Many Exchanges run laundries and while no attempt will be made here to show how a laundry should be handled, it is thought proper to explain how the books should be kept. The handling of actual laundry work can be learned only by experience and it is an exceedingly difficult task to prevent a flood of complaints unless careful supervision and checking is in force. As far as the Post Exchange Books are concerned, the Laundry need furnish but three items:— (1) The amount owed by each customer for laundry work done during the month. (2) The total value of expendable articles on hand at the end of each month. (Inventory.) (3) The data for paying the wages of employees. Any other records that may be kept are for the information of the Laundry management, and are not essential to the proper running of the Exchange. The above three headings will be discussed in turn. Bills Receivable for Laundry Work.The methods used in the case of enlisted men differ from those used in the case of Officers and others of like classification; the former is rate work and the latter is piece work. The former will be explained first. The system about to be explained hinges about the Laundry List, Form 20, shown in Fig. 34. These are 5 × 8 inches in size, made up in pads of 100, fifty originals printed in black ink on white paper and fifty duplicates printed in red on white paper. Thus, each book or pad will last one man about one year. Each original and duplicate are on the same piece of paper, folded at the bottom and the lower (duplicate) forms are bound by their top edges, a piece of carbon paper being bound into each pad so as to fall between the two copies. A glance at a “Paragon” style of duplicating sales book will show clearly how this simple arrangement works. The backs of all sheets should be fairly well covered with advertising or other matter in order to prevent persons from ekeing out their supply of stationery by using these forms. If desired, the instruction shown on the face of the blank in the illustration could be placed on the back instead. In quantities of 1,000 or so, these books should cost in the neighborhood of 7 cents apiece. Figure 34, (Reduced in size) With this arrangement, each man makes out two copies of his laundry list with as little trouble as he formerly made out his single copy. The In case any article is damaged when received at the laundry, it is examined to see if it is properly marked, and then placed aside for the inspection of the Officer in charge. This point will be touched upon later. The duplicate lists remain in the sorting tray behind numbered guides until the time comes to sort out the finished wash of the organization to which the slips belong. When “marking in”, the marker either uses the space “MARKING O. K.” provided for the purpose, or, as is usually the case, we depend upon the personal check mark she places opposite each item on the list. This marking is done on the duplicate list only. When the finished wash is sorted, preparatory to delivery, the sorter makes another check mark (different from the first one) opposite each item that is put in the batch. No batch is allowed to go out with a shortage if it can possibly be avoided; if any article is held for re-washing, it is rushed through “special” and the whole bundle belonging to that particular man is held back to wait for it. This prevents the laundry from acquiring garments belonging to customers. If this is not done, a receipt for the shortage should be delivered to the customer with his wash, and a duplicate kept as a sort of tickler, to insure the missing articles being put in the next batch of washing received from and done up for that customer. The original slips are inserted in alphabetical order in loose-leaf binders, one binder for each organization. These binders should have a 2 inch back in order to hold one month’s slips conveniently. They form our retained record and are invaluable in case of disputes. The duplicates are given to the men when they come for their wash. While it is a great convenience to the men to be permitted to get the wash of their friends, at times, it has been found that this privilege is abused. In such a case, At the beginning of each month, each organization makes out a list of the men in the company, a carbon copy of Form 25 is the easiest to furnish. On the first day upon which any organization sends wash to the laundry, some designated N.C.O. of that organization marks in the first blank column opposite each man’s name, information as to whether or not he sent laundry on that date. Such entries would be “YES” (by using a rubber stamp) if the man sent laundry; “S”, if he did not, through being sick in hospital; “A”, meaning temporarily absent; “D”, meaning discharged, etc. When the batches of wash belonging to this organization are received at the laundry and each bundle or batch has been checked as before described, the entries on the consolidated list are checked against the original laundry slips as the latter are being placed in the binders. This is to insure the correctness of the consolidated list. After this is done, the consolidated list is returned to the organization, and the above operations are repeated upon every succeeding wash-day during the month. At the end of the month, all extras, such as charges for pressing uniforms, excessive number of pieces in wash, etc., are charged up on the original lists, the totals for the month found by mental addition and said total entered on the last original list for the month pertaining to each man, also, if desired, but only for cogent reasons, on the consolidated list. These totals are then sent to the Post Exchange for incorporation in the pay table collection sheet. If the binders are taken to the Exchange, the totals can be read from them without the necessity of entering these totals on the consolidated list at all. At this time, all of the original lists are lifted from their binders, temporarily bound with twine, and sent to the Exchange for file until the bills are paid, when they may be destroyed. Piece Work.In this case, a different list is used. See Form 21, shown in Fig. 35. These lists are made up into duplicating pads just the same as the soldiers’ laundry lists, and are handled in exactly the same manner, except that no consolidated list is kept. They measure 5 × 8 inches, like the others. At the end of the month, the amount of laundry bills on each retained original list is carried forward and the total entered on the last slip. These totals are then transferred to the Charge Accounts Book previously described. (Tearing a half inch off the upper right hand corner of all but the last slip for the month for each customer makes the binder self-indexing.) Figure 35, (Reduced in size) The above shows how all amounts due the laundry are transferred to the Exchange books, but there are one or two points in this connection that deserve at least a passing notice. The first of these is the Damage Report.This, Form 24, shown in Fig. 36, should be made up in the form of a duplicating pad, 3 × 5 inches being a standard size. One copy of this form, preferably, the original, is retained in the book or filed in a card index drawer; the duplicate is returned to the proper customer with his wash in which the damaged articles were found. As before noted, when damaged clothing is found in any wash during the “marking in” process, the damaged articles are placed aside. They are then entered on this form, inspected by the officer in charge, or person designated by him, and then sent through the wash. Figure 36, (Reduced in size) Claim Settlements.When a claim for damages, loss, etc., is settled in favor of the claimant a report should be made on Form 22 (See Fig. 37), to the Post Exchange. This form should be made up in triplicating pads, one copy for the Exchange book-keeper; another, plainly stamped “duplicate”, for the claimant, and a third to be retained by the Laundry, either in the book or in a card index drawer, preferably the latter. Figure 37, (Reduced in size) Inventories.These are taken in the same general way as in other branches of the Exchange except that the cost price alone is considered. When finished, the totals shown by the various cards are added on the machine and the result given to the Exchange book-keeper in order to permit him to make out the profit and loss sheet. The cards are filed in a card index drawer until they are used up, when they may be transferred to a dead file. Pay Rolls.These are handled in exactly the same manner as the Exchange pay roll. They may be made out separately by the Laundry authorities or incorporated in the regular Exchange roll. In any case, they should be made Miscellaneous Laundry Records.In addition to the above, the laundry should keep accurate track of the amounts spent in repairs or renewals of each machine or component part of the laundry. In the inventory book should be entered a proper rate of depreciation against each machine, etc., and this depreciation should be written off periodically by the Exchange Council, say once per year. Then, if any organization wishes to sell out or to buy in, it will be a simple matter to arrive at a proper valuation of the laundry and its fixtures. There should be on hand blueprints of the laundry building, showing dimensions and details of construction. There should also be on hand a complete diagram of all the steam and water pipes, connections, valves, etc. For cost-keeping, which would be desirable if it can be done conveniently without adding too much cost, other records would have to be kept. The Baker-Vawter Company has given this point special attention and have devised a system which is used by many members of the Laundryman’s National Association. |