- All obvious punctuation errors have been corrected.
- Hyphenation has been normalised.
- Pg 22. The word ‘wanderdering’ was changed to ‘wandering.’
- Pg 36. The extra ‘the’ was removed from the following sentence, “It has the the nightingale's habit of singing in the twilight, as indeed have all our thrushes.”
- Pg 56. The word ‘intruder’ was changed to ‘intruders.’
- Pg 65. The word ‘for’ was changed to ‘far’ in the following sentence, “He has a for rarer song, which he reserves for some nymph whom he meets in the air.”
- Pg 76. The word ‘righful’ was changed to ‘rightful.’
- Pg 76. The second occurence of the word ‘when’ was removed from the following sentence, “Scarcely have the trees expanded their buds, when, in the still April mornings, or toward nightfall, when you hear the hum of his devoted wings.”
- Pg 91. The sentence, “In the woods are sounds and voices, and a dumb kind of companionship; one is little more than a walking tree himself; but come upon these one of mountain-lakes, and the wildness stands relieved and meets you face to face”, has been changed to “In the woods are sounds and voices, and a dumb kind of companionship; one is little more than a walking tree himself; but come upon one of these mountain-lakes, and the wildness stands relieved and meets you face to face”.
- Pg 104. The word ‘docdor’ was changed to ‘doctor.’
- Pg 108. The words ‘over night’ were changed to ‘over-night.’
- Pg 120. The word ‘cannnot’ was changed to ‘cannot.’
- Pg 126. The word ‘linging’ was changed to ‘lining.’
- Pg 128. A comma has been added to the sentence, “Among the five, the nest that interested me most was that of the blue grossbeak.”
- Pg 173. The word ‘duke’ was changed to ‘duck.’
- Pg 184. The word ‘nighfall’ was changed to ‘nightfall.’
- Pg 192. One occurrence of the word ‘the’ was removed from the following sentence, “After looking in vain for the line of marked trees, we moved off to the the left in a doubtful, hesitating manner, keeping on the highest ground and blazing the trees as we went.”
- Pg 251. The word ‘parti-webbed’ was retained as it may have been a word intentionally invented by the author.