57-h-85.htm.html#Page_324" class="pginternal">324 Genealogy (Arab, begins with Adnan), 100 GhatrafÁn (Pr. N. = proud, petulant), 361 Ghaut = SarÍdah, q.v., 223 Ghazanfar ibn KamkhÍl = Lion, son of (?), 363 GhilmÁn (counterpart of the Houris), 64 Ghimd (Ghamad) = scabbard, 158 Ghoonj (Ghunj) = art of moving in coition, 80 Ghusl = complete ablution, 199 Girl (of nine plus five = in her prime), 192 Greetings before the world, 34 Habash = Abyssinia and something more, 395 HabbazÁ! = good this!, 52 HÁdi (Al-), Caliph, 93 HadÍs = saying of the Apostle, tradition, 201 Hajar Jahannam = hell-stone, lava, basalt, 378 Hajj = pilgrimage, 202 HÁkim (Al-) bi-Amri llah (Caliph, not to be confounded with the Fatimite), 86 Hakk (Al-) = the Truth (Allah), 284 Halabi Shelebi = the Aleppine is a fellow fine, 64 HamÁil = baldrick, 158 HamÁm = wood-pigeon, 49 —— (al-Ayk) = “culver of the copse”, ib. HammÁm (hired for private parties), 63 Handfuls (the two), 207 Hands (their feel guides the physician), 220 Hands (how held in reciting the FÁtihah), 80 —— (bitten in repentance), 191 HanÚt = tavern, booth, etc., 142 Hanzal = coloquintida, 19 HarÍri (Al-) = the silk-man (poet), 158 HarjÁh = (a man of) any place?, 27 HÁsib KarÍm al-DÍn (Pr. N.), 298 HÁshimÍ cubit = 18 inches, 371 “Haunted” = inhabited by Jinns, 175 HawwÁ = Eve, 139 Haykal = temple, chapel, 192 HazÁr = (the bird of) a thousand (songs), 48 Hazramaut (the Biblical Hazarmaveth), 136 Heart (from a, full of wrath = in spite of himself), 68 HindÍ = Indian Moslem opposed to HindÚ, 1 HindibÁ = Endive, 226 HÍrah (Christian city in Mesopotamia), 124 Hirakl (monastery of), 138 HishÁm ibn Orwah (traditionist), 81 Hizb = section of the Koran, 217 Honayn (scene of one of Mohammed’s battles), 66 Honey (bees’, as distinguished from cane honey), 300 “Honey-moon” (lasts a week), 62 Horses (Arab breeds), 246 Hosh = mean courts at Cairo, 170 Hour (of Judgment), 235145 Kutb = axle, pole; hence prince, doyen in sainthood, 384 La’al = ruby, 342 La’an = curse, 250 Labbay’ka = here I am (pronounced on sighting Meccah), 203 Lactation (term of), 299 —— (no cohabitation during), ib. LÁmi (Al-) = the l-shaped, forked (os hyoÏdes), 219 Lane quoted, 32; 33; 37; 44; 45; 64; 104; 112; 120; 121; 145; 189; 201; 286; 298 Lauh = tablet used as slate, 73 —— al-MahfÚz = the Preserved Tablet (of Allah’s decrees), 322 Lau lÁ-ka = but for thee, for thy sake, 306 Leprosy (white = bahak or baras, black = juzÁm), 294 LÍf = fibre of palm-fronds, 45 Lion (beguiled by flattery), 40 Liver and spleen (held to be congealed blood), 220 Lord for Lady = she, 60 —— (of the East and West), 228 Lote-tree (beyond which there is no passing), 393 Lots = games of chance, 223 Love (strange chances of), 71 —— (deaths from), 134 —— (made public, disgraces), 151 Lovers (buried together), 71 —— (model ones, becoming an ordinary married couple), 92 LÚti (of the people of Lot = Sodomite), 161 Lynch-law (the modern form of Jus talionis), 103 Ma’abid (singer and composer), 147 Mafa’Úl = patient, passive (Catamite), 156 Magic Horse (history of the fable), 2 MajzÚb = drawn, attracted (Sufi term for an ecstatic), 57 MÁlik (traditionist), 81 —— al-KhuzÁ’i (intendant of the palace), 95 MÁlik bin DÍnÁr (theologian), 261 MalikhulÍya (Al-) = melancholy, 221 Man (advantages of, above woman), 155 —— (one’s evidence = two women’s), ib. —— (one’s portion = two women’s), ib. —— (created of congealed blood), 213 ManÁf (idol), 129 ManÁzil (Stations of the Moon), 228 Marwah (ground-wave in Meccah), 203 MatÁf = place of the TawÁf, q.v., 203 Matting (of Sind famous), 146 Maysar = game of arrows, 223 Medicine (rules and verses bearing on domestic), 222 Metempsychosis and sharpers’ tricks, 84 MihrgÁ
ass="pginternal">66 UkhnÚkh = Enoch (IdrÍs?), 210 Umm AmrÍ (mother of Amr’) and the ass, 118 ‘Umrah = lesser Pilgrimage, 205 Uns al WujÚd (Pr. N. = Delight of existing things), 33 Urwah = handle, button-hole, 227 Usury (RibÁ), 201 —— (verset of), 215 UsÚs = os sacrum, 219 ‘Utbi (Al-), poet, 133 Versets (number of the Koranic), 110 Virgil (a magician), 44 Visits in dreamland, 47 ViswakarmÁ = anti-creator, 320 WÁdy al-Naml = Valley of the Emmets, 337 WÁdy ZahrÁn = Valley Flowery, 360 Walad = son (more ceremonious than “ibn”), 386 Wali = saint, Santon, 112 WÁ RahmatÁ-hu = Alas, the pity of it, 42 Ward (Al-) fÍ’l-AkmÁm (Pr. N. = Rose in Hood), 32 Water (had no taste in his mouth), 39 —— (carrier, SakkÁ), 89 WatwÁt = Bat, 226 Wayha = Alas!, 258 Where is—and where? = what a difference is there between, etc., 65 Whistling, (held to be the devil’s speech), 333 Wine (its prohibition not held absolute), 224 Wird = the twenty-five last chapters of the Koran, 185 Witnesses (one man = two women), 155 Women (sleep naked in hot weather), 8 —— (making the first advances), 34 —— (and secrets), 35; 83 —— (wives of eunuchs), 46 —— (visiting their lovers in a dream), 47 —— (thought to be Jinn or GhÚl), 51 —— (called ZaurÁ, the crooked), 66 —— (allowed to absent themselves from the house of father or husband), 96 Women (instructed in “motitations”), 80 —— (apt for two tricks), 161 —— (old, polite equivalents for), 163 —— (in their prime at fourteen to fifteen), 192 —— (inferior to man), 155 —— (unveiling to a man, if not slaves, insult him), 194 WuzÚ (Koranic order for), 198 —— (angels and devils at the side of a man who prepares for it), ib. YÁ ‘AjÚz = O old woman (now insulting), 163 YÁjÚj and MÁjÚj, 318 YÁ KawwÁd = O pÍmp, 129 YÁ KisrawÍ = O subject of the KisrÁ, 26 YÁkÚt = Ruby, garnet, etc., 342 YÁ SÁki’ al-Dakan = O frosty-beard