CHAPTER I RELATION OF CELTIC CHURCH TO ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH CHAPTER II SKETCH OF SCOTTISH ARCHITECTURE CHAPTER V PARISH CHURCHES ILLUSTRATING THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE NORMAN PERIOD THE GUILD LIBRARY "All the manuals are fine examples of careful workmanship and scholarly industry."—"Independent and Nonconformist," 17th August 1896. "A series of which we have often spoken in terms of very high commendation."—"Record," 11th March 1898. "A most admirable series."—"Methodist Times," 25th August 1898. "No more beautiful series of the kind passes under our notice."—"Literary World," 21st October 1898. LONDON: A. & C. BLACK. Edited by Rev. Prof. Charteris, D.D., LL.D., Edinburgh, Crown 8vo Edition, Price 1s. 6d. net. Copies may be had interleaved for 8d. extra. Now Ready. SCOTTISH CATHEDRALS AND ABBEYS. First Series. RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD. "Have seldom seen a better and clearer text-book."—British Weekly. HANDBOOK OF CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. 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