- Alabama Claims, 47
- Alcott, Bronson and Louise, 201
- Alps, 22
- Americans, at Zurich, 115, 162
- Artists, American at Munich, 157
- Astor, W. W, 248
- Avalanche, An, 205
- Bauer, Caroline, 38
- Beer Gardens, 35, 117
- Berlin, Visit there, 225
- Billingsgate Market, 17
- Bismarck, Prince, 314
- Black Forest, 165
- Blaine, 199
- Blanc, Louis, 44
- Bocken, 49
- Bonner, Kate Sherwood, 121
- Boucicault, Dion, 112
- Brentano, Lorenzo, 24
- Bright, John, 18
- Burns, Visit at home of, 305
- Byron, Lord, 240
- Capri, Island of, 266
- Chicago Fire, 42
- Christmas Night at Sea, 124
- Commers of Students at Zurich, 116
- Constitution, Swiss, 101
- Conway, Hugh, 257
- Crawford, Marion, 250
- Custom House Frauds, 232
- Davis, Winnie, 143
- Dennison, 126
- Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield, 18
- Duels, 117
- Dufour, General, 61;
- Elm Destroyed, 205
- Eugenie, French Empress, 83
- Favre, Jules, 45
- Fick, Professor, 114
- Field, Kate, 111
- Forney, Col. Jno. W., 122
- Fox Hunting, 166
- Frederick, Crown Prince, 227
- Freeman, Artist, 98
- Frey, Emil, 232
- Funeral, Swiss, 36
- Of a Poet’s Child, 37
- Irish, 209
- Gambetta, Leon, 45
- Garibaldi at Rome, 97
- Gladstone, Speech by, 18
- Gilmour, John, a Scotch Poet, 305
- Grant, Gen. U.S., at White House, 71;
- visits Switzerland, 128;
- conversations at Lake Luzern, 128;
- simplicity of l
@44296-h-10.htm.html#Page_292" class="pginternal">292
- General Wolseley, 293
- Late Rebels Getting Control,