- Blackbird, cow. See Cowbird.
- Bluebird, arrival in spring, 1;
- nest-building, 1, 2;
- young and cicada, 2, 3;
- a bewildered pair, 3-7;
- love and rivalry, 7-12;
- war with house wrens, 47-52.
- Bluebird, The, poem, 13.
- Bobolink, courtship, 77, 78;
- concealment of nest, 78-81.
- Bobolink, The, poem, 82.
- Bob-white. See Quail.
- Butcher-bird. See Shrike, northern.
- Catbird, song of, 72, 73;
- and black snake, 73-76;
- a coquette, 83.
- Cedar-bird, nest-building, 122, 123;
- Chewink, markings of, 39;
- Thomas Jefferson writes to Alexander Wilson about, 39-41;
- inhospitality of, 83.
- Chickadee, nesting of, 157-160.
- Chippy. See Sparrow, chipping.
- Coming of Phoebe, The, poem, 31.
- Cowbird, notes of, 33;
- parasitic habits of, 33-35.
- Crow, character of, 138, 139;
- Crow, The, poem, 144.
- Downy Woodpecker, The, poem, 169.
- Flicker, call of, 21;
- courtship, 22, 25, 26;
- not satisfied with being a woodpecker, 22, 23;
- excavating a nest, 23;
- young, 23-25;
- drumming, 26, 27.
- Hawk, marsh, habits of, 106;
- Hawk, red-shouldered. See