href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@51252@51252-h@51252-h-10.htm.html#Page_83" class="pginternal">83 GhilmÁn=WuldÁn, the beautiful youths of Paradise, 211 GhÚtah=thickly grown lowland, 115 GhÚlah=ogress, 55 Going straight to the point preferred to filer le parfait amour, 268 Gold makes bold, 340 Ground-floor usually let for shops, 319 Habb=grain of the heart, 250 HabbÁniyah=grain-seller's quarter, 269 HabÍb, euphemism for lover, 223 HayhÁt, onomatopoetic=heigh-ho!, 76 Hair should be allowed all to grow or be shaven off, 308 Hair-dyes all vegetable matter, 326 Halab=Aleppo, 292 Hammam, going to the=convalescence, 288 ——, showing that a woman's monthly ailment is over, 286 HarÍm=Harem, used for the inmates, wife, etc., 165 HarÍsah, a favourite dish, 131 Hasanta ya Hasan=bene detto, Benedetto!, 251 HashÍsh, intoxicant prepared of hemp, 225 Haste ye to salvation, part of the AzÁn, 224 HÁtif=mysterious voice, 142 Hauk! Hauk!=heehaw!, 221 Head in the poke=into the noose, 179 High-bosomed damsel a favourite with Arab tale-tellers, 84 Hog, popular term of abuse, 188 Horoscopes, etc., 213 Horseplay frequently ending in bastinado, 325 House of Peace=Baghdad, 139 Houses of Lamentation in Moslem burial-grounds, 94 Humming not a favourite practice with Moslems, 311 Hunchback looked upon with fear and aversion, 258 HÚr al-Ayn=with eyes of lively white and black, 90 Hurr=gentleman, 254 Hurry is from Hell, 264 Iblis=Despairer, 13 Ibn HarÁm=son of adultery, abuse not necessarily reflecting on the parent, 231 Ibrat=needle-graver and Ibrat=warning, a favourite jingle, 104 IbrÍk=ewer, and Tisht=basin, used for washing the hands, 241 Id al-KabÍr=the Great Festival, 28 IfrÍt, divided into two races like mankind, 11 Ifritah=she-Ifrit, 34 IhdÁk=encompassing, as the white encloses the black of the eye, 49 IhtizÁz=shaking with delight, 50 IklÍl=diadem, now obsolete, 270 IklÍm=the seven climates of Ptolemy, 233 Ilm al-RuhÁni=Spiritualism, 305 Improvising still common amongst the Badawin, 39 Incest lawful amongst ancient peoples, 110 Inheritance, law of, settled by the Koran, 174 InshÁd=
tml@files@51252@51252-h@51252-h-24.htm.html#Page_266" class="pginternal">266 Money carried in the corner of a handkerchief, 271 Monoculars unlucky to meet, 333 Mosul stuff=muslin, 229 Mounds=rubbish heaps outlying Eastern cities, 71 Mouth compared to the ring of Sulayman, 84 Mu'arras=pimp, 338 MuhÁfiz=district-governor, 259 Muhakkak="Court-hand", 129 Muhammarah=fricandoed, 286 MujtabÁ=the Accepted, 77 Munakkishah=woman who applies the dye to a face, 270 MurtazÁ=the Elect, 77 Mustapha=the Chosen, ib. Mutawalli=Prefect of Police, 259 Muzayyin=Figaro of the East, 304 NabÚt=quarter-staff, 234 Nadd, a compound perfume, 310 NaddÁbah=mourning woman, 311 NadÍm=cup-companion, 46 Nafas=breath, 107 Nafs=soul, life, ib. NahÁs asfar=brass, 40 NahÁs (ahmar)=copper, ib. Nahnu mÁlihÍn=we are on term of salt, 344 Nahs=nasty, 301 Naihah=keener, hired mourner, 311 Nakedness paraphrased, 327 NakÍb a caravan-leader, chief, syndic, 269 Name of Allah introduced into an indecent tale essentially Egyptian, 12 Narjis=Narcissus, 294 Naskh=copying hand, 128 NasrÁni=follower of Him of Nazareth, 258 Nat'a=leather used by way of table-cloth, 20 Nata' al-dam=the leather of blood, 318 Navel as to beauty and health, 84 Nearness of seat a mark of honour, 250 Negroes preferred by debauched women, 6 New-moon beginning RamazÁn carefully looked for, 84 Nile-water sweet and light, 290 Nineteen the age of an oldish old maid in Egypt, 212 Noisy merriment scandalous to Moslem "respectability", 95 Nothing for nothing a sexual point d'honneur, 87 Oath a serious thing amongst Moslems, 179 Oman=Eastern Arabia, 83 Oriental orgie different from European, 93 Pander-dodge to get more money, 302 Panel-dodge fatally common, 323 Paris Jockey-club scene anticipated, 327 Parody on the testification of Allah's Unity, 177 Parrot-story a world-wide folk-lore, 52 Passengers in difficulties take command, 140 Pearl, supposed to lose one per cent. per ann. of its splendour, 165 Peshdadians, race of Persian Kings, |