- AbÁ al-Khayr = my good sir, etc., 54
- AbÚ al-Lays (Pr. N.) = Father of the Lion, 211
- AbÚ Dalaf al-IjilÍ (a soldier famed for liberality and culture), 189
- AbÚ KÍr = Father of the Pitch (Abou Kir), 134
- AbÚ SÍr (corruption of Pousiri = Busiris), 134
- AbÚ SirhÁn = wolf, 104
- Acquittance of all possible claims after business transactions, 285
- Ád and ThamÚd (pre-historic tribes), 174
- Adab = scholarship, 41
- ÁdamÍ = an Adamite (opposed to Jinn), 169
- AdÍm al-Zauk = lack-tact, 206
- Admiral (fishing for the King’s table), 159
- Adultery (son of = base born), 331
- Af’À = ???? (a snake), 37
- Ahd (Al-) wa al-MisÁk = oath and covenant, 327
- Ahmad bin AbÍ DuwÁd (High Chancellor to the Abbasides), 244
- “Aidance from Allah and victory are near”, 317
- AkÁsirah = ChosroËs-Kings, 323
- Akl al-Hishmah = eating decorously, 337
- Akka = Acre, 19
- AlÀ jÚdi-k = to thy generosity, 150; 208
- AlÀ mahlak = at thy leisure, 168
- All will not be save well = it will be the worse for him, 293
- Allah (will make no way for the Infidels over the True Believers), 16
- —— (I seek refuge with), 35
- —— (he was jealous for Almighty), 104
- —— (I fear Him in respect of = I am governed by Him in my dealings with), 123
- —— (pardon thee, showing that the speaker does not believe in another’s tale), 154
- —— (the Provider), 166
- —— (for the love of), 170
- —— (KarÍm = God is bountiful), 167
- —— (grant thee grace = pardon thee), 283
- —— (yastura-k = will veil thee), 309
- —— (sole Scient of the hidden things be extolled), 311
- —— (raised the heavens without columns), 324
- AlmÁs = Gr. Adamas, 325
- Aloes (well appreciated in Eastern medicine), 100
- —— (the finest used for making Nadd), 150
- ’Amal = action, operation (applied to drugs etc.), 274
- ÁmÍn (Amen) = So it be!, 131
- AmmÁ laka au ’alayka = either to thee (the gain) or upon thee (the loss), 11
- Amr (Al) = command, matter, affair, 67
- Analphabetic Amirs, 126
- Angels (taking precedence in the order of created beings), 81
- Animals (have no fear of man), 181
- Ants (a destructive power in tropic climates), 46
- AnyÁb (pl. of NÁb) = grinder teeth, 140
- A’rÁb = dwellers in the Desert, HamadÁn (town in Persian IrÁk), 212
- HamÍd (fem. HamÍdah) = praiseworthy, satisfactory, 76
- Hanzal = gourd, 165
- HarÁmÍ = one who lives on unlawful gains, 147
- Harf al-Jarr = particle governing the oblique case, mode of thrusting, tumbling, 272
- Hark, you shall see, 14
- HarÚn al-RashÍd (as a poet), 17
- —— (said to have prayed every day a hundred bows), 339
- HÁshimÍ = descendant of HÁshim, 24
- HattÍn (battle of), 19
- HÁwÍ = Serpent-charmer, 56
- HazÁr AfsÁneh (tales from the), 32
- Hind (Al-) al-AksÀ = Outer Hind or India, 116
- Honey (simile for the delights of the World), 64
- House (the Holy of Allah = Ka’abah), 178
- HulwÁn al-miftÁh = denier À Dieu, 212
- HuwaynÁ (Al-) = now drawing near and now moving away, 250
- IblÍs = Diabolos, 300
- Ibn HamdÚn (transmitter of poetry and history), 229
- Ibn ’Irs = weasel, 114
- IbrahÍm of Mosul, 304
- ’Irk = root, also sprig, twig, 251
- Ishk ’uzrÍ (in the sense of platonic love), 250
- Istahi = have some shame, 255
- IstitÁ’ah = ableness, 80
- —— (= freewill), 83
- JabÁbirah (pl. of JabbÁr = giants), 109
- —— (= conquerors), 323
- Jabal = mountain (for mountainous island), 315
- JÁh = high station, dignity, 174
- JahÁbizah (pl. of Jahbiz) = acute, intelligent, 62
- JalÁlikah = Gallicians, 156
- JanÁzir (for ZanÁjir) = chains, 309
- Jannat al-Khuld = the Eternal Garden, 214
