

ate, sen*ate, rÂre, cat, loc*al, fÄr, Åsk, pÅrade; scene, *event, edge, nov*el, ref?r; rÎght, sin; cold, *obey, cÔrd, stop, c*ompare; unit, *unite, bÛrn, cut, foc*us, menÜ; boot, foot; found; boil; fu?ction; chase; good; joy; then, thick; hw = wh as in when; zh = z as in azure; kh = ch as in loch.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

Aaron (a´r*on), 3
Aboukir (Å-boo-ker´) Bay, 75
Achilles (Å-kil´ez), 12
Acre (Ä´kÊr), (see Akka)
Africa (af´ri-kÅ), 32
Akka (Ä´kÅ), 49
Albany (Ôl´bÅ-ni), 118
Alciun (*al´si-un), 33
Alden (Ôl´den), John, 162
Alexander (al´´eg-zan´der) the Great, 20-24;
conquers Persia, 22
Alexandria (al´´eg-zan´dri-Å), 24
Alfred (al´fred), King, 37, 41
Alfred the Great, (see Alfred, King)
Alps (alps) Mountains, 69
Annapolis (a-nÅp´*o-lis), 342
“Apology of Socrates,” 19
Arden (Är´den), Mary, 58
“Ashland,” 325
Asia Minor (a´shÅ mi´n?r), 26
Athens (ath´enz), 15
Aztecs (az´teks), 90
Baltimore (bÔl´ti-mor), (See Calvert, George)
Barton (bÄr´tun), Clara, 358-364
Battle Hill, 44
Beacon Hill, 174
Blackstone, William, 173
Bon Homme Richard (b*o-n*om re´´-shÄr´), 212
Boone (boon), Daniel, 232-240
Boulogne (boo-lon´; Fr. boo´´lo´?y), 36
Bowdoin (bo´d’n) College, 368
Bowie (bo´*e), Colonel James, 265
Braddock (brad´*ok), General Edward, 301
Bradford (brad´f?rd), William, 162
Brandywine (bran´di-win´´), battle of, 205, 304
Brewster (broo´st?r), Elder, 161
Britain (brit´Ån), 28
Bryant (bre´Ånt), William Cullen, 332
Bull Run, battle of, 345
Burr (bur), Colonel Aaron, 304, 308
Cabot (ka´b*ot), John, 145
Cadiz (ka´diz), 113
CÆsar (se´zÅr), Julius, 24-31
Calhoun (kal-hoon´), John C., 320-327
Calvert (kal´vÛrt), Cecil, 180-185
Calvert (kal´vÛrt), Leonard, 180-185
Cape Cod, 162
Cartier (kÄr´tyÅ´), Jacques, 151
Carver (kÄr´v?r), John, 161
Cassandra (ka-san´drÅ), 13
Cathay (cÅ´tha), (see China)
Champlain (sham-plan´), Samuel, sieur de, 151-160
Charlemagne (shÄr´le-man), (see Charles the Great)
Charles the Great, 33-36
Charles Martel, Duke, 32
China (chi´nÅ), 79
Circe (sÛr´se), 14
Claiborne (kla´bÛrn), William, 183
Clarence, Duke of, (see William the Fourth)
Clark (klÄrk), George Rogers, 240-247
Clark, William, 250-257
Clay (kla), Henry, 320-325
Code Napoleon, 69
Columbus (k*o-lum´b*us), Christopher, 78-84
Congo (kon´go), 132
Constantinople (kon´´stan-ti-no´pl), 36
Cook, Frederick A., 139
Copenhagen (ko´´p*en-ha´g*en), 76
Cornwallis (kÔrn-wal´´is), General Charles, 206, 217
Corsica (kÔr´si-kÅ), 66
Cortes (kor´´tas´) Hernando, 89-95
Cotton-gin (kot´n-jin), 267
Crockett (krok´et), David, 258-265
Cromwell (krom´wel), Oliver, 61-65
Crusades (kroo-sads´), 48
Cyclops (se´klops), 13
Czar (zÄr), 31
Danes (dans), 38
Darien (da´ri-en), 105
Darius (da-ri´us), King of Persia, 21
Dark Ages, 32
Dauphin (dÔ´fin), 52
David (da´vid), 6-10, 40;
