Trieste, March 1875. My Dear Sir, Be pleased to accept this very inadequate return for the varied information with which you have favoured me, and for all your hospitality and kindness to me at Edinburgh and elsewhere. You are so well known as a traveller in Iceland, and as a warm and generous friend to the Icelander, that you will not be held responsible for my over freedom of speech, nor for any unpopular opinions expressed in the pages honoured by bearing your name. Pray believe me, Robert Mackay Smith, Esq., “Signor, non sotto l’ombra in piaggia molle Tra fonti e fior, tra Ninfe e tra Sirene; Ma in cima al l’erto e faticoso colle, Della virtÙ riposto È il nostro bene: Chi non gela, e non suda, e non s’estolle Dalle vie del piacer, lÀ non perviene.” —Tasso, xvii. 61. “Not among nymphs and sirens, founts and flowers, Not in voluptuous herbage in the shade; But on the toilsome steep where valour towers Alone, O Prince, our supreme good is laid; Who from the paths of pleasure will not raise His thoughts; nor freeze nor sweat, arrives not there.” —James. “In somma, ho avuto sempre mai d’avanti agli occhi quelle sante leggi della Storia, di non osar dire il falso, nÉ temer di dire il vero; e mi lusingo di non avervi contravenuto.” —Abbate Clavigero. |