Plate I. Interior of a kylix signed by Euphronios as potter: from Caere; Paris, Louvre, G 104. Diameter 0,39. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold 5. | Frontispiece | CHAPTER I.: THE STONE AND BRONZE AGES:— | Pl.II. | Fig.1 | Bowl from Sesklo: Athens. Height 0,20. Dark painting on lemon-coloured ground. From Tsountas, Dimini and Sesklo (Greek), pl. 22 | | Fig.2. | Face-urn from Troy II.-V.: Berlin. Height 0,30. From British School yellowish clay. From H. Schliemann’s Sammlung Trojanischer AltertÜmer, Hubert Schmidt, No. 1,080 and 1,084 | Tofacepage2 | Pl.III. | Fig.3 | Beaked jug from Syros: Athens, Nicole 123. Height 0,16. Light-brown painting on yellow ground. From Ephemeris Arch. 1899, pl. 10. No. 8 | | Fig.4. | Beaked jug from the sixth shaft-grave at Mycenae: Athens, Nicole 189. Height 0,30. Turned on the wheel, polished, lustreless brown (and red) painting. From FurtwÄngler and LÖschcke, Mykenische TongefÄsse, pl. IX. No. 44. | 4 | Pl.IV. | Fig.5 | Vase of Kamares style from the palace of Knossos: Candia. Height, 0,22. Painting white, orange and carmine-red on black glaze. From British School Annual IX, p. 120. | | Fig.6. | Unpainted kylix with yellow smoothed surface, from the fourth shaft-grave at Mycenae: Athens, Nicole 164. Diameter 0,12. From FurtwÄngler and LÖschcke, Mykenische TongefÄsse, pl. V. No. 22 | 6 | Pl.V. | Fig.7 | Funnel-vase of late Minoan I. from a house at Palaikastro: Candia. Height 0,10. Turned on the wheel, Annual IX, p. 311, fig. 10 | | Fig.8. | Funnel-vase of late Minoan I. from house on the island of Pseira: Candia. From Seager, Excavations on the island of Pseira, p. 25, fig. 8 | | Fig.9. | Vase (Pithos) of Kamares style from Phaistos: Candia. Height 0,50. Red and white painting on black glaze. From Monumenti Antichi XIV., pl. XXXV. b. | Tofacepage8 | Pl.VI. | Fig.10 | Stirrup-vase of late Minoan I., from a house at Gournia: Candia. Height 0,20. From H. Boyd Hawes, Gournia, pl. H. | | Fig.11. | Amphora of late Minoan I., from a house on Pseira. With many details overpainted in white. From Seager op. cit., pl. VII. | 10 | Pl.VII. | Fig.12 | Amphora of Palace style from a grave of Knossos. From ArchÆologia, 1905, pl. CI. | | Fig.13. | Amphora of Palace style from a grave of Knossos. From ArchÆologia, 1905, pl. C. | 12 | Pl.VIII. | Fig.14 | Late Mycenean Cup from Ialysos (Rhodes): London. Height 0,20. Dark-brown glaze-colour on yellow ground, details in white. From FurtwÄngler-LÖschcke, Mykenische Vasen, pl. VIII., 49. | | Fig.15. | Late Mycenean stirrup-vase from Ialysos (Rhodes): London. Height 0,23. Yellowish-red glaze-colour on yellow ground. The tentacles of the cuttle-fish from a peculiar ornament on the reverse, a bird by the side of it. From FurtwÄngler-LÖschcke, Mykenische Vasen, pl. IV., 24. | 14 | Pl.IX. | Fig.16 | Late Mycenean vase with ribbed handles from Ialysos (Rhodes): London. Height 0,34. Dark-brown glaze-colour (in parts burnt red) on yellow ground. From FurtwÄngler-LÖschcke, Mykenische Vasen, pl. VI., 32. | | Fig.17. | Late Mycenean vase with ribbed handles from Rhodes: Munich 47. Height 0,45. Brown, partly red, glaze-colour on yellow ground. Biga with driver and companion. MÜnchener Vasensammlung I., p. 6, fig. 7 | Tofacepage16 | CHAPTER II.: THE GEOMETRIC STYLE:— | Pl.X. | Fig.18 | Attic Geometric Amphora (Dipylon class): Munich 1,250. Height O,50. From photo. | | Fig.19. | Geometric Amphora, said to come from Melos, probably Attic (Black Dipylon): Munich. Height O,73. MÜnchener Jahrbuch, 1909, II., p. 202, fig. 1 | 20 | Pl.XI. | Fig.20 | Upper half of a Dipylon grave-vase: Athens, Collignon-Couve 214. Height