kills Goliath, 8
Davis (da´vis), Jefferson, 342
Declaration of Independence, 184, 188, 301, 313
Denmark (den´mÄrk), 76
De Soto (de´so´to), Hernando, 96-101
Dewey (du´i), Admiral George, 356
Dictator (dik´ta-t?r), 29
Domesday (dooms´da), Book, 46
Douglas (dug´lis), Stephen A., 331
Drake (drak), Sir Francis, 102-109
Duke Charles, (see Charles Martel)
Dutch East India Company, 115
Edison (ed´i-s*un), Thomas Alva, 285-291
Edward the Confessor, King, 43
Egypt (e´jipt), 22
Egyptians (*e-jip´sh*ans), 3
El Dorado (*el d*o-rÄ´do), 113
Eliab (*e-li´Åb), 7
Elijah (*e-li´jÅ), 308
Elizabeth (*e-liz´Å-beth), Queen, 61, 105, 109
Emancipation Proclamation, 331
England (in´gl*and), 108
Epic (ep´ik), 12
“Et tu Brute!”, 30
Europe (u´r*op), 32
Exodus (ek´s*o-dus), 4
Farragut (far´Å-gut), David, 346-352
Ferdinand (f?r´di-nand), King, 80
Field, Cyrus W., 278
Fort Donelson (don´*el-s*un), battle of, 339
Fort Duquesne (doo-kan´), 234, 301
Fort Henry (hen´ri), battle of, 339
Fort Sumter (sum´t?r), 362
Forum (fo´rum), Roman, 26
Fox (foks), George, 185
Franklin (frank´lin), Benjamin, 203, 271, 290, 292-296
Franks (fra?ks), 32
French (frensh), 32
Fulton (fool´t*un), Robert, 270-273
Gama (gÄ´mÄ), Vasco da, 84
Gauls (gÂls), 27
Genoa (jen´o-Å), 78
George the Third, King, 313
Germans (jÛr´m*ans), 36
Gettysburg (get´tis-burg) Address, Lincoln’s, 332
Gibraltar (ji-brÂl´ter), 152
“Give me Liberty or give me Death,” 194
Gladiators (glad´i-a´´-t?r), 27
Gods and Goddesses, 12
“Golden Hind,” The, 105
Golden Rule, 177
Goliath (g*o-li´ath), 8
Good Hope, Cape of, 84
Gordian (gÔr´di-an) knot, 22
Graces (gra´s*ez), The, 15
Grant (grant), General Ulysses S., 332-340
Greece (gres), 10
Greene (gren), General Nathanael, 266
Guerrilla (ge-ril´Å) warfare, 219
Hamilton (ham´il-t*un), Alexander, 301-309
Hamilton, Henry, 241
Hampden (hÅmp´d*en), John, 64
Hale (hal), Captain Nathan, 194-201
“Halfmoon,” The, 115
Harold, King, 44
Harvard (hÄr´vÅrd), University, 342, 355
Hastings (has´tingz), battle of, 44
Hawkins (hÔ´kinz), Sir John, 103
Hayne (han), Robert Y., 326
Hector (hek´t?r), 12
Helen (hel´en) of Troy, 12
Henry of Navarre, King, (see Henry the Fourth)
Henry the Fourth, King, 151
Henry, Patrick, 190-194, 242
Henson (hen´sun), Matthew, 139
Homer (ho´m?r), 10
Horn, Cape, 105
House of Burgesses, Virginia, 193
Houston (hus´t*un), General Sam, 264
Howe (how), Elias, 282-285
Howe, General William, 196
Hudson (hud´s*un), Henry, 115-120
“I have not yet begun to fight,” 214
“Iliad,” the, 12
Ilium (il´i-*um), (see Troy)
India (in´di-Å), 79, 84
“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country,” 201
Iroquois (ir´´*o-kwoi´), 154
Isabella (iz´´Å-bel´Å), Queen, 80
Israel (es´´rÄ-el), 7
Italy (it´Å-li; It. Italia), 78
Ithaca (ith´Å-kÅ), 13
Jackson (jak´s*un), Andrew, 260, 315-320
