Chapter I. Sociology and the Social Sciences PAGE I. Sociology and "Scientific" History 1 II. Historical and Sociological Facts 6 III. Human Nature and Law 12 IV. History, Natural History, and Sociology 16 V. The Social Organism: Humanity or Leviathan? 24 VI. Social Control and Schools of Thought 27 VII. Social Control and the Collective Mind 36 VIII. Sociology and Social Research 43 Representative Works in Systematic Sociology and Methods of Sociological Research 57 Topics for Written Themes 60 Questions for Discussion 60 Chapter II. Human Nature I. Introduction 1. Human Interest in Human Nature 64 2. Definition of Human Nature 65 3. Classification of the Materials 68 II. Materials A. The Original Nature of Man 1. Original Nature Defined. Edward L. Thorndike 73 2. Inventory of Original Tendencies. Edward L. Thorndike 75 3. Man Not Born Human. Robert E. Park 76 4. The Natural Man. Milicent W. Shinn 82 5. Sex Differences. Albert Moll 85 6. Racial Differences. C. S. Myers 89 7. Individual Differences. Edward L. Thorndike 92 B. Human Nature and Social Life 1. Human Nature and Its Remaking. W. E. Hocking 95 2. Human Nature, Folkways, and the Mores. William G. Sumner 97 3. Habit and Custom, the Individual and the General Will. Ferdinand TÖnnies 100 4. The Law, Conscience, and the General Will. Viscount Haldane 102 C. Personality and the Social Self 1. The Organism as Personality. Th. Ribot 108 2. Personality as a Complex. Morton Prince 110 3. The Self as the Individual's Conception of His RÔle. Alfred Binet 113 4. The Natural Person versus the Social and Conventional Self. L. G. Winston 117 5. The Divided Self and Moral Consciousness. William James 119 6. Personality of Individuals and of Peoples. W. v. Bechterew 123 D. Biological and Social Heredity 1. Nature and Nurture. J. Arthur Thomson 126 2. Inheritance of Original Nature. C. B. Davenport 128 3. Inheritance of Acquired Nature: Tradition. Albert G. Keller 134 4. Temperament, Tradition, and Nationality. Robert E. Park 135 III. Investigations and Problems 1. Conceptions of Human Nature Implicit in Religious and Political Doctrines 139 2. Literature and the Science of Human Nature 141 3. Research in the Field of Original Nature 143 4. The Investigation of Human Personality 143 5. The Measurement of Individual Differences 145 Selected Bibliography 147 Topics for Written Themes 154 Questions for Discussion 155 Chapter III. Society and the Group I. Introduction 1. Society, the Community, and the Group 159 2. Classification of the Materials 162 II. Materials A. Society and Symbiosis 1. Definition of Society. Alfred Espinas 165 2. Symbiosis (literally "living together"). William M. Wheeler 167 3. The Taming and the Domestication of Animals. P. Chalmers Mitchell 170 B. Plant Communities and Animal Societies 1. Plant Communities. Eugenius Warming 173 2. Ant Society. William E. Wheeler 180 C. Human Society 1. Social Life. John Dewey 182 2. Behavior and Conduct. Robert E. Park 185 3. Instinct and Character. L. T. Hobhouse 190 4. Collective Representation and Intellectual Life. Émile Durkheim 193 D. The Social Group 1. Definition of the Group. Albion W. Small 196 2. The Unity of the Social Group. Robert E. Park 198 3. Types of Social Groups. S. Sighele 200 4. Esprit de Corps, Morale, and Collective Representations of Social Groups. William E. Hocking 205 III. Investigations and Problems 1. The Scientific Study of Societies 210 2. Surveys of Communities 211 3. The Group as a Unit of Investigation 212 4. The Study of the Family 213 Selected Bibliography 217 Topics for Written Themes 223 Questions for Discussion 224 Chapter IV. Isolation I. Introduction 1. Geological and Biological Conceptions of Isolation 226 2. Isolation and Segregation 228 3. Classification of the Materials 230 II. Materials A. Isolation and Personal Individuality 1. Society and Solitude. Francis Bacon 233 2. Society in Solitude. Jean Jacques Rousseau 234 3. Prayer as a Form of Isolation. George Albert Coe. 235 4. Isolation, Originality, and Erudition. T. Sharper Knowlson 237 B. Isolation and Retardation 1. Feral Men. Maurice H. Small 239 2. From Solitude to Society. Helen Keller 243 3. Mental Effects of Solitude. W. H. Hudson 245 4. Isolation and the Rural Mind. C. J. Galpin 247 5. The Subtler Effects of Isolation. W. I. Thomas. 