- A’amash (Al-) = one with watering eyes, 96
- Abd al-Ahad = slave of the One (God), 221
- Abd al-RahÍm = slave of the Compassionate, 211
- Abd al-SalÁm (Pr. N.) = slave of salvation, 211
- Abd al-Samad = slave of the Eternal, 221
- Abd al-Samad al-SamÚdi (for SamanhÚdi?), 87
- Abraham the friend = mediÆval “St. Abraham”, 270
- Abtan (Al-) = the most profound (see BÁtinÍ), 221
- Abu Karn = Father of the Horn (unicorn?), 21
- Abu Hosayn = Father of the Fortlet (fox), 211
- Abyssinians (hardly to be called blackamoors), 63
- Acquit me of responsibility (formula of dismissing a servant), 243
- Adam’s Peak (Ar. Jabal al-Ramun), 65
- Adites (first and second), 269
- AdnÁn (land of) = Arabia, 94
- AhwÁz (city and province of Khuzistan), 287
- Ahl al-Bait = the person of the house (euphemistically for wife), 199
- AjÍb (Pr. N.) = wonderful, 257
- Akh = brother (wide signification of the word), 243
- Albatross (supposed never to touch land), 33
- Alcinous (of the Arabian Odyssy), 65
- Allah (be praised whatso be our case), 3
- —— (“the Manifest Truth”), 93
- —— is omniscient, (formula used when telling an improbable tale), 210
- —— (the Opener), 216
- —— (it is He who gives by our means), 233
- —— (sight comprehendeth Him not), 283
- Almenichiaka, 124
- Almond-Apricot, 277
- Amalekites, 264; 265
- Amid (Amidah), town in Mesopotamia, 106
- Anbar (Ambar) = ambergris, 60
- Andalusian = Spanish (i.e. of Vandal-land), 101
- Angels (ride piebalds), 146
- Antar and the ChosroË, 285
- —— (contest with Khosrewan), 289
- Apodosis omitted, 203; 239
- Apes (isle of), 23
- —— (and their lustful propensities), 54
- —— (gathering fruits), 56
- Arab (style compared with Persian), 125
- Arar = Juniper, 95
- Aristomenes and his fox, 45
- ArÚbah (Al-) = Friday, 190
- Armenians (porters of Constantinople), 1
- Asaf bin Barkhiya (Solomon’s Wazir), 99
- AshÁb al-RÁy (epithet of the Hanaff school), 146
- Asoka’s wife and KunÁla, 127
- AshjÁr = door-posts or wooden bolts, 263
- JawÁb-club, 262
- Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, 127
- JÚdar (Classical Arab name), 213
- —— (and his brethren, version of a Gotha MS.), 257
- JÚdariyah (quarter of Cairo), 254
- Jum’ah = assembly (Friday), 120; 190
- Jumblat (for JÁn-pulÁd, Life o’ Steel, Pr. N.), 115
- Justice (poetical in the Nights), 255
- KabÁb (mutton or lamb grilled in small squares), 225
- KahramÁn (Persian hero), 257
- Kahtan (sons of), 260
- Kala (island), 47
- KalamdÁn = reed-box (ink-case), 167
- KÁnÚn = furnace, brazier, 5
- Kaum = razzia; tribe, 266
- KarawÁn = Charadrius oedicnemus, 1
- KarkadÁn, etc. = rhinoceros, 21
- Karkar (Carcer?), Sea of Al-, 101
- KarÚn (lake), 217
- KashmÍr people (have a bad name in Eastern tales), 156
- Kassar’ Allah Khayr-ak = Allah increase thy weal, 233
- KazdÍr = tin, 39
- Kasr = palace, one’s house, 240
- KawwÁs = archer, Janissary, 241
- KÁzi of the army (the great legal authority of a country), 131
- KhalÍyah = bee-hive; empty, 246
- KhÁwÍ (skin of), 66
- Khurj (Al-) = saddle-bag (las Alforjas), 224
- KhwÁjah (Howajee) = schoolmaster, man of letters, etc., 46
- KhwÁrazm = land of the Chorasmioi, 113
- Killed (once more = HibernicÈ kilt), 171
- KinÁ’ = veil, 192
- Kingfisher (Lucian’s), 49
- Kintar = a hundred weight (quintal), 94
- KitfÍr (ItfÍr) = Potiphar, 172
- KÍzan fukkÁ’a = jars for fukkÁ’a (a kind of beer), 88
- Koran quoted (xxiv. 39), 93
- —— (lii. 21), 95
- —— (ix. 51; xiv. 15), 108
- —— (xxxviii. 11), 115
- —— (iv. 81), 138
- —— (iv. 78; xli 28), 144
- —— (ix. 51), 191
- —— (iii. 17), 270
- —— (xiii. 3), 277
- —— (vi. 103), 282
- Kulayb (and his domain), 261
- Kuta’ah = a bit cut off, etc., 272
- La’an = curse, 178
- Laban = milk artificially soured, 201
- Laban-halÍb = fresh milk, ib.93
- Sarandib = Selan-dwÍpa (Ceylon), 64
- SÁsÁ bin Shays, 274
- Satan (his malice weak in comparison with that of women), 144
- Sea of Al-Karkar, 101
- Sea-stallion (myth of the), 9
- Serpent (breaks the bones of its devoured prey by winding round a tree or rock), 29
- —— (preserving from sickness), 66
- —— (in Ar. mostly feminine), 75
- Shakiriyah = Kshatriya caste, 10
- Shamardal (Al-) = the Tall One, 221
- Shams al-Daulah (imaginary king of Egypt), 241
- Shaykh al-Bahr = the Chief of the Sea (-coast), 51, 53
- Shaykh of the thieves (one of the worthies of a Moslem capital), 204
- Shays = Ab Seth, 283
- Shoe (Ar. MarkÚb, Na’al), 207
- Shrouds (carried by the pilgrims to Meccah), 61
- Sight comprehendeth Him not, etc., 282
- Signs of Allah = Koranic versets, 144
- Simoon (Ar. SamÚm = poisonous wind), 88
- SindbÁd (not to be confounded with the eponym of the SindibÁd-nÁmah), 4
- SindibÁd the Sage, 124
- SindibÁd-nÁmah (Persian romance), 122
- Sindibad-nÁmah (quoted), 129; 132; 134; 139; 143; 145; 150; 152; 169; 180; 183; 188; 202
- SÍrah (small fish, fry, sprat), 216
- SiyÁghosh, see Tufah.
- Sold to thee for monies received (formula of Moslem sales), 73
- Solomon (his food-tray), 80
- —— (his seal-ring), 84
- —— (the Apostle of Allah), 99
- —— (his WazÍr Asaf), ib.
- —— (his trick upon BilkÍs), 113
- Spears and javelins, 263
- Stallion (I am not one to be struck on the nose), 262
- Steel (Ar. BulÁd), 115
- Stirrup (walking by the), 234
- Stones (precious, and their mines), 18
- —— (removed from the path by the pious), 190
- Suez (Ar. Al-Suways), 80
- Suways (Al-) = Suez, ib.
- Swimming (studied in Baghdad), 134
- Sword (the enchanted), 230
- Tadmurah (founds Tadmur or Palmyra), 116
- Talking birds (watching over wives), 132
- Tanjah = Tangiers, 106