- Page
- Abortion, 101
- Abscesses, 103
- Aconite, 69
- Actinomycosis, 104
- Afterbirth, 106
- Aloes, 69
- Alum, 69
- Animal Body a Collection of Cells, 11
- Animal Body, How Formed, 9
- Animals, Caring for Sick, 99
- Animal Diseases, Learn to Recognize, 4
- Animals, Examining in the Stables, 42
- Animals, Out of Doors Test, 44
- Anthrax, 108
- Antimony, 71
- Apoplexy, 111
- Anemia, 107
- Aniseed, 70
- Arnica, 70
- Arsenic, 70
- Azoturia, 111
- Back, 47
- Bandage, How to Make It, 57
- Barrenness, 113
- Belladonna, 70
- Big Head, 113
- Big Jaw of Cattle, 114
- Big Knee, 114
- Big Leg, 114
- Bile, 26
- Biniodide of Mercury, 71
- Bitter Milk, 114
- Blackhead, 114
- Blackleg, 115
- Blackleg Vaccine, 116
- Bladder, 67
- Bladder, Stone in, 117
- Blind Staggers, 117
- Blistering, 98
- Bloating in Cattle, 117
- Blood, 12
- Blood Poisoning, 120
- Bloody Milk, 121
- Bloody Urine, 121
- Body, 47
- Body Tissues, 12
- Bog Spavin, 122
- Bone Spavin, 123
- Bot Flies, 123
- Bots, 126
- Breeze Flies, 123
- Broken Wind, 126
- Bromide of Potassium, 71
197 - Inflammation of the Lungs, 199
- Influenza, 200
- Inoculation, 86
- Internal Organs, 65
- Intestinal Worms in Horses, 201
- Intestinal Worms in Sheep, 251
- Intestines, 66
- Iodide of Potassium, 76
- Iodine, 76
- Itch, 202
- Jaundice, 202
- Kidneys, 67
- Kidney Worms, 204
- Knee Sprung, 205
- Lameness, Examine for, 50
- Laminitis, 205
- Laudanum, 76
- Leg Bones, 17
- Leg Wounds, 61
- Lice, 205
- Linseed Oil, 76
- Liver Flukes, 207
- Lockjaw, 208
- Loco Disease, 212
- Lumpy Jaw, 213
- Lung Fever, 214
- Lungs, 67
- Lungs, Congestion of, 213
- Lung Worms in Calves, 214
- Lung Worms in Lambs, 214
- Lymph, 12
- Lymphangitis, 214
- Lymph Through Cells, 29
- Mad Dog, 217
- Maggots, 217
- Maggots in Wounds, 61
- Mange, 219
- Mastication, 24
- Medicines, 69
- Medicines, Administration of, 97
- Medicines, Giving in a Ball, 97
- Medicines, Giving in a Drench, 97
- Mallenders, 218
- Mammitis, 218
- Milk Fever, 219
- Monday Morning Sickness, 221
- Mouth, Examining the, 46
- Muscular System, 19
- Mustard Plasters, 98
- Nasal Gleet, 221
- Navicular Disease, 222
- Neck,