Genoa in November. It is summer time. Put on thin suit, drink my cafÉ au lait by open window, and stroll out into beautiful Genoa, basking in the sunshine. DÉjeuner in the garden of a restaurant, among the old palaces. Sit in the shade, without my hat. Think of all the poor people in London. Wonder if anyone is having a frugal lunch at the funny little open-air restaurant in Hyde Park. Lemonade and a bath bun in a fog. Should imagine not. Charming place, Genoa. Hardly any Germans. Can at last hear people talking Italian. In Venice there are so many Germans that one might as well be in Germany. Sitting out on the Piazza, one hears incessantly their monotonous, guttural chatter, always in the same tone of voice, without inflections, without emotion, and, worst of all, without end. Watched at the hotel table d'hÔte a German lady sitting between two German gentlemen. One man talked loudly without ceasing, mouth full or mouth empty, from soup to dessert. The other man, rather older and feebler, also talked without ceasing, but he could not equal the other's noise; he only added to it. As for the lady, her lips moved all the time; one could imagine the ja wohl, the ach, so? the ja, ja, ja, but one could not hear a word. At Florence, at Milan, on the Lakes it is the same. If by chance one hears a Frenchman speak, his charming language sounds more vivacious and melodious than ever before. So it is good to be in Genoa, where even the best hotel is kept by Italians. Apparently every other good hotel in Italy is kept by Herr Schmidt, or Herr Weber, or Herr Somethingorother, and all the servants are German also. There is one hotel in Genoa kept by a German. It faces the harbour. All night long there are whistles, screams, bangs, rumblings, bumps, roars, and other sounds from trains, ships, and tramways. All day long there is the same noise, only more of it. But the Germans do not mind; they talk just the same, and they make each other hear through it all. Charming place, Genoa, with a town hall that is the gayest imaginable. Marble staircases, vestibules adorned with palms, beautiful little gardens, at all sorts of levels, outside the windows of the various offices. Everywhere flowers. If the town rates in Genoa are paid at the Town Hall, the paying of them must be almost pleasant. One would go with that horrible demand note, if that is used also in Italy, and fancy that one was arriving at a ball. The palm-decorated entrance looks just like it. It only needs a lady rate collector, such as one hears of in England, and one surely, in whatever manner the Italians may say it, would beg the charming signora to give one the honour and pleasure of a dance, and scribble her name on the programme—I mean the demand note. And no doubt, the Italian officials being leisurely and the space being ample, one could find time for a waltz in the intervals of rate paying, or at least sit it out in one of the delightful little gardens of this ideal Palazzo Municipale. And so farewell to sunny Genoa, and off to Turin. German hotel again, German proprietor, German servants. Solitary German visitor drinking his morning coffee. The hotels of Turin are not crowded; he and I are alone. What will the poor man do? He must talk his awful language to someone. He shan't talk it to me, for I will pretend I do not understand even one word. The waiter has left the room. Must the poor man be silent? Thunderweather, ah no! Happilywise he is saved. The considerate proprietor, thoughtful of his countryman's needs, enters; he stands by the visitor's table, and the talk begins. When it ends I cannot say, for I leave them, well started and in good voice, and hear, as I think, their sweetly melodious phrases for the last time in Italy. The train carries me away. There is not much more of Italy now, for here is the Mont Cenis tunnel. Farewell, beautiful country, beautiful pictures, beautiful language! There is someone leaning out of the next carriage window. No doubt he is also saddened; he is speaking to others inside, his voice is cheerful, he is evidently trying not to give way to despair. Now I hear what he says, "Da werde ich ein Glas Bier trinken, ja, ja, ja!" A First Impressionist. Wanted! a Perfect Cure for the incompatibility of Judges' sentences. PREHISTORIC PEEPS. During a considerable portion of the Year the Skating was excellent, and was much enjoyed by all Classes.
