
[20a] Original sin is the root of Actual transgressions.[20b] Mark 7.[21a] Job 11. 12. Ezek. 16. Exod. 13. 13. Chap. 34. 20.[21b] Rom. 5.[21c] Badman addicted to Lying from a child.[21d] A Lie knowingly told demonstrates that the heart is desperately hard.[22a] The Lyers portion. Rev. 21. 8. 27. Chap. 22. 15.[22b] Prov. 22. 15. Chap. 23. 13, 14.[22c] Joh. 8. 44.[22d] The Devils Brat.[22e] Acts 5. 3, 4.[22f] The Father and Mother of a Lie.[23a] Mark.[23b] Some will tell a Lie for a Peny profit.[23c] An Example for Lyers. Acts 5.[24a] A Spirit of Lying accompanyed with other sins.[24b] Badman given to pilfer.[24c] Badman would rob his Father.[24d] Exod. 20. 15.[25a] Zech. 5. 3.[25b] Jer. 2. 26. How Badman did use to carry it when his Father used to chide him for his sins.[25c] Badman more firmly knit to his Companions than either to Father or Mother.[25d] Badman would rejoyce to think that his Parents death were at hand.[26a] 1 Sam. 2. 25.[26b] Badman counted his thieving no great matter.[26d] The Story of old Tod.[26e] Young Thieves takes notice.[27] Old Tod began his way to the Gallows by robbing of Orchards and the like.[28a] Badman could not abide the Lords Day.[28b] Why Badman could not abide the Lords Day.[29a] God proves the heart what it is, by instituting of the Lords day, and setting it apart to his service.[29b] Gen. 2. 2. Exod. 31. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Mar. 16. 1. Acts 20. 7. 1 Cor. 16. 1, 2. Mar. 2. 27, 28. Revel. 1. 10.[29c] Isa. 5. 8, 13.—Could not see where this fits in the text.—DP.[29d] Chap. 56. 2.[29e] Amos 8. 5.[30a] Heb. 4. 9.[30b] How Badman did use to spend the Lords Day.[30c] Ephes. 5. 6.[31a] Badman given to Swearing and Cursing.[31b] Rom. 6. 13.[31c] Swearing and Cursing a badge of Mr. Badmans honour.[31d] Difference betwixt Swearing and Cursing.[31e] What Swearing is.[32a] Exod. 20. 7.[32b] A man may sin in swearing to a truth. Jer. 5. 2.[32c] He that swears to a Lie, concludes that God is as wicked as himself.[32d] Zech. 5. 3. Jer. 7. 9. Hos. 4. 2, 3.[33a] Six Causes of vain Swearing.[33b] Jam. 3. 6, 7, 8, 9.[34a] How Cursing is distinguished from Swearing.[34b] Of Cursing, what it is.[34c] 2 Sam. 16. 6, 7, 8.[34d] 1 King. 2. 8.[34e] How the profane ones of our times Curse.[35a] Job 30. 31.[35b] Badmans way of Cursing.[35c] The Damme Blade.[35d] Badman would curse his Father, &c.[35e] Badman would curse his Fathers Cattel.[36a] Job 15. Eccles. 7. 22.[36b] Four causes of Cursing.[36c] The dishonour it brings to God.[36d] Jam. 3. 9.[37a] Swearing and Cursing, are sins against the light of Nature.[37b] Gen. 31.[37c] Examples of Gods anger against them that Swear and Curse.[40a] Psal. 109. 17,18.[40b] A grievous thing to bring up Children wickedly.[41a] Badman put to be an Apprentice.[41b] Young Badmans Master, and his qualifications.[42a] A bad Master, a bad thing.[42b] How many ways a Master may be the ruin of an Apprentice.[43a] Children are great observers of what older folks doe.[43b] 1 Sam. 2.[43c] Badman had all advantages to be good, but continued Badman still.[43d] All good things abominable to Badman.[44a] Good counsel to Badman like Little-Ease. Prov. 9. 8. Chap. 15. 12.[44b] How Badman used to behave himself at Sermons.[45b] The desperate words of one H. S. who once was my Companion. He was own bother to Ned, of whom you read before.[45c] Job 21. 14. Zech. 1. 11, 12, 13.[45d] Zech. 7. 13.[46a] Gen. 21. 9, 10. 2 King. 2. 23, 24.[46b] Badmans Acquaintance.