CHAPTER PAGE I.—Introduced 1 II.—Thomas Lincoln's family stories 17 III.—The old blacksmith's shop and the merry story-tellers 33 IV.—A boy with a heart 55 V.—Jasper cobbles for Aunt Olive.—Her queer stories 62 VI.—Jasper gives an account of his visit to Black Hawk.—Aunt Indiana's wig 75 VII.—The examination at Crawford's school 87 VIII.—The Parable preaches in the wilderness 100 IX.—Aunt Indiana's prophecies 108 X.—The Indian runner 115 XI.—The cabin near Chicago 122 XII.—The white Indian of Chicago 133 XIII.—Lafayette at Kaskaskia.—The stately minuet 140 XIV.—Waubeno and young Lincoln 156 XV.—The debating school 166 XVI.—The school that made Lincoln President 177 XVII.—Thomas Lincoln moves 184 XVIII.—Main-pogue 196 XIX.—The forest college 202 XX.—Making Lincoln a "Son of Malta" 214 XXI.—Prairie Island 218 XXII.—The Indian plot 229 XXIII.—For Lincoln's sake 236 XXIV.—"Our Lincoln is the man" 251 XXV.—At the last 265