(After a Long Course of Cynicism.) "Sentiment is come again." So says clever Mr. Zangwill. Most things tire the human brain; Mugwump mockery and slang will: Pessimism's pompous pose, Hedonism's virus septic; Cynicism's cold cock-nose, Creedless dismals, doubts dyspeptic, All are wearying—being sham. Twopenny Timon tires and sickens. Bitters bore us! We'll try jam! Back to Lytton, Hood, and Dickens? Sorrows of sweet seventeen? Vows that manly one-and-twenty meant? Yes! we're sick of Cynic spleen. Let's hark back again to Sentiment! Saccharine surfeit, after all, Though it be a trifle sickly, Changes our long gorge of gall. Come back, Sentiment, and quickly! Transcriber's Note: Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation are as in the original. |