To those accustomed only to the comforts of civilized life, or to the traveller who is indifferent to the beauties of scenery, the monotony, silence, and loneliness of the vast forests of Assam, will present few features of attraction; but as the country offers a wide field of discovery, and so many interesting enquiries remain to be prosecuted in regard to the numerous wild tribes by which it is inhabited, it is hoped that the present brief outline of the condition of the people will not prove altogether uninteresting. The chief object of the following pages is to make Assam better known, to remove some prejudices which exist against it, and preserve the TO MY FATHER, WHOSE EARLY TUITION, URBANITY, LEARNING, AND EXAMPLE, ENCOURAGED ME AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF LIFE TO RELY ON MY OWN EXERTIONS, THESE WANDERINGS AND REFLECTIONS IN A WILD, UNCIVILIZED, FOREIGN LAND, Are Dedicated WITH THE GREATEST VENERATION, BY HIS AFFECTIONATE SON. |