- Ad Jovem Pluvium, 263
- Afterpart À la L. C. C. (An), 302
- "After the Health Congress is over," 71
- Airs Resumptive, 45, 66, 83, 165, 205
- All my Eye! 121
- "All's Well!" 258
- "All up with the Empire," 183
- Alpine Railway (An), 95
- Amare, O! 263
- Anglo-Russian Echo (An), 95
- Another Man's Ears, 165
- Apple of Discord (The), 39
- Art of Naval Platitude (The), 216
- As we like it, 25
- At Last! 18
- At the Westminster Play, 303
- "Automatic" Conscience (The), 147
- "Auxiliary Assistance" in the Provinces, 105
- Awful Outlook (An), 177
- "Awkward Customer" (An), 210
- Ballade of Imitations, 11
- Ballade of Three Volumes (A), 39
- Ballade to Order, 298
- "B. and S." at the Savoy (A), 292
- Bank Holiday Dream-Book (The), 57
- Battle of the Budget (The), 3
- Bayard and Bobby, 201
- Beauties of Bologna, 215
- Betting Man on Cricket (A), 65
- Blue Gardenia (The), 185
- Bowl me no more! 155
- British Lions, 185
- Broken China, 192
- Bygones, 85
- Cabby's Answers, 5
- Cant v. Cant, 207
- Certain Cure (A), 145
- "Challenge" (The), 219
- Chief Mourner (The), 222
- Chronicles of a Rural Parish (The), 217, 237, 250, 263, 265, 288, 299
- Clerical Question for Exeter (A), 183
- Clio at Salcombe, 215
- "Clubs! Clubs!" 77
- Coincidence's Long Arm, 167
- Complaint of the Modern Lover, 167
- Compliments of the Season, 301
- Copperation at Winser (The), 46
- "Copy," 297
- Corean Cock-fight (The), 54
- Counting Noses, 257
- Counting the Catch, 90
- Crossed! 251
- Cryptogrammatist Wanted, 72
- Curios for the Cricketing Exhibition, 298
- Curious Accident to Mrs. R., 336
- Curse (The), 118
- Dangerous Doctrine, 120
- Day of Small Things (The), 213, 255
- Day's Ride, a Law's Romance (A), 155
- Decadent Guys (The), 225
- Demi-French Octave (A), 47
- Diary of a Duck, 274
- Dilemma of the Headless Spectre, 213
- Ditto to Mr. Courtney, 83
- Diurnal Feminine (The), 13
- Dog on his Day (A), 302
- Dog's Meet, 118
- Don't "Come unto these Yellow Sands"! 114
- Doom of the Minor Poets (The), 251
- Eastward Ho! 63
- Ejaculations, 141
- Embarras de Richesses, 87
- End of the Opera Season (The), 57
- Engagement (An), 264
- English as she is Crammed, 292
- Essence of Parliament, 11, 23, 35, 48, 59, 71, 84, 95, 108
- "Evicted Tenants," 42
- Extract (An), 281
- Fancy Portrait, 15
- Farewell to McGladstone, 46
- Fashion and Felony, 232
- Femina Dux Facti, 221
- "Finest English," 113
- Finishing Touches, 221
- First Impressions, 192, 204, 238, 252, 264, 273, 287, 289, 309
- Fizz and Fuss, 298
- Fly Route to Castles in the Air, 83
- Following Footsteps, 125
- Fool's Vade Mecum (The), 273
- For Arms or Alms? 45
- "For Example!" 162
- "Fourth R" (The), 243
- Fragment of a Police "Report d'Arthur," 177
- Friend in Need (A), 30
- From the Birmingham Festival, 186
- Future Fame, 203
- Gaiety "Sans-GÊne," 9
- Gay Widow Courted (A), 221
- General Literary Review Company (Limited), 168
- Generosity under Difficulties, 291
- Gilbert and Carr-icature, 240
- Gismonda, 233
- Good News, 121
- "Good Time coming" (A), 27
- Good Wishes, 36
- Gossip without Words, 189
- "Grand National" Trust (The), 47
- Guesses at Goodwood, 37
- Hanwellia's Answer, 179
- Hardy Annual at Henley, 15
- Hawarden Pastoral (A), 96
- Haymarket Heroine (The), 241
- Helmholtz, 141
- Henley Notes, 22
- Herrick on Rational Dress, 147
- Hint for the Alpine Season, 74
- Hopeless Case (A), 135
- Hopeless Quest (A), 206
- House-Agent's Dream (The), 270
- How it will be done hereafter, 89
- Ichabod, 253
- If not, why not? 169
- "I'm getting a Big Girl now!" 171
- Improved and Improving Dialogues, 269
- Inconvenienced Traveller's Phrase-Book, 82, 125
- Infant Phenomenon (The), 291
- In Memoriam, 102; Comte de Paris, 126
- In Nuce, 159
- In Paris out of the Season, 133
- In Praise of Boys, 107
- Ins and Outs, 213
- Inter-University Football, 285
- In the Museum, 141
- In Three Volumes, 101
- Invasion of Woman (The), 145
- Is the Bar a Profitable Profession? 109
- Jap the Giant-Killer, 150
- John Bull À la Russe, 264