[46c] A Sign of Gods Anger.[46d] Rom. 1. 28.[46e] Psal. 125. 5.[46f] 2 Thess. 2. 10, 11, 12.[47a] Prov. 12. 20.[47b] The Devils Decoys.[47c] Prov. 1. 29.[47e] This was done at Bedford.[48a] Prov. 7. 12, 13.[48b] Prov. 5. 11.[48c] 2 Pet. 2. 12, 13.[48d] Badman becomes a frequenter of Taverns.[48f] A Story for a Drunkard.[49a] Four evils attend drunkenness.[49b] Prov. 23. 20, 21.[49c] Eccles. 7. 17.[49d] Prov. 23. 29, 30.[50a] 1 Cor. 6. 10.[50b] The fifth evil the worst.[50c] Prov. 23. 34, 35.[50d] An Objection answered.[50e] Habak. 2, 9, 10, 11, 12. Ver. 5, 15.[51a] Badmans Masters Purse paid for his drunkenness.[51b] A Caution for Masters.[52b] Badmans third companion addicted to Uncleanness.[52c] Sins of great men dangerous.[53a] Prov. 5. 8.[53b] Chap. 7. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.[53c] Signs of a whore.[54a] The sin of Uncleanness cried out against.[54b] What evils attend this sin. Prov. 6. 26.[54c] Gen. 38. 18.[54d] Prov. 31. 1, 2.[54f] A Story for unclean persons to take notice of.[55a] More evils attend this sin.[55c] Job 31. 1, 2, 3.[56] Prov. 6. 33.[57] Prov. 6. 26.[58a] Chap. 23. 27. Prov. 2. 18, 19. Chap. 7. 25, 26, 27.[58b] Prov. 22. 14.[58c] Ephes. 5. 5.[58d] Desperate words.[59b] Gen. 39. 10.[59c] Of chaste Joseph.[60a] Many are made whores by promises of Marriage, &c.[60b] Clarks Looking-glass for Sinners, Chap. 2. Pag. 12.[60c] Badman and his Master abhor one another.[60d] Prov. 29. 27.[61a] Young Badman runs away from his Master.[61b] He gets a new Master like himself.[61c] A sign of Gods anger upon young Badman.[62a] Demonstration of Gods anger towards him.[62b] Gen. 18. 18, 19.[62c] Psal. 7. 14.[62d] Jam. 1. 15.[63a] It concerns Parents to put their Children into good Families.[63b] Masters should also beware what Servants they entertain.[63c] Young Badman and his second Master cannot agree.[63d] Acts 16. 16.[63e] Reasons of their disagreeing.[64a] Acts 16. 17, 18, 19, 20.[64b] Ro. 14. 22.[64c] Bad Masters condemn themselves when they for badness beat their Bad servants.[64d] 1 King. 16. 7.[65a] Why young Badman did not run away from this Master though he did beat him.[65b] Why Badman could bear his last Masters reproof better than he could the first.[65c] By what means Badman came to be compleated in his wickedness.[66a] Badman out of his time.[66b] He goes home to his Father.[66c] He refrains himself for Money.[66d] Severity what it inclines to.[67a] We are better at giving then taking good Counsel.[67b] This is to be considered.[68a] A good woman and her bad son.[68b] Mr. Badman sets up for himself, and quickly runs to the lands end.[69a] The reason of his runing out.[69b] Eccle. 11, 9.[69c] New companions.[69d] Mr. Badmans temper.[69e] Pro. 29. 3. Chap. 13. 20.[69f] Pro. 28. 7.[69g] Pro. 28. 19.[70a] Pro. 23. 21.[70b] His Behaviour under his decays.[70c] How he covered his decayes.[70d] Badman is for a rich Wife.[70e] Badman has a godly Maid in his eye.[71a] He seeks to get her, why, and how.[71b] He calls his Companions together, and they advise him how to get her.[71c] Badman goes to the Damosel as his Counsel advised him.[72a] Badmans complement, his lying complement.[72b] Neglect of Counsel about marriage dangerous.[73a] Badman obtains his desire, is married, &c.[73b] His carriage judged ungodly and wicked.[73c] Mat. 23.[73d] The great alteration that quickly happened to Badmans wife.[73e] Mala. 3. 15.[73f] Expectation of Judgment is for such things.