091@55091-h@55091-h-11.htm.html#Page_162" class="pginternal">162 Frame (crescent-like by reason of leanness), 300 Friend (feminine, does not hesitate to prescribe a fib), 37 Front-teeth wide apart (a beauty amongst the Egyptians, not the Arabs), 147 Funduk = Fondaco, 184 Funeral oration on an Arabian Achilles (after Hariri), 348 Full (Fill) = Arabian jessamine, 273 “Gallery” (Speaking to the), 128 Ghadr = cheating, 217 GhÁliyah (Al-) = older English “Algallia”, 220 GharÁmah = avanie, 151 GhayÚr = jealous (applied to Time), 67 GhÁzÍ = one who fights for the faith (Zealot), 211 GhurÁb = galleon (grab), 323 Gloria (in, Italian term for the venereal finish), 329 Gold-pieces (stuck on the cheeks of singing-girls, etc.), 275 Green gown (Anglo-India = white ball-dress with blades of grass behind), 32 Groom (falling in love with), 345 “Guebre” (introduced by Lord Byron), 8 Gull-fairs, 90 Habitations (names given to them by the Arabs), 229 Habl = cord; cause, 100 HÁfiz quoted, 120 Hakk = right (HakkÍ = mine), 335 HalÁwat al-SalÁmah = sweetmeat for the returning of a friend, 325 Haling by the hair (reminiscence of “marriage by capture”), 40 Hamzah (uncle of the Prophet), 172 HanabÁt = “hanap”, 202 Hand (cut off in penalty for theft), 164 —— (cut off for striking a father), 287 HÁrÚn al-RashÍd (described by Al-SiyÚti), 160 HashÍsh (said to him = his mind, under its influence, suggested to him), 155 HÁsil, HÁsilah = cell in a Khan for storing goods, 184; 196 HassÚn (diminutive of Hasan), 81 Haudaj (Hind. Howda) = camel-litter for women, 235 HÁwiyah (name of a Hell), 346 Hazrat = our mediÆval “prÆsentia vostra”, 254 “Hearer” not “Reader” addressed, 316 Heavens (names of the seven), 111 Hells (names of the seven and intended inhabitants), ib. Heroism of a doubtful character, 27 Hesperides (apples of, probably golden nuggets), 272 HimÀ = guarded side, demesne, 102; 225 “His” for “her”, 50 HizÁm = girdle, 160 “Holy Writ” punned upon, 348 “House of Sadness”, 64 Housewife (looks to the main chance), 144 HubÚb (Pr. N.) = awaking, blowing hard, 180 Marriage (“by capture”), 40 —— (one of the institutions of the Apostles), 137 Married never once (emphasizes poverty), 145 Marseille (probably alluded to), 315 Maryam (a Christian name), 306 MasÚkah = stick used for driving cattle, 147 Maryam al-Husn = place of the white doe (RÍm) of beauty, 321 MawwÁl (for MawÁlÍyah) = short poem, 94; 151 Menses (coition during and leprosy), 24 Mikhaddah = cheek-pillow, 273 Mine (idioms for expressing it), 335 Minshafah (pl. ManÁshif) = drying towel, 92 Moharram = first month of the Moslem year, 71 Mohtasib = Inspector of weights and measures, 293 Money (carried round the waist), 288 —— (weighed = paid down), 290 Monkery (none in Al-IslÁm), 137 Monoculars (famed for mischief), 318 Moons (for cup-bearers), 227 Mortal (one better in Allah’s sight than a thousand Jinn), 5; 44 Moslem (dignity contrasting with Christian abasement), 5; 44 —— (can circumcise, marry and bury himself), 22 Moslems (their number preordained), 154 Mother (in Arab. tales = ma mÈre), 27 MuÁkhÁt = entering in a formal agreement of partnership, 232 Mu’allim = teacher, master (addressing a Jew or Christian), 150 Muhabbat (Al-) al-gharizÍyah = natural affection, 110 Munkati’ = cut off, 24 MusÁhikah = Tribade, 130 Mushayyad = lofty, high-built, 23 Mystification explained by extraordinary likeness, 40 NabbÚt = quarterstaff, 186 Nafs AmmÁrah = the Flesh, 31 —— al-NÁtikah = intellectual soul, ib. —— al-Ghazabiyah = animal function, ib. —— al-Shahwaniyah = vegetative property, ib. Najm al-SabÁh (Pr. N.) = Star o’ Morn, 107 NÁkhÚzah Zulayt = Skipper Rapscallion, 175 NÁr = fire (fem. like the names of the other elements), 16 Narjis = Narcissus (name of a slave girl), 176 NasÍm = Zephyr (emendation for NadÍm = cup-bearer), 62 Navel (largeness of much appreciated), 33 NawÁtÍyah = crew (nauta, navita), 17 NafÍsah (Pr. N.) = The Precious one, 328 Najm al-Munkazzi = shooting star, 329 Nakat = to spot; to handsel, 266 NÁkÚs = wooden gong, 328 Nau (pl. AnwÁ) setting of one star simultaneous with another’s rising, Transcriber's Note:The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. |