- John Walter, 232
- "Judgment of 'Parish'" (The), 267
- "Justice as she is Spoken in France," 75
- Ladas! 141
- La Femme de Claude, 42
- Latest Great Yacht-Race, 29
- Latest Parliamentary Betting, 25
- Latest War Intelligence, 276
- Law of the (Social) Jungle (The), 111
- Lay of the Explorer (The), 33
- Lay of the Vigilant (The), 204
- Lessons in Laughter, 174
- Letters from a DÉbutante, 168, 180, 183
- Letters to a DÉbutante, 229
- Lex Talionis, 141
- Light in Darkness, 162
- Lines by a Lazy Body, 120
- Lines in Pleasant Places, 21, 49, 74, 131, 153
- Lines to a Lady, 253
- Links (The), 213
- Literary Intelligence, 121
- Little Ah Sid, 183
- Little Flirtation (A), 147
- Little Holiday (A), 69
- "Little too Previous!" (A), 102
- "Living Pictures," 197
- Local Colour, 210
- London Bicyclists, 49
- Lord Ormont's Mate and Matey's Aminta, 37, 57, 61
- Lord Rosebery in the North, 159
- Lost in London, 285
- "Lost Rings," 149
- Love's Labour Not Lost, 279
- Lowered! 71
- Lower Education of Women (The), 11
- Lunnon Twang (The), 159
- "Lying Low," 294
- Lyre and Lancet, 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76, 88, 100, 112, 124, 136, 148, 160, 172, 184, 196, 208, 220, 239, 244, 256, 268, 280
- Making of a Man (The), 293
- Making the Running with the Derby Winner, 169
- "Man in Armour" to the Multitude, 228
- March of Civilisation (The), 61
- Mary Jones, 285
- "Matrimonial Obedience," 179
- Matron's Hiss (The), 178
- Mayen-aisy-now! 233
- Mayennaise v. Mayonnaise, 203, 209
- Message from Mars (The), 81
- Midsummer Day-Dream (A), 30
- Minx (The), 33
- Moan from Mitcham (A), 135
- Mobilised Mandarin (The), 141
- Modern Madame (A), 27
- Modern Mangers, 183
- Modern Society Play (The), 285
- Modern Tragedy (A), 93
- Morbidezza, 204
- More Ornamental than Useful, 73
- More She-Notes, 249, 276
- Morgenlied, 145
- "Moving about in Worlds not realised," 192
- "Mowing them Down!" 66
- Mr. Punch on Billiards, 238
- Mr. Punch on Peeler Piper, 135
- Mr. Punch to Two Noble Sportsmen, 22
- Mrs. Prowlina Pry, 195
- Much Ado about Nothing, 279
- Muddy Milan, 171
- Music with a Future (The), 251
- "Mutes and Liquids," 121
- New Air (The), 87
- New and Old, 241
- New Candidate (The), 209
- New Departure (A), 216
- New Fashion (The), 167
- New Heroine (The), 293
- New Honours, 276
- New Lamps for Old, 137
- New Man (The), 167
- New Nectar (The), 286
- New Newness (The), 84
- New Party (The), 18
- News from Norwich, 131
- Next War (The), 94
- Noble Half-Hundred! 94
- Noblesse Oblige, 1, 75
- "Nobody Looking!" 246
- Nomine Tantum, 21
- Nominis Umbra, 253
- Notices to Correspondents, 286
- Not Master of himself though China fall, 74
- Novelist's Vade Mecum (The), 261
- Novelties in Gastronomy, 251
- O. B. C. (Limited) (The), 177
- Ode for the Marriage Season, 131, 142
- Ode on a Distant Partridge, 138
- Ode on Sacrifice, 49
- Ode to Ixion, 82
- Of Vain Colours, 288
- "Oh, the Mistletoe Bough!" 306
- "Oh, you Wicked Story!" 99
- "Old Offender" (An), 282
- Old Three-Vol., 63
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, 191
- Ollendorfian, 258
- On a Clumsy Cricketer, 106
- One Man One Job, 297
- On the War in the East, 133
- Operatic Notes, 17
- Origin of the Blush-Rose, 206
- Our All-round Exchangers' Company, 197
- "Our Benighted Ancestors," 132
- Our Booking-Office, 1, 22, 25, 65 107, 132, 161, 173, 181, 203, 205, 228, 233, 252, 257, 269, 288, 300, 304
- Our Charity FÊte, 60
- Our "Monthly Pops," 240
- Our National Defences, 129
- "Out we go!" 119
- Oxford and Yale, 48
- Oyster and the Sparrow (The), 93
- Page from "Rosebery's History of the Commonwealth," 106
- Partially Unreported Dialogue, 11
- Pat the Patriot, 215
- Perils of a Jesting Premier (The), 298
- "Personally Conducted," 51
- Phalse Note on George the Fourth, 204
- Phosphorescence in Art, 24
- Pier of the Empire (A), 189
- Pious Lyncher's Creed (The), 120
- Plague of Poets (The), 121
- Plaint of the Unwilling Peer (The), 82
- Polite Guide to the Civil Service (The), 207, 227, 234
