Spring chickens may be either broiled or fried. They are especially liked fried in the southern way. Cut the chickens in pieces as for fricasseeing, have the frying pan very hot, put a quarter cup of butter in; when smoking, add chicken, cover and let fry until a golden brown on one side, then turn and fry on other. It usually takes two fryings to cook a pair of chickens, as a spider boils only one chicken. When the chicken is all fried lay the pieces on brown paper to absorb any fat. Add a tablespoonful of flour to the drippings in pan, add a cup of cream and stir the mixture until it boils, then add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley. Remove the chicken from the brown paper cover and arrange the pieces evenly on the dish and strain the sauce over them. Serve at once. K. T. R.