THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY James Watt and the Steam-Engine If you had visited the coal-mines of England and Scotland three hundred years ago, you might have seen women bending under baskets of coal toiling up spiral stairways leading from the depths of the mines. At some of the mines horses were used. A combination of windlass and pulleys made it possible for a horse to lift a heavy bucket of coal. There came a time, however, when slow and crude methods such as these could not supply the coal as fast as it was needed. The shallower mines were being exhausted. The mines must be dug deeper. The demand for coal was increasing. The supply of coal, it was thought, would not last until the end of the century. The wood supply was already exhausted. It seemed that England was facing a fuel famine. There was only one way out of the difficulty. A machine must be invented that would do the work of the women and horses, a machine strong enough to raise coal with speed from the deepest mines. Then it happened that two great inventors, Newcomen and Watt, arose to produce the machine that was needed. When the world needs an invention In the mean time Torricelli had performed his famous barometer experiment, and Otto von Guericke had astonished princes with proofs of the pressure of the air. There was no apparent connection between these experiments and the art of coal-mining, yet these discoveries made possible the steam-engine which was to revolutionize first the coal-mining industry and, later, the entire industrial world. The First Steam-Engine with a Piston The first steam-engine with a piston was made by Denys Papin, a Frenchman. Papin had observed that, in Guericke's experiment, air-pressure lifted several men off their feet. So he thought the air could be made to lift heavy weights and do useful work. But how should he produce the vacuum? His first thought was to explode gunpowder beneath the piston. The gunpowder engine had been tried by others and found wanting. He next turned his attention to steam, and discovered that if the piston were forced up by steam and then the steam condensed, a vacuum was formed beneath the piston, and air-pressure forced the piston to descend. If the piston were attached to a weight by a rope passing over a pulley, then, as the piston descended, it would lift the weight. Papin's engine consisted simply of a cylinder and piston (Fig. 12). There was no boiler, but the water was placed in the cylinder beneath the piston. A fire was placed under the cylinder and, as The first steam-engine with a piston. When the piston B was forced down by air-pressure, a weight was lifted by means of a rope TT passing over pulleys. The principle of Papin's engine was first successfully applied by Thomas Newcomen. Newcomen was a blacksmith by trade, and his great successor, Watt, was a mechanic. Thus we see that great discoveries soon become common property. The blacksmith and the mechanic soon learn to use the discoveries of the scientist. Newcomen's Engine In the Newcomen engine the piston moved a walking-beam to which was attached a pump-rod. Steam was used merely to balance the air-pressure on the piston and allow the pump-rod to descend by its own weight. The steam was condensed At first the steam was condensed by throwing cold water on the outside of the cylinder. But one day the engine suddenly increased its speed and continued to work with unusual rapidity. The upper side of the piston was covered with water to make the piston air-tight, and it was found that this water was entering the cylinder through a hole that had worn in the piston, and this jet of cold water was rapidly condensing the steam. This was the origin of "jet condensation." After this steam and water were alternately admitted to the cylinder through cocks turned by hand. A boy, Humphrey Potter, to whom this work was intrusted, won fame by tying strings to the cocks in such a way that the engine would turn the cocks itself and the boy, Humphrey, was free to play. This device was the origin of valve-gear. Newcomen's engine was extensively used. The tin and copper mines of Cornwall were deepened. Coal-mines were sunk to twice the depth that had been possible. But as Watt had learned the mechanic's trade in one year in a London shop, and, because he had not passed through an apprenticeship of seven years, the Guild of Hammermen, a labor-union of his time, refused him admission, and this refusal meant no employment. He found shelter, however, in the University of Glasgow, and was there provided with a small workshop where he could make instruments for sale. Watt's Engine A small Newcomen engine belonging to the University of Glasgow was out of repair. London mechanics had failed to make it work. The job was given to Watt. That he might do a perfect piece of work on this engine, he made a study of all that was then known relating to steam (Fig. 13). Preserved in the University of Glasgow. He saw that there was a great loss of heat in admitting cold water into the cylinder to condense the steam, and that, to prevent this loss, the cylinder must be kept always as hot as the steam that enters it. While thinking upon this problem the idea came to him that, if connection were made between the cylinder and a tank from which the air We have seen that, in the Newcomen engine, the steam acted only on the under side of the piston, air acting on the upper side. It occurred to Watt that the steam should act on both sides of the piston. So he proposed to put an air-tight cover on the cylinder with a hole and stuffing-box for the piston to slide through and to admit steam to act upon it instead of air. Thus he was led to invent the double-acting engine. The action in the cylinder of Watt's engine was the same as that of the modern engine. To save the power of steam, Watt arranged the valve in his engine in such a way that the steam was cut off from the cylinder when the piston had made about one-fourth of a stroke. The steam in the cylinder continues to expand and drive the piston. This device more than doubles the amount of work that the steam will do (Fig. 14). Arrows show the course of the steam. Horse-Power of an Engine When horses were about to be