249 C. Isolation and Segregation 1. Segregation as a Process. Robert E. Park 252 2. Isolation as a Result of Segregation. L. W. Crafts and E. A. Doll 254 D. Isolation and National Individuality 1. Historical Races as Products of Isolation. N. S. Shaler 257 2. Geographical Isolation and Maritime Contact. George Grote 260 3. Isolation as an Explanation of National Differences. William Z. Ripley 264 4. Natural versus Vicinal Location in National Development. Ellen C. Semple 268 III. Investigations and Problems 1. Isolation in Anthropogeography and Biology 269 2. Isolation and Social Groups 270 3. Isolation and Personality 271 Bibliography: Materials for the Study of Isolation 273 Topics for Written Themes 277 Questions for Discussion 278 Chapter V. Social Contacts I. Introduction 1. Preliminary Notions of Social Contact 280 2. The Sociological Concept of Contact 281 3. Classification of the Materials 282 II. Materials A. Physical Contact and Social Contact 1. The Frontiers of Social Contact. Albion W. Small 288 2. The Land and the People. Ellen C. Semple 289 3. Touch and Social Contact. Ernest Crawley 291 B. Social Contact in Relation to Solidarity and to Mobility 1. The In-Group and the Out-Group. W. G. Sumner. 293 2. Sympathetic Contacts versus Categoric Contacts. N. S. Shaler 294 3. Historical Continuity and Civilization. Friedrich Ratzel 298 4. Mobility and the Movement of Peoples. Ellen C. Semple 301 C. Primary and Secondary Contacts 1. Village Life in America (from the Diary of a Young Girl). Caroline C. Richards 305 2. Secondary Contacts and City Life. Robert E. Park. 311 3. Publicity as a Form of Secondary Contact. Robert E. Park 315 4. From Sentimental to Rational Attitudes. Werner Sombart 317 5. The Sociological Significance of the "Stranger." Georg Simmel 322 III. Investigations and Problems 1. Physical Contacts 327 2. Touch and the Primary Contacts of Intimacy 329 3. Primary Contacts of Acquaintanceship 330 4. Secondary Contacts 331 Bibliography: Materials for the Study of Social Contacts 332 Topics for Written Themes 336 Questions for Discussion 336 Chapter VI. Social Interaction I. Introduction 1. The Concept of Interaction 339 2. Classification of the Materials 341 II. Materials A. Society as Interaction 1. The Mechanistic Interpretation of Society. Ludwig Gumplowicz 346 2. Social Interaction as the Definition of the Group in Time and Space. Georg Simmel 348 B. The Natural Forms of Communication 1. Sociology of the Senses: Visual Interaction. Georg Simmel 356 2. The Expression of the Emotions. Charles Darwin 361 3. Blushing. Charles Darwin 365 4. Laughing. L. Dugas 370 C. Language and the Communication of Ideas 1. Intercommunication in the Lower Animals. C. Lloyd Morgan 375 2. The Concept as the Medium of Human Communication. F. Max MÜller 379 3. Writing as a Form of Communication. Charles H. Judd 381 4. The Extension of Communication by Human Invention. Carl BÜcher 385 D. Imitation 1. Definition of Imitation. Charles H. Judd 390 2. Attention, Interest, and Imitation. G. F. Stout 391 3. The Three Levels of Sympathy. Th. Ribot 394 4. Rational Sympathy. Adam Smith 397 5. Art, Imitation, and Appreciation. YrjÖ Hirn 401 E. Suggestion 1. A Sociological Definition of Suggestion. W. v. Bechterew 408 2. The Subtler Forms of Suggestion. Albert Moll 412 3. Social Suggestion and Mass or "Corporate" Action. W. v. Bechterew 415 III. Investigations and Problems 1. The Process of Interaction 420 2. Communication 421 3. Imitation 423 4. Suggestion 424 Selected Bibliography 425 