I,23. From Monumenti dell’ Istituto IX., pl. 40, 1 | | Fig.21. | Frieze from the upper half of a bowl from Thebes, of which the rest is only decorated with stripes: London. From Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1899, pl. 8 | 22 | Pl.XII. | Fig.22 | Rhodian Geometric jug, said to come from Crete: Munich 455. Height O,22. MÜnchener Vasensammlung I., p. 44, fig. 57 | | Fig.23. | Protocorinthinian Geometric cup (skyphos) from Greece: Munich. Height O,12. MÜnchener Jahrbuch, 1913, I., p. 78 | 26 | Pl.XIII. | Fig.24 | Attic Geometric kylix from Athens: Munich. Diameter O,18. MÜnchener Jahrbuch, 1913, I., p. 78. | CHAPTER III.: THE SEVENTH CENTURY:— | | Fig.25. | Cretan hydria from Praisos: Candia. Height O,30. From British School Annual, IX., pl. 9c | | Fig.26. | Cretan jug from Praisos: Candia. Height O,33. White on glaze. From B.S.A. IX., pl. 9d | 28 | Pl.XIV. | Fig.27 | Cretan miniature jug with female head: Berlin 307. Height O,10. From Athenische Mitteilungen, 1897, pl. 6 | | Fig.28. | Fragment of a jug from Aegina: Athens. Nicole 848. Diameter ca. 0,25. Athenische Mitteilungen, 1897, pl. VIII. | Tofacepage30 | Pl.XV. | Fig.29 | Fragment of a plate from a grave at Praisos: Candia. Original diameter ca. 0,35. Wrestle with a sea monster. From B.S.A. X., pl. III. | | Fig.30. | Krater of Aristonothos: Rome, Palazzo dei Conservatori. Height 0,36. From MÉlanges d’ArchÉologie et d’histoire, 1911, pl. I. | 32 | Pl.XVI. | Fig.31 | Protocorinthian lekythos: London, B.M. Height 0,07. From Journal of Hellenic Studies, XI., pl. I., 2 | | Fig.32. | Protocorinthian lekythos, said to come from Corinth: Berlin 336. Height 0,06. From ArchÄologische Zeitung, 1883, I. | | Fig.33. | Protocorinthian jug of post-Geometric style from Aegina: Munich 225a. Height 0,18. MÜnchener Vasensammlung I., p. 11, fig. 17 | 34 | Pl.XVII. | Fig.34 | Protocorinthian lekythos, said to come from Thebes: Boston. Height 0,07. From American Journal of ArchÆology, 1900, pl. IV. | 36 | Pl.XVIII. | Fig.35-7 | Protocorinthian jug, from the neighbourhood of Rome: Rome, Villa di Papa Giulio. Height 0,26. From Antike DenkmÄler II., pls. 44 and 45 | 38 | Pl.XIX. | Fig.38 | Protocorinthian or Corinthian jug: Munich 234. Height 0,44. From photo. | | Fig.39. | Corinthian alabastron, from Greece: Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum 30. Height 0,20. From Catalogue, pl. IV. | | Fig.40. | Corinthian aryballos, from Greece: Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum 36. Height 0,20. From Catalogue, pl. IV. | 40 | Pl.XX. | Fig.41 | Animal frieze from an early Corinthian jug: Munich 228. MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 12, fig. 18 | | Fig.42. | Animal frieze from a Corinthian jug of wine-skin shape: Munich 246. MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 16, fig. 24 | Tofacepage42 | Pl.XXI. | Fig.43 | Corinthian skyphos, from Samos: Boston. Height O,08. From photo. | | Fig.44. | Scene from the late Corinthian flask of Timonidas, from Kleonai (Peloponnese): Athens, Collignon-Couve 620. Height of vase 0,14. From Athenische Mitteilungen, 1905, pl. VIII. | 44 | Pl.XXII. | Fig.45 | Pinax (votive-tablet), from Corinth, signed by Timonidas: Berlin 846. Height 0,22. From Antike DenkmÄler I., pl. 8, 13 | | Fig.46. | Frieze of an early Phaleron jug, from Analatos (Attica): Athens, Collignon-Couve 468. From Jahrbuch, 1887, pl. 3 | 46 | Pl.XXIII. | Fig.47-8 | Neck and body designs of an early Attic Amphora, from Athens: Athens, Collignon-Couve 657. Height 1,22. From Antike DenkmÄler I., pl. 57 | 48 | Pl.XXIV. | Fig.49 | Early Attic Amphora, from Piraeus: