ECONOMICAL Use roll printed stationery and carbon, eliminating assembling of loose printed blanks and carbons—all automatic—no wasted effort. Shouperior trade mark EFFICIENT Whatever is written upon the original appears fac-simile on the duplicate and triplicate alike. A loading consists of about 500 sheets. SHOUPERIOR MANIFOLDER RECORDER In use in U. S. Army Posts, Naval Stations and ships for ten years. POSITIVE ALIGNMENT AND REGISTRATION The SHOUPALIGNER our newest device has special features of automatic alignment and registration of the form with automatic measured throw and stop. Absolutely essential where duplicates and triplicates are printed, requiring exact registration and alignment with the original. Our Service Department serves you with the most economical and efficient systems for the results desired. AUTOGRAPHIC REGISTER CO., HOBOKEN, N. J. ALL BLANK FORMS FROM ENGRAVING STEEL DIE EMBOSSING PLATE PRINTING POST AND ORGANIZATION STATIONERY THE EAGLE PRESS |