Topics for Written Themes 431 Questions for Discussion 431 Chapter VII. Social Forces I. Introduction 1. Sources of the Notion of Social Forces 435 2. History of the Concept of Social Forces 436 3. Classification of the Materials 437 II. Materials A. Trends, Tendencies, and Public Opinion 1. Social Forces in American History. A. M. Simons 443 2. Social Tendencies as Social Forces. Richard T. Ely 444 3. Public Opinion and Legislation in England. A. V. Dicey 445 B. Interests, Sentiments, and Attitudes 1. Social Forces and Interaction. Albion W. Small 451 2. Interests. Albion W. Small 454 3. Social Pressures. Arthur F. Bentley 458 4. Idea-Forces. Alfred FouillÉe 461 5. Sentiments. William McDougall 464 6. Social Attitudes. Robert E. Park 467 C. The Four Wishes: A Classification of Social Forces 1. The Wish, the Social Atom. Edwin B. Holt 478 2. The Freudian Wish. John B. Watson 482 3. The Person and His Wishes. W. I. Thomas 488 III. Investigations and Problems 1. Popular Notions of Social Forces 491 2. Social Forces and History 493 3. Interests, Sentiments, and Attitudes as Social Forces 494 4. Wishes and Social Forces 497 Selected Bibliography 498 Topics for Written Themes 501 Questions for Discussion 502 Chapter VIII. Competition I. Introduction 1. Popular Conceptions of Competition 505 2. Competition a Process of Interaction 507 3. Classification of the Materials 511 II. Materials A. The Struggle for Existence 1. Different Forms of the Struggle for Existence. J. Arthur Thomson 513 2. Competition and Natural Selection. Charles Darwin 515 3. Competition, Specialization, and Organization. Charles Darwin 519 4. Man: An Adaptive Mechanism. George W. Crile 522 B. Competition and Segregation 1. Plant Migration, Competition, and Segregation. F. E. Clements 526 2. Migration and Segregation. Carl BÜcher 529 3. Demographic Segregation and Social Selection. William Z. Ripley 534 4. Inter-racial Competition and Race Suicide. Francis A. Walker 539 C. Economic Competition 1. Changing Forms of Economic Competition. John B. Clark 865 2. Social Unrest and Collective Behavior 866 3. The Crowd and the Public 867 4. Crowds and Sects 870 5. Sects and Institutions 872 6. Classification of the Materials 874 II. Materials A. Social Contagion 1. An Incident in a Lancashire Cotton Mill 878 2. The Dancing Mania of the Middle Ages. J. F. C. Hecker 879 B. The Crowd 1. The "Animal" Crowd 881 a) The Flock. Mary Austin 881 b) The Herd. W. H. Hudson 883 c) The Pack. Ernest Thompson Seton 886 2. The Psychological Crowd. Gustave Le Bon 887 3. The Crowd Defined. Robert E. Park 893 C. Types of Mass Movements 1. Crowd Excitements and Mass Movements: The Klondike Rush. T. C. Down 895 2. Mass Movements and the Mores: The Woman's Crusade. Annie Wittenmyer 898 3. Mass Movements and Revolution a) The French Revolution. Gustave Le Bon 905 b) Bolshevism. John Spargo 909 4. Mass Movements and Institutions: Methodism. William E. H. Lecky 915 III. Investigations and Problems 1. Social Unrest 924 2. Psychic Epidemics 926 3. Mass Movements 927 4. Revivals, Religious and Linguistic 929 5. Fashion, Reform, and Revolution 933 Selected Bibliography 934 Topics for Written Themes 951 Questions for Discussion 951 Chapter XIV. Progress I. Introduction 1. Popular Conceptions of Progress 953 2. The Problem of Progress 956 3. History of the Concept of Progress 958 4. Classification of the Materials 962 II. Materials A. The Concept of Progress 1. The Earliest Conception of Progress. F. S. Marvin 965 2. Progress and Organization. Herbert Spencer 966 3. The Stages of Progress. Auguste Comte 968 4. Progress and the Historical Process. Leonard T. Hobhouse 969 B. Progress and Science 1. Progress and Happiness. Lester F. Ward 973 2. Progress and Prevision. John Dewey 975 3. Progress and the Limits of Scientific Prevision. Arthur J. Balfour 977 4. Eugenics as a Science of Progress. Francis Galton 979 C. Progress and Human N