- 'Abd = servile, 44
- Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (Caliph), 319
- Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr, 318
- AbÚ Kurrat = father of coolness (Chameleon), 165
- Abu 'l-Hasan (not Husn), 162
- Abu 'l-Hosayn (father of the Fortlet) = fox, 132
- AbÚ SirhÁn = father of (going out to pray by) morning, 146
- 'Ad (pre-historic Arab tribe), 294
- Adultery (son of, to one's own child), 219
- Akh al-JahÁlah = brother of ignorance, 162
- Al (the article with Proper Names), 309
- Alak = clotted blood, 26
- Ali (murder of), 319
- Alif (stature like), 236
- Allah (give thee profit), 17
- —— (unto, we are returning), 317
- Allusions (far-fetched, fanciful and obscure), 58, 169, 176, 263
- Alpinism (unknown), 324
- Amor discende non ascende, 240
- Amsa = he passed the evening, etc., 239
- AmtÁr, pl. of Matr, q.v., 295
- Andam = Brazil-wood, dragon's blood, 263
- Angels (appearing to Sodomites), 301
- Ape-names (expressing auspiciousness), 159
- Arab (pathos), 55
- —— (the noble merciful), 88
- —— (shop), 163
- ArÁk = (tooth-stick of the) wild caper-tree; ArÁ-ka = I see thee, 275
- Ar'ar = Juniper-tree, "heath," 254
- ArdhanÁrÍ = the half-woman, 306
- Army (divided into six divisions), 290
- As'ad = more (or most) fortunate, 346
- AsÁfÍrÍ = sparrow-olives, 295
- Ass (goad), 116
- —— (voice "most ungrateful"), 117
- —— (the wild, "handy" with his hoof), 235
- AyÁt = signs, Koranic verses, 307
- Ayshat al-durrah murrah = the sister-wife has a bitter life, 308
- AwwÁ (name of Satan's wife), 229
- BÁbÚnaj = white camomile, 58
- Bachelor not admitted in Arab quarters, 191
- Back-parts compared to revolving heavens, 18
- Badawi (cannot swim), 69
- —— (baser sort), 70
- —— (shifting camp in spring), ib.
- —— (noble), 88
- Baghdad = Garden of Justice, 100
- Bahadur = the brave, 334
- Bahram (varanes) = planet Mars, 339
- Bakhshish naturalized as Anglo-Egyptian, 45
- Bakk = bug, HÁwÍ = juggler playing tricks with snakes, 145
- Hawk, see BÁshik, Bazi, 61, 138
- HayÁt al-NufÚs = Life of Souls, 283
- HÁzir and BÁdi = townsman and nomad, 234
- Head (must always be kept covered), 275
- Headsman delaying execution, 42
- Hemistichs divided, 166
- Hermaphrodites (Khunsa), 306
- Heroine of Eastern Romance eats well, 168
- Hijl = partridge, 138
- "Him" for "her", 78
- Hinges (of ancient doors), 41
- Hips, leanness of, "anti-pathetic" to Easterns, 226
- Hoof (of the wild ass), 235
- Horripilation = gooseflesh, 2
- Horse (names of the), 72
- —— stealing honourable, 73
- Host (enters first as safe-guard against guet-apens), 208
- Houris, 233
- Hudhud = hoopoe, 128
- HÚr, see Houris, 233
- Hurr = free, noble, independent opp. to 'Abd = servile, 44
- Iblis = the Despairer, 223
- Ibn Abdun al-AndalÚsi (poet), 319
- Ibn Muljam (murderer of the Caliph Ali), 319
- Ibn SÍnÁ = Avicenna, 34
- Ichneumon (mongoose), 147
- Iddat = months of a woman's enforced celibacy after divorce, 292
- IkhlÁs (Al-) = chapter of unity, 307
- IkhwÁn al-SafÁ = Brethren of Purity, 150
- IlÀh al-Arsh = the God of the Empyrean, 106
- Ill is thy abiding place, 137
- Insane (treatment of the), 256
- Iron padlock (instead of the usual wooden bolt), 198
- Irony, 291
- Isengrin (wolf), 146
- Ismid = stibium (eye-powder), 307
- JallÁb = slave-dealer, 340
- Jamal (Gamal) = camel, q.v., 110
- JamÍz (Jammayz) = sycamore-fig, 302
- Jannat al-Na'Ím = Garden of Delight, 19
- Jeweller (in Eastern tales generally a rascal), 186
- JihÁd = fighting for the faith, 39
- Jinnis (names of), 225
- Joining prayers, 174
- Kahlil = whose eyes are kohl'd by nature, 346
- KahlÁ = nature-kohl'd, 232
- KÁma-ShÁstra (Ars Amoris Indica), 93
- Kamar al-ZamÁn (Camaralzaman = Moon of the Age), 213
- KamarÁni = the two moons for sun and moon, 300
- KÁmat Alfiyyah = a shape like the letter Alif, 2
@52564@52564-h@52564-h-19.htm.html#Page_172" class="pginternal">172, 193, YÁ AbÚ Sumrah = O father of brownness, 40
- YÁ fulÁn = O certain person, 191
- YÁ SÁtir, YÁ SattÁr = O veiler (of sins), 41
- YÁ TaljÍ = O snowy one, 40
- Yaum al-tanÁdÍ = Resurrection Day, 74
- ZabbÁl = dung-drawer, etc., 51
- Zakar (penis) = that which betokens masculinity, 3
- ZamiyÁd = guardian angel of Bihisht, see RizwÁn, 20, 233
- Zanab SirhÁn (wolf's tail) = early dawn, 146
- Zarrat (vulg. Durrah) = co-wife, sister-wife, 308
- Zebra (daughter of Sa'adah), 65
- Zibl = dung, 51
- Zibl KhÁn = Le Roi Crotte, 99