, 88 Storage Battery, Faure, 90 Storage Battery, PlantÉ, 88 Storage Battery, Ritter, 88 Stourbridge Lion, Locomotive, 123 Submarine Boat, 152 Suez Canal, 347 Sugar Making, 241 Sulfonal, 248 Surgery, 245 Surgical Instruments, 249 Symington’s Steamboat, 134 Synthesis Organic Compounds, 222 System, Third Rail, 57 Talbot’s Photographic Prints, 303 Talbotype, 303 Taupenot’s Dry Plates, 306 Telegraph, Edison’s Quadruplex, 23 Telegraph, Electric, 15-31 Telegraphic Conductor, 17 Telegraphing by Induction, 25 Telegraph Statistics, 30 Telegraph, Wireless, 26 Telephone, 76-87 Telephone, Bell, 77 Telephone, Blake Transmitter, 83 Telephone, Bourseul, 77 Telephone, Drawbaugh, 77 Telephone Exchange, 86-87 Telephone, Gray, 77 Telephone, Reis, 78 Telephone Statistics, 86 Telephone, Undulatory Current, 79 Telephone, Variable Resistance, 82 Telescope, 285 Telescopic Discoveries, 284 Textiles, 420-435 Thaumatrope, 295 Thimonnier’s Sewing Machine, 184 Third-Rail System, |