5-h@51775-h-12.htm.html#Page_168" class="pginternal">168 Fitnah=seduction, charmer, 76 Fits of religious enthusiasm, 132 Flatterers (the worst of foes), 11 Flowers of speech, 88 Folk follow their King's faith, 157 Fountain-bowl, ornamented with mosaic, etc., 310 "Fundamentals (UsÚl) remembered"=the business is not forgotten, 15 Funerals (meritorious to accompany), 46 Furaydun (see Afridun), 82 Gardeners touchy on the point of mated visitors, 22 Generosity an Arab's ideal because the reverse of his nature, 36 GhÁbah=thicket, 85 GhashÍm="Johnny Raw", 330 GhaylÚlah=slumbering in the morning, 178 GhazÁ (Artemesia, a desert shrub), 24 Ghazban (N. P.)=an angry, violent man, 125 GhÁzi=fighter for the faith, 240 Ghazwah=raid, foray, razzia, 217 Ghussah=calamity which chokes, wrath, 147 Glance compared with a YamÁni sword, 127 Grandfather's name given familiarly, 15 Gospel of Infancy, 228 HadÍd=iron, 316 Hafsah (Caliph Omar's daughter and wife of Mohammed), 165 Hafsites (Dynasty in Mauritania), ib. Hajj al-Akbar and Hajj al-Asghar, 169 HÁjib=groom, chamberlain, 304 Halfah-grass (Poa), 18 HalwÁ=sweetmeats, 47, 212 Hamah=Hightown, 178 Hanbal (see Ahmad bin Hanbal), 204 Hanien=pleasant to thee! after drinking, 5 HanÍfah (see Abu HanÍfah), 207 Hard of heart and soft of sides, 5 Harf=letter, syllable, 307 Hasan al-BasrÍ (theologian), 165 HÁshimi vein, 19 HÁtim al-Asamm (the Deaf), 207 HawÁ al-'UzrÍ=platonic love, 304 "He" for "She" out of delicacy, 179 Head-kerchief (deshabille), 328 HibÁ=cords, garters, 236 HijÁz (al)=Moslem Holy Land, 306 Himalayan brothers, 211, 260 Hips (their volume admired), 285 HishÁm bin Abd al-Malik (Caliph), 170 Holiness supposed to act as talisman, 251 Honour amongst thieves, 159 Horses not taught to leap, 89 Hospitals hated, 70 Hubb al-Watan=patriotism, 183 Hunger (burns), 144 Hungry judges "hanging judges", MarhÚm (f. MarhÚmah)=late lamented, 129, 196 MarjÁnah=coral branch (P.N.), 100 Marriage-sheet inspected, 50 Martyrs (still alive), 242 Maskharah=buffoon, 143 Maslamah bin Abd al-Malik, 167 MatmÚrah=underground cell, 39 MayzÚn (Badawi wife of Caliph Mu'Áwiyah), 160 Mitrahinna (Minat-ro-hinnu)=port at mouth of canal, 237 Mohammed (best of the first and last), 11 —— (MustafÁ), 40 —— (Periclytus and Paracletus), 226 —— His letter to the Mukaukis, 79 —— abhors the shaveling, 248 —— (Bearer of glad and bad tidings), 257 —— (Congratulator and Commiserator), 260 —— (Best of mankind), 263 Money weighed when old and worn, 145 Monkery abhorred by Mohammed, 248 Moon (blighting effect of its rays), 4 —— masculine in Semitic, 45 Mooring-pole customary in Tigris-Euphrates land, 20 Moses (derivation of the name), 205 —— and Jethro, ib. —— and the next world, 206 —— and Al-Khizr, 263 Moslems, model Conservatives, 13 —— external, 29 —— peasants kind-hearted, 69 —— familiarity between high and low, 32 Mosques serving as lodgings for poor travellers, 69 Mother's milk=nature, 44 Mu'Áwiyah (Caliph), 160; 161 Muazzin (who calls to prayer), 306 Mu'ujizah=miracle of a prophet, 237 MÚsÁ=Moses, 205 Musakhkham (Al-)=the defiled Cross, 220 Musk (scent of heaven), 300 MuzanÍ (Al-), 208 Mu'ayyad (Sultan and calligrapher), 32 MustafÁ (the chosen)=Mohammed, 40 NahÁs ahmar=copper, 327 Na'Íman=may it benefit thee! after bathing, etc., 5 NÁjiyah=Salvadora, 145 NajrÁn (in Syria), 232 NakfÚr=Nicephorus, 77 Nakh=make a camel kneel down by the cry Ikh! Ikh!, 139 Nakl-i-safar (move preliminary to a journey), 84 Naming of a child, 174 NÁr (fire), 163 Narcissus (with negro eyes=yellowish white), 24 NawÁ=date-stone; NawÁyah=severance, 198 ZukÁk al-NakÍb=Syndic street, 325 ZunnÁr=????, confounded with the "Janeo", 215