[73g] Job. 21. 30, 31, 32.[74a] An example of Gods anger on such as have heretofore committed this sin of Mr. Badman. Gen 34.[74c] After Badman is married, his Creditors come upon him, and his wives Portion pays for that which his whores were feasted with before he was married.[75a] Now she reaps the fruits of her unadvisedness.[75b] Now Badman has got him a wife by Religion, he hangs it by as a thing out of use, and entertains his old Companions.[75c] He drives good company from his wife.[75d] He goes to his Whores.[76a] He rails at his wife.[76b] He seeks to force his wife from her Religion.[76c] He mocks at her Preachers.[76d] He mocks his wife in her dejections.[76e] He refuses to let her go out to good company.[77a] She gets out sometimes by stealth.[77b] Her repentance and complaint.[77c] Psal. 120[77d] The evil of being unequally yoaked together.[78a] 2 Cor. 6. 13.[78b] Gen. 3. 15.[78c] Deut. 2. 43. (This doesn’t exist but is as given in the text. DP)[78d] Good counsel to those godly maids that are to marry.[79a] A caution to young women.[79b] Let Mr. Badmans wife be your Example.[80a] Deut. 7. 4, 5. (Rather unnecessary footnote. DP)[80b] 1 Cor. 7. 39. 2 Cor. 6. 14, 15, 16.[80c] Rules for those that are to marry.[80d] If you love your Souls take heed.[81a] Duet 7.[81b] Psal. 106. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.[81c] Badmans Children that he had by this good woman.[81d] Nehem. 13. 24.[82a] How the ungodly Father and godly Mother doe strive for the Children that God doth give them.[82b] 2 King. 17.[83a] The advantages that Children have, whose Parents are both godly.[84a] The disadvantages that the Children of ungodly Parents have.[84b] Job 30. 8.[84c] A contest betwixt Mr. Badman and his wife.[85a] Ephes. 5. 28.[85b] With what weapons Badman did deal with his wife.[85c] Mr. Badmans heart discovered as to its enmity against the friends of his wife.[86] Mark[88a] New discourse of Mr. Badman.[88b] Mr. Badman plays a new prank.[89] Mr. Badmans perfection.[90a] How Mr. Badman came to enjoy himself.[90b] 2 Chron. 28. 22. 1 King 21. 25. Gen. 13. 13.[90c] Job 21. 17.[90d] There are abundance like Mr. Badman.[91a] Pro. 24. 9.[91b] He that would be bad is bad.[91c] Matt 5. 28.[91d] Pro. 23. 7. Mat. 5. Rom. 7. 7.[92a] A bad heart makes a bad man.[92b] 1 Sam. 24. 13. Mat. 7. 16, 17, 18.[92c] Mar. 7. 20, 21, 22, 23.

[93a] Mr. Badman had an art to break, and to get money that way.[93b] How he managed things in order to his breaking.[93c] He breaks.[94a] Mr. Badmans suger words to his Creditors.[94b] Badmans friend.[94c] What Mr. Badman propounds to his Creditors.[94d] They at last agree, and Mr. Badman gains by breaking.[95] There is no plea for his dishonesty.[96a] An answer to two questions.[96b] 1. Q[u]estion.[96c] Levit. 19. 13.[96d] The hainousness of this sin.[96e] 1 Thess. 4. 6.[96f] fair warning.[97a] Colos. 3. 25.[97b] Fair warning again.[97c] He that designedly commits this sin is like the Devil.[97d] 2. Question.[98a] How those that are Banckrupts should deal with their consciences.[98b] Good advice.[98c] Rom. 12. 11.[98d] 1 Tim. 5. 8.[98e] Pro. 18. 9.[98f] Good counsel again.[99a] How to find that thy decay came by the Judgment of God, or by thy miscarriage.[99b] Another question.[99c] Pro. 10. 3. 1 Pet. 5. 6.[99d] Lam. 3. 33.[100a] Good advice again. Deut. 32. 15.[100b] James 1. 9, 10.[100c] Consider four things.[100d] Job 1. 21. Chap. 2. 8.[100e] Psal. 49. 6.[100f] Jam. 2. 5.