replaced by the steam-engine at the mines, the question was asked: "How many horses will the engine replace?" Tests were made by Watt and others before him of the rate at which a horse could work in pumping water or in lifting a weight by means of a pulley. Watt's experiments showed that "a good London horse could go on lifting 150 pounds over a pulley at the rate of 2-1/2 miles an hour or 220 feet per minute, and continue the work eight hours a day." This would be The indicator for measuring the pressure of steam in the cylinder and the fly-ball governor are also inventions made The balls as they rotate regulate the admission of steam to the cylinder by means of the lever L and the rod R. At the end of the eighteenth century the steam-engine was full grown. It remained for the nineteenth century to apply the engine to locomotion on sea and land, to develop the steam-turbine, and so to increase the power of the steam-engine that, early in the twentieth century, a 68,000-horse-power engine should speed an ocean liner across the Atlantic in five days. The Leyden Jar The first electrical invention of practical use was made by Benjamin Franklin. In Franklin's time great interest in electricity had been aroused by the strange discovery of a German professor, Pieter van Musschenbroek, of the University of Leyden. This professor had tried what he called a new but terrible experiment. He had suspended by two silk threads a gun-barrel which received electricity from an electrical machine. From one end of the gun-barrel hung a brass wire. The lower end of this wire dipped in a jar of water. He held the jar in one hand, while with the other he tried to draw sparks from the gun-barrel. Suddenly he received a shock which seemed to him like a lightning stroke. So violent was the shock that he thought for a moment it would end his life. Out of this experiment came the Leyden jar, which for a century and a half was of no practical use, but which now forms an important part of every wireless telegraph equipment. The Leyden jar is simply a glass bottle or jar coated with tin-foil both inside and outside (Fig. 16). When charged with electricity the jar will hold its charge until the two coatings are connected by a metal wire or other Popular interest in electricity was aroused by this discovery. The friction electrical machine and the Leyden jar were simple and easy to make. People of fashion found them interesting and amusing, the more so because of the shock felt on taking through the body the discharge from the "wonderful bottle," and the fact that several persons could receive the shock at the same instant. On one occasion the AbbÉ Nollet discharged a Leyden jar through a line composed of all the monks of the Carthusian Monastery in Paris. As the line of serious-faced monks a mile in length jumped into the air, the effect was ridiculous in the extreme. Conductors and Insulators About this time other great electrical discoveries were made. Early in the century, Stephen Gray discovered that some objects conduct electricity and others do not. He discovered that, when a glass tube is electrified by rubbing, it will attract and repel light objects. In the same way a comb or penholder of rubber may be electrified by rubbing it on the sleeve. A bit of paper which touches the comb becomes electrified. Electricity can be transferred from one object to another. Gray discovered further that contact is not necessary, that a hempen thread or a wire will carry an electric charge from one object to another. A silk thread will not carry the electric charge. "Some things convey electricity," he said, "and some do Two Kinds of Electric Charge A Frenchman, DuFay, while carrying further the experiments of Gray, was watching a bit of gold-leaf floating in the air. The gold-leaf had been repelled after contact with his electrified glass tube. Thinking to try the action of two electrified objects on the gold leaf, he rubbed a piece of gum-copal and brought it near the leaf. To his astonishment the leaf, which was repelled by the glass tube, was attracted by the gum-copal. He repeated the experiment again and again, and each time the leaf was repelled by the glass and attracted by the gum. He concluded from this that there are two kinds of electricity, which he named "vitreous" and "resinous." The two kinds of electric charge were called by Franklin "positive" and "negative." Franklin made a battery of Leyden jars, connecting the inner coating of one to the outer coating of the next throughout the series. In this way he could get a much stronger spark than with a single jar. On one occasion he nearly lost his life by taking a shock from his battery of Leyden jars. Franklin's Kite Experiment The conjecture that lightning is of the same nature as the spark from the Leyden jar or the electrical machine had gained a hold on the minds of others before Franklin. In France sparks had been drawn from a rod ninety-nine feet high, but this did not reach into the clouds. Franklin determined to send a kite into a thunder-cloud, thinking electricity from the cloud would follow the string of the kite and could be stored in a Leyden jar, and used like the charge from an electrical machine. He had felt the power of a Leyden-jar discharge, and through it had nearly lost his life. He knew that lightning is far more powerful than any battery of Leyden jars, and yet to test the truth of his theory, that lightning is an electrical discharge, he was about to draw the lightning to his hand. He knew little of conductors of electricity. Whether the cord would draw little or much of the "electric fire" he knew not. So far as he knew he was toying with death. The kite was made of two light strips of cedar placed crosswise, and a large silk handkerchief fastened to the strips. A sharp wire about a foot long was fastened to one of the strips. To the lower end of the cord he attached a key and a silk ribbon. By means of the ribbon he held the cord to insulate it from his hand. The kite soared into the clouds, and Franklin and his son stood under a shed awaiting the coming of the "electric fire" (Fig. 17). Soon Taking electricity from the clouds. The Lightning-Rod Some time before, he had discovered the