- Political Conference, 231
- Polychrome English, 193
- Possible Developments, 203
- Princely Offer (A), 144
- Professor of the Period (The), 153
- Puff and a Blow (A), 21
- Pullman Car (The), 107
- Punch to the New Attorney-General, 205
- "Putting his Foot in it," 78
- Queer Queries, 83, 101, 107, 117, 246, 297
- Question and Answer, 135
- Ranelagh in Rain, 47
- Rational Dress, 101
- Reading between the Lines, 305
- Reflections, 167
- Remnants, 63
- "Rhymes," 109
- Rhyme to Rosebery, 96
- Rider's Vade Mecum (The), 51
- Riverside Lament (A), 25
- Robert and Grinnidge, 94
- Robert and Unifikashun, 281
- Robert Louis Stevenson, 303
- Robert on Amerrycans, 120
- Robert on the Wonderful Bridge again, 9
- Robert's Picter, 145
- Robert's Sollem Adwise, 217
- "Room for a Big One!" 99
- Royal Welsh Bard (The), 86
- Rubenstein, 255
- Rule, "Britannia," 33
- Runner Nuisance (The), 125
- Sapphics on Traffic, 117
- Saturday Pops, 71
- School-Board Apple-Pie (The), 219
- Scott on the New Woman, 73
- Sea-Fairies (The), 122
- Sea-quence of Sonnets (A), 153
- Seasons (The), 274
- Sitting on Our Senate, 106
- Sequel to the Story of Ung (A), 300
- Seven Ages of Rosebery (The), 165
- "Shaky!" 270
- Silly Seasoning, 110
- Slight Adaptation (A), 228
- Slow and not quite Sure, 165
- Snubbed Professional's Vade Mecum, 289
- Society for the Advancement of Literature, 89
- Soft Answer (A), 11
- Song for the Slogger (A), 117
- Song of the Impecunious Bard, 131
- Song of the Leaders (The), 201
- Song of the Twentieth Century (A), 22
- Songs of the Streets, 5, 16
- Sounding the Antitoxin, 274
- Sport for Ratepayers, 49
- State Aid for Matrimony, 13
- St. Leger Coincidence (A), 135
- Suggested Addendum (A), 126
- Sunday Lecture Case (The), 285
- Tale of a Vote (The), 201
- Tale of Two Telegrams (The), 97
- Talk À la Mode de Londres, 261
- Talk in Court, 22
- Teddie the Tiler, 192
- Tempora Mutantur, 131
- "Terrible in his Anger!" 159
- Terrible Transformation (A), 145
- Thanks to the "Bystander," 133
- That Advanced Woman! 142
- Those Lancers, 303
- "Three Cheers for the Emperor," 297
- Three Christmas Greetings, 301
- Tips, 144
- To a Lady, 294
- To Althea in Church, 145
- To Althea in the Stalls, 33
- To Amanda, 180
- To a Philanthropist, 105
- To a Pretty Unknown, 192
- To a Scorcher, 142
- To a Surrey Hostess, 85
- To a Would-be Authoress, 93
- To a Would-be Despot, 215
- To a Venetian Policeman, 195
- To a Veteran Champion, 83
- "To be taken as read," 77
- To Dorothy, 108
- To Hanwellia from Earlswood, 137
- To her Mother, 120
- To Lettina, 209
- To Melenda, 309
- To Molly, 229
- To my Beef Tea, 77
- To Philadelphia, 302
- To Sentiment, 144
- To the Oxford Cricket Captain, 17
- Touching Appeal (A), 234
- Tree with Variegated Leaves, 277
- "Tripping Merrily," 143
- Triumph of the School Board (A), 265
- True Glory, 276
- Truisms of Life (The), 287, 293
- Trust to be Trusted (A), 149
- Two "General" Favourites, 203
- Two Ways of Auditing, 206
- Unrest! 174
- Vacuous Time (The), 119
- Vade Mecum for the Naval Manoevres, 37
- Vagabond Verses, 219
- Venetian Flower-Sellers, 191
- Verse and Choral Summing-up, 203
- Verses to the Weather Maiden, 93
- "Vested Interests," 186
- Village Blacksmith (The), 282
- "Vive la RÉpublique!" 6
- Voice from "the Upper Suckles" (A), 85
- Volunteer's Vade Mecum (The), 25
- Vote of Thanks (A), 65
- Voyage of Alfred (The), 113
- Waiting their Turn, 18
- War Cry (The), 54
- Wet-Willow, 107
- What's in a Name, indeed? 47
- What we may expect soon, 27
- Wheel and Whoa! 137
- Where are you going, revolting Maid? 198
- Where to go, 82
- Whims of Amphitryon (The), 245
- Whither Away? 9
- "Wigs on the Green!" 126
- "Winding'em up," 198
- With Kind Regards, 277
- Words to the Wise Women, 275
- Ye Gentlemen of Holland, 78
- Yellow Age (The), 66
- Yellow Riding-Habit (The), 94
- Yet another Memoir of Napoleon, 13
- Young Pretender (The), 138
- Yule Gretynge (A), 300
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