- JawÁsÍs (pl. of JÁsÚs) = spies (for secret police), 13
- JilbÁb = gown, 290
- Junayd al-BaghdÁdÍ (Sufi ascetic), 21
- Kabasa = he shampoo’d, 213
- KÁdÚs (pl. KawÁdÍs) = pot of a water-wheel, 218
- Kaff Shurayk = a single “Bunn” q.v., 172
- KahramÁnah = duenna etc., 221
- Kahwah (Al-) = coffee-house, 256
- Kallim al-SultÁn (formula of summoning), 224
- Kamar al-ZamÁn = Moon of the Age, 247
- Kanz = enchanted treasure, 320
- KaptÁn = Captain, 139
- KÁrah = budget, large bag, 216
- Karkh (Al-), quarter of BaghdÁd, 313
- Kasab (Al-) = acquisitiveness, 80
- KasÍdahs (their conventionalism), 230
- Othello (even he does not kill Emilia), 300
- Paradise (of the Moslem not wholly sensual), 322
- Parent (ticklish on the Pundonor), 288
- Pay-chest (of a HammÁm-bath), 152
- Payne quoted, 22; 28; 79; 84; 86; 89; 171; 212; 224; 226; 227; 250; 251; 265; 268; 282; 290
- Pearls (resting on the sand-bank), 164
- People of His affection = those who deserve His love, 82
- Persians (delighting in practical jokes), 177
- Petrified folk, 318
- Pilgrimage quoted
- —— (i. 9), 50
- —— (i. 235), 51
- —— (iii. 66), 81
- —— (i. 20), 165
- —— (ii. 285–287), 175
- —— (iii. 224, 256), 178
- —— (i. 99), 262
- —— (ii. 48), 307
- —— (i. 314), 315
- Pilgrims (offcast of the = a broken down pilgrim left to die on the road), 290
- Poisons in the East, 101
- Policeman (called in, a severe punishment in the East), 137
- Poltroon (contrasted with a female tiger lamb), 224
- Potter (simile of the), 77
- Power (whoso has it and spareth for Allah’s reward he prepareth), 340
- Praying against (polite form of cursing), 293
- Presence (I am in thy = thy slave to slay or pardon), 124
- Price (without abatement = without abstracting a large bakhshish), 152
- —— (shall remain), 262
- Priest hidden within an image (may date from the days of Memnon), 324
- Prince (of a people is their servant), 99
- Prison (in the King’s Palace), 52
- Pun, 278; 287
- Question (expressing emphatic assertion), 182
- Rahan = pledge, 311
- Rank (thine is with me such as thou couldst wish = I esteem thee as thou deservest), 41
- —— (conferred by a Sovereign’s addressing a person with a title), 119
- RÁs al-Killaut = head of Killaut (a son of the sons of the Jinn), 8
- Ridding the sea of its rubbish, 169
- River (the, = Tigris-Euphrates), 313
- Robbing (to keep life and body together an acceptable plea), 137
- RÚh = spirit, breath of life, 67
- Ruh = be off!, 168
- Sa’Ádah = worldly prosperity and future happiness, 327
- Sabaka = he outraced, 111
- SabÍyah = young lady, 226
- Sabr = patience; aloes (pun on), 278
- SafÍnah = (Noah’s) Ark, 310
- SÁhil (Al-) = the coast (Phoenicia),
7@55587-h@55587-h-26.htm.html#Page_321" class="pginternal">321
- Womankind (seven ages of), 175
- Word (the creative “Kun”), 78
- YÁ abati = O dear father mine!, 88
- —— ahmak = O fool!, 271
- —— bunayyÍ = O dear my son!, 79
- —— fulÁn = O certain person!, 324
- —— fulÁnah = O certain person! (fem.), 270
- —— jÁhil = O ignorant!, 52
- —— maulÁya = O my lord!, 228
- YastaghÍbÚnÍ = they take advantage of my absence, 224
- Yathrib (old name of Al-Medinah), 177
- Yes, Yes and No, No trifles, 250
- ZaffÚ = they conducted her (in the sense of “they displayed her”), 245
- ZaurÁ (Al-) = the bow (name of BaghdÁd), 13
- Zaynab and Zayd (generic names for women and men), 250
- ZÍ’ah = village, hamlet, farm, 27
- Zirt = crepitus ventris, 291
- ZiyÁrah = visiting the Prophet (’s tomb), 178
- Zukhruf = glitter, tinsel, 86
- Zur ghibban tazid hubban = call rarely that friendship last fairly, 273