[101a] Honest dealing with Creditors.[101b] Pro. 16. 33.[102a] Jer. 15. 10, 11. Pro. 16. 7.[102b] A heavy blot upon Religion.[103a] If Knaves will make profession their cloak to be vile, who can help it?[103b] 1 Cor. 6. 8, 9, 10. 2 Tim. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.[103c] Matt. 18. 6, 7, 8.[103d] Let such be disowned of all good men.[103e] Jer. 17. 11.[104a] Ezek. 20. 38, 39.[104b] 2 Cor. 7. 2.[104c] Mar. 10. 19.[104d] 1 Sam. 12. 3.[104e] Ver. 4.[105a] A question.[105b] An answer.[105c] 2 King. 4. 1, 2.[105d] Hag. 1. 9.[105e] God does sometimes blow upon his own people. How they should doe at that time.[105f] Philip. 4. 12.[106] More of Mr. Badmans fraudulent dealing. He used deceitful weights and scales.[107a] Levit. 19. 35, 36.[107b] Of Just weights and measures.[107c] Ezek. 45. 10.[107d] Pro. 20. 23. Chap. 11. 1.[107e] The evil of deceitful Balances, Weights and Measures.[107f] Deut. 25. 13, 14, 15, 16.[108a] The Old and New Law commands all men to be honest and upright in their weights and measures.[108b] Luke 6. 88.[108c] Pat Scriptures for our purpose.[109a] Where false weights and measures are to be found.[109b] 1. With evil doers.[109c] Mic. 6. 10.[109d] 2. With the merciless and Oppressors.[109e] Hos. 12. 7.[109f] 3. With such as would swallow up the poor.[109g] Amos 8. 4, 5, 6, 7.[110a] 4. With impure ones.[110b] Mic. 6. 11.[110c] Dan. 5. 27.[111a] How Mr. Badman did cheat, and hide his cheating.[111b] Good Weights and a bad Ballance a deep piece of Knavery.[112a] Mat. 23.[112b] A cloak of Religion to blind Mr. Cheats Knavery.[112c] Some plead Custom to cheat.[112d] Deut. 16. 20.[113a] They get nothing that cozen and cheat.[113b] Mar. 9.[113c] Prov. 10. 3. Jer. 15. 13. Chap. 17. 3.[113d] Job 27. 17.[113e] Pro. 13. 22.[114a] More of Mr. Badmans Bad tricks.[114b] Amos 8.[114c] Another art to cheat withall.[115a] Zeph. 1. 9.[115b] Servants observe these words.[115c] Of Extortion.[115d] 1 Cor. 6. 9, 10.[116a] Who are Extortioners.[116b] Hucksters.[116c] Pro. 22. 16, 22.[117a] Deut. 23. 19.[118a] Whether it be lawful for a man to make the best of his own. Proved in negative by 8 reasons.[118b] Good conscience must be used in selling.[118c] We must not make a prey of our neighbours Ignorance.[118d] Nor of his Neighbours Necessity.[119a] Nor of his Fondness of our commodity.[119b] We must use good conscience in buying.[119c] Gen. 23. 8, 9.[119d] 1 Chron. 21, 22. 24.[119e] Levit. 25. 14.[120a] Charity must be used in our dealings.[120b] 1 Cor. 16. 14.[120c] 1 Cor. 13.[120d] Ephes. 4. 25.[120e] There may be and is sin in trading.[121a] Matt. 7. 12.[121b] A man in trading must not offer violence to the Law of nature.[121c] Job. 37. 7.[121d] We must not abuse the Gift we have in the knowledge of earthly things.[121e] 1 Cor. 10. 13. (Don’t see where this fits into text. DP)[121f] An eye to the glory of God in all we should have.[121g] Colo. 3. 17.[121h] Acts, 24. 15, 16.[122a] Levit. 25. 14.[122b] Badman used to laugh at them that told him of his faults.[122c] Luke. 16. 13, 14, 15. Chap. 6. 25.[123a] A question.[123b] An answer.[123c] Preparations to be a good dealer.[123d] Eccle. 5. 10, 11.[123e] 1 Tim. 6. 7, 8, 9.[124a] Ezek. 22. 13.[124b] Pro. 15. 17. Chap 16. 8. 1 Sam. 2. 5. Pro. 5. 21.[124c] Job 14. 17.[124d] Eccles. 5. 13, 14, 15.[124e] Prov. 20. 14.[125a] Amos 8. 5.[125b] A Judgment of God. 2 King. 7.[125c] Pro. 11. 26.[125d] Isa. 58. 6, 7, 8.[125e] Philip. 4. 5.[126a] Mr. Badman a very proud man.