Jefferson (jef´?r-s*un), Thomas, 242, 309-314
Jerusalem (j*e-roo´sÅ-lem), 48
Joan (jo´an) of Arc, 52-57
John, King, 47
Joliet (zh*o´´ly*a´), Louis, 121
Jonathan (jon´a-th*an), 10
Jones (jons), John Paul, 208-216
Kaiser (ki´z?r), 31
Kent Island, 183
King’s College, 302
Ladrone (la-dron´) Islands, 88
Lafayette (lÄ´fa-yet´´), Marquis de, 201-208, 276, 304
La Plata (lÄ plÄ´tÄ) River, 86
La Salle (lÄ sÄl), Robert, Cavalier de, 120
Latin (lat´in), 25
Lee, Richard Henry, 193, 311
Lee, General Robert E., 340, 341-346
Lewis (loo´is) and Clark (klÄrk) Expedition, 247-257, 314
Lewis (loo´is), Meriwether, 248
Lincoln (ling´kun), Abraham, 318, 327-332
Lion-hearted Richard, 47-51
Livingstone (l?v´?ng-st?n), David, 126-136
Lombards (l?m´b?rds), 33
Longfellow (l?ng´f?l-*o), Henry Wadsworth, 167, 356-371
Louisiana (L??´´?-z?-?´nÅ) Purchase, 314
Macedon (m?s´*e-d?n), 20
Madison (m?d´?-s*un), President James, 325
Magellan (mÅ-j?l´Ån), Ferdinand, 84-89
Manassas, battle of, (see Bull Run)
Manhattan, 116
Marconi (mÄr-k?´n?), Guglielmo, 278
Marengo (m?-r?ng´*o), battle of, 69
Marianne (see Ladrone Islands)
Marie Antoinette (m?´´r?´ ?n´´twÅ-n?t´), Queen, 76
Marion (m?r´?-*on), General Francis, 217-223
Marquette (mÄr´k?t´´), Father Jacques, 121
Maryland (m?r´?-lÅnd), 182
“Mayflower”, the, 160
McCormick (mÅ-kÔr´m?k), Cyrus H., 279-282
McKinley (m?-k?n´l?), President William, 356
Mexican (m?ks´?-k?n) War, 339
“Might makes Right,” 31
Milton (m?l´t?n), John, 170
Miriam (m?r´?-?m), 1
Mississippi (m?s´´?s-s?p´p?) River, 101, 120
Mobile (m?-b?l´) Bay, battle of, 350
Moffatt (m?f´?t), Doctor Robert, 128
Mohammed (m?-h?m´?d), 32
Moluccas (m?-l?k´Åz), (see Spice Islands)
Monroe (m?n-r?´), President James, 207
Montcalm (mÔn´´kÄm´), Marquis de, 225
Monterey (m?n-t?-r?´), battle of, 339
Montezuma (m?n´´t*e-z??´mÅ), Emperor, 91
“Monticello” (m?n´´t?-s?l´?), 311
Montreal (m?n´´tr?-Ôl´), 120, 152
Morse (m?rs), Samuel Finley Breese, 274-278
Moses, 1-6, 308;
in the bulrushes, 1
Mount Sinai (S?´n?), 6
Mount Vernon (vÛr´n?n), 300
Naples (n?´plz), Queen of, 76
Napoleon Bonaparte (nÅ-p?´l?-on b?´nÅ-pÄrt), 65-72, 314
Naval Academy, U. S., 342
Nebo (n?´b?), 6
Nelson (n?l´s*un), Admiral Horatio, 72-77
New Netherland (n?th´?r-l?nd), 116
New Orleans (Ôr´l*e-Ånz), 314, 349;
battle of, 318
Niagara (n?-?´gÅ-rÅ) Falls, 122
Nightingale (n?t´?n-g?l), Florence, 362
Nile (n?l) River, 24

Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber:
within a few miles of Jersualem=> within a few miles of Jerusalem {pg1 50}
We mutally pledge=> We mutually pledge {pg 313}
Gama (gÄ´mÄ), Vascoda, 84=> Gama (gÄ´mÄ), Vasco da, 84 {pg 374}
Gilbraltar (ji-brÂl´ter), 152=> Gibraltar (ji-brÂl´ter), 152 {pg 374}
Alciun (*al´si-un), 33=> Alcuin (*al´si-un), 33 {pg 373}

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