action of a point in discharging electricity. He said: "If you fix a needle to the end of a gun-barrel like a little bayonet, while it remains there the gun-barrel cannot be electrified so as to give a spark, for the electric fire continually runs out silently at the point." In the dark you may see a light gather upon the point like that of a firefly or glow-worm. If the needle is held in the hand and brought near to an object charged with electricity, the object is quietly discharged, and a light may be seen at the point of the needle. This action of points explains the light sometimes seen on the tops of ships' masts, called by sailors "Saint Elmo's fire," and perhaps, also, the observation of CÆsar that, in a certain African War, the spears of the Fifth Roman Legion appeared tipped with fire. The lightning-rod was the outcome of Franklin's observations, and this was the first practical invention relating to electricity. A building may be electrified by an electrified cloud passing over it. If the building is protected by pointed rods, the electric charge will quietly escape from the points. The lower ends of the rods must be in the Franklin was the first to propose an answer to the question: What is electricity? He believed electricity to be a subtle fluid existing in all objects. If an object has more than a certain amount of this fluid, it is positively electrified; if less than this amount, it is negatively electrified. The "one-fluid" theory of Franklin was soon met by the "two-fluid" theory proposed by Robert Symmer, for Franklin's theory had failed to explain why two bodies negatively electrified should repel each other. According to Symmer, an uncharged body contains an equal quantity of two different electrical fluids. An excess of one of these produces a positive charge, an excess of the other a negative charge. Symmer's experiments are almost ludicrous. He wore two pairs of silk stockings, and found that white and black silk worn together became strongly electrified. When the two stockings worn on one foot were pulled off together, and then separated, they were found to be electrified, and There was a long controversy regarding the two theories, and neither quite gained possession of the field. Each contained some truth, and each had its weak points. The two had more in common than men at that time thought. Galvani and the Electric Current Franklin had proven that there is electricity in the atmosphere, and that lightning is an electric discharge. A widespread interest in the electricity of the atmosphere followed this discovery. Aloisio Galvani, a physician in Bologna, Italy, in attempting to learn the effect of atmospheric electricity on the nerves and muscles of the human body, made a discovery which led to the electric battery and a knowledge of electric currents. Having dissected a frog, he laid it on a table on which stood an electrical machine. When one of his assistants touched lightly the nerve of the thigh with the point of a knife while a spark was drawn from the electrical machine, the muscles contracted violently, as if they were attacked He next thought it important to find out if lightning would excite contraction of the muscles. He stretched and insulated a long iron wire in the open air on the housetop and, as a storm drew near, hung on it a dissected frog. To the feet he fastened another long iron wire, which was allowed to dip in the water in the well. "The result," he said, "came about as we wished. As often as the lightning broke forth, the muscles were thrown into repeated violent convulsions, so that always, as the lightning lightened the sky, the muscle contractions and movements preceded the thunder and, as it were, announced its coming. It was best, however, when the lightning was strong, or the clouds from which it broke forth were near the place of the experiment." He describes his greatest experiment as follows: "After we had investigated the power of atmospheric electricity in storms, our hearts burned with the desire to investigate the daily quiet electricity of the atmosphere. Therefore, as the prepared frogs, hung on an iron railing which surrounded a hanging garden on our house, with brass hooks inserted in the spinal cord, fell into convulsions not only when it lightened, but when the sky was calm and clear, I thought that the cause of these contractions was the changes in the electricity of the atmosphere. Then for hours, yes, even days, I observed the animals, but almost never a movement of the muscles could be seen. At last, tired with such fruitless waiting, I began to press the brass hooks, which were It was pressing the brass hook against the iron railing, thus forming an electric battery, that caused electricity to pass through the muscles of the frog. Galvani did not know that he had discovered a new source of electricity. He never arrived at a correct explanation of his results, and never knew the value of his discovery. Volta and the Electric Battery It was left for Alexander Volta to show that, in Galvani's experiment, the muscles of the frog, together with the brass hook and the iron railing, formed an electric battery. Volta showed that an electric charge can be produced merely by bringing two different metals into contact. He found that, if he placed copper and zinc in sulphuric acid, or a solution of common salt, he could, produce a continuous flow of electricity (Fig. 18). From a painting. Photo by Dubray. In the beginning of the year 1800 Volta made the first electric battery (Fig. 19). It was made of copper and zinc disks placed alternately, with a piece of wet cloth above each pair of disks. With his column of disks he could obtain a strong shock; indeed, many shocks, one after the other. This first battery of Volta's was a form of "dry battery." Later Volta devised his "crown of No. 1—A battery of one hundred pairs of copper and zinc disks. By permission of the Italian Institute of Graphic Arts, Bergamo. Volta did not know the real use of the liquid in his battery, nor that the strength of the current depends on the rate at which the metal is dissolved by the acid; but he had discovered the electric current, and with this discovery began a new era in electrical invention. |