[126b] Of pride in general.[126c] Pro. 21. 24.[126d] Pride sticks close to nature.[127] Pro. 8. 13. Chap. 29. 23. Isa. 25. 11. Mal. 4. 1.[128a] Proud men do not love to be called proud.[128b] Two sorts of pride.[128c] Pro. 16. 5. Chap. 21. 4. Eccle. 7. 8.[128d] Isa. 3. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.[128e] Wicked men do hate that word that reproves their vice.[129a] Signes of a proud man in general.[129b] Pro. 30. 13.[129c] Pro. 17. 19.[129d] Mar. 7.[129e] In particular.[129f] Psal. 10. 2.[129g] Psal. 10. 4.[129h] Pro. 13. 10.[129i] Psal. 119. 51.[129j] Ver. 122.[129k] Jer. 13. 17.[129l] Chap. 43. 2.[129m] Mal. 3. 15.[129n] Of outward pride.[130a] 1 Tim. 2. 2. (Don’t see where this fits in the text.—DP)[130b] 1 Pet. 3. 3, 4, 5.[130c] Mr. Badman was not for having pride called pride.[130d] Professors guilty of the sin of pride.[131a] Jer. 3. 3.[131b] 1 Tim. 2. 9.[131c] 1 Pet. 3. 1, 2, 3.[131d] Jer. 23. 15.[131e] Ezra. 9. 2.[131f] Pride in professors a shame and stumbling-block to the world.[132b] Why pride is in such request.[132c] 1 Reason. Mar. 7. 22, 23.[132d] Obad. 3.[132e] 1 Joh. 2. 16.[132f] 1 Pet. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.[133a] 3 Reason.[133b] 4 Reason.[133c] Isa. 6.[133d] 5 Reason.[134a] The evil effects of the sin of Pride.[134b] 1 Evil effect. 1 Tim. 3. 6.[134c] 2 Evil effect. Psal. 138. 9.[134d] 3 Evil effect.[135a] Jam. 4. 6.[135b] 4 Evil effect. Pro. 16. 25.[135c] 5 Evil effect. Pro. 11. 2. Prov. 16. 8.[135d] 6 Evil effect. 1 Tim. 3. 6.[135e] A general character of Mr. Badman.[135f] Psalm. 36. 1.[135g] A brief relation of Mr. Badmans ways.[136a] Isa. 26. 10.[136b] Isa. 9. 13.[136c] Isa. 26. 11.[136d] Psal. 29. 5. (Cannot see where this fits in the text.—DP)[136e] Pro. 17. 6. (Cannot see where this fits in the text.—DP)[136f] Isa. 26. 10.[136g] Mr. Badmans judgment of the Scriptures.[136h] Good men Mr. Badmans song.[137a] Psal. 50. 19. 20.[137b] Rom. 3. 7, 8.[137c] Jer. 23. 10.[137d] When the wicked watch, Gods people should be wary.[137e] Badman an angry, envious man.[138a] Pro. 14. 16.[138b] Eccle. 7. 9.[138c] Whence Envy flows.[138d] Pro. 27. 3, 4.[138e] Envie the worst of the four.[138f] Gal. 5. 19, 20.[139a] Pro. 14. 30.[139b] Envy is the father and mother of a many wickednesses.[139c] Jam. 3. 14, 15.[139d] Some of the births of Envy.[139e] Job. 5. 2.[139f] Matt. 27. 18.[139g] Mar. 15. 10.[139h] Acts 7. 9.[139i] Isa. 11. 13.[139j] Acts 13. 14. (Cannot see where this fits in the text.—DP)[140a] A rare thing.[140b] Mr. Badman under some trouble of mind.[140c] Mr. Badman brake his legg.[140d] He swears.[140e] He prays.[141a] It has no good effect upon him.[141c] How many sins do accompany drunkenness.[141d] Acts 17. 30, 31, 32.[142a] Job 34. 24, 25, 26.[142b] An open stroak.[142c] pag. 41.[143a] Mr. Badman fallen sick.[143b] His conscience is wounded.[143c] He cryes out in his sickness.[143d] His Atheism will not help him now.[144a] A dreadful example of Gods anger.[144c] What Mr. Badman did more when he was sick.[145a] Great alteration made in Mr. Badman.[145b] The Town-talk of Mr. Badmans change.[145c] His wife is comforted.[146a] Mr. Badman recovers and returns to his old course.[146b] Ignorant physicians kill souls while they cure bodyes.[147a] Gen. 4. 13. 14. Exo. 9. 27. 1 Sam. 15. 24. Matt. 27. 3, 4, 5.[147b] The true symptoms of conversion wanting in all Mr. Badmans sence of sin and desires of mercy.[147c] Exo. 19. 28. Acts 8. 