Athens, Collignon-Couve 651. Height 1,10. From Ephemeris, 1897, pl. 5 | | Fig.50. | Cycladic (Euboic) Amphora: Stockholm. Height 0,59. From Jahrbuch, 1897, pl. 7 | 50 | Pl.XXV. | Fig.51 | Jug with griffin’s head, from Aegina: London, B.M., A 547. From photo. | 52 | Pl.XXVI. | Fig.52 | Chief design on a “Melian” amphora, from Melos: Athens, Collignon-Couve 475. Height of amphora 0,95. From Conze, Melische TongefÄsse, pl. IV. | 54 | Pl.XXVII. | Fig.53 | Herakles and Iole (?) on a “Melian” amphora, said to come from Crete: Athens, Collignon-Couve 477. From Ephemeris, 1894, pl. 13 | | Fig.54. | Early Rhodian jug, from Rhodes: Hague, Scheurleer Collection. Height 0,22. From photo. | 55 | Pl.XXVIII. | Fig.55 | Rhodian jug: Munich 449. Height 0,33. MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 42, fig. 54 | | Fig.56. | Late Rhodian jug, from Rhodes: Munich 450. Height 0,33. MÜnch. Jahrb., 1911, II., p. 200 | | Fig.57. | Euphorbos plate, from Rhodes: London, B.M. Diameter 0,38. From Photo. | Tofacepage56 | Pl.XXIX. | Fig.58 | Late Rhodian cauldron (lebes), from Italy: Paris, Louvre. Height 0,35. From photo. | 58 | Pl.XXX. | Fig.59 | Gorgon plate, from Rhodes: London, B.M. From J.H.S., 1885, pl. 59. | | Fig.60. | Sherd from Naukratis: Oxford. (Busiris’ head painted red on white slip, details by leaving the parts unpainted). From J.H.S., 1905, pl. VI., I. | | Fig.61. | Naukratite sherd found on the Acropolis of Athens: Athens, Acropolis 450a. Yellow, red and white painting on bright ground. From Akropolisvasen I., pl. 24 | 60 | Pl.XXXI. | Fig.62 | Amphora, from Rhodes (Fikellura): London, B.M., A 1311. Height 0,34. From MÜnchener ArchÄol: Studien, p. 300, fig. 24. | | Fig.63. | Amphora (Fikellura): Altenburg. Height 0,31. From BÖhlau, Nekropolen, p. 56 | 62 | CHAPTER IV.: THE BLACK-FIGURED STYLE:— | Pl.XXXII. | Fig.64 | Two friezes of a Corinthian krater, from Caere: Paris, Louvre E. 635. Height 0,46. After photo. | | Fig.65. | Corinthian krater, from Corinth: Munich 344. Height 0,31. MÜnch. Jahrb., 1911, II., p. 290, fig. 1. | 70 | Pl.XXXIII. | Fig.66 | Frieze of a Corinthian krater, from Caere: Berlin 1655. Height 0,46. From Monumenti X., pl. 4, 5 | 72 | Pl.XXXIV. | Fig.67 | Corinthian plate: Munich 346a. Diameter 0,28. MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 31, fig. 46 | | Fig.68. | Chalkidian hydria, from Italy: Munich 596. Height 0,46. From photo. | Tofacepage74 | Pl.XXXV. | Fig.69 | Chalkidian amphora, from Vulci: WÜrzburg. Height 0,41. From photo. | Tofacepage74 | Pl.XXXVI.
| Fig.70 | Chalkidian amphora, from Caere: London, B.M., B 155. Height 0,45. From photo. | | Fig.71. | Scene from Chalkidian amphora of Italian provenance: Munich 592. MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 65, fig. 75. | 78 | Pl.XXXVII. | Fig.72 | Ionic eye kylix, from Italy: Munich 589. Height 0,10. From photo. | | Fig.73. | Head of Athena, from Ionic eye kylix: Munich 590. MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 64, fig. 74. | 80 | Pl.XXXVIII. | Fig.74 | Phineus kylix, from Vulci: WÜrzburg. Diameter 0,39. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold 41. | 82 | Pl.XXXIX. | Fig.75 | Ionic b.f. fragments, from Kyme (Asia Minor): London, B.M. From photo. | | Fig.76. | Neck design of an Ionic b.f. Amphora, from Italy: Munich 586. MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 62, fig. 73. | 84 | Pl.XL.-I. | Fig.77-8 | Obverse and reverse of an Ionic b.-f. Amphora, from Italy: Munich 585. From MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 59, figs. 69 and 70. | 86 & 87 | Pl.XLII. | Fig.79 | Chief design on a Caeretan hydria: Vienna, Museum fÜr Kunst und Industrie 217. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold 51. | | Fig.80. | Spartan kylix, from Italy: Munich 382. Height 0,15. From MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 34, fig. & 48 | 88 | Pl.XLIII. | Fig.81 | Caeretan hydria, from Caere: Paris, Louvre E 701. Height 0,43. From photo. | 89 | Pl.XLIV. | Fig.82-3 | Obverse and reverse of a Pontic amphora, from Italy: Munich 837. Height of vase 0,33. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold 21. | 90 | Pl.XLV. | Fig.84 | Spartan kylix, from Corneto: Berlin. From Jahrbuch d. D. Instatus 1901, pl. III. | Pl.XLVI. | Fig.85 | Spartan kylix (Arkesilas), from Vulci: Paris, Cabinet des MÉdailles 189. Diameter 0,29. From Monumenti I., pl. 47? | Pl.XLVII. | Fig.86 | Fragments of a cauldron (lebes) by Sophilos: Athens, Acropolis. GrÄf 587. Height of the frieze 0,09. From GrÄf, Akropolisvasen, pl. 26 | | Fig.87. | Attic tripod vase, from Athens: Munich. Height 0,12. From MÜnch. Jahrb., 1911, II., p. 291, fig. 5. | 94 | Pl.XLVIII. | Fig.88 | Boeotian b.-f. kantharos: Munich 419. Height 0,19. From MÜnch. Vasens. I., p. 40, fig. 52 | | Fig.89. | Detail of the FranÇois vase. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold, 13 | 96 | Pl.XLIX. | Fig.90 | FranÇois vase, from Chiusi: Florence, Museo archeologico. Height 0,66. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold, pl. 3, 10 | Tofacepage142 | Pl.LXXXIV. | Fig.139 | Scene on a r.-f. pelike, from Rugge (Apulia): Lecce. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold 66 | | Fig.140. | Scene on a r.-f. krater, from Gela: Berlin. Height of vase 0,50. From 50 Berliner Winckelmannsprogramm (1890) | 143 | Pl.LXXXV. | Fig.141 | R.-f. Amphora, from Vulci: London, B.M., E 271. Height 0,57. From photo. | 144 | Pl.LXXXVI. | Fig.142 | White-ground lekythos, from Attica: London, D 58. Height ca. 0,48. From photo. | 145 | Pl.LXXXVII. | Fig.143-4 | Youth and maiden on a white-ground lekythos, from Attica: Boston 8440. Height of vase, 0,40. From photo. | | Fig.145. | Detail of a white-ground lekythos: Athens, Collignon-Couve 1822. From FurtwÄngler-Riezler, Weissgrundige Lekythen, pl. 93 | 146 | Pl.LXXXVIII. | Fig.146 | R.-f. stamnos, from Vulci: Munich, Jahn 382. Height 0,445. From photo. | | Fig.147. | Scene on a r.-f. stamnos, from Campania: Naples, Heydemann 2419. From photo. | 148 | Pl.LXXXIX. | Fig.148 | Scene on a r.-f. Amphora, from neighbourhood of Arezzo: Arezzo. Height of vase 0,54. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold, pl. 67 | 149 | Pl.XC. | Fig.149-51 | Three details of a fragmentary r.-f. vase: Naples. From three photos, in the Munich Vase Collection | 150 | Pl.XCI. | Fig.152 | Scene on a r.-f. hydria, from Populonia: Florence. Height of vase 0,46. From Milani, Monumenti scelti, pl. 4 | 151 | Pl.XCII. | Fig.153 | R.-f. volute amphora, from Ruvo: Ruvo, Jatta Collection 1501. Height of frieze 0,35. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold 38. | 152 | Pl.XCIII. | Fig.154 | Scene on a r.-f. jug: Oxford. Height of vase 0,21. From J.H.S. 1905, pl. 1. | CHAPTER VII.: LATE OFFSHOOTS:— | | Fig.155. | Scene on a late Attic pelike, from Kerch (Crimea): Petrograd, Hermitage 1795. Height 0,38. From FurtwÄngler-Reichhold 87,2. | Tofacepage154 | Pl.XCIV. | Fig.156 | Lucanian bell-krater, from the Basilicata: Paris, Louvre. Height 0,53. From photo. | | Fig.157. | Lower Italian bell-krater with comedy scene (Phlyax vase), from Apulia. London, B.M., F. 151. Height of vase 0,39. From photo. | 156 | Pl.XCV. | Fig.158 | Apulian volute amphora, from Bari: Boston. Height 1,25. From photo. | 157 |
|   |