24.[147d] Luke 16. 27, 28.[147e] Of sick-bed repentance, and that it is to be suspected.[148a] Hos. 7. 14.[148b] A sign of the desperateness of mans heart.[148c] Deut. 1. 34, 35.[148d] Psal. 78. 34, 35, 36, 37.[149a] Mr. Badmans wifes heart is broken.[149b] Her Christian speech.[149c] Heb. 12. 22, 23, 24.[149d] Her talk to her friends. (Don’t see how this relates to the text. DP)[150a] Ps. 35. 13.[150b] Her talk to her husband.[151a] He diverts her discourse.[151b] Her speech to her children that were rude.[151c] Rev. 7. 16. Chap. 21. 3, 4.[151d] Her speech to her darling.[152a] Heb. 3. 14.[152b] Ephes. 5. 11.[152c] Her death.[153b] One of her children converted by her dying words.[153c] Mat. 23.[154a] Mr. Badmans base language.[154b] He marryes again, and how he got this last wife.[154c] What she was, and how they lived.[154d] Clarks Looking Glass.[155] Amo. 7. 16, 17.[156a] He is punished in his last wife for his bad carriages towards his first.[156b] He is not at all the better.[156c] None did pity him for his sorrow, but looked upon it as a just reward.[156d] Badman and this last wife part as poor as Howlets.[157a] Mr Badmans sickness and diseases of which he died.[157b] Badmans name stinks when he is dead.[157c] Pro. 10. 7.[158a] That Mr. Badman dies impenitent is proved.[158b] 1 Proof that he died impenitent.[159a] Isa. 6. Ro. 11.[159b] No sence of sin, no repentance proved.[159c] Acts 2. Chap. 9. Chap. 16.[159d] Psal. 38. 18.[159e] 2 Sam. 12.[159f] Job 10. 2. Chap. 34. 32.[159g] Jer. 31. 18, 19, 20.[160a] Job 20. 11. Prov. 5. 22.[160b] Matt. 25. Isa. 66. 24. Mar. 9. 44.[160c] Every sight and sence of sin cannot produce repentance.[160d] 2 proof that he died impenitent.[161a] 1 King. 21. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.[161b] Psal. 41. 6.[161c] How Badman carried it to good men when they came to visit him in his last sickness.[163a] Job. 21. 14.[163b] Jer. 2. 25. Zech. 7. 11, 12. Acts. 28. 26, 27.[163c] 3 Proof that he died impenitent.[163d] Acts 9. 11.[163e] Psal. 18. 14.[163f] Job 36. 13.[164a] Psal. 51. 1. Psal. 6. 1, 2, 3, 4. Psal. 38.[164b] 4 Proof that he died impenitent.[165a] Acts. 9. 26. 28.[165b] Psal. 119. 63.[165c] 2 Cor. 5. 17.[165d] Acts. 4. 32, 33. Chap. 2. 44, 45, 46, 47.[166a] How Mr. Badman was when near his End.[166b] He died like a Lamb.[166c] The opinion of the Ignorant about his manner of dying.[167a] How we must judge whether men dye well or no.[167b] When we may judge of a mans eternal state by the manner of his death.[168c] The story of John Cox.[169a] Of dying in Despair.[170a] 1 Sam. 28.[170b] Psal. 73. 4. (Don’t see where this fits into the text.—DP)[171a] Further discourse of Mr. Badmans death.[171b] He that after a sinfull life dies quietly, that is, without repentance, goes to Hell. 1 Proof[171c] Sick-bed repentance seldom good for any thing.[172a] Luke 13. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.[172b] 2 Proof.[173a] Peace in a sinfull state is a sign of damnation.[173b] Hos 4. 17.[173c] 3 Proof.[173d] Joh. 12. 40.[174a] Luk. 16. 22.[174b] Rom. 2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Acts 28. 26, 27.[174c] 2 Pet. 2.[174d] 4 Proof. Psal. 73. 4, 5, 6.[175a] Job 8. 13, 14.[175b] A frivolous opinion.[176a] When a wicked man dyes in his sins quietly, it is a Judgment of God upon his wicked beholder.[176b] Ver. 6.[177a] Ver. 8. 9, 10, 11.[177b] Vers. 12.